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Will SWTOR be able to compete with upcoming MMOs?


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GW2 will be a big hit tbh.


Honestly, I think it will be a huge flash, followed by a "come back to, when bored" property. It's no fee model is both it's strength and it's weakness. Many people will buy it, and use it as an alternate to the the pay to play MMO of their choice. It's an "entertainment hedge" for many to their pay to play MMO. A lot of people maintain subscriptions to multiple MMOs for the same reason, to hedge their needs for enjoyment in online play.

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Hello everyone!


We certainly understand wanting to discuss how Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ compares to other games, both old and new. We do ask, however, that the primary topic of discussion in any thread revolves around our game and not another. While it is ok to compare or discuss differences, a thread that is largely about other games is not considered on-topic. This thread will remain open so long as you can abide by those guidelines. Thanks for your understanding!

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Hello everyone!


We certainly understand wanting to discuss how Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ compares to other games, both old and new. We do ask, however, that the primary topic of discussion in any thread revolves around our game and not another. While it is ok to compare or discuss differences, a thread that is largely about other games is not considered on-topic. This thread will remain open so long as you can abide by those guidelines. Thanks for your understanding!


Yay for fair mods!!!!

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it depends


if bioware still believes that story will make people stick with the game.then i doubt it will,when they relize that alot of people care more about end game then story,then im sure it will be able to compete


but as of right now.games probably gonna be dead by the time other mmorpgs come out,just doesnt seem like many people are playing right now,and the ones that are.dont log in enough to matter anyway.but i dont know,honestly maybe im not the best person to go by because im only lvl 27 on my first character so i guess i havent really seen "end game" yet


but unlike some people,im not a "space bar lets get to max level so i can get started on the "real game" type person.im a "well,might as well slow down,take my time.because its usually the people who rush to end game that are the first people that leave"

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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Will swtor lose alot of player base to mmo's that are coming out soon, TERA may 1st, and GW2 around dec? After playing TERA over beta weekend it seems like a very developed and quality MMO that has all the things an MMO'ers heart can desire. These mmo's didn't give the excuses that they are a new MMO and need to develop after launch.. they are delivering everything we expect in a modern day MMO on release.. How will swtor hold up to the competition is the question?


Surprised you are still here and paying to post.


GW2 is no competition, it is like a single player game since it one time pay. I see many people playing both.


Tera does not have the IP to compete with SWTOR.

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Surprised you are still here and paying to post.


GW2 is no competition, it is like a single player game since it one time pay. I see many people playing both.


Tera does not have the IP to compete with SWTOR.


Funny, most people think SWTOR is a single player game. Tera you know nothing about, it isnt a grind fest like people are fibbing about. I've been here since 2008, here since april 2011 beta, and here since launch.. Let it go. I'm here because I like star wars and bioware, but the end game in lacking, and it didn't turn out to be what i expected. Doesn't mean I'm gonna leave when TERA comes out, it means I'm gonna play TERA and see how the end game works out, and see what the game amounts too before giving my judgement. I gave this game a chance, I honestly did.

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Funny, most people think SWTOR is a single player game. Tera you know nothing about, it isnt a grind fest like people are fibbing about. I've been here since 2008, here since april 2011 beta, and here since launch.. Let it go. I'm here because I like star wars and bioware, but the end game in lacking, and it didn't turn out to be what i expected. Doesn't mean I'm gonna leave when TERA comes out, it means I'm gonna play TERA and see how the end game works out, and see what the game amounts too before giving my judgement. I gave this game a chance, I honestly did.


I bet you won't even make it to "end game" in TERA.

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Got to say, if I buy an online game with no monthly sub and play it consistently then doubt I would pay a sub for a game I barely get time to play.


Seems like everyone else is telling me I would keep up my monthly sub. How thick would you have to be?

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I'm so bored of fantasy MMOs, so i'll just stay here. Sure Star Wars is Sc-fi too....but its not the same old, "warrior, sword/shield, mage, orcs, trolls, demons" there have been waaaay too many fantasy MMOs that I just wanna vomit.


MMOs should really try a new genre, instead of going with fantasy. There are a ton of genres out there...don't see why companies can't try and make something new. Ok sure, would it last long?...Maybe who knows? Don't know unless tried, and even if it does....THEY STILL DID SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.


