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Can YOU interrupt a 2.5 second cast?


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Broom said a lot that I would have.


I have been hysterical in voice chats myself. Once I'm marked, I know it. It's even funner when you can see it for sure with the Social points marker. In a Warzone last night, I had a Marauder jump up on the square cargo underneath the Voidstar spawn area before I'd even finished jumping down. I was knocked out again before I got anywhere close to where I needed to be. I couldn't heal myself fast enough WITH Conveyance, and I was interrupted 2-3 times.


What players forget is that our instant heal, Rejuvenate, is not as effective as they may think. I have a nice crit rate, I have good Surge, and I'm lucky to get more than 1500 out of that heal if it crits, and 490ish crit ticks, and 291ish regular ticks (This is PvE, so a a little less in PvP.) Good DPS can slice through that and bring me down much farther than I was before the 5 second cooldown is finished on Rejuvenate. Add waiting on that with one interrupt on my Deliverance cast. The 246 armor rating it gives me does little - I'm already cloth armor. Our Force Armor also goes down in a matter of seconds given the correct DPS skills. This is exactly the same for anyone other than ourselves we use these skills on, excluding the better effectiveness of Armor Rating for Medium/Heavy armor.


As for our Sprint? It's great when a player doesn't have a stun up. It's terrible when they do. And chances are, a healer is not going to leave the rest of the group and risk an objective. In my own experience, if I know I'm going down.. I'd rather finish healing someone else rather than futilely healing myself once I get past half HP even after attempting to keep myself going.


A lot of us really do think a lot and constantly as Sage/Sorc healers. It's not mindless healing, and it's certainly not easy. Players complain that healing is overpowered with 2-3 healers in a WZ. That isn't healing being overpowered, that's bad set-up. Take it down to only one healer and you'll hear a lot less complaints in the Ops.






It is funny they listened to people on forums and nerfed us.. Even funnier that players who called for nerf think THEY will profit by it :p.


I do not find Sorcerer healer enjoyable to play at all. 90% of the time I feel like a statue. Now, it will be worse :p. I am not sure why I continued on playing after level 20. I think I was hoping it will be more interesting on higher level, but it is not.


I am not complaining or crying about the nerf. I will deal with it but that won't change the fact playing Sorcerer healer is boring and frustrating, not to mention after you read the posts of people saying how "it is OP and easy to play" and you experience something completely else.


I am just interested to they even test how the class is working in Warzones with PuGs and premades, in duels, in Operation and Flashpoints or they just sit down and pick something to nerf?


I believe, next big nerf will be Force Speed and Bubble :p.

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I truly dont get how you can write something like this and keep a straight face

0.5s on your main heal means the gosh darn world when you are actually... you know, trying to heal people

Judging from your answer i got the idea that not only you have no Sorc/Sage experience, but very little to no pvp experience at all



Bah, im done



So now you will know how we (scoundrels) felt when your big heal was 1.5 sec and our 2.0.

We dealt with it for months.

At least try to play with it first and not cry on forum, when you have no clue how it will work out.

Edited by rkopczak
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Unless I'm in the middle of casting a spell, I already interrupt any 1.5s casting dangerous spell I see, so I don't see how the slower casting time is going to be a factor against good players. You were never going to get a Dark Infusion while a good player has an interrupt spell up anyway. I guess it'd be easier for a bad player to interrupt it, but a lot of bad players don't seem to even know spell interrupts exist.
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I would have been all for fixing the doubleproc on conveyance bug, it is the MAIN reason people says Sages/inqs are OP healers. If only they would remove that stupid little bug instead of whacking the spec so hard with the nerfbat...


I will see what 1.2 will mean for my sage before saying much else (you know, actually test this stuff in WZ's for a while) But if my fears are correct, well then... Another FoTM DPS/CC sage incoming courtecy of the Bioware PvP dev team.

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I'm amazed by the state of this nerf really.


Reading through the thread, it's quite amusing to see the amount of people who think that a corruption sorceror could survive a multi-player onslaught.


We aren't tanks, we wear light armour and are rather squishy. Our two decent heals are either channeled or activated. We thrive on being ignored on the edges of a battle to heal our team. The attention of just one opponent ends our effectiveness as a team healer, as we ignore out team mates to try and heal ourselves.


