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Bodyguards in 1.2


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I know a lot of you feel the same way I do, I really want to petition to get all the Battlemaster tokens back because I've spent so much time pre 1.1.5 getting my armor and now being a mercenary healer in pvp is absolutely worthless.


I doubt it'd work but worth a shot right?

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how about: biowaretrolledmymercsoIrolledezmode


Sound good?


thats not bad. but i think i prefer Biowarebrokemymercsoirolledezmode


also i seen phantom menace is now released in 3D


when the move on to attack of the clones they should change the cast. no long clones of the famous bounty hunter jango fett, but in stead use clones of a Sith inquisitor

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Go for it. the worst they can say is no and you'll re-roll to sorc anyway like BW wants.


Go to the sorc forums my friend and read up - there crying


Why did you guys get nerfed though healing wise? I've always thought of Mercs being my comrades in arms about buffing non force user healing - I truly am sorry guys

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Hi! Sorc healer here! ^_^ We got a huge hit now :( I wish I had an endless resource like you guys! With the Consumption nerf, we suddenly have the worst long term healing ability. I would LOVE to have a skill that gives us back 50% of our force every 3mins. :(
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Hi! Sorc healer here! ^_^ We got a huge hit now :( I wish I had an endless resource like you guys! With the Consumption nerf, we suddenly have the worst long term healing ability. I would LOVE to have a skill that gives us back 50% of our force every 3mins. :(


lol. so all the sorcs are unhappy. so they will roll BH


and all the BHs are unhappy so they will roll sorcs


and there was me thinking this was a nerf, not balancing. but looking at it, balance has been restored


but seriously i do think BH got hit a lot harder than sorcs, but i guess give it a couple of day on the test server we will know better. and with any lok then the devs will be back and some1 can explain this madness

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Happy my merc healer is only 33. Not too much time wasted. Back to my 46 sniper, 44 marauder, and 50 sorc (well he was already abandoned for being boring). Leveling as a healer was already a pain.



The funny thing? My marauder got buffed.....hahahaahah. He may have to be my main now. Can't believe he got buffed.

Edited by maggito
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I would LOVE to have a skill that gives us back 50% of our force every 3mins.


We would LOVE to have:


-Spamable bubble

-Root on our knockback

-Force speed




But grass is always greener elsewhere...


EDIT: How did i forget the game breaking pull in huttball?

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lol. so all the sorcs are unhappy. so they will roll BH


and all the BHs are unhappy so they will roll sorcs


and there was me thinking this was a nerf, not balancing. but looking at it, balance has been restored


but seriously i do think BH got hit a lot harder than sorcs, but i guess give it a couple of day on the test server we will know better. and with any lok then the devs will be back and some1 can explain this madness


And this is why I have a 50 BH, a 50 Sorc, and a 50 Op. I heal, with all three :)


MMOs are about fluidity, change, and adaptation. Those who can adapt, do and keep on rolling with the punches. Those that cant, cry on the forums.


Really, so things change. Whoppie. It wont be the last time either. People learn to deal, or get a waterproof keyboard and keep on crying.

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And this is why I have a 50 BH, a 50 Sorc, and a 50 Op. I heal, with all three :)


MMOs are about fluidity, change, and adaptation. Those who can adapt, do and keep on rolling with the punches. Those that cant, cry on the forums.


Really, so things change. Whoppie. It wont be the last time either. People learn to deal, or get a waterproof keyboard and keep on crying.


Your exactly right


Operative healing is worst in the game and I could have re rolled but I just took my time and learned the tools of the trade and geared up. I walked around fleet and found epic geared opeartives and asked for advice


I geared up to full columni and now I can carry a raid healing wise and hold my own in a HM raid


If something happened and 1.2 nerfed me isntead of buffed me I would just say shucks, make a post in the forums asking why, then move on to the game and adapt

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So my question is which healer came out on top with these changes? I feel BH's got hit real hard, but I know only a little about Op and Sorc healing. I know the things I need to know about them for pvp purposes.


I am just curious if I need to start going in a different direction. I do not care to put alot of time into a class if its going to get rickrolled by the devs. Especially at a time when rated warzones are right around the corner. I have a 50 Jug Tank, and my Op and Sorc healers are around 25 ish. Not sure which direction to go. That being said I will be giving the BH a thorough running with these changes regardless. I do not want to give up just yet on a class I flat out love.

