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Commando nerfed should I CANCEL or Reroll? Wut are you guys doing?


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by the time i level a character on PTS to 50, 1.2 will be out.



don't get me wrong, i'm saving my real impressions for when i can see the changes myself on live, but the 'test it out before you knock it' angle doesn't really work except for the few guilds who were actually copied over.

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by the time i level a character on PTS to 50, 1.2 will be out.



don't get me wrong, i'm saving my real impressions for when i can see the changes myself on live, but the 'test it out before you knock it' angle doesn't really work except for the few guilds who were actually copied over.


Trouble is you have to be vocal before they go live, it's too late once they are final.


Of course when you haven't tested the changes you can't say for sure what it will be like, but you have a good idea what will happen, if the changes are warranted or not and in this case the major nerfs are way ott, we are not even the strongest healer, let alone op.


I don't remember seeing any talk of the healing spec getting nerfed, we have so many abilities missing compared to say Sages and we are a weak one v one class etc, melee classes ripping us apart already, heals can be shut down with chain CC, but that's another problem in this game and a different matter.


Heavy armour doesn't make up for what we lose compared to Sages, having played a Seer to 50 before Combat Medic, I know and our shield isn't as good as some people think, a good team can keep you from getting more than one heal off during it's duration, immune to interrupts only stops a minority of CC.


The nerfs are NOT warranted, at the very least the extent of them...

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i don't disagree with you; i'm just really confused why you quoted me.



i never said or implied that no one could be vocal about the changes, that i agreed with them, or really ANYTHING except, well, what i said... that it's almost impossible for anyone to actually test the changes before they go live.

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i don't disagree with you; i'm just really confused why you quoted me.



i never said or implied that no one could be vocal about the changes, that i agreed with them, or really ANYTHING except, well, what i said... that it's almost impossible for anyone to actually test the changes before they go live.


Ahh, I was just replying to you saying you will wait until after it goes live before you decide, or that is how I took it, sry if I was wrong, just saying it will be too late by then.


But yeah my post prob would have been more fitting a reply to the post above yours, or to anyone that says it's not live and to calm down, well if you don't speak up before the changes are made, you missed your 'window of opportunity' ( great Stargate episode that :p ).

Edited by LillyWhiteS
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Ahh, I was just replying to you saying you will wait until after it goes live before you decide


i think it will be too late by then as well, which is sad.


but what i mean is that i'm making my final impressions of the changes once it goes live because... that's my only option.


i'm not part of a guild that wants to copy to test, and i don't have enough time to level to 50 on PTS before 1.2 goes live.


hopefully they'll still be listening to criticisms (if they are even listening now) once it hits live, because that's the only way i can really see how impactful the changes are.

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The more I read about it the more it looks like a buff. More CoF procs, more burst from demo round.. I suppose for the players who can't be bothered to put anything except grav round on their bar it's a nerf, but to anybody else who actually has half a clue about the class and how it plays, gunnery is looking pretty slick come 1.2.
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As far as pvp, what servers are people playing on where you can stand there and spam grav round THAT many times? Commando armor seems to be a glowstick magnet when I'm playing WZ. I can get off a couple gravs and a demo before I've got lightning and saber mellee on me. At that point it's up to teamwork and survive skillls. I agree that commando is pretty much going to suck in a duel, but the last time I checked I have 7 other people playing with me in WZ. If you run around like Rambo in pvp you will die quickly and often. I'm actually interested to see what the demo round increase (an ability that I can actually use ON THE MOVE) is going to do in action. Maybe we can all at least try 1.2 before giving up??
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I would suggest you quit and never play MMOs again. If your first instinct is to quit or reroll at the sound of balance updates with out even playing said updates you will always have a miserable time. I suggest you actually play the update then you can ask this question.
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Reread the original post. It contains the three dorkball, guaranteed to bring in every sucker mmo buzzphrases: "cancel", "OP", and "FOTM".


Honestly folks, if you want your forum to be worth anything, don't let yourselves get trolled so hard like that.

