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What's the point of doing PvP pre-1.2?


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I'm having fun.


Some examples;

There are some guys from Sith side playing together and they are really good. They beat my pug teams at least 10-15 times. And i was thinking it's impossible to beat them. (1 of them is my number 1 enemy because some Ilum issues. :D)


But i managed to beat them twice with pugs recently. (I must admit i have 7-8 BM gears now and helped me play better against them, but revenge is revenge and it's sweet. )


And i didnt come to forums to cry for nerfs, for imbalance etc.


Last Wednesday i joined a Civil War game. Someone left because he thought it's a sure lost. When i joined, i needed a win for daily asap so i would be able to my alt. When i saw the scoreboard, i thought it's impossible to win and i will lost my time here. But i thought how i hate people leaving games and i should try to win.


Started with right Turret killed 2 guys defending it and started the riot. We need 3 turrets to win and we managed to get them, Sith caught by surprise and panicked and we won the game.


Ops chat has gone wild. But nobody talked about me and nobody voted me. Actually i made the difference, whichever turret i went, i left Sith bodies on the floor behind me.


Again i didn't come to forums and cried, i was trying to finish my daily, why i join games is already lost etc. And i didnt cry in the forums for people didnt vote me, i know i made the difference and its enough for me. ;)


I could tell you a lot of win stories but you get the point.

Edited by Jieljak
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True. But at the same time I feel like I'm wasting my time obtaining gear that I will just replace the day 1.2 rolls out.


Leveling/PvPing on my sub-50 alts is a lot more fun.


You act as if you will get a full new set of gear in 1.2 How do you plan on obtaining that gear if you get face stopped constantly cause you took an entire month off and got no BM gear?

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I actually find PVP fun in Swtor. thats why i play. But at the same time im also llaying alts until 1.2 mainly becuase 50 pvp is gettin pretty competative on my server and you are sol with out bm gear


If you lose to BM's cause you are in full champion...well my friend its probably not the gear.

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Here is the other thing.. rated warzones will be hard.


Folks will be bringing balanced groop to the party. With little to no information on the new sets, all the whining and conjecture is a little ridiculous.


Why pvp in 1-49? Its great fun, challenging and gives great xp and rewards.. help you prep your rank for pvp gear tiers.


Why pvp in 50 Its great fun, challenging and gives great xp and rewards.. help you prep your rank for pvp gear tiers.


Why pvp in ranked wz? it will be great fun, be very challenging and you will be able to put your guild/name where your mouth is.


These forums are becoming useless.. this thread proves it.

Edited by Cebby
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