Who was the genius, that decided all MMOs should be fantasy based? Or at least the vast majority of them?

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SWTOR has the biggest brand and the marketing is omnipresent, so it feels like a "summer blockbuster".


Is there a Guild Wars or Archeage movie? No, not even a Guild Wars toothbrush, PEZ candy or cereal.


Trust ads and go for the big brands, the best game always has the biggest marketing budget.



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ToR is completely casual, it will retain a ton of players because that


When did casual start meaning so stupidly easy you just go through the motions?


Aren't there players with limited time that aren't mentally challenged?


I don’t see an MMO on the horizon that has even a ghost of a chance


Do you consider GW2 to be an mmo? Players in beta are loving it which was NOT the case with SWTOR at all.

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Won't do anything. It's a different appeal. TERA and GW2 is the same crap done over and over. Medieval, fantasy dragons, elves. So that's why nothing will happen.


Only advantage GW2 has is it's buy2play.


SWTOR took a gigantic step backwards as far as mmos go. This is why it can't retain players.


I mean the game can't even do real mmo activities due to engine limitations. If this wasn't Star Wars, nobody would play it.

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When did casual start meaning so stupidly easy you just go through the motions?


Aren't there players with limited time that aren't mentally challenged?




Do you consider GW2 to be an mmo? Players in beta are loving it which was NOT the case with SWTOR at all.


People these days don't want "too" hard man :)


They want it juuuust right and to have fun while playing. Hard isn't fun...we already get being hard in the real world every single day. When everyone comes home from work and how hard that is dealing with people and dumb morons all day in the workplace, people want to escape, kick back, get a beer or two or tea, and watch their favorite tv show (easy) or play their favorite game (not too easy but just right).


This is the best mmo for casuals. That's why it will continue to be a force :)

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I just don't know about GW2. The videos I've seen are just .... meh ... when it comes to combat, and the whole fantasy/steampunk thing just leaves me cold nowadays.


I like playing archers ... but look at the arrow animation and its puny arc. Its really, really horrible.


Allied to that is the fact I usually play female characters and even PC Gamer - which gave GW2 its cover this month - started their preview by saying that its best to play a warrior if going a lady as the other outfits look ... how shall I put this, delicately? ..... a bit 'loose'. I really don't want to run around like an extra from 'America's Worst-dressed jailbait'.




How my avatar looks is a big deal for me, and I really like SW:TOR's gear. My Jedi looks great, and thanks to orange items I've created a look I'm happy with. I used to shout for an A-tab, but with moddable gear it's not needed.


As for it stealing away people from SW:TOR ... I don't see it. I may get it, but without a sub fee there's nothing to stop me subbing here.


SW:TOR is my main MMO ... and will be for a long, long time.

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I bet you won't even make it to "end game" in TERA.


Maybe I won't but you seem to be totally different than the people I've been beta testing with, and the rave's this game is getting throughout the forums. Also 9.7, 9.8 rating reviews from where the game has already been released. Cool unique classes, awesome customization, awesome looking armor/weapons.. the best graphics i've seen in an mmo, the best combat gameplay I've felt in any MMO.. quality superb animations.. pvp is just wow! Main quest has voice acting.. animal mounts.. guild bank, guild quest, guild logos..Bosses look insane and mechanics are unique for each boss. There is even politician type roles "mayor like" where everyone gets to elect an official and this real player can make decisions for you territory. So what am I missing here? What don't you like about tera?

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People these days don't want "too" hard man :)


They want it juuuust right and to have fun while playing. Hard isn't fun...we already get being hard in the real world every single day. When everyone comes home from work and how hard that is dealing with people and dumb morons all day in the workplace, people want to escape, kick back, get a beer or two or tea, and watch their favorite tv show (easy) or play their favorite game (not too easy but just right).


This is the best mmo for casuals. That's why it will continue to be a force :)


SWTOR is so easy you literally just go through the motions. Again, casual doesn't have to mean terrible at games does it?


There is zero challenge to be found here. None. Is this really fun for you? I mean what's the point when the enemies just roll over?


I work, it doesn't mean I want a rigged game. Has the fear of losing become so great for some that it's better to just have all difficulty removed? Really?

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