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Will SWTOR be able to compete with upcoming MMOs?


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tera doesn't look like anything i'd be interested, then again, i'm kind of weird in that playing a game with a race that appears to represent oversexualized little girls bothers me.


The nearly naked 12yr old girl thing in Tera really creeps me out.

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It maybe part fantasy, but its not blatantly shoved into the face and like every other fantasy MMO. Every other fantasy MMO, always has orcs, or demons, or dragons, or some kinda god like creature that is bent on taking over the world. Star Wars maybe fantasy, but its different then the normal fantasy MMO games.


And honestly, there needs to be different variety of MMOs out there...all these fantasy MMOs I am surprised no one is sick of yet. There are a ton of different genres out there, that could make an MMO...ok sure it may not do well. But the point is at least the developers, tried doing something different then rehashing what people have seen for so long.


Part of the attraction of fantasy is it's ability for epic settings (LOTR) and there's a degree of romanticism involved in fantasy, some might imagine escaping to the realm of fantasy because they feel that these were times when life was more natural and simple. Sci-fi carries with it the baggage of our generation and progeny, so we tend to think of all the evil things that are associated with us.


Thus, fantasy has a virgin/untouched innocent feel about the world it is set in; whereas sci-fi has a darker, more corrupted world where technology stands in the place of nature.


Until we get some epic space battles where spaceship missions involve multiple players, or until we're thrown some epic war involving the slaughtering of thousands of Jedi/Sith, or whatever it takes to give SWTOR that 'Massive' in MMO... the allure of going on a quest to destroy the ring will always seem more attractive than the single-player focus we've got here in SWTOR.

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My problem is every MMO that comes out is EXACTLY the same. (Fantasy)


You have an insurmountable problem there I'm afraid. :)


Might want to try Real Life, I hear it is not fantasy at all. Some people say it sucks though. :p

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Part of the attraction of fantasy is it's ability for epic settings (LOTR) and there's a degree of romanticism involved in fantasy, some might imagine escaping to the realm of fantasy because they feel that these were times when life was more natural and simple. Sci-fi carries with it the baggage of our generation and progeny, so we tend to think of all the evil things that are associated with us.


Thus, fantasy has a virgin/untouched innocent feel about the world it is set in; whereas sci-fi has a darker, more corrupted world where technology stands in the place of nature.


Until we get some epic space battles where spaceship missions involve multiple players, or until we're thrown some epic war involving the slaughtering of thousands of Jedi/Sith, or whatever it takes to give SWTOR that 'Massive' in MMO... the allure of going on a quest to destroy the ring will always seem more attractive than the single-player focus we've got here in SWTOR.


Ohh 3 movies of people walking to a volcano is epic?

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I figure thats the only thing remaining that will hold on to some subs, but I only see this game holding around only the subscriptions that Star Wars Galaxies did after a few more months you will be able to tell.


SWTOR had more playing in it's first month than SWG had it's entire lifespan. Lullllzzzz

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You have an insurmountable problem there I'm afraid. :)


Might want to try Real Life, I hear it is not fantasy at all. Some people say it sucks though. :p


My life is great so if that is an insult it doesnt phase me.


I am a consumer in a certain market, I have a right to voice my opinion on the type of product i am buying.


I cannot tell any difference between WoW/rift/gw2/terra/or any other ones, can you?

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Ohh 3 movies of people walking to a volcano is epic?


Well mate, there's millions of people out there who think it is... So it must be so :) I mean, I agree, it's a trilogy that's essentially about a small postman, with more walking in it than my Duke of Edinburgh's Award, but it's a damn good read and the lore behind it is fantastic. It's stood the test of time quite nicely, too.


I fear you may be outvoted on this :)

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I'm sorry to say this but I enjoyed watching the LOTR movies more than the SW ones.




So did I. And the LotR books about the stuff that happened before the humans were made are even better than the movies time period.

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Well mate, there's millions of people out there who think it is... So it must be so :) I mean, I agree, it's a trilogy that's essentially about a small postman, with more walking in it than my Duke of Edinburgh's Award, but it's a damn good read and the lore behind it is fantastic. It's stood the test of time quite nicely, too.


I fear you may be outvoted on this :)


Books were fantastic but that doesn't mean the movies were.


It's a matter of personal preference i guess. I like the dark gritty nature of sci-fi opposed to the happy romantic fantasy side.

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TERA looks silly to me and the only appeal I see in GW2 is the lack of a subscription.


This pretty much. TERA's artstyle is hideous for me.


GW2 I'm surely going to try but it's not strictly a competitor because it does not require a subscription.

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This pretty much. TERA's artstyle is hideous for me.


GW2 I'm surely going to try but it's not strictly a competitor because it does not require a subscription.


I've always wondered about this... I'm not trying to flame or anger anyone but just really curious: what do we get with our $15/month subscription that GW2 doesn't have? (Cause it seems SOOOOO many people are prophesying that GW2 is THE MMO to beat)

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I'm sorry to say this but I enjoyed watching the LOTR movies more than the SW ones.




see..see... this is what I don't get with people..


If you enjoyed lotr more than Star Wars..what makes you feel the need to say it on a STAR WARS FORUM other than the need to WANT to upset people...

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If the thread on "casual" ToR players is any indication, you yahoos don't have a clue what an MMO is. That being said, ToR will survive simply because it is a haven for those that can't handle a game with any real end-game difficulty.. or people that expect the developers to constantly protect them from being "judged" by the big bad gamers and their evil throbbing epeens... eek! Save us BW!! :rolleyes:
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Part of the attraction of fantasy is it's ability for epic settings (LOTR) and there's a degree of romanticism involved in fantasy, some might imagine escaping to the realm of fantasy because they feel that these were times when life was more natural and simple. Sci-fi carries with it the baggage of our generation and progeny, so we tend to think of all the evil things that are associated with us.


Thus, fantasy has a virgin/untouched innocent feel about the world it is set in; whereas sci-fi has a darker, more corrupted world where technology stands in the place of nature.


Until we get some epic space battles where spaceship missions involve multiple players, or until we're thrown some epic war involving the slaughtering of thousands of Jedi/Sith, or whatever it takes to give SWTOR that 'Massive' in MMO... the allure of going on a quest to destroy the ring will always seem more attractive than the single-player focus we've got here in SWTOR.


Point being though...is eventually, they are gonna milk the fantasy genre dry...so what then? Theres only so many ways, you can do fantasy before it all becomes blurred together and looks the same as the last one.

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If the thread on "casual" ToR players is any indication, you yahoos don't have a clue what an MMO is. That being said, ToR will survive simply because it is a haven for those that can't handle a game with any real end-game difficulty.. or people that expect the developers to constantly protect them from being "judged" by the big bad gamers and their evil throbbing epeens... eek! Save us BW!! :rolleyes:


Thank you, I needed a good laugh for the day.

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see..see... this is what I don't get with people..


If you enjoyed lotr more than Star Wars..what makes you feel the need to say it on a STAR WARS FORUM other than the need to WANT to upset people...


It was a bona fide response to someone whom was questioning my inclinations.


Why would you be upset if you realised that some people like apples more than oranges?

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just really curious: what do we get with our $15/month subscription that GW2 doesn't have?


You get regular content and feature updates.


GW2 is like GW.....pretty much static (they will fix bugs). They'll release an expansion every year or so to give you content and feature updates.

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