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1.2 Changes on PTS now!


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Rage is looking so *********** good right now. I honestly expect a nerf either before this goes live or shortly after cause on paper, the things they are giving us, seem just too good to stay longer. Will have to see in ranked WZ though.


Rage definately looks like go to pvp spec right now with root on Obliterate, access to Short Fuse and number of Smashes being pretty much doubled (although the changes give a lot of promise regarding rage in pve as well). Anni will stay strong as a dueling spec or dedicated "healer shutdown" spec though and I can see ranked teams going one rage mara for damage and one anni mara for making healers cry. Carnage looks like a middle ground between other 2 and I'll definately try it out in pve.


Best change ever - Execute from 30%. Been long overdue that warriors in any MMO get it.

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So many "this is awesome" comments. Probably in proportion to "marauder sucks" comments for the last few months.


Does anyone else that dominated with their marauder wonder if they just herp-derp'ed the class? Seems like we're losing some pretty big tools out of the toolbox. First glance to me looks like this is a dumb-down and probably a nerf to those that knew how to play the class.


Seems like Ani got the bat, Rage got derped but probably will be the dominate tree.


The problem I had with carnage was that it was mostly phyiscal and tank classes were the bane of my existence in that particular spec. the survivablity was a bit bad, the burst average.


Most people think the ataru form change is a buff. But as I stated its not affect by dodge and deflect whereas prior it wasnt. The armor pen with it, still just as pointless as force attacks are one of the types that armor actually reduces.


Rage is slightly buffed in a sense that you have access to more high damage smashes and the 1 second snare on obliterate. But the problem I had with rage spec was actually getting the smash to connect, many times knock backs actually interrupted the smash because the centre of the aoe was shifted. This is not listed as being changed.


Ani i think slight survivability nerf. People seem to think that 50% reduction in damage on your "vanish" is a nerf, but when you take a hit the buff goes. meaning that your damage reduction will go. IF this functionality is changed, then it will slightly improve it, but, I use this more to get through fire pits etc when charge is on cool down. So for me, I guess I could consider it a buff because my speed and that will be up with it apparently.


All in all. These changes really just shouldnt bother with. They will have bugs when they update it, after all its an mmo. Will cause more headaches for nothing.

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Most people think the ataru form change is a buff. But as I stated its not affect by dodge and deflect whereas prior it wasnt. The armor pen with it, still just as pointless as force attacks are one of the types that armor actually reduces.


I'll assume you mean:

it's now affected by defense and shield


Do you have an actual dev quote stating that the new Ataru strike is affected by defense and shielding? Or a combat parse fromt the PTR showing this? If you don't, then it's really just speculation on your part. Until you can post a combat parse or any real data, please don't try and pass speculation off as fact.


Ataru Form damage effects (procs) now deal weapon-based damage instead of Force-based damage. The overall damage of these effects has been increased by approximately 10%.


The change isn't exactly clear, but I interpreted it as dealing damage based of the damage your weapon does, not based of your force damage (how Ataru strike damage is currently calculated, I believe). The change doesn't mention the damage type dealt changing. so I'm assuming that Ataru strikes continue to interact with defenses like they do on Live.

Edited by NickelzX
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The problem I had with carnage was that it was mostly phyiscal and tank classes were the bane of my existence in that particular spec. the survivablity was a bit bad, the burst average.


Most people think the ataru form change is a buff. But as I stated its not affect by dodge and deflect whereas prior it wasnt. The armor pen with it, still just as pointless as force attacks are one of the types that armor actually reduces.


Rage is slightly buffed in a sense that you have access to more high damage smashes and the 1 second snare on obliterate. But the problem I had with rage spec was actually getting the smash to connect, many times knock backs actually interrupted the smash because the centre of the aoe was shifted. This is not listed as being changed.


Ani i think slight survivability nerf. People seem to think that 50% reduction in damage on your "vanish" is a nerf, but when you take a hit the buff goes. meaning that your damage reduction will go. IF this functionality is changed, then it will slightly improve it, but, I use this more to get through fire pits etc when charge is on cool down. So for me, I guess I could consider it a buff because my speed and that will be up with it apparently.


All in all. These changes really just shouldnt bother with. They will have bugs when they update it, after all its an mmo. Will cause more headaches for nothing.


Holy crap you're a pessimist. Rage only got "slightly buffed" are you kidding? Rage just became the top PvP tree. 30% more Smash damage, access to Short Fuse, Berserk functionality, and Obliterate root are minor buffs? That's on top of the Force Camo buff, the 30% execute buff, and the undispellable Vicious Throw healing debuff buff. No other class has gotten close to this amount of buffs so far.

