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1.2 New armor models!


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I love how some people complain about how the in-game armor has shoulder pieces that are too big with too many protrusions and then other people point to things like the two images linked below as good examples of what in-game armor should look like.


Some examples of noticeable Sith:

Darth Krayt Here is an example using some of the nastiest beast in the Star Wars Universe a concept for armor sets.

Naga Sadow Basically show casing what ancient Sith wore. It stand to reason this design would still be apart of Sith culture

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The question is, how do you balance that? Arguably Obi-Wan's robes in Episode IV are very 'low level' in appearance. Would you want to see that as an armor set for a high level character? Would you not be concerned that players would see you as low-level? Or do aesthetics trump gameplay for you?


I'm playing a Star Wars game, not WoW. I know plenty of people who really get off on 'looking the best'. I believe another developer called these types of players "peacocks."


But look. That crap does not have a place here really. The iconic characters wear clothes. There's very little 'armor' at all. Just simple plain clothes. And there's a reason for that. In Star Wars one of the coolest things is that the most powerful people in the galaxy look like simple monks or priests. The humility of their attire stands in contrast to their otherworldly powers. Even Han Solo, luckiest man in the galaxy wears a simple vest, shirt and pants.


I certainly understand using the MMORPG standard of making more powerful armor look more unique, but I caution you to rethink that approach. There are places where remaining true to Star Wars means ignoring MMORPG conventions.


I'll note that the artists seemed to understand this with NPCs. Darth Malgus and Satele Shan both wear relatively basic outfits. Both fit the aesthetic of their profession. But neither outfit gives any hint of their power or political influence. That's what you're looking for in TOR.


Well, that's my 2 credits.

Edited by Master-Nala
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I love how some people complain about how the in-game armor has shoulder pieces that are too big with too many protrusions and then other people point to things like the two images linked below as good examples of what in-game armor should look like.


There is an exception to every rule.


I'm playing a Star Wars game, not WoW. I know plenty of people who really get off on 'looking the best'. I believe another developer called these types of players "peacocks."


But look. That crap does not have a place here really. The iconic characters wear clothes. There's very little 'armor' at all. Just simple plain clothes. And there's a reason for that. In Star Wars one of the coolest things is that the most powerful people in the galaxy look like simple monks or priests. The humility of their attire stands in contrast to their otherworldly powers. Even Han Solo, luckiest man in the galaxy wears a simple vest, shirt and pants.


I certainly understand using the MMORPG standard of making more powerful armor look more unique, but I caution you to rethink that approach. There are places where remaining true to Star Wars means ignoring MMORPG conventions.


I'll note that the artists seemed to understand this with NPCs. Darth Malgus and Satele Shan both wear relatively basic outfits. Both fit the aesthetic of their profession. But neither outfit gives any hint of their power or political influence. That's what you're looking for in TOR.


Well, that's my 2 credits.


This is sort of the point. I would rather look like Satele Shan than wear 90% of what is available. And i admit, you have to cater to a lot of people because, hell, if you don't, you lose some of your subscribers and you have to make everyone happy.


But this game is the first game i've played (Post LOTRO) that makes me feel like i should he able, that I should be catered to, the group i'm in, is the one that will be more vocal, and will get more subdued, classic, reasonable outfits, instead of the big flashy WoW type armour. If you gave me Darth Maul's sith robes.. i would never, EVER wear anything else on my marauder. What to give it some red or silver accents? Maybe some subtle plat-looking pieces on the chest, half shown as it is UNDER my robe? sure, thats cool, jedi worn armour during the clone wars.


But subtle SUBTLE is the word here.. I would always wear that, and nothing else. My agile, flipping, high-kicking Marauder looks kinda weird in his skirt and bulky coat.

Edited by Neopopulas
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Hey all,


Its incredible how much have posted on this issue and i got to say something.

Bioware was always known to me as a Quality company in all the games it has produced.

SWTOR while engaging in gameplay it is a very poor execution of 3d graphics in our days.