So now, we (rightly) will see an end to our double proc from force bending, will no longer get a critical chance bonus on Innervate and will no longer get a second time reduction of our other heal. Our survivability has just been trashed. (That's not even covering the health free consumption ending - have fun in PvE with that).


With the present nerfs, we will no longer be able to stay alive vs a single DPS on us. How can we? The only way to heal ourselves is to stand still for either 2.5 or through a channel... how did standing still in the face of fire last go down with everybody else?


This nerf is actually of a huge scale, and I can only hope that it is massively tempered before release.

Edited by piethief
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Because if you can, you will be able to dominate a healing sorcerer in 1.2.


Force bending (the buff applied upon casting the HoT) is redesigned in 1.2 to no longer decrease the cast time of dark infusion (the 2.5 second "big" heal) by 1s.


Every dark infusion (the only heal that actually heals enough) will be full 2.5 cast time (pre-alacrity).


Without a percentage damage reduction cooldown, the only "reliable heal" is bubble, which we know is on a debuff cooldown.


Lets not pretend that chaining double 1.5 dark infusions was not the only thing keeping us alive against 1 single DPS.



Oh, and consumption will always consume HP now (the healing talent to remove health consumption was removed).


So if you want to recover force (assuming you live long enough without 1.5s dark infusions), you will only put yourself in further jeopardy by using a GCD AND expend HP.




Thank god I rerolled marauder (level 49 baby), which was BUFFED, hahahah.


I could interrupt the 1.5 second cast pretty easily too. It wasn't keeping you alive against anyone who isn't blind.

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The majority of players are sorcs or mercenaries so this response was inevitable. This is just another "Oh noes my class got nerfed" thread. I hope Bioware can see trough that and not give into all this QQ. These changes were necessary and once you actually get to play for yourselves, you will see it's not that bad. Sorcs have always had it too easy in PvP. Upset you actually have to show some skill to survive like the rest of us?
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I would have been all for fixing the doubleproc on conveyance bug, it is the MAIN reason people says Sages/inqs are OP healers. If only they would remove that stupid little bug instead of whacking the spec so hard with the nerfbat...


I will see what 1.2 will mean for my sage before saying much else (you know, actually test this stuff in WZ's for a while) But if my fears are correct, well then... Another FoTM DPS/CC sage incoming courtecy of the Bioware PvP dev team.


My answer to the whole situation is already in our guild forums. Guild Wars 2 preorders are starting on April 10. I'm pulling the entire guild out of this game (I'm the guild leader, so yes, I can actually do that. Say goodbye to 20 subs, BW).


They're killing what was left of Ilum, they're making warzones a DPS kill fest, and their class changes aren't SMART changes and bug fixes, but reactions to the loudest forum whines. I REALLY don't like the direction this is going, so I'll pass. I'm done spending money on games I don't enjoy.


(And once again, my main is a TANK, not even a healer)

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My answer to the whole situation is already in our guild forums. Guild Wars 2 preorders are starting on April 10. I'm pulling the entire guild out of this game (I'm the guild leader, so yes, I can actually do that. Say goodbye to 20 subs, BW).


They're killing what was left of Ilum, they're making warzones a DPS kill fest, and their class changes aren't SMART changes and bug fixes, but reactions to the loudest forum whines. I REALLY don't like the direction this is going, so I'll pass. I'm done spending money on games I don't enjoy.


(And once again, my main is a TANK, not even a healer)



how do you know what the balance in GW2 is going to be?

Nope, you have no idea, I can bet all my money there will be op and up classes, like in every other game. SWTOR is actually pretty well balanced for such new game.

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how do you know what the balance in GW2 is going to be?

Nope, you have no idea, I can bet all my money there will be op and up classes, like in every other game. SWTOR is actually pretty well balanced for such new game.


There probably will be, but at least it has been built for PVP, contrary to SW:TOR.


I've been PVPing since 2003, mostly on tanks and healers. I've also played almost every PVP game released since then from launch, and usually remained in those games for over 8 months. You might say I've become REALLY good at spotting trends.