Edited by Djhots
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So my question is which healer came out on top with these changes? I feel BH's got hit real hard, but I know only a little about Op and Sorc healing. I know the things I need to know about them for pvp purposes.


I am just curious if I need to start going in a different direction. I do not care to put alot of time into a class if its going to get rickrolled by the devs. Especially at a time when rated warzones are right around the corner. I have a 50 Jug Tank, and my Op and Sorc healers are around 25 ish. Not sure which direction to go. That being said I will be giving the BH a thorough running with these changes regardless. I do not want to give up just yet on a class I flat out love.


I'm an operative healer and honestly I don't know


I don't know merc or sorc healing so I'm not sure how bad it will effect them


I raid alot so hopefully not much

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It's a shame BioWare only seems to be able to do one thing and that is upset their customers.


Patch 1.2 could have been so many great things, but instead BioWare decides to wield a nerf-hammer on so many classes.


I guess there is more than one way to make operation tougher.


Way to go BioWare. Way to all but assure the loss of more subscribers.


And while BioWare offers a free re-skill of our trees, I agree about being able to get back all of the commendations I have spent on gear, and credits I have spent on GTN buying items to be ready to dual spec BH/Merc Healer and DPS.


I hope BioWare is really not this stupid to follow thru on these proposed changes. Seemingly all because of a bunch of vocal PvP players that don't know how to play as a team and only care about playing "death match" style.

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Your exactly right


Operative healing is worst in the game and I could have re rolled but I just took my time and learned the tools of the trade and geared up. I walked around fleet and found epic geared opeartives and asked for advice


I geared up to full columni and now I can carry a raid healing wise and hold my own in a HM raid


If something happened and 1.2 nerfed me isntead of buffed me I would just say shucks, make a post in the forums asking why, then move on to the game and adapt


if you think operative healing is the worst in the game you really need to check this video out



Thats a FOUR man normal mode eternity vault with an Operative healer. They run a flashpoint group through an Operation with an OPERATIVE healing. Theres no way sorc/bh could keep up with that kind of healing. Anyone that says Op healing needs a buff needs to get a clue.

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I don't even see how these changes would help with a death match style gaming, I only pvp, I'm a War Hero (lvl 70 valor), and I'm in full BM combat medic gear.


With these proposed changes, a BH healer will not be wanted in a 1.2 ranked match ops group, why bother when they're going to overheat every 30 seconds and even at that, the heals were never good to begin with. Yeah, fine, whatever you're *in general* GOD and you always hit 5 million heals on your BH but in my experience BH healers do not have big numbers in pvp healing and that is not a bad thing because when everyone else is dead, we're still standing, still healing.




I hope BioWare is really not this stupid to follow thru on these proposed changes. Seemingly all because of a bunch of vocal PvP players that don't know how to play as a team and only care about playing "death match" style.

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And this is why I have a 50 BH, a 50 Sorc, and a 50 Op. I heal, with all three :)


MMOs are about fluidity, change, and adaptation. Those who can adapt, do and keep on rolling with the punches. Those that cant, cry on the forums.


Really, so things change. Whoppie. It wont be the last time either. People learn to deal, or get a waterproof keyboard and keep on crying.


your not wrong. but have you ever seen the film "the butterfly affect" sometimes such a sudden and drastic change can result in a shock so big. there is no time to adapt


but my BH is level 45, i will have finished my story. and i will just move on to a new healing class in 1.2. but that doesn't mean i'm not gutted. i would've loved to have my BH as my main

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My merc is currently pyro (I'm probably 1 of maybe 3 on my server), I've speced bodyguard for flashpoints and sometimes premade pvp. Otherwise I don't think I'll even bother in 1.2, from the looks of it, bodyguard will be put in the same boat that healing operatives are in right now and heat will become a chore to keep an eye on much like energy is for operatives while operatives get a buff in healing with 1.2- good thing my operative is already geared as a healer and might be the main healer in hardmodes in the next patch depending on how it pans out.


My guild has some awesome bodyguard mercs, but after reading the notes some of them switched to arsenal for the hell of it.

Edited by Sookster
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