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This isn't a nerf at all actually, at worst it'll pull the same numbers it's been pulling all along.


The fact it's making commando move away from grav round is a very good thing. If you're ************ about not being able to spam one button and win then you need to reroll, because you give good commandos a bad name.


I don't know how many times I've had melee classes in PvP jump on me expecting me to fall over and die just to kite them around and make them look like children. If you only spam grav round you set yourself up to fail, there's so many other very useful abilities you should be using.


More up time for CIF is nothing short of AMAZING, if you use grav round over a CiF proc in PvP or PvE you're doing it wrong. The other changes are nice too but the increased uptime of the CiF proc is going to be the bread and butter of where our increased damage comes from.


I get so infuriated when I watch commandos spam grav round until they're out of ammo then just hammer shot until they get their ammo back. It makes me want to cry really. I mean the republic population is small enough on my server, for us to have baddies like that is just sad.


All in all I have to say I'm glad with the changes. It's looking like the people who played just because "grav round was op" will quit or reroll leaving the true commandos behind, oh happy day.

Edited by Sireene
use of retarded - due to age of post, no action
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You mean the fact that they can spam heal shoot their target on the run isn't class defining? Or that they give an aoe boost to healing and defense isn't class defining? Personally, Scoundrels are the most lack luster healer of the 3. All they have are HoTs and their "main" healing ability relies on RNG.

1.2 makes scoundrels not only better than what they are now, but finally in line with sages and commandos. Commandos will still be able to spam shoot and apply their boosts (scoundrels still don't have those). And sages seem to gotten hit the worst with their healing, but I don't play sage so I don't know.

I have this bad feeling that there isn't going to be any volunteered healers. Just stick it through and don't make commandos the victim, because they aren't. What are you gonna re roll? Dps? Well, good luck getting full groups with that since it seems everyone else will be too.


Hahahahaha.. You realize hammershot heals for about 5-600? right? Wasting a GCDs on that crap means people will die. There is no ability in the game that does less damage than that in one GCD. And this is supposed to be a freakkin heal ffs. Classdefining, right... If the class is supposed to be trash.


I have no intent of rerolling in an already failing game so I have already canceled. Too bad my sub doesnt expire until 3 weeks. Waste of money as I havent had any interest playing the game for over a week. No content, no concept of PvP balance and boring gameplay.


The closest paralell i can think of to this game is Age of Conan. Same degree of hype, alot of initial players. and almost bankrupted the company when it became clear to people how lackluster the endgame was. Basically paying to play a betaversion.

Edited by Niconogood
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Hahahahaha.. You realize hammershot heals for about 5-600? right? Wasting a GCDs on that crap means people will die. There is no ability in the game that does less damage than that in one GCD. And this is supposed to be a freakkin heal ffs. Classdefining, right... If the class is supposed to be trash.


I have no intent of rerolling in an already failing game so I have already canceled. Too bad my sub doesnt expire until 3 weeks. Waste of money as I havent had any interest playing the game for over a week. No content, no concept of PvP balance and boring gameplay.


The closest paralell i can think of to this game is Age of Conan. Same degree of hype, alot of initial players. and almost bankrupted the company when it became clear to people how lackluster the endgame was. Basically paying to play a betaversion.



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This isn't a nerf at all actually, at worst it'll pull the same numbers it's been pulling all along.


The fact it's making commando move away from grav round is a very good thing. If you're ************ about not being able to spam one button and win then you need to reroll, because you give good commandos a bad name.


I don't know how many times I've had melee classes in PvP jump on me expecting me to fall over and die just to kite them around and make them look like children. If you only spam grav round you set yourself up to fail, there's so many other very useful abilities you should be using.


More up time for CIF is nothing short of AMAZING, if you use grav round over a CiF proc in PvP or PvE you're doing it wrong. The other changes are nice too but the increased uptime of the CiF proc is going to be the bread and butter of where our increased damage comes from.


I get so infuriated when I watch commandos spam grav round until they're out of ammo then just hammer shot until they get their ammo back. It makes me want to cry really. I mean the republic population is small enough on my server, for us to have baddies like that is just sad.


