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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Over Powered healing killing PvP


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It's no secret that healing in this game is overpowered. The only people arguing that it isn't are the ones that are taking advantage of it's lack of balance. I would ask these people to not be short sighted and think about the good of the game first.


The vast majority of people that PvP, do so to mess someone up. It's been the foundation of PvP in MMOs since PvPs conception. Now when healing imbalance turns the PvP experience into an exercise in frustration like we're starting to see, people quit and find something else to do. While it may be fun to take advantage of healing imbalance and spam LOL at these people while blocking their ability to achieve. It's not going to help with long term retention.


We're already getting the same syndrome that Rift saw with it's overpowered healing. ie. stack healers and spam which leads to:


Boring PVP is Boring!


Leads to:


see ya!


Additionally, it's bad enough the combat mechanics in this game are so slow and clunky. Why would you want to add the slow boring grind that comes with overpowered healing into the mix? You're just exasperating an unpleasantness in the game.

Edited by Grin
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agreed completely OP. When we come up against a team full of healers we may as well leave warzone, its an exercise in futility trying to win. They stand there and heal each other and never die, be it huttball(far more irritating in this one) or voidstar. They score one point, or go through one door, and then camp just enough to win the match.
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If a healer can outheal a good dps and throwing heals into his group then something is wrong.


Some people just have quick reactions. They may use the terrain to their advantage. Besides, if a DPS attacks me it's wrong that I outheal his damage when I can't do as much damage in return? Isn't that sorta the healer way: to heal damage?


Please bare in mind that this is my opinon. I do not want an argument. Let's keep it cool :cool:

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Gosh.. Could you please stop with the "NERF HEALING!" ? How would you like PvP to be? Attack, spam rotation without switches and CC and something dies ?


EDIT: THough i agree that they could buff the MS-Debuff and give it to weak Melee Classes, like Jugg or Operative.

Edited by Teabaker
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If the other team have 3 healers as in 3 guys who really speced for healing, they'd have a hard time killing anybody if you have at least one healer on your side. If you don't have a healer, you might be screwed but you'd be screwed even if they only have one healer versus your 0.
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It's no secret that healing in this game is overpowered. The only people arguing that it isn't are the ones that are taking advantage of it's lack of balance. I would ask these people to not be short sighted and think about the good of the game first.


The vast majority of people that PvP, do so to mess someone up. It's been the foundation of PvP in MMOs since PvPs conception. Now when healing imbalance turns the PvP experience into an exercise in frustration like we're starting to see, people quit and find something else to do. While it may be fun to take advantage of healing imbalance and spam LOL at these people while blocking their ability to achieve. It's not going to help with long term retention.


We're already getting the same syndrome that Rift saw with it's overpowered healing. ie. stack healers and spam which leads to:


Boring PVP is Boring!


Leads to:


see ya!


Additionally, it's bad enough the combat mechanics in this game are so slow and clunky. Why would you want to add the slow boring grind that comes with overpowered healing into the mix? You're just exasperating an unpleasantness in the game.


So as I understand it, you're saying that dps should win no matter what. a healer (which is rare enough in PvP) shouldnt be able to keep anyone up or even himself when a dps comes along?


what incentive if any then would it be to have a healer in PvP if you get what you want?


Second killing healers may be hard but removing them from a group fight so they focus on themselves is actually a good tactic but i guess you would prefer to remove healer class all together.


if you think they are god mode then roll a healer and find out for yourself i can assure you its much harder than rofl look heal me heal player heal me etc.

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So as I understand it, you're saying that dps should win no matter what. a healer (which is rare enough in PvP) shouldnt be able to keep anyone up or even himself when a dps comes along?


I don't know which server you play on but I'm facing 3-5 every game, on both sides most of the time, it gets very, very annoying.

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agreed completely OP. When we come up against a team full of healers we may as well leave warzone, its an exercise in futility trying to win. They stand there and heal each other and never die, be it huttball(far more irritating in this one) or voidstar. They score one point, or go through one door, and then camp just enough to win the match.


healing is in no way OP in this game.



ofcourse your not going to kill a healer by yourself they can heal themselves DERP!



healing is actualy quite underpowerd in this game, its only because of the big number of healers on a team that makes it feel that way.



we are sorry you missile spammers or lightning smammers cant kill us with your 1 button wonder OP scrub class'ss and because you cant you come on here and cry


sorry but





learn to pvp

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"Oh why can't I kill this guy! His health keeps going up???" *cry*


Maybe you should go for the guy in the corner with the glowy hands/gun. If you and one other cant take down a non heavy healer in 5-10 seconds you need to practice/communicate more.


People that want a healing nerf need to get rid of their dps tunnel vision.

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we are sorry you missile spammers or lightning smammers cant kill us with your 1 button wonder OP scrub class'ss and because you cant you come on here and cry



Ironic that you should say that, cause basically that's exactly what you are doing too as a healer. Spamming them buttons like you hate them.


learn to pvp



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Ironic that you should say that, cause basically that's exactly what you are doing too as a healer. Spamming them buttons like you hate them.






You did not just say that... oh wait, you did.

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I'd like to propose a counter offer, Nerf DPS classes because I can't outheal those 5k crits I keep taking from Assassins and Scoundrels... and while we're at it, can we please get a nerf on crowd controls and interrupts because I don't like my heals interrupted.


Sounds about right doesn't it?

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Some people just have quick reactions. They may use the terrain to their advantage. Besides, if a DPS attacks me it's wrong that I outheal his damage when I can't do as much damage in return? Isn't that sorta the healer way: to heal damage?


Please bare in mind that this is my opinon. I do not want an argument. Let's keep it cool :cool:


I think people all too often try to compare heals to DPS and when you think bout it you can't do that. You, a healer, are not expected to DPS are you? Nope, your job is to heal and provide protection. Us as a DPS, our jobs are to kill.


So to sit back and say, well I can't kill anyone or I can't do as much damage as you shouldn't even be in the debate.


Now on topic. At what point do we say "it should take *this many* geared, skilled DPS to kill 1 healer?" 2 DPS? 3 DPS? At what point is it balanced that a healer can keep himself alive while keeping his teammates alive as well? 2 DPS on the healer and he is able to throw heals?


Balancing heals isn't an easy job and I don't think anyone would argue that. However, there are several instances where I, as an Arsenal Merc, have been involved in trying to nuke a healer with 2 others and none of us can seeing as just as we are about to finish him he is back up to half.


I think there is an imbalance to healing in PVP, however to balance it is beyond me. Do we let healers do no DPS and live forever? Do we give healers the ability to DPS and make the game balanced around 1 v 1 where any given spec can kill any given spec giving the fact that all things being equal?


I truly think it's such a slippery slope that there is no black and white answer to it. Heck, to even try to weed out the biased on the subject is a feat in itself.

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What about decreasing the ammount healed each time? Sort of like resolve, but the more a player is healed the less each heal heals him for. The heal resolve would be reset after a certain ammount of time of no healing.
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