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Will SWTOR be able to compete with upcoming MMOs?


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Neither does suggesting millions are playing a game with not many people playing it. US has been reduced to a few viable servers already. Not good.




90% of the servers are consistently Standard or higher population at prime time.

Edited by Andryah
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Guild Wars 2 is definitely going to take a big chunk out of a lot of MMOs. Not just because it doesn't have a subscription fee, but because it's *actually* changing the MMO formula, rather than just adding surface stuff while still following the same WoW formula like TOR.


absolutely also guild wars 2 cures cancer and i heard that all hostile actions in the middle east will cease as the Taliban have gone on statement saying Guild Wars 2 is their new messiah and they will follow allah's telling of the mystical game that will end all hunger and war.


also the game will launch with 150 dungeons and 46 raids.


also the fantasy setting is totally new and has never been done before at all! brand spanking new. i mean shields and swords who would have thought!


i think day one guild wars 2 will have upwards to 16 million people playing possibly more. not sure though.

Edited by chrisftw
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And you hang around and enjoy another AMERICAN FAIL,BIOs only hope is to what what ALL major corps. are doing now days, send it offshore and get it done right,instead of GIT- ER- DONE in America


so when you quit tera after you relize that theres a difference grind wise between american and korean mmorpgs,what will you say then about american mmorpgs


or have you actually played korean mmorpgs before,because well.then i have nothing really to say other then i doubt tera will take much of sw tor's fanbase

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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And yet another useless thread about a circular argument that will continue until a reallly remarkable 3D "kill all" game does come out to break away from the so-called holy trinity of carebearing game play to keep people happy and playing for years upon years....


It's always the same story: Current game gets bad mouthed as new "yet to come" games are hearlded as saviors from PVP boredom--let's face it most of the QQing comes from the so-called hardcore PVPer looking for more epeen and gear--until yet-to-be-game arrives and is then, in its turn, bad mouthed...and the cycle renews.


If you do not like a game then quit. QED


Nobody give a dang about "your" reasons this or that or whatever is this or that or harumph.

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like ive put before


you cant call yourself a hardcore pvper if your doing it for the gear,real pvpers pvp for enjoyment the gear is only there because its a reward for doing it.but primarly there pvping for enjoyment and not gear

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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because this game doesen't have shields and swords, oh wait..


your so right holy crap now that i think about it any game that you can equip clothes and armor is a cheap failed attempt at copying WOW.


now characters running around naked flailing their arms to defeat NPC's that is true originality.

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absolutely also guild wars 2 cures cancer and i heard that all hostile actions in the middle east will cease as the Taliban have gone on statement saying Guild Wars 2 is their new messiah and they will follow allah's telling of the mystical game that will end all hunger and war.


also the game will launch with 150 dungeons and 46 raids.


also the fantasy setting is totally new and has never been done before at all! brand spanking new. i mean shields and swords who would have thought!


i think day one guild wars 2 will have upwards to 16 million people playing possibly more. not sure though.


awesome post


i lol'ed.. lol

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your so right holy crap now that i think about it any game that you can equip clothes and armor is a cheap failed attempt at copying WOW.


Moar drama plox!


You were taking a jab at the classic fantasy setting GW2 will likely have and to your credit, I'm sick and tired of the classic fantasy setting. That being said, does star wars and laser swords really reach all that much higher than the classic fantasy setting?


now characters running around naked flailing their arms to defeat NPC's that is true originality.


AoC anyone?

Edited by Vlaxitov
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your so right holy crap now that i think about it any game that you can equip clothes and armor is a cheap failed attempt at copying WOW.


now characters running around naked flailing their arms to defeat NPC's that is true originality.

I would rather have force armor and mind control enemies and have the force eat them from the inside out BEGGING them for me to stop it! STOP NOW and create a statis field and have them freeze all while healing and have a lightsaber instead of a "holy sword"


metal? wth is that...


I want a lightsaber!!! vrooooommmm klash!! klash!!! all while force jumping...


I just think the more this game gets things out there and the more people play it and come to it, they will be hooked by "something" in the game. That something is the voice over and decisions and I believe they will improve upon that in time.


Force > Magic


Lightsabers > Metal Swords


Force Armor > Metal Shields

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Will swtor lose alot of player base to mmo's that are coming out soon, TERA may 1st, and GW2 around dec? After playing TERA over beta weekend it seems like a very developed and quality MMO that has all the things an MMO'ers heart can desire. These mmo's didn't give the excuses that they are a new MMO and need to develop after launch.. they are delivering everything we expect in a modern day MMO on release.. How will swtor hold up to the competition is the question?


Tera isn't going to see the light of day in the US after NCsoft is done with their lawsuit. Tera is deinitely not launching on May 1st either considering as of last month they still had no law firm to represent them likely because Tera lost in Korea which increases the likelyhood they won't survive the lawsuit here.

