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1.2 New armor models!


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well Bioware did achieve the impossible and got an entire MMO community to agree, unfortunately as it flies in the face of their "dream" they will ignore it and foist those offenses to all things pixilated onto the live servers soon enough :(
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well Bioware did achieve the impossible and got an entire MMO community to agree, unfortunately as it flies in the face of their "dream" they will ignore it and foist those offenses to all things pixilated onto the live servers soon enough :(


If they're foolish enough to think most players will like this new artwork, then they're going to be surprised when most of us de-slot those items and throw the mods into other, more attractive gear. NOT looking like a reject from AoC is totally worth a couple stat points here and there. Skill and tactics will make up for the stat loss.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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If they're foolish enough to think most players will like this new artwork, then they're going to be surprised when most of us de-slot those items and throw the mods into other, more attractive gear. NOT looking like a reject from AoC is totally worth a couple stat points here and there. Skill and tactics will make up for the stat loss.



Mmm maybe that is their secret agenda. Have everybody use the new feature of de slotting ?




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It's going to cost alot of friggin credits to remove mods from endgame gear & put it into Oranges.


Bioware seems incapable of finding a middle ground, a compromise that can probably make the most amount of people happy. They always nerf something too far in one direction I think. Color match doesn't work at launch? Get rid of it & get rid of half of the gear in beta too cause it's too much gear & the players might get confused.


I'm still really cross that I'm expected to pay much too much credits to use what is basically BioWare's version of the appearance tab in MMO's. Every other MMO I played that had an a-tab, it was free to use it to customize the look of my character how ever I wanted to.


I wonder if BioWare's once again taking notes from Blizzard's playbook? I'll bet they are NOT charging their playerbase as much equivalent gold to transmorgrify their WoW gear, so that 2 armor pieces meld into one better looking piece. I'll bet ya, we're getting charged more than Blizzard charges their playerbase so they have access to appearance customization.

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Hideous armor is hideous. Of all the sets the sage pve strikes me as the least visually offensive; and even that one has problems (looks horrible on male toons, and the greaves blehh.) Trooper pve and pvp aren't nearly as terribad as the others but the pve set looks like it would belong on an imperial class not a republic one. As for BH the pve looks more like something you would run into while leveling definitely not end game material. PVP isn't too bad the greaves, gloves and boots look decent enough (with the exception of the toe spikes on the boots,) as for the chest piece, it wouldn't be too bad if it wasn't for the oversized comical shoulder pauldrons, and I won't even comment on the helmet.


Seriously lots of people have already said this but it clearly needs repeating, THIS ARMOR LOOKS LIKE IT BELONGS IN A HIGH FANTASY GAME, NOT STARWARS. I honestly don't know what was going on with these sets but it looks like the designers ripped the design paradigm of final fantasy except replace the mentality of "Need moar straps and belts" with "You get obnoxiously large shoulder pauldrons, you get a pauldron..."


The only saving grace is that I won't have to wear this crap for that long thanks to critable orange gear. Oh well better luck with tier 3 BW.

Edited by Admoniter
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So Bioware, it's time to re-evaluate your art-department's work and do some serious reprimanding. If that doesn't work, time to let some artists go to replace them with people who know how to make a Jedi and a Sith look like a Jedi and a Sith.




Jedi and Sith



The last robes to the right made me shiver. *THAT* is Star Wars!


I will add my voice, for what little use it may do (because as someone pointed out, the designers my be coming up with this art, but they need to get it approved so someone higher up is pretty okay with this).
















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Quoted for emphasis. I've watched as my Sage levels up, and what started off Star Wars sci-fi has eventually turned into medieval fantasy.

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The more our high-end gear looks like ridiculously ostentatious fantasy/WoW gear, the less I want to play to get that PvE and PvP gear. Part of the reason I rerolled IA was how understated the class is. I don't want gear that looks like it's from some NYC or Paris fashion show. This is Star Wars and Sci-fi. Edited by Kllashaa
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To be honest, the gear looks like it was a bunch of old designs they had left over from Warhammer Online that Mythic had lying around and they just said "**** it, we'll use this for SWTOR". Look at the sorcerers gear and tell me that it doesn't belong to a zealot.


Also, just wanted to say, the people saying that this gear looks like WoW gear, this gear wishes, at least the WoW art department has a grasp of their game and what can actually look good, this is genuinely out of place and horrid looking.

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I honestly don't get it, if you want to look like a jedi from the movies, go to Coruscant and pick up the level 15 orange armor there. Boom, done.


If you want to look like an imperial agent from the movies, go pick up the level 40 orange gear that is EXACTLY THE SAME OUTFIT. Boom, done.


Bounty Hunters and Troopers? Nearly all of their orange gear is almost a carbon copy of armors from the movies.





I just can't fathom why you people continue to ask for armor that looks exactly the same as armor that is already IN GAME. I play an operative and I personally LOVE our new looks for both PVP and PVE. I love our current end game gear. I like the majority of the new tier too, aside from the helmets, which are never good in any game.

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I think they should worry about what that class should be wearing versus how the clothes should look for the armor type you are. The only one it seems like they understand is BH/Trooper because there is a set image in your mind of what they should look like.


Don't worry about a jugg looking like he's wearing heavy armor or robotic. Worry about them looking like a jugg or a sith fighter with robes and dark colors. I think the simpler the better since you rarely see jedi knight is crazy looking armor. Just my opinion.

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I made the mistake of looking at the 1.2 armor designs. I can honestly say I will NEVER be using the new inquisitor gear. The PvE stuff looks like someone just pulled it out of a "Barrel of Monkeys" game. I mean, come on - HOOKS????? The PvP gear isn't much better with the shrubbery sprouting out of one shoulder and tree looking helm. I can't decide if it looks like it should be on some sort of demonic druid or underwater warrior merfolk.


Why do designers think that having random crap springing off of armor makes it look "cool"? I am not particularly fond of a lot of the Imperial side light armor in general. It's supposed to be LIGHT and yet it has huge pieces of plate armor around the neck making it look like you have a neck brace or jutting off the shoulders. There is an entire lvl of gloves that all make it look like you are wearing tire blocks on your wrist and another that has weird radio antennae sticking out from them. I bought the gloves from the dancing outfit set on the security key vendor and just added the mods.


When I see it, I can't help but wonder exactly how you are supposed to be able to wield a lightsaber effectively with so many things on your armor that can get in your way.

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They should just run a community competition to design new armors every now and then. Gets us involved, gets people art work out there and they will look hell of a lot better then the crap BW is giving us.


An old game I played used to do that... the winners' design were really nice.

Edited by georgelue
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