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I'll assume you mean:



Do you have an actual dev quote stating that the new Ataru strike is affected by defense and shielding? Or a combat parse fromt the PTR showing this? If you don't, then it's really just speculation on your part. Until you can post a combat parse or any real data, please don't try and pass speculation off as fact.




The change isn't exactly clear, but I interpreted it as dealing damage based of the damage your weapon does, not based of your force damage (how Ataru strike damage is currently calculated, I believe). The change doesn't mention the damage type dealt changing. so I'm assuming that Ataru strikes continue to interact with defenses like they do on Live.


ok lets assume its calculated off your force damage instead then and it ignores defense and shielding. My force bonus is something like 784, my Weapon bonus is 481. So 300 bonus damage loss / whatever it calculates at.. still sounds like a nerf.


And as for smash, like I said. I'm aussie. The problem I had was connecting with it, and being interrupted. I can understand you use it more often, but with the amount of ways it doesnt hit the target, elevation, being knocked back while doing the animation etc, I still will be sticking with anni. Yep call me a pessimest. But I dont see "awesome buff" atm.

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This is where i have a problem with this patch, and now I'm not saying all rage mara's are bads but the bad maras were pretty much forced to play rage as they didn't have the dexterity and spatial awareness to play the other 2 specs will now be good.


And its a shame because bads should just be bad, rage is so boring and I will still play annihilate or carnage

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I must say, I'm really looking forward to try the Rage spec. It has improved a lot, and it's now in line (probably better) with the Juggernaut's one.


With Short fuse available to all trees, it will be fun. I'm not a big fan of Carnage, so I won't probably try it, and there aren't really a lot of buffs compared to Rage.

Edited by TheNotorius
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lol dude your main is a sorc, but nice try. How is that fotm now?


Hey brah my mara is higher level then my sorc and my sorc was my first toon, I quit him and rolled my mara because It was to easy. But hey maras will be the new fotm, time to roll an op


You probabaly shouldn't make insinuations based off people sigs

Edited by jbuschell
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I too am honestly amazed they went this far. I love how Carnage got some love, but Rage and Annihilation didn't quite need anywhere THIS much.


I'm happy about 0 rage cost on Disrupt and Intimidating Roar, and happy about the 30% Vicious Throw. Very happy.



That honestly could have been enough, but they went even further than that. I'm afraid now that we're going to be overpowered. It will be fun for a little while, but we already are top DPS in Operations, and top DPS in Warzones, if you ask me... Now it's going to be even more apparent. I fear that nerfs are the only thing that will come out of this in the near future.

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ok lets assume its calculated off your force damage instead then and it ignores defense and shielding. My force bonus is something like 784, my Weapon bonus is 481. So 300 bonus damage loss / whatever it calculates at.. still sounds like a nerf.


And as for smash, like I said. I'm aussie. The problem I had was connecting with it, and being interrupted. I can understand you use it more often, but with the amount of ways it doesnt hit the target, elevation, being knocked back while doing the animation etc, I still will be sticking with anni. Yep call me a pessimest. But I dont see "awesome buff" atm.


I actually want to see the ataru proc now. Them making it weapon damage makes me suspect it will get some scaling based on our weapon. So if it's whatever amount of base damage+ whatever weapon contribution coefficent + melee damage bonus scaling coefficent= potential damage (like it would be for a normal weapon attack which is why melee damage bonus is not as high force damage bonus) it is a buff except against the 3 tanks that actually wear tank gear.


The big game changer for carnage is ravage is now uninteruptable by base, has a talent to up it's power, has predation buff, and access to short fuse. I imagine rage will become the defualt PvP spec bc they made it way easier (too easier) than it already was but I suspect carnage will take over for PvE due to the phantom change and short fuse change.

Edited by kainsec
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I guess its no more annihilation and hello carnage for me then. I need to have the added speed to predation for premades. And with phantom and force camo changed there's even less reason for me to say annihilation except being able to lock down healers and some group healing.

Also the buff (i hope) and fix to ataru and changed ravager skill as well as short fuse avaliable its gonna be better for both pvp and pve so yeah...carnage for both pvp and pve for me. i can live without anni heals and healer class lock downs for that.


And ive never tried rage as i dont like the lolsmash style..but i imagine its gonna be quite op now so once dual spec comes ill have that for when i want to go lolsmash op'ness.

Edited by Nergalus
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Annihilation just got destroyed. With Rage now having a solid use for Berserk, other than Pred spam, and access to Short Fuse (dear god...), it's going to be a serious contender.


Our tier 2 talents have been lackluster in Annihilation and Rage trees, making off-tree talent choices lackluster. This will spice up specs quite a bit.


Anni didnt get destroyed, everything else just seems to have been brought in line with it (a good thing).