Edited by Asuka
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absolutely also guild wars 2 cures cancer and i heard that all hostile actions in the middle east will cease as the Taliban have gone on statement saying Guild Wars 2 is their new messiah and they will follow allah's telling of the mystical game that will end all hunger and war.


also the game will launch with 150 dungeons and 46 raids.


also the fantasy setting is totally new and has never been done before at all! brand spanking new. i mean shields and swords who would have thought!


i think day one guild wars 2 will have upwards to 16 million people playing possibly more. not sure though.


Exactly. And the best part is, GW2 will make you immortal. You will have to drink blood and avoid sunlight forever, but as soon as you walk out the store with the game you will be immortal. Just make sure you buy it at night.

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Moar drama plox!


You were taking a jab at the classic fantasy setting GW2 will likely have and to your credit, I'm sick and tired of the classic fantasy setting. That being said, star wars and laser swords doesen't really reach all that much higher than the classic fantasy setting.


Dude..people like Star Wars more than anything because it's Sci Fi AND fantasy. That's why it has a stay in the world. It appeals to more than just hardcore nerds like eve does. Eve is STRICT sci fi, where as star wars is sci fi with things of fantasy.


That's exactly WHY people created a difference in things. So they could appeal to a greater audience of people. The threads like "would you play this if it wasn't a star wars game" are stupid and pointless..because that's the whole reason people play things they do..for the universe they always wanted to be in and dreamed about.


If you don't think Star Wars is any higher than GW2 crap where they still have old time lookin crap like wow or rift, that's your opinion. But nonetheless, SWTOR has staying power, BECAUSE it's Star Wars and BioWare.


BTW, GW2 looks INCREDIBLY cheezy. Yes it has a fluid looking combat system, but omg..the cinematic cutscenes and them trying to do voice over with npcs is just plain bad. GW2...another TOR copy :p

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I really don´t get all this WoW comparisons, who cares about the Theme Park casual BS.


I´m totally looking forward to

. And


I usually sub to two mmos at a time. I am right now only subbed to SWTOR for another 6 months. I am looking for another one. You got me all excited on your links! But then I just say two fantasy games :/


WHY WON'T PEOPLE STOP DOING FANTASY!?!!? Sorry..I lookingz for sci fi more :)

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if swtor added a 3rd faction based on a planet, i would say GW2 wouldnt stand a chance ..i mean i'm not saying GW2 has a chance to hurt swtor atm, but w/e. a 3rd faction seems so doable ..idk though, i'm no programer .


Ya know...they said in some things before the game was out at the conventions that they had plans to do a 3rd faction that mysteriously comes out of space somewhere and have been on the far reaches of the galaxy ever since the Mandalorian Wars...

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They need to add a new entry in the urban dictionary:


"Asian grindfest": a term used by gamers with a mental age of approx. ten years of age in referring to a game that has a leveling curve they cannot handle, because they've been conditioned by gaming companies who nerf their content to toddler level to expect to be able to get to maximum level in a few days time played on their mommy's credit card, and who other than this, have absolutely not the slightest clue what they are talking about when they use the term they have learned in the same way a parrot learns to say "Polly wants a cracker."


A mouthful, but it covers all the relevant angles.


Actually Asian Grindfest refers to repeatedly killing the same mob or group of mobs over and over again, to simulate actual content. Its usually employed by lazy companies that have no desire to do any work on their product so it might resumble something more than a mindless button mash fest.


of course, there is a small group of individuals, that seem to think because they sank 100 hours into gaining a level, that somehow makes them... superior to others.


We call them... deluded.

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Ya know...they said in some things before the game was out at the conventions that they had plans to do a 3rd faction that mysteriously comes out of space somewhere and have been on the far reaches of the galaxy ever since the Mandalorian Wars...


I totally would love to see the Yuuzhan Vong if it wouldn't mess with anything too badly. Even tho that's a species and not a faction...but whatever.

Edited by Akirator
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it depends


if bioware still believes that story will make people stick with the game.then i doubt it will,when they relize that alot of people care more about end game then story,then im sure it will be able to compete


I disagree. I think the bigger problem is that the story doesn't carry over into the end game. If there was nearly as much "daily" content as there is from lev 1-50, both solo and heroic, spanning across every planet as well as introducing new ones, I think endgame would take on a whole new dimension.

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I disagree. I think the bigger problem is that the story doesn't carry over into the end game. If there was nearly as much "daily" content as there is from lev 1-50, both solo and heroic, spanning across every planet as well as introducing new ones, I think endgame would take on a whole new dimension.


We have a winner!



Did you want the Hello Wookie Comb, or the Jawa Lite Mirror?

Edited by pairadox
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The only competition is gonna be GW2...



TERA Is a terrible grindfest mmo from asia that already bombed and had to be "westernized" which means dumbed down for America. Plus it looks awful...yeah I really like armor that covered your ******s only. PLUS the Elin...really? The pedophiles eat this game up.

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