All in all I have to say I'm glad with the changes. It's looking like the people who played just because "grav round was op" will quit or reroll leaving the true commandos behind, oh happy day.

Thanks Exkrion, you're an inspiration to good Commando's everywhere. Because your logical points on Grav Round make sense, and Curtain of Fire is awesome!

Edited by Sireene
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  • 2 weeks later...

The problem with pvp is that all players want to do, is win, skill, fun, sportsmanship doesn't enter into it, they just want to win, so they go for the overpowered class to make sure they get the highest advantage they can get.


Thats how it is now-a-days, its just about winning, nothing more, nothing less.

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This isn't a nerf at all actually, at worst it'll pull the same numbers it's been pulling all along.


The fact it's making commando move away from grav round is a very good thing. If you're ************ about not being able to spam one button and win then you need to reroll, because you give good commandos a bad name.


I don't know how many times I've had melee classes in PvP jump on me expecting me to fall over and die just to kite them around and make them look like children. If you only spam grav round you set yourself up to fail, there's so many other very useful abilities you should be using.


More up time for CIF is nothing short of AMAZING, if you use grav round over a CiF proc in PvP or PvE you're doing it wrong. The other changes are nice too but the increased uptime of the CiF proc is going to be the bread and butter of where our increased damage comes from.


I get so infuriated when I watch commandos spam grav round until they're out of ammo then just hammer shot until they get their ammo back. It makes me want to cry really. I mean the republic population is small enough on my server, for us to have baddies like that is just sad.


All in all I have to say I'm glad with the changes. It's looking like the people who played just because "grav round was op" will quit or reroll leaving the true commandos behind, oh happy day.


I don't have a huge problem with the changes to gunnery either. If anything I think our DPS might go up slightly due to the increased frequency of CoF and the buff to demo round. I'll have to see how it plays but the 15% increased proc for CoF sounds huge and given that full auto can crit on any tick it could be deadly. I only use grav round to set up my other abilities anyway so a 10% nerf doesn't bother me too much. The one thing that does worry me is the increased cooldown for concussion charge. Our class isn't fantastic in terms of survivability or mobility as it is so not being able to create that extra distances as frequently is going to hurt.


The problem with pvp is that all players want to do, is win, skill, fun, sportsmanship doesn't enter into it, they just want to win, so they go for the overpowered class to make sure they get the highest advantage they can get.


Thats how it is now-a-days, its just about winning, nothing more, nothing less.


I haven't seen this issue too much. Every class takes at least a modicum of experience and skill to play well and jumping from class to class with every nerf/buff likely isn't conducive to building either. People will gravitate to whichever class offers them the playstyle they enjoy the most and suits their skillset best. Picking a class based on what the forums say is the most OP at the moment will just result in easy kills for players who know what they're doing. I find a good SW/JK is a tough 1v1 matchup for me but the more mediocre ones are just literally cannon fodder.

Edited by fongers
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This isn't a nerf at all actually, at worst it'll pull the same numbers it's been pulling all along.


The fact it's making commando move away from grav round is a very good thing. If you're ************ about not being able to spam one button and win then you need to reroll, because you give good commandos a bad name.


I don't know how many times I've had melee classes in PvP jump on me expecting me to fall over and die just to kite them around and make them look like children. If you only spam grav round you set yourself up to fail, there's so many other very useful abilities you should be using.


More up time for CIF is nothing short of AMAZING, if you use grav round over a CiF proc in PvP or PvE you're doing it wrong. The other changes are nice too but the increased uptime of the CiF proc is going to be the bread and butter of where our increased damage comes from.


I get so infuriated when I watch commandos spam grav round until they're out of ammo then just hammer shot until they get their ammo back. It makes me want to cry really. I mean the republic population is small enough on my server, for us to have baddies like that is just sad.


All in all I have to say I'm glad with the changes. It's looking like the people who played just because "grav round was op" will quit or reroll leaving the true commandos behind, oh happy day.




