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Will SWTOR be able to compete with upcoming MMOs?


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Tera is a Korean MMO which means it's designed for Asian gamers. MMO gaming is a different world in Asia. The mentality of the gamer is different. High grind is a common feature of Asian MMOs. I don't see Tera having a lasting impact on the Western Markets. Edited by Zarrot
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Tera is a Korean MMO which means it's designed for Asian gamers. MMO gaming is a different world in Asia. The mentality of the gamer is different. High grind is a common feature of Asian MMOs. I don't see Tera having a lasting impact on the Western Markets.

Tera is not the typical grind MMO. Just like western MMOs you level up fast and easy.

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It should be illegal to post such ridiculous garbage


lol, he's just stating his opinion.


I too hated GW1 immensely - it didn't feel like a MMO at all, if you played on battle.net you would see the similarities; GW1 was closer to battle.net than typical MMOs.


As for GW2, if it's able to deliver a game that's at least on par with SWTOR then it's definitely worth playing; but something tells me that the lack of subscriptions may mean GW2 loses out on some content, although I'm just speculating. Otherwise, why are people still paying for subscriptions if there's gonna be free MMOs like GW2 that are just as good? Surely there must be something.

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The Secret World seems like it has some potentials. classless skill based system, 3 factions, places and myths you could have personally known, etc.

but idk, strolling by its community sites seems like its more of a dedicated cult.

tracking the game on my e-mail alerts nonetheless.

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I'm tired of medieval MMOs. As said many times, this is Star Wars. What could be a better plot for a game than Star Wars?


I may join GW2, just because a friend of mine is so excited about it and I'd like to join him, but I'll surely keep my subscription to this and it will be my main game.

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Once the hype settles down people will realize gw2 is just another fantasy MMO with a few interesting innovations here amd there people will quit claiming this game is the Jesus of mmos. It's got my interest but just about everything it does has already been done before just maybe not in one package. I have my eye on it and I will most likely give it a shot but I just can't shake this feeling its not going to be that special once you get into the meat of the game and get past the nicely scripted PR shows and the fanboy bs that has caused so much trouble with the expectations of TOR.


But on topic I think TOR will do fine as long as new content. And bug fixes keep comming because ot really is a fun game. Diablo 3 may pull me away for a month or two but after that I expect to come back to TOR


I'll admit, until a few weeks ago, I couldn't care less about GW2. But a friend of mine says he's gonna play it so I did some research on it.


The very fact that it's gonna have so many more features out of the box than this game only will have after 2 major patches sparked my interest. I especially liked the fact that it's gonna have some new mmo features such as guest servers. I will defiantly be trying this out and I have high hopes for it.


There's an unspoken rule that says "you are not allowed to complain about anything that's free". While it's true, you still have to purchase the game upfront, there's no subscription to continue playing. If the game turns out to not be that good in the long run, I've spent no more on it than I have for any console game.


I'm tired of medieval MMOs. As said many times, this is Star Wars. What could be a better plot for a game than Star Wars?


I may join GW2, just because a friend of mine is so excited about it and I'd like to join him, but I'll surely keep my subscription to this and it will be my main game.


While I have many, many problems with SW:TOR, I agree that it's the best star wars game to have come out. That being said, IMHO it's sub-par as far as mmo's go. Perhaps it'll get better as more funding from subscriptions come in, but it seems to me as if it's got all the signs of all those so-called "failed" mmo's of times past (ie, it's didn't do as well as they hope so they are just gonna concentrate on making some kind of profit until their next project.)


WoW will, one day, no longer be the highest subbed mmo. That day will be a long ways away but it will come. I personally have nothing against WoW, in fact, it will always hold a special place in my heart. But the game has just been out waaay to long for me to keep enjoying it the way I used to. After all, I have very, VERY fond memories of Halo 2, Fable I, and the first Splinter Cell, but I'm not still playing those games today.

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The Secret World seems like it has some potentials. classless skill based system, 3 factions, places and myths you could have personally known, etc.

but idk, strolling by its community sites seems like its more of a dedicated cult.

tracking the game on my e-mail alerts nonetheless.

Tell the truth? I hate the Three Faction idea.


Ever play Planetside back in the day? That had three factions as well, and every battle in that game turned into this. Side A attacks side B at the bass they are holding, a good 20 to 30 minutes go's by of both sides making pushes at once another. Then side C comes rolling in, rolls over Side A due to at this point the players being just a little tired. Side B ends up getting rolled as well and side C takes the bass.


That's really the fault of the three faction system, any good faction leader for PvP is just going to hang back and wait for the other two sides to start fighting one another and just roll right on in and take both out. This means in the case of one of the other sides I'm going to be looking at working with one of the other sides or just cutting my losses and pulling out the minute I see the other side show up.


Just my two cents on why I feel it doesn't work.

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Tell the truth? I hate the Three Faction idea.


Ever play Planetside back in the day? That had three factions as well, and every battle in that game turned into this. Side A attacks side B at the bass they are holding, a good 20 to 30 minutes go's by of both sides making pushes at once another. Then side C comes rolling in, rolls over Side A due to at this point the players being just a little tired. Side B ends up getting rolled as well and side C takes the bass.


