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Why all the running in circles during pvp?


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This is my first MMO and I started playing nearly 1 month ago when the australian servers became, so I still dont understand alot of fundamental things. I have a few questions as I have recently hit lvl 50 and when I play warzones its not the usual hack N slash anything that moves / every map is a deathmatch map.



Im a sith assasin and I get totaly destroyed by every single person that decides to attack me in seconds. While I have champion/centurion gears my self and willpower/edurance/surge/crit rating gears and mods, I dead next to no damage even after I crit back stab then shock and discharge with overcharge saber. I dont understand. Does it have anything to do with the weird and random circles people run in while casting abilities on me? if not, what exactly is the purpose of running around erratically? I can do it when I press "a" and hold down the right mouse click then switch to "d" but Doing this while pressing hot keys "1"2"3"4"5" and hotkeys "z"x"c"v"q"e"r"f" /shift+w/shift +s I find impossible. Have I got my hotkeys bound stupidly?


I have so many questions lol but Ill just post these oens for the time being. Thank you in advance for anything you have to say. I really am quite desperate as WZ is pretty much all I do. xD

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You probably have bad gear, the people attacking you probably have like 600 expertise (pvp stat that reduced damage taken and increased damage done against other players) and your attacks don't do anything against them. As for the running around in a circle alot of "elitist" players think they are good running in circle around a possible keyboard turner. This game has autoface so I don't really think running around in circles is all that effective. They probably also have a gaming mouse like the razer naga and everything is keybound onto the mouse making it easy for them to do that.


edit: that's for lv50 bracket, if you are a lower level they won't have all that expertise...I would say just keep on playing your class and learn how to excel with it.

Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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This is my first MMO and I started playing nearly 1 month ago when the australian servers became, so I still dont understand alot of fundamental things. I have a few questions as I have recently hit lvl 50 and when I play warzones its not the usual hack N slash anything that moves / every map is a deathmatch map.



Im a sith assasin and I get totaly destroyed by every single person that decides to attack me in seconds. While I have champion/centurion gears my self and willpower/edurance/surge/crit rating gears and mods, I dead next to no damage even after I crit back stab then shock and discharge with overcharge saber. I dont understand. Does it have anything to do with the weird and random circles people run in while casting abilities on me? if not, what exactly is the purpose of running around erratically? I can do it when I press "a" and hold down the right mouse click then switch to "d" but Doing this while pressing hot keys "1"2"3"4"5" and hotkeys "z"x"c"v"q"e"r"f" /shift+w/shift +s I find impossible. Have I got my hotkeys bound stupidly?


I have so many questions lol but Ill just post these oens for the time being. Thank you in advance for anything you have to say. I really am quite desperate as WZ is pretty much all I do. xD


its so they can Line of site you. If they can always be at your back then its harder for u to hit them. So you spend most your time turning towards them instead of attacking. Best ways to counter this is use a channeled attack (they autoface target) use your CC to stop them. Knockbacks work good. Also you can use attacks that slow there movement speed.

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You probably have bad gear, the people attacking you probably have like 600 expertise (pvp stat that reduced damage taken and increased damage done against other players) and your attacks don't do anything against them. As for the running around in a circle alot of "elitist" players think they are good running in circle around a possible keyboard turner. This game has autoface so I don't really think running around in circles is all that effective. They probably also have a gaming mouse like the razer naga and everything is keybound onto the mouse making it easy for them to do that.


edit: that's for lv50 bracket, if you are a lower level they won't have all that expertise...I would say just keep on playing your class and learn how to excel with it.


Thanks! The server has onyl been out 1 month so noone has BM yet thankfully.

surpose I just gota keep grinding away and observe more often. Try pick up and elarn things.

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ZantaClaws, welcome to the wonderful world of MMOs! I'll try to help you out a little bit.



You have your keys bound pretty well. Personally I use ESDF to move because it frees up my pinky to use QAZ and moves my hand over to make TGV available. I'll set A to my most commonly used "free attack" so I can pinky-spam it while moving freely. R+W I set to commonly used special attacks. Most other abilities to QZTGV. Number keys I use for utility like shields, taunts, etc but I do have some missile attacks in there. I like using ALT because my thumb doesn't do much other than press space when I have to jump. I'll set ALT+E to my interrupt (like "moving at them" to punch them lol) and ALT+D to my grappling hook (bounty hunter) to "pull them back". I have most of my big timer utility abilities set to ALT+QWFV keys. Stun I have set to ALT+C because it's easy to hit while chasing someone.


One thing you want to try, if you don't already: hold down the right mouse button and strafe instead of turning with the movement keys. Use the mouse to change direction and look around. I do this basically the entire time because you can always look where you want and keep your target "in front of you" regardless of what direction your feet are moving--or do a complete 180 in a split second. It's great for coming around corners and even while running away (instead of just pressing W [or E in my case] you turn your side to them, hold the right mouse button and press D so you're "strafing away" but they're still in your arc of fire). And yes, for keeping them in front of you while running in crazy circles.


Why people love running in circles

There are a few good reasons to run in circles. It boils down to "stationary = easy target". Here are some reasons why:

  • It's disorienting for your opponent, trying to track you to fight back

  • If you move behind them, you are out of their arc of fire--if only for a split second (more hits = you win)

  • A stationary enemy is easy to hit with a ground targeted AoE [area of effect] or will eat the full force of a channeled AoE

  • If you're in the middle of a group melee frenzy, if you run around some people won't keep up with you and cut back in time to keep you in range--giving you a chance to avoid some shots and live longer rather than standing there and getting beaten

  • If you're on a map with ledges and pillars and people are trying to shoot you from far away while you're fighting someone else, if you're running around sometimes the terrain will momentarily block the line of sight


Hopefully this sheds some light or gives you some ideas to make yourself more deadly and your experience more enjoyable! :D

Edited by Astafar
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As an assassin, you have abilities with a positional requirement, I'm guessing. People don't want to let you get behind them because they don't want you to backstab them.


As for keybinds.....The trick is to figure out which abilities are the most important for you to be able to use on the move and plan your keybinds so that you can move and reach them easily at the same time.

Edited by belialle
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Running around, also helps provide a field of view, you could do it by panning your mouse but it's often easier to run around the player as it can mess up their attacks and draws their focus away from potential healers etc. Atleast that's why I do it.
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I find that running and jumping around a target to be funny as hell. I've even seen players doing this while fighting NPCs. Is it supposed to look L33t? To me it's rediculous but to each their own. BTW, in PvP I just pivot in a circle and keep blasting the hell out of the leapers.
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