With this kind of background, you can ALWAYS predict what the result will be. There is a difference between smart changes, where truly overpowered abilities are toned down, without damaging the class, and knee-jerk reactions. This healer change has all the hallmarks of a knee-jerk reaction. The current healing output by sorcerors is caused by a bug, allowing two 'big heals' in rapid succession. The smart fix would have been fixing the bug. The knee-jerk reaction is removing the ability to cast the big heal fast even ONCE in its entirity. And honestly, I don't even think the fix was needed. Even with the bugged situation, it's impossible to keep a teammate alive who gets focussed. But then again, focussing players would require coordination and tactical gameplay, which this game apparently doesn't want to encourage.


And it's not just ONE healing class that gets the nerf bat, it's all of them. Which means they want to reduce healing in warzones overall. Which, in my view, is completely stupid. There are NOT that many good healers, especially in PVP. Reducing healer effectiveness means people will die a LOT more and a LOT faster. Which does not, in my experience, make for better PVP.

Edited by Broom
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they didnt nerf scoundrel healing, and actually we got small buff, and I'm rarely not first one in healing done in the warzone, so..?


Your Op class got nerfed, stop crying and use your leet skill you're bragging about.


Yes, they did. Your HOT got reduced in duration. Pretty sure the 10% boost you get in return won't compensate for that.


Also: it's not my class, kiddo. My main's a Powertech tank. Doesn't mean I'm blind to what less healing will mean in wz.

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move along nothing to see here.


and take longer than a GCD to actually START casting a heal? What warzones are you playing in? EVERY heal matters when people are getting focused. You stop healing to "fake" someone out POSSIBLY...not even guaranteeing they use their interrupt, and you could have just cost your team a point. Seriously people...think for once.

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Yes, they did. Your HOT got reduced in duration. Pretty sure the 10% boost you get in return won't compensate for that.


Also: it's not my class, kiddo. My main's a Powertech tank. Doesn't mean I'm blind to what less healing will mean in wz.


lol you're saying you're such a pro player, and cant see obvious buff.

Our aoe will be amazing, it will heal for 10% more then now in half that time. it will be awesome aoe burst, and not slow ticks like on live right now.

Edited by rkopczak
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Apparently you can't do math.


1.2 Resurgence-DH








than current Resurgence-DI







1.2 Resurgence-DH




than current Resurgence-DI.



Do you need me to repeat that a 5th time, or has it gone through your thick skull yet?



Yes, you took a hit to survivability, I will AGREE with that, because of hit to consumption.


Edit: No, I am not a caps-lock child or what have you, but apparently, some people have a hard time reading normally formatted paragraphs.










Oh you haven't? Then shut it.

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they didnt nerf scoundrel healing, and actually we got small buff, and I'm rarely not first one in healing done in the warzone, so..?


Your Op class got nerfed, stop crying and use your leet skill you're bragging about.


The ONLY thing "OP" about a sage/inq in a 31 point heal spec is the doubleproc bug. It is imo the only thing they should have "nerfed" (bugfixed)


Healer spec sage/inq is going to get hit unneccessarily hard by the nerfbat. There won't be many sage healers after 1.2 if they don't ease up on the proposed nerfs. ANY other sage spec than healer will be better in all situations in WZ PvP. It will become even more of a zerg/respawn/zerg fest.

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Oh you haven't? Then shut it.


It's called math.


It actually makes sense, you know, when you do think about it.


But instead of thinking, you resort to QQing because you wan't to remain the best healer in the game.


As I have stated before, good sorcs will realize that a new, perfectly viable, rotation has emerged to replace the old one. It will put out more sustained healing while sacrificing a slight chance of a larger burst.


This new rotation also is more force effecient than the previous rotation.


I have said it before, and I will say it again, the only real loss suffered by the sorcs/sages in this patch is the nerf to consumption.


Which, honestly, was needed in order to put the sorc back into line with the resource sustainability of the other classes.

Edited by Sir_Toothless
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Yes, they did. Your HOT got reduced in duration. Pretty sure the 10% boost you get in return won't compensate for that.


Also: it's not my class, kiddo. My main's a Powertech tank. Doesn't mean I'm blind to what less healing will mean in wz.


Apparently you can't read.


The total value of healing went up 10%.


And the duration is now 6 seconds.


This means that our over time healing is now more bursty.


This is GOOD.


It also means that less people will be focusing the Sorc healer, and they will now also have to focus the Op healer.

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