I am a student(graduating soon) on a 3d animation, visual effects and game design and i my course 3d modeling is covered from day 1. I have to tell you that the models you just created for this patch 1.2, are not only not related to the starwars universe but even worse is its probably the WORSE CHARACTER MODELING DESIGN i have ever seen IN ANY mmo to date.


From color schemes to actual modeling... the design it self is completely of.

I beg you to take your design and modeling team introduce them to the mass effect team ( i know the artists who work there, ask Raphael Grassetti for a course or something) and have those guys from ME3 to do workshops and train your design team and modeling team. ITs shamefull what your doing here.


Its even harder for me to understand it because you have a high quality filter on your jobs aplications which leads me to belive that you really got to be so desperate to pump out content that you are doing crucial mistakes. Dont go down the path SWG did.... Dont let EA ruin bioware vision if u still have it.




ummm maybe they made this game for those who cant afford super computers like you can :D....Wife dont have awsome lab top so she can run it on different setting .. THen again yeah if this grachics are all you care about join another game.. I gave up caring about grachics why because i will keep being picky and not like or be happy with anything ><.

Edited by ninjashadowdark
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Contrary to another popular MMO, Star Wars has a highly limited franchise. We have very strong ideas of what a Jedi Knight, a Bounty Hunter or a Republic Trooper should look like. Move too far from that and "it doesn't look like Star Wars" anymore. Add to that the fact that there's not a lot of "heroic armor", and certainly no fancy, over-the-top-ornamented armor, in any of the original movies. You can't just make a Norse expansion, an Asian expansion or a fragmented-space-crystal-expansion and have tons of themed armor sets. At least not if you want to stay close to the original Star Wars look and away from "WoW with Lightsabers".

The only example of different armor types in the original movies I can think of is the different Stormtrooper armors. Standard, Heavy/Leader(Orange shoulder guard), Snowtrooper(Hoth), Sandtrooper(Tatooine), Recon Trooper(Endor). Neither of those looks very "endgame" in an MMO sense. Which is fine for a lot of people.


But, just as there will always be people who would prefer to look "more like the movies", there will also be people who enjoy a more over-the-top kind of armor design, be it only to show off their achievements. And they pay the same subscription as everyone else.


Since looks are very subjective, I'm glad there's custom items that let us choose which look we prefer. Matching color to chest will only help that. For example, perhaps my favourite armor set on the Sorcerer is the level 20 PvP one. That one has a blue headpiece. The orange headpiece you get later is a different color and doesn't look nearly as good on my character. Come 1.2, I'll (hopefully) be able to look like the level-20 set while wearing all oranges.


I think we, as the players, need to stay aware of the tough spot the devs are in. Kinda between a rock and a hard place.


I hope the devs remember that not everybody wants spiky, glowing, flashy, fancy armor and will continue to provide us with alternatives, even if they look "less epic". Maybe make 1.2 flashy armors, 1.3 "classic" ones, then 1.4 more flashy again. Or something.


Oh, and for the love of god: give us more orange belts, please. :)

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My main is a Jedi Guardian, and I have a lot of problems with both the PVE and PVP Jedi Knight armor designs. The PVE armor looks silly with the shoulderpad spikey things sticking out, and the weird way the robe part hangs, like you're wearing a sack. I can't remember the PVP armor except for the helmet. It does not look very Star Wars like at all. You would never see a Jedi Knight wearing anything close to that, ever. It's too giant and unwieldy.


One big complaint I have, however, is the fact that Jedi Guardians wear heavy armor, and Sentinels wear medium, yet the end gear looks the same for both of them! The Guardians armoring should be noticeably bigger and heavier than the Sentinels! That's one problem I noticed for the Guardian when leveling, you look like a Sentinel in medium armor for far too long, before you finally get to the heavier looking armor. The way I though the armor should progress is that when you hit Guardian, you start wearing small bits of plated armor under your robes, not a lot, just a little bit. The armor slowly gets bigger and bigger as you level, and once you hit 50, you look like you're kind of wearing something a trooper could use, except lighter, and under a robe. As it stands now, you look like you`re wearing medium armor up until the last 20 levels, and then you get stuff the sort of looks right, except that it is overdone, with extreme shoulder pads and stuff. Some of the mid-40`s stuff, such as the Jedi Battlelord armor, looks exactly what I expected endgame Guardian gear to look like. I expected something like the armor worn during the character creation screen for the endgame gear.