That's really the fault of the three faction system, any good faction leader for PvP is just going to hang back and wait for the other two sides to start fighting one another and just roll right on in and take both out. This means in the case of one of the other sides I'm going to be looking at working with one of the other sides or just cutting my losses and pulling out the minute I see the other side show up.


Just my two cents on why I feel it doesn't work.

i was under the impression that maps don't actually pit all 3 into an instance at once, but i could be wrong.


well, sure it could play like that. but even then, what happens next? the thing C pulled would definitely piss off A and B so that C would more likely to face both of them at once next. add to the fact that it really was what the secret organizations in the game would actually do (read on especially the dragon's description). it touches the aspect of community politics, and as to whether that could be a good or bad thing really depends on the community itself and remains to be seen.

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I really found Tera horrible.

I was on an early beta like the first open beta weekend and it crashed all the time but the UI was pretty neat well organized. And so much information!


The game play just seemed like every other korean MMO.


"Hiiiiyyyyee yah!"..swing ..shoot ..biff "Hiaaaa yeah..." mob falls "ooohhohohh" *happy dance*. X 10,000 a level


It was completely not what I had expected. I remember seeing early pre-beta movies and I was thinking ...is this the same game? Part of me still thinks perhaps it was not.


I remember these cool instances with some guy narrating how the group had to solve puzzles etc..


This was like a bad version of Aion.

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There is some news about the new World of Warcraft expansion, Mists of Panderia. They are killing off Garrosh and adding in aoe looting.


Hurry Bioware! Release 1.2, then 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 quickly! :p


Pandas and Pokemon... what are you 6 years old? WoW died for real mmo'ers after TBC only thing thats left are kids under 15 and asian farmers, maybe a few old people that only plays it with thier kids or they would never be able to spend time with them...

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Pandas and Pokemon... what are you 6 years old? WoW died for real mmo'ers after TBC only thing thats left are kids under 15 and asian farmers, maybe a few old people that only plays it with thier kids or they would never be able to spend time with them...


What/Who is a "real mmo'er"?

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I'm so bored of fantasy MMOs, so i'll just stay here. Sure Star Wars is Sc-fi too....but its not the same old, "warrior, sword/shield, mage, orcs, trolls, demons" there have been waaaay too many fantasy MMOs that I just wanna vomit.


MMOs should really try a new genre, instead of going with fantasy. There are a ton of genres out there...don't see why companies can't try and make something new. Ok sure, would it last long?...Maybe who knows? Don't know unless tried, and even if it does....THEY STILL DID SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.


Who was the genius, that decided all MMOs should be fantasy based? Or at least the vast majority of them?


I agree with you. Why don't we have some:


steam punk

Gothic horror


post apocalyptic

Historic (swords but no sorcey)





Anyway I will keep playing SWTOT for now. Maybe I'll buy GW2 for my girlfriend.

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In response to the TOs question:


The question isn't if SWTOR is able to compete with new released MMOs. As it appears to me now, SWTOR already has a problem to compete with today's MMOs...


If by being the second most played mmo to date means it can't compete than yes, you're right.

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These kind of sentances were spewed since launch but hey the game hasn't gone anywhere yet and neither did you for that matter, so yeah, we'll see.


"Yet" being the operative word here.


It is becoming quite common now for AAA MMO's to manage 1 million+ sales and subs at launch. But if history has taught us nothing else, it's what happens beyond the "honeymoon period" (the first 4 or so months) that may begin to tell a different story.


One only needs to look at the history of the MMO industry to see that the list of MMO's launching with approximately 1 million+ sales / users is getting longer and longer with each new launch. And yet, the majority of those titles flopped after approximately 6 months.


So, it is pretty obvious that the levels of popularity that an MMO may or may not manage to consistently sustain in the months and years after it's launch cannot be accurately predicted from how well a game launches.



And this is why saying things like "the game hasn't gone anywhere yet" at this point in the proceedings proves nothing other than the game was quite popular at launch.


This goes for SWTOR, GW2, Tera, TSW or any other well known MMO that has a large enough following prior to launch.

Edited by Tarka
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"Yet" being the operative word here.


It is becoming quite common now for AAA MMO's to manage 1 million+ sales and subs at launch. But if history has taught us nothing else, it's what happens beyond the "honeymoon period" (the first 4 or so months) that may begin to tell a different story.


One only needs to look at the history of the MMO industry to see that the list of MMO's launching with approximately 1 million+ sales / users is getting longer and longer with each new launch. And yet, the majority of those titles flopped after approximately 6 months.


So, it is pretty obvious that the levels of popularity that an MMO may or may not manage to consistently sustain in the months and years after it's launch cannot be accurately predicted from how well a game launches.



And this is why saying things like "the game hasn't gone anywhere yet" at this point in the proceedings proves nothing other than the game was quite popular at launch.


This goes for SWTOR, GW2, Tera, TSW or any other well known MMO that has a large enough following prior to launch.




I don't "hate" BW and SWTOR, I wish them the best, although I regret a bit the possibilities they had and didn't benefit from. Players yearned for another new MMO, that might give them the experience like WoW or EQ did to the people who logged into a MMO game world the first time. Let's see if SWTOR is able to fullfil that at least to a decent amount.


One hint: If a MMO developer does not announce subscriber numbers anymore you are on a good way to F2p. This happened in LotRO :-)

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