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Will SWTOR be able to compete with upcoming MMOs?


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Moar drama plox!


You were taking a jab at the classic fantasy setting GW2 will likely have and to your credit, I'm sick and tired of the classic fantasy setting. That being said, does star wars and laser swords really reach all that much higher than the classic fantasy setting?




AoC anyone?



Lol so true at the AoC reference touche.


and as for SWTOR no it doesn't. not in the slightest. However i do like the look and "feel" of swinging around a laser sword over a cutlass any day.


The reason i was slamming GW2 isn't even because i dislike the game. I think it'll do pretty good. but it will by no means make the ENTIRE INDUSTRY collapse in on itself and have everybody surrender to it like a slave to his/her master. It will not force EA to shutter its doors and lay off 6,000 people or cause blizzard and activision to restructure and create the next iteration of FarmVille.


I mean the game is produced by NcSoft. they lost a 28 million dollar lawsuit to Richard Garrot. RICHARD friggin GARROT that guy is such a tool shed. But these GW2 zealots are heralding this game as the second coming of (insert whatever god you believe in here)


its redonkylious.

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Lol so true at the AoC reference touche.


and as for SWTOR no it doesn't. not in the slightest. However i do like the look and "feel" of swinging around a laser sword over a cutlass any day.


The reason i was slamming GW2 isn't even because i dislike the game. I think it'll do pretty good. but it will by no means make the ENTIRE INDUSTRY collapse in on itself and have everybody surrender to it like a slave to his/her master. It will not force EA to shutter its doors and lay off 6,000 people or cause blizzard and activision to restructure and create the next iteration of FarmVille.


I mean the game is produced by NcSoft. they lost a 28 million dollar lawsuit to Richard Garrot. RICHARD friggin GARROT that guy is such a tool shed. But these GW2 zealots are heralding this game as the second coming of (insert whatever god you believe in here)


its redonkylious.


Agreed. And thats whats going to be so highly amusing about this.... Its a substandard game company that produced a lackluster prequel, and is now producing a sequel to that.... thing they called a game.


People swear up and down its going to change the gaming world.


And they are going to be horribly disappointed. So itll bomb... tera will bomb, and then... The Secret World will be heralded as the next great thing... Thatll bomb too...


Not because they are particularly terrible, but because people arent realistic in their approach to them.

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Tera isn't going to see the light of day in the US after NCsoft is done with their lawsuit. Tera is deinitely not launching on May 1st either considering as of last month they still had no law firm to represent them likely because Tera lost in Korea which increases the likelyhood they won't survive the lawsuit here.


I know about the lawsuit but sorce on their loss in Korea pls.

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I usually sub to two mmos at a time. I am right now only subbed to SWTOR for another 6 months. I am looking for another one. You got me all excited on your links! But then I just say two fantasy games :/


WHY WON'T PEOPLE STOP DOING FANTASY!?!!? Sorry..I lookingz for sci fi more :)


Star Wars is actually part fantasy (science-fantasy I'm told). A quick google search of "star wars science fantasy" will give you all the information you need on that - point being that SWTOR would probably not fulfil your sci-fi desires.


Anyway, that's still an interesting question and I think part of the reason is that the fantasy model is tried and tested so it's easier for people to come up with new content without having to think of all the background story and rationalisations that a true sci-fi game would have to. Just like novels, fantasy is probably also more well established.

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The only competition is gonna be GW2...



TERA Is a terrible grindfest mmo from asia that already bombed and had to be "westernized" which means dumbed down for America. Plus it looks awful...yeah I really like armor that covered your ******s only. PLUS the Elin...really? The pedophiles eat this game up.



Guess this is also asian, but the features seem endless - PvP, sandbox, climbing, animal mounts, swimming, battle ships, housing, physical modeling, destructable guild castles.. it´s all there and it´s not even released.


So many features I´d like to see in SWTOR, which probably had 10 times more budget.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Quick Note: I would be careful when you google "asian grindfest"...there are some things that you can't un-see.


TOR will be fine for the next 7 years until they release the next Star Wars MMO which will probably be based on the Clone Wars unless Lucas decides to release some postquels and ruin everything after Jedi as well.