Basically, my thoughts on endgame Guardian armor is differentiate it from Sentinel armor, they are wearing an entirely different class of armor, it should look noticeably heavier. Make the very highest level Guardian gear look like something a trooper might wear, except with a Jedi robe covering it. To make the endgame gear seem higher level and more ornate, do not do a radically different type of design, as you`ve done here. Rather, make the embroidery on the robe more ornate, different designs on the actual plate armor part, and so on.


Some other, more minor gripes I have with the armor is that the belt should not go around the robe, it should just be worn around the body, the robe d****** over the armor you are wearing. More robes should be able to be worn with the hood down, or you should add a hood toggle feature. Having your character be bald under the hood does not look good, even though I know it helps with clipping issues, a hairline really needs to be added, or hoods should be able to be turned off. Lastly, too many of the heavy Jedi Guardian armor is just a texture over the skin, rather then an addition to the model. Make the armor actually 3 dimensional, particularly on the legs. Make it feel like heavy armor for the Guardians, we`re the armored knights wading into battle, we have to feel more protected than our monk-robed comrades.


Basically, the perfect high level armor for me is exactly what this offical art from the game looks like. It is the perfect expression of the Jedi Guardian: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100220063414/starwars/images/7/73/JediKnight-TOR.jpg


Of course, I realize that you need alternate styles so it doesn`t get boring. But rather then add huge shoulders and the like, why not try something like the look that Obi-Wan has in the clone wars series, both the cgi and and 2d cartoon:





The armor looks heavy, but not over the top ridiculous, and the jedi robes are still a big part of the costume.



TL;DR: Make it like a trooper with a robe!

Edited by Tylemaster
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Thank for listening, I guess what bothers most people is that currently we lack basic sith/jedi standard looks beyond the really simple starter armors and get some very ornate and well... to be honest some *weird* outfits after that. The 1.2 armors go even further in that respect, we got insect helmets and stuff in 1.0 already and now it seems the designers went a little overboard in their attempt to make the new armors really stand out (agent armor has a samurai helmet and armor paddings in weird places for example o0).


What I mean to say is, go for the accustomed tastes if you have to, but please provide some basic stuff first. Every Sith and Jedi needs to have black/brown robes both hooded and unhooded available (most notably marauders, they do not have a single black robe in the whole game!!!), the weapon users need some decent looking combat armors. Do what you want from there, but please give us some variety in decent basic outfits.



On a slightly related note, a color wheel for armor would have been better then a simple match-to-hue for the chest piece only, the tech seems to be readily available from the looks of it. I can only guess why coloring wasn't implemented like this from the start, maybe because that would make armor recolorings too obvious, don't know.

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Originally Posted by StephenReid


The question is, how do you balance that? Arguably Obi-Wan's robes in Episode IV are very 'low level' in appearance. Would you want to see that as an armor set for a high level character? Would you not be concerned that players would see you as low-level? Or do aesthetics trump gameplay for you?


Yes I bloody well would. I want to be a sith, not a garbage collector. If people look at me, the "level 50" part in targeting window is kind of hard to miss.


<- LOOK AT MY BLOODY AVATAR; Why cant my lvl 50 sith sorcerer look like that? Because he CANT


There are almost NO customizable chest pieces with hoods in the game for an inquisitor. Let alone ones without some stupid pinstripes or bright lights.


I wonder if anybody except poor people will be wearing any columni pieces after 1.2.

Edited by Karkais
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We'd prefer to see links to inspirational sources, rather than "Make it look exactly like this". That gives the artists ideas.


I have an idea for you to digest:




It is possible to make the character look impressive, without having shoulderpads make him twice as wide!