Also, I play Anni, but I've messed with rage. Don't see how Anni is any harder, you have to keep track of a couple more things but that's it. Use deadly saber on cd, use rupture on cd, use annihilate on cd isn't any harder than force charge > force crush, smash after 4 shockwave builds up, force choke, smash on cd. If anything you actually have to watch the buff and know how to avoid getting kb'd during the animation.


Average people can do okay in any spec, and bad people will fail in any spec imo.


People act like this is the hardest class to play in any MMO ever and it really, really is not.

Edited by Tempsticks
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Thanks for making rage stronger. I already top dps 9/10 games


I always rofl when I see this.


AoE class AoEing baddies and topping WZ damage chart is not the top DPS.


Smash bombs and Sorc AoEs are easily healed damage, you're not actually being that impactful on the match.


Guy I PVP with regularly is an AoE spamming Sorc, and he is always #1 or #2 in WZ damage, but he's one of the smallest contributors to wins (except when he yoinks friendly ball carriers in Huttbawlz).

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I always rofl when I see this.


AoE class AoEing baddies and topping WZ damage chart is not the top DPS.


Smash bombs and Sorc AoEs are easily healed damage, you're not actually being that impactful on the match.


Guy I PVP with regularly is an AoE spamming Sorc, and he is always #1 or #2 in WZ damage, but he's one of the smallest contributors to wins (except when he yoinks friendly ball carriers in Huttbawlz).


Don't really see how you can say AoE is useless. The smash crits are among the highest single damaging burst attacks in the game, and you can do two in the space of 10 seconds. Burst is good in pvp. AoE wrecks guard, AoE pressures multiple people on the enemy team and forces the healers to attempt to play catch-up to heal others while they're still being hit. If the healer has to focus on himself, it should be relatively easy to pick off his weakened teammates around him due to the fact that the AoEs are burning them down just as hard as the main guy you're focusing.


A sustained dps like an Anni Marauder, a Pyro PT, an Arsenal merc, etc + a heavy burst user (something like a Smash spec for instance) Is an extremely potent combination and frankly is stronger than two sustained dps when it comes to killing healers. After 1.2, rage spec will be just as viable as Anni.

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Good changes, should bring Carnage within Anni-quality in PVE, rage still somewhat below, but now even better in PVP (but I srsly don't care about that).


I especially like the Short Fuse change, that was simply a must (even posted exactly this change as suggestion)to make all three specs viable, seeing how strong Berserk is. I'd like to know just how much does the new Ravager talent buff Ravages dmg, does anyone have info on this one? also love this one:

Vicious Throw can now be used on targets at or below 30% of maximum health (up from 20%).


Didn't think they'd really give us this one as it was SO clear from the very beginning it had to be 30% instead of 20% but they waited a very long time.


The removed ragecost for roar, interrupt and obfuscate is also very cool... overall I'd say 1.2 is awesome for Marauders, didn't mess with us too much, made the right decisions, made Carnage (more) viable for PVE compared to Anni... yep, hope it stays that way. At least for those things mentioned.

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Giving Carnage the important parts of Anni means Carnage is now going to be the #1 spec hands down for group play. They didn't spread out any of the goodness that was Carnage, but gave it everything that made the others strong/buffed its abilities in general.
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Giving Carnage the important parts of Anni means Carnage is now going to be the #1 spec hands down for group play. They didn't spread out any of the goodness that was Carnage, but gave it everything that made the others strong/buffed its abilities in general.


Carnage will probably pull ahead of Anni for raid dps, as it was considered to be pretty close before in drawn out fights, and considered to be actually better for bosses where you didnt have 100% time on target, or had small windows to actually burn the boss. (3rd phase of soa, annihilator droid for instance)

Edited by Tempsticks
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Giving Carnage the important parts of Anni means Carnage is now going to be the #1 spec hands down for group play. They didn't spread out any of the goodness that was Carnage, but gave it everything that made the others strong/buffed its abilities in general.


However carnage will still have some survivability issues which are somewhat negated by other 2 specs via bleed heals (anni) and passive dmg reduction (rage).


Unless we count the burst, root and better predation as survival skills. In that case the field gets leveled.

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However carnage will still have some survivability issues which are somewhat negated by other 2 specs via bleed heals (anni) and passive dmg reduction (rage).


Unless we count the burst, root and better predation as survival skills. In that case the field gets leveled.


In a premade, I think carnage will be the best out of the 3 specs.

We don't really need that survivability from bleeds cuz we're already getting healed by our premade healers.


Annihilation and Rage will be the better solo que spec, but for group que Carnage will dominate for sure (80% predation, deadly throw root and ravage root)

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