Honestly if I my BH can "romance" Amidala and hunt down Jar-Jar you can count me subed right now.

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and that is why it should be sandbox, not theme park. Again, it´s like early WoW with a Star Wars skin - sorry.


First, learn how to quote so "quote" doesn't show up in your post :p


Second...people polled and people asked, that's what they want. WoWish..but not TOO wow. Why do you think they still have over 10 mill people subbed to the game? People like the setup, people like the way that is, the ui, interface everything. These games are copying that standard because it's the "wow standard". If I got 12.5 mill people on my game subbed, that must have meant we did something right...right?


People don't want too much change, but still want change. They like their repetative stuff even though they might say they don't to look different to other people. But secretly, they like it, that's why most mmo people....go back to wow...because the other companies didn't have ENOUGH change but changed in areas were it felt weird.


Now with SWTOR they kept things as people were comfortable with wow already, then stripped it down, built it up, kept some things the same, some things different, put their own innovations in it, own little gadgets, but still kept the "comfyness" of it like WoW because so many people in the mmo world are comfortable with it and BOOM, there ya go. A great game people will be able to enjoy for years upon years upon years.


THATS the reality of it. If you think by saying anything like "oh..it's just wow in space yaawwwnn" or "wow with lightsabers" or things like that and think you are dissing the game or slamming it..think again. Because it's understood. THAT IS WHAT IT IS. But..is that bad? In a lot of people's minds? No..it's not because in the end you always go back to the one you feel more comfortable with, and the company that makes the better "comfy" spot in which the players play...wins.


In time...Star Wars: The Old Republic will keep growing as it has and gets more innovations in it, more crew members, more crew skills, more planets, guild ships, space pvp warzones, manual flying of ships. But I know...people STILL wouldn't be happy if this game had atmospheric flight with manual landing of ships with 15 classes, 20 races, space pvp that had 12 warzones and 10 raids and had speeders that went as fast as the ones on ROTJ and had animal mounts, flying mounts, loop music, customizable ships, custom ship building with a intricate free market economy system better than EVE online. You know what...people would still complain unfortunately...

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I dont care if the new games have 50million subs and are the greatest ever....


It is not star wars.


SCI-FI will always be better than fairys and orcs and gay *** hobbits.


You are so right :)


ArcheAge...lol. just...haha


WAIT!? battleships?!!?! oh..wait..i just clicked the link :/ It's another pirate/medieval/fantasy crap game..


*shakes fist*


nothin beats sci fi in my book

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I know about the lawsuit but sorce on their loss in Korea pls.




That article mentions the conviction in Korea. And said conviction is referenced on page 2 of the US lawsuit





Funny that Bluehole launched in Korea even with the convictions.

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I dont care if the new games have 50million subs and are the greatest ever....



It is not star wars.


SCI-FI will always be better than fairys and orcs and gay *** hobbits.



u watch your dirty little mouth, hobbits are ****in awesome.

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Yes Swtor will be fine.


Every time a new MMO reaches near completion ppl start saying it's gonna kill off the big MMOs. Guess what, it doesn't. The reason behind this is community and time. When you actually talk to ppl who refuse to leave WOW (at least in my experience from talking to my WOW playing friends) they don't want to bc their guild is all there and they already invested so much time into that game (none of them actually answer bc WOW is still as good as it was in vanilla). The longer a person spends invested in a game and the stronger their ties to the community the less likely they are to leave.


GW2 will be successful in it's own way since it has no sub don't expect ppl to permanently jump ship for it. I imagine if it is good ppl will just split their time for it. They might log in less to SWtOR but I severely doubt that half the game pop is gonna unsub for it when it won't cost per month.


I imagine Tera will find a niche but I am betting it goes the way of Aion eventually (everyone was all excited about Aion and well yea look at it now)


The Secret World is gonna be niche game simply bc it is the only MMO coming out this year that is reinventing the wheel. The others are refining a previous formula (GW2) or trying to change a few mechanics but keeping the core concept the same(TERA).


SwtOR is casual friendly and has an inborn fanbase (sw fanboys) it will be around for a while.