Edited by Karkais
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So I googled "Star Wars Armor" and there's a lot of variety out there that can be used for inspiration.


Some people have said they don't like shoulderpads - I love them for my Sith Warrior, but they're not necessary for say a Jedi Consular.


I just feel that the armour could do with more Galaxies touch and less Warcraft.


Some unique designs are nice, but something like:


- An Admiral's uniform for the Imperial Agent

- A pure black mechanical outfit (like Darth Zion is it? The cyborg?) for a juggernaught,

- White/Red/Blue/Yellow robes for Jedi

- KOTOR Mandalorian armour for bounty hunters.

- Maybe something more colourful and less dark for inquisitors? Red and gold - more imperial guard-eske?

- Smugglers could benefit most from more 'civilian garb' but also high level gear could be over the top extravagant. Luxury dresses / suits. Gold/Platinum chronometer?

- Trooper - Maybe some swamp armour, or desert armour or some of the NPC armour ?


Lots of scope but of the new gear I like the warrior and jedi (both) best. Agent and BH need work. The Trooper always looks good :D

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Here's an open question in regards to that.


We always have to balance two things with armor. On the one hand, there's the gameplay requirement of "Make high level, very exclusive armor look like it's unique and powerful so other players can see that at a glance".


On the other, there's the aesthetics requirement - to make clothing echo the simple, almost plain looking clothing that's seen on some characters in the Star Wars saga. That led, in part, to orange gear in the game, which allows you to have an iconic appearance that doesn't suggest your gear's statistics.


The question is, how do you balance that? Arguably Obi-Wan's robes in Episode IV are very 'low level' in appearance. Would you want to see that as an armor set for a high level character? Would you not be concerned that players would see you as low-level? Or do aesthetics trump gameplay for you?


What gets me irritated is the game already has some decent orange options in place but no one uses them because you've made them so insanely hard to get that it sucks the fun right out of the game having to farm for a straight week for a lvl 10 orange.

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I just watched screenshots of the new armor sets thanks to Dulfy.


I dont know if we will ever be able to get some simple clothing pieces.. I guess its hopeless.


At least the character models dont have shoulderpads that extend 30 cm sideways like the columni pieces.. so the desginers are at least on right track. The sorcerer set is the most ugly as usual. And in general pvp pieces are better looking than PVE pieces again, no surprises there. :mad:


I dont think I will be wearing any of these sets on any of my characters either.


Also, this:

What gets me irritated is the game already has some decent orange options in place but no one uses them because you've made them so insanely hard to get that it sucks the fun right out of the game having to farm for a straight week for a lvl 10 orange.
Edited by Karkais
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What I dont understand, unless im just missing it is any of the looks from the cinematics for the jedi knights, hooded robes with armor, or darth maul/ vader samurai-esque flowing robes, with or without armor. The jugg armor at high level just makes them looks like droids, all mechanical.
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This thread makes me smile. :)


I cant believe any of the armor past level 20 or 30 was even approved.


Keep the Jedi armor basic, use different fabrics, cuts, shapes, colors(give Republic black robes). You can use the same robe but different under shirt and vise versa. I really like the the robe look with trooper armor gauntlets and shin guards(but not big in size). Never make a large shoulder pad chest piece again... EVER. Like i said subtle armor pieces mixed in with robes. Obi-wan and Anakin in Clone Wars are good examples of this. Please stop with the big boots too, slim cut simple boots with different straps and colors is all we need.


We don't need to see how epic someones gear is, that's what inspect player is for. You can see what lvl mods they are wearing.


I would really like to see my hair a little bit with hood up. Also removing the hood from Twi'leks was so lazy, just have their lekku hang in front and shape the hood appropriately.



It effects body types 1,2, and 4. Please see sig.


If you do not like the current armor in game please support my thread as well. Also it contains lots of good examples your artists should use as inspiration.







Did you even take a look at the Knight PvP helm before it was approved? Serious question.

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This thread makes me smile. :)


I cant believe any of the armor past level 20 or 30 was even approved.


