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Jedi knights and sith warriors need stronger resolve than range


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IMO melee is mostly fine.


Someone mentioned putting KB's on resolve .. err they already are. If you have a full resolve bar a KB / Pull wont work on you.


The only thing I'd like to see changed really is 99-100% snares (ie roots) added to resolve immunity. I'm fine with having a 50% snare on me all game (at least it seems like all game) but the 100% roots make you a sitting target unable to avoid any of the big hits incoming. I say this as a healer and I can cleanse some of those roots !!


I can see why 100% roots piss melee off so much, In effect they are another form of stun to them which I feel tips the CC balance. To stop a ranged / healer / caster a root wont cut it, You actually have to interrupt or stun them .. to stop a melee you root them and take 2 steps away effectively *stunning* them for the duration of the root. Not cool IMO.


Add 100% snares to resolve and all good IMO, Would make people think about using roots as a CC rather than just spamming them on CD.

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IMO melee is mostly fine.


Someone mentioned putting KB's on resolve .. err they already are. If you have a full resolve bar a KB / Pull wont work on you.


The only thing I'd like to see changed really is 99-100% snares (ie roots) added to resolve immunity. I'm fine with having a 50% snare on me all game (at least it seems like all game) but the 100% roots make you a sitting target unable to avoid any of the big hits incoming. I say this as a healer and I can cleanse some of those roots !!


I can see why 100% roots piss melee off so much, In effect they are another form of stun to them which I feel tips the CC balance. To stop a ranged / healer / caster a root wont cut it, You actually have to interrupt or stun them .. to stop a melee you root them and take 2 steps away effectively *stunning* them for the duration of the root. Not cool IMO.


Add 100% snares to resolve and all good IMO, Would make people think about using roots as a CC rather than just spamming them on CD.


Honestly, without roots, the ranged players have a snowball's chance in hell to stand up to melee classes.


Currently, when and how the root comes out, is about the most important "shatter point" in terms of tactical combat between melee and ranged, which decides more or less how the fight will proceed.


As strong as melees are, it takes a vital judgement whether to weather out the 5 seconds of root, or to activate mitigation, or, in some cases just immediately break out of it by using a CC breaker... and the choices made here is what helps ranged classes to have some kind of chance in defeating the melee. (And, in many cases that "shatter point" is where many melees make mistakes/bad judgements, hence, becoming a borderline between a n00bsy melee player and a seasoned one)


That also means, in turn, a root used without much consideration directly effects the ranged player's ability to survive.



TL;DR, the very unique trait of root as a crowd control unaffected by resolve, is what makes the combat tactical. The reason some melees hate it is exactly the reason why it should be kept the way it is.

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To the dork that posted this... You should re-roll... I play mele cause it matches my personality! I have fast reaction and very good at situation awareness. I have played mele a lot and worked out most situational mistakes ( the wrong things I have done), limitations of the class, and am in-tune with the juggies abilities.


I can jump into a group.. cc.. to stun/slow people down so dps'er can help kill them fast. Leave the area or even leap back to a team mate to get out of an arse beating. And, most of the time.. I do get out. I still get caught once and a while tho..hehe


Because you can't react fast enough... see a situation and respond correctly to it... you want to be less CC'ed. That's lame.


We have tons of protection, armor, CC's, and damage... popping your bubble at the right time can minimize damage coming to you while you are CC'ed.


You must fail before you get good. If you can't take loosing to get good... REROLL!

Edited by Bambbamb
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I didnt care about reading 8pages so I dont know what spec are OP playing. I play all 3 viable spec always in premade group and Imo warriors are good enough.

What needs to be reworked in my opinion:

Tanking gear is realy awful for pvp so tanking spec is not so good.

Smash should do the dmg when button pressed not when the animation is over, or at least if you get stunned/knockbacked during the animation dont lose the CD and the buildups. Good players learnt how to counter smash till now via stupid animation.

Edited by BrutalPain
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In a coordinated premade, with a healer attached to their hip, anyone can be an unstoppable force, not just JKs/Warriors. The problem comes when it's a PUG, and you can't rely on constant heals. In that regard, ranged has it a lot more easy, being able to find a perch and tab-target their way to big numbers with little to no effort. The same cannot be said for JKs/Warriors. Pillar humping/hiding so as to not be a focus target may keep you alive, but it doesn't protect or take objectives.
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I have no idea why people like you bother making ridiculous posts like this. We are at a disadvantage its as simple as that and you can stop trying to brag about how good you are when we clearly need help.


Perhaps not everyone loses and thinks "I lost, IT MUST BE THE GAME'S FAULT!"?

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Only problem I have as a melee is eating 4 knockbacks in a row.. Seems a bit too much. 1, ok.. 2, ah well.. 3, cmon!!, 4, smash something :(


Yup. Plus got to love when the ball carrier is up on a platform going to your scorepoint, you charge up and before you touch the ground some ******* uses his knockback and woop, you are down again. Knockbacks are way too useful for how easy and how fast you can drop them in huttball.

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It's not a question of L2P when you are constantly cc/dps focused by 3+ rangeds. You can't LOS them all and still remain relevant to the fight.


This happens basically 75% of the time in a WZ.



Really though, it's as much a failing of the WZ map design as it is a failure of the resolve system or the combat system that clearly favors ranged classes.


Give us maps and objectives that don't involve a circle jerk of rangeds focusing down the melee classes that are funneled into a killzone. Put *some* objectives INSIDE buldings so that players are forced into melee range to take them.


Fair is fair...meet us halfway.

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It's not a question of L2P when you are constantly cc/dps focused by 3+ rangeds. You can't LOS them all and still remain relevant to the fight.


This happens basically 75% of the time in a WZ.



Really though, it's as much a failing of the WZ map design as it is a failure of the resolve system or the combat system that clearly favors ranged classes.


Give us maps and objectives that don't involve a circle jerk of rangeds focusing down the melee classes that are funneled into a killzone. Put *some* objectives INSIDE buldings so that players are forced into melee range to take them.


Fair is fair...meet us halfway.

B-but clearly it's a 3 vs 1 situation. How would a poor ranged feel if he got attacked by 3 melee? He'd be dead fo sho! /sarcasm



The first smarty-pants to write that forgets about the wonders of tab-targetting and "target nearest person with lowest HP" instinct of many PvP players. I often do that on my Sniper, if there are no important targets (like healers) within my reach. Non-tanks either drop like flies, or are forced to exit combat. Either way, I've eliminated them from the fight, yay me. Next target - most likely another melee.

Edited by Helig
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