Good points and all but I find the remark about meleers being like children amusing....You can run around in heavy armour snapping off attacks while they are stuck with a 3 M disadvantage against you with only select gap closing abilities all while having to deal with ranged damage, CC and snares ...which one do you really thinks takes more skill?


Kiting is easy. Dealing with latency as a meleer is not.

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I already have 3 other lvl 50 bm+ chars but i'll quit. It's not just because of the commando being my main and becoming dog****, it's this idea bioware has about pvp and it being more fun if people die alot as if it was a ****** cod match where people spawn on each others and shoot each others in the back over and over again.


Seeing all healers getting nerfed when already pre 1.2 the damage flying around was so insane that they just couldn't make it regardless is just sad.


I'll be playing tera, maybe diablo, and don't think i'll consider checking this game again unless they'll actually add quality of life features on top of reconsidering classes balance.


tldr, CANCEL.

Edited by AzKnc
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From one nerf to another. From one buff to another. If i am not mistaken, balancing issues plague every MMO and always will. Being the first major overhaul to TOR there will be another class out there that will become "OP" due to the changes implemented, which wont be discovered until certain creative builds are tested (play the testing servers).

If your worried about your class being useless, make it fun or more viable by doing something different to stand out from the crowd. As to the fact you like play OP classes means you PROBABLY only have fun whist winning, which is a debatable however one doesn't need to win ( one on one or group play ) to have fun playing TOR.

In my opinion, do what helps you have fun the most. But remember the game needs to be enjoyable by all, noobs and 'pros' alike.

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The day is here, now let's all go play the game and try out the changes, before we judge? :D


Seriously though: I was one of the ones spamming Grav Round when I first got it, simply because it's fun. Now that I got my class figured out more, I realized, that not using Grav Round too often is actually MUCH more effective. Using skills that are not so easy to interrupt makes you much more effective in PvP. Of course I don't like the nerf to Grav Rounds either - it's a fun skill >.<


BUT. We have more than one skill and the nerf isn't THAT bad. At least the numbers. And also compared to the numbers of all the other skill changes for other classes. I am patching right now and can't wait to actually try a warzone to see what actually changes XD And then...well. Adapt or die people <3


I'd love to read the opinion of the ones who have already played today for a while and can actually judge. I'd love to get some objective opinions!!!

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I already have 3 other lvl 50 bm+ chars but i'll quit. It's not just because of the commando being my main and becoming dog****, it's this idea bioware has about pvp and it being more fun if people die alot as if it was a ****** cod match where people spawn on each others and shoot each others in the back over and over again.


Seeing all healers getting nerfed when already pre 1.2 the damage flying around was so insane that they just couldn't make it regardless is just sad.


I'll be playing tera, maybe diablo, and don't think i'll consider checking this game again unless they'll actually add quality of life features on top of reconsidering classes balance.


tldr, CANCEL.


4 Lvl 50 BM+ Chars is just...get the hell out of your room.


Unless this i have to agree with you in points of the whole pvp-concept of bioware and the healernerfs. Waiting for GW2. This game isn't worth paying anymore.

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Ok, so was a little bit worried about the upcoming nerf to Grav Round in PvP...


I needn't have been (as full gunnery spec War Hero in battlemaster gear).


I have two words to say to you all: Demo Round.


Holy Cow. Wow. Just Wow. Can we say 6.1k crits?


That and the changes to Full Auto and Mortar Volley are a thing of beauty.

Edited by Jherad
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Ok, so was a little bit worried about the upcoming nerf to Grav Round in PvP...


I needn't have been (as full gunnery spec War Hero in battlemaster gear).


I have two words to say to you all: Demo Round.


Holy Cow. Wow. Just Wow. Can we say 6.1k crits?


That and the changes to Full Auto and Mortar Volley are a thing of beauty.


Yea man, i think overall you came out pretty good. It just made it less viable to only spam gravs, but overall i dont think the damage got nerfed hardly at all, the only people who got nerfed are the people who only know how to use the single ability

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