Keep the Jedi armor basic, use different fabrics, cuts, shapes, colors(give Republic black robes). You can use the same robe but different under shirt and vise versa. I really like the the robe look with trooper armor gauntlets and shin guards(but not big in size). Never make a large shoulder pad chest piece again... EVER. Like i said subtle armor pieces mixed in with robes. Obi-wan and Anakin in Clone Wars are good examples of this. Please stop with the big boots too, slim cut simple boots with different straps and colors is all we need.


We don't need to see how epic someones gear is, that's what inspect player is for. You can see what lvl mods they are wearing.


I would really like to see my hair a little bit with hood up. Also removing the hood from Twi'leks was so lazy, just have their lekku hang in front and shape the hood appropriately.



It effects body types 1,2, and 4. Please see sig.


If you do not like the current armor in game please support my thread as well. Also it contains lots of good examples your artists should use as inspiration.







Did you even take a look at the Knight PvP helm before it was approved? Serious question.


I agree. Hopefully your thread, my thread, and others will help consolidate the community on where we want to go artistically in the future.

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There is actually another option: Make bosses only drop mods and non-visible equipment (ie: implants/relics/whatever) anymore.


Let us acquire armor/weapons through crafting, exploration, etc.


Thus, you boost crafting and you eliminate the need of having to come up with some "even more epic" armor sets every new tier of content. (ie: 6 new armor sets per class per year at the current rate)


This would let you release new looks whenever they are ready, not when a content deadline is up, while still allowing people to get better gear and have all that progression stuff going on. Looking at what obviously is your inspiration for the way you handle content/gear progression, ever since Transmog hit, a lot of people don't even want to wear the new sets anymore.


In order to allow those hardcore rai... I mean operators to still show off just how hardcore they are, give them titles, pets, mounts or maybe some small-but-significant visual upgrade like a slightly different helmet/chest, or a color variant not available to others.


If you're afraid that might take away the incentive for people to run operations, why not introduce a new slot on all orange items? The mods for that slot can only drop in operations, are bop and thus people who don't run OPs will never have that slot filled.


tl;dr: There's no law saying a new tier of content needs to have a new item set for everybody. There has to be a stat progression, yes, but you could choose not to link the way a character looks to the content that character has cleared.

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Agreed, simple can still look powerful with the right things added!!


I'll be removing most of the mods from gear and putting them into my favorite orange gear because this gear doesn't look Star Warsy at all! Kinda makes me think "Star Wars hits Broadway!!!" LOL!


Very nice ideas! ;)


Luke Skywalker and the Technocolor Dream Coat

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Here's an open question in regards to that.


We always have to balance two things with armor. On the one hand, there's the gameplay requirement of "Make high level, very exclusive armor look like it's unique and powerful so other players can see that at a glance".


A question for you: Why is that even a question for the developers? That seems to say that the developers of the armor are looking at other MMOs Tier sets as a precedence for what to make SWTOR tier sets look like.


You have done such an awesome job on the social sets and the orange moddable gear which gives players the options to look unique and different from others. However, then you put in the Tier sets as the "best of the best" gear but then I have to look like everyone else again? Only to make it look completely like I'm playing WoW or some other fantasy based game, not a Star Wars themed game.


Yes, aesthetics over anything else, because honestly I've played with people who have full Columni or a mix of Columni and Rakata gear sets whose gameplay isn't necessarily a reflection of their clothing appearance. The great thing is I can always inspect a player and see the stats/mods on the gear and know what it really is. [sarcasm] However, I can see how that is too much work for some players. [/sarcasm]


At least in PvP play, I'd rather look like a lower level player so my opponent might underestimate my abilities. Thus, when I've managed to display my excellent gameplay style it means more.

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There is actually another option: Make bosses only drop mods and non-visible equipment (ie: implants/relics/whatever) anymore.


Let us acquire armor/weapons through crafting, exploration, etc.