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Star Wars is actually part fantasy (science-fantasy I'm told). A quick google search of "star wars science fantasy" will give you all the information you need on that - point being that SWTOR would probably not fulfil your sci-fi desires.


Anyway, that's still an interesting question and I think part of the reason is that the fantasy model is tried and tested so it's easier for people to come up with new content without having to think of all the background story and rationalisations that a true sci-fi game would have to. Just like novels, fantasy is probably also more well established.


It maybe part fantasy, but its not blatantly shoved into the face and like every other fantasy MMO. Every other fantasy MMO, always has orcs, or demons, or dragons, or some kinda god like creature that is bent on taking over the world. Star Wars maybe fantasy, but its different then the normal fantasy MMO games.


And honestly, there needs to be different variety of MMOs out there...all these fantasy MMOs I am surprised no one is sick of yet. There are a ton of different genres out there, that could make an MMO...ok sure it may not do well. But the point is at least the developers, tried doing something different then rehashing what people have seen for so long.

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You are so right :)


ArcheAge...lol. just...haha


nothin beats sci fi in my book


Technically it is far superior and looks way more up to date, even in Beta stage, at a fraction of the cost. It´s so obvious that it´s just ridiculous to deny it.


Doesn´t mean that I like the setting more than a good SW setting.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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there are so many possibilities w/ a SW ip . a 3rd faction, space battles , changing faction by simply crossing over (the legacy system is opening the door for that possibility) . who knows what this game will look like after a year or so ... i'm excited to find out though. Edited by badseed
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Everything is a grindfest nowadays, unless it's a sandbox.. Not sure what is the difference between the so called Asian grindfest and Tier grindfest..l It's still a hamster wheel that goes round and round...... Isn't it?


Cause nothing was less grindish then SWG....


Where people AFK macro'ed their way to success.....



So much wrong with your statement.

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There is a bit of truth in that.


GW2 and Tera are both more of the same medevil fantasy worlds that has been done to death in MMOs. I, for one, am turned off by that before I even look at any other features of them.


Same here, but if the combat works, Like An mmo,Will look into it, but lvling looks boring compared to this game.

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Every time a new MMO reaches near completion ppl start saying it's gonna kill off the big MMOs. Guess what, it doesn't. The reason behind this is community and time. When you actually talk to ppl who refuse to leave WOW (at least in my experience from talking to my WOW playing friends) they don't want to bc their guild is all there and they already invested so much time into that game (none of them actually answer bc WOW is still as good as it was in vanilla). The longer a person spends invested in a game and the stronger their ties to the community the less likely they are to leave.


GW2 will be successful in it's own way since it has no sub don't expect ppl to permanently jump ship for it. I imagine if it is good ppl will just split their time for it. They might log in less to SWtOR but I severely doubt that half the game pop is gonna unsub for it when it won't cost per month.


I imagine Tera will find a niche but I am betting it goes the way of Aion eventually (everyone was all excited about Aion and well yea look at it now)


The Secret World is gonna be niche game simply bc it is the only MMO coming out this year that is reinventing the wheel. The others are refining a previous formula (GW2) or trying to change a few mechanics but keeping the core concept the same(TERA).


SwtOR is casual friendly and has an inborn fanbase (sw fanboys) it will be around for a while.


kainsec speaks the truth here.


/agree on all points.


SW is the only possible paradigm shifter, but I bet when we get to see it.... we find they used smoke and mirrors extensively. This is Funcom we are talking about here, and unless they replaced all the decision makers there... I don't see SW being what they actually pitch it as.

Edited by Andryah
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TERA looks silly to me and the only appeal I see in GW2 is the lack of a subscription.


Which will make it possible for some to enjoy more than one mmo.


(Not me, I lost interest with the game when they announced Eye of the North and GWII and looked to be essentially throwing out the game lore from the original and rebooting it with different races. That and the fact they have never been able to balance abilities without constant and massive nerfs).



Without an established popular setting, like say for example the World of Harry Potter (just an example, not something I'd look to play), the game has to be unbelievable to gain a massive following. I don't really see any of those in the near future.

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