Thus, you boost crafting and you eliminate the need of having to come up with some "even more epic" armor sets every new tier of content. (ie: 6 new armor sets per class per year at the current rate)


This would let you release new looks whenever they are ready, not when a content deadline is up, while still allowing people to get better gear and have all that progression stuff going on. Looking at what obviously is your inspiration for the way you handle content/gear progression, ever since Transmog hit, a lot of people don't even want to wear the new sets anymore.


In order to allow those hardcore rai... I mean operators to still show off just how hardcore they are, give them titles, pets, mounts or maybe some small-but-significant visual upgrade like a slightly different helmet/chest, or a color variant not available to others.


If you're afraid that might take away the incentive for people to run operations, why not introduce a new slot on all orange items? The mods for that slot can only drop in operations, are bop and thus people who don't run OPs will never have that slot filled.


tl;dr: There's no law saying a new tier of content needs to have a new item set for everybody. There has to be a stat progression, yes, but you could choose not to link the way a character looks to the content that character has cleared.


I had the same thought as well and I think its a great idea for the devs to consider. There are enough other ways for those running OPs, especially HM and NMM, to get items which show off we've done them. I think the titles are a great way.


Besides, running OPs and progression OPs especially is more about Stat progression than Gear appearance progression.

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There is actually another option: Make bosses only drop mods and non-visible equipment (ie: implants/relics/whatever) anymore.


Let us acquire armor/weapons through crafting, exploration, etc.



Please this. This is one place you really, really don't want to copy WoW. I would go so far as to turn all existing armor orange.

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Omenbringer http://tor.zamimg.com/torhead/uploads/screenshots/10043.jpg (What I leveled to 50 in actually)


Cent PvP gear http://www.ezrya.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/centurion_mystic2.jpg (what I prefer to wear if not in an FP)


Voss looking gear http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120225024352/swtor/images/d/d6/Social_VossMystic_Male.PNG (there are Blue, Green, and a more Silver "version" of these)

Blue Version http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a311/estelindis/swtor/synth_light_47_traditional_brocart.jpg


Battlemaster : http://i2.squidoocdn.com/resize/squidoo_images/250/draft_lens18990455module155829696photo_1324005954jedi_consular.jpg (This is the Omenbringer lower and "Battle something" Top, it does have its own bottom that works just as well)


There is only 2 sets you can say that for and I do not think Esseles Gear/Force Magister/Hammer Station/Taral V is Princess/Queen/Senator Amidala. I do not think they far off on a diplomatic Jedi. I do think the JC armours are more slanted towards female characters though.


I can do examples, how about you?



Those pieces look very good for a jedi, except that the hood is obligatory. I have a jedi knight thats driving me crazy because I cant lower the hood at all. Otherwise the costume is very nice.


It seems to be also nigh impossible for Bioware to create something similarly simple but black-and-red colored for inquisitors.


Also my sorcerer cant seem to get a hooded chest piece no matter how much money I would be willing to spend..

Edited by Karkais
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Well, all i want for high end armors is subtility.


Less bulky pointy things and more simple and elegant outfits with detailed textures, carvings, embroidery, those kind of stuff.


The only one MMo i know who did right with the high-end armors (at least when i was still playing it last year) was Age Of Conan. The armors were very detailed but a bit neutral, looking really nice and cool but blend easily in the rest of the game.


The fact is, the 50 purple armors of SWTOR are every thing but "subtle" or "refined". Sure, when we see someone in rakata gear, whe KNOW he is wearing a Rakata set. But did he fits visually in the universe ? Not so sure...



Being a smuggler, i can only speak for myself but all i want is to have a Han Solo feel in my look, not a Lando Calrissian look or cowboy look (moreover, the cowboy dusters clips through my Lekkus, think a little bit more of the Twi'leks please !). So, less capes, less dusters and more... Well...


This or this.


Simple, functionnal, cool looking and "neutral". That's all i want...


To be honest, i saw a little bit of improvement in the smuggler 1.2 sets. But it's still not what i want... And the Jedi sets are just well... I don't want to play my jedi characters anymore because of those... Jedi should be jedis, not clowns... But that's just my opinion...

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