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4 Questions for the casual gamers!


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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?


- Yeah after playing many MMO's this game is to easy


Did you think the leveling was to quick?


- I levelled fast, wasnt into the story, took me just under 6 days to get to max


Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


- Cleared all ops on HM, its a dps race, the mechanics of the fights are very basic


Is this your first MMO?


- No.


Why post this in another thread. . . .


unfortunately this is a casual only game, if you want to game at a serious & challenging level then this isnt the game for you, ive come to this realization and have unsubbed. GL to all


And then come in here answering these questions like you're a casual player. The question didn't apply to you.


Maybe you're just looking for some attention.

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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?

Due to my schedule, I find it very difficult to set aside a block of time sufficient to do endgame content. My play time is very sporadic.



Did you think the leveling was to quick?

Not at all. The only reason it took me about 2 months to level my Sage to 50 was because I had played my Sage multiple times in beta since August '09, so I knew the 1-35 content very well.



Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?

No, for the first reason I gave above. I take more enjoyment doing things like PvP (it's easier to do one or two rounds of WZs then trying to get together a group and run an endgame FP or Ops), helping out friends or guildies, or leveling up alts.



Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?

If by "difficult" you mean grind, yes. I don't want to grind out the levels. If by difficult you mean challenging content, not at all. Some of my most favorite moments are seeing what +2 or +4 heroics I can solo with just me and my companion. I love challenging content, I hate grinding.



Is this your first MMO?

Not at all. I've played SWG, LotR, DDO, Eve, CO, CoH, WoW, WAR, Matrix, Aion, and a handful of lesser known MMOs (mostly asian ones). I am very knowledgeable about the MMO genre in general.




Overall I am very pleased with TOR. There are absolutely some missing "quality of life" features in the game that hopefully get implemented soon (or are coming with 1.2), but aside from that the "core" of the game is excellent.

Edited by GamewizX
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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?



Did you think the leveling was to quick?



Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


Question from Evironrage I thought needed to be added

I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put

you off from continuing to play?


Is this your first MMO?

Self-identified casual here, answering questions.


1. I haven't experienced Operations yet. I can barely get groups to run Flashpoints, for several reasons: (1) server population Republic side is low, so it's difficult to pug---typically about 60 players at the fleet hub on a Saturday night; (2) tiny guild of real life friends who are all over 35 and work their butts off, and thus have little time to coordinate---we're lucky to get in 1-2 Flashpoints together per week; (3) most of us aren't that skilled at MMOs, as a rule, so we don't have much to offer raid guilds.


2. Leveling was definitely too quick. I have two 50s, a 43, and a bunch of toons in the teens and 20s, yet I play, on average, 10 to 15 hours per week. Wow.


3. As I mentioned above, I haven't even seen the inside of an Operation yet. I did kill the Belsavis world boss, but he's super easy.


4. A more difficult leveling process? Depends on what you mean. If monsters were more challenging and required more skill to overcome? No, I would love that. More grindy in the Aion sense? No thanks.


5. This is not my first MMO, by a stretch. You can call me a retired hardcore raider. I started playing MMOs with EverQuest in 1999. I dabbled in dozens, but I spent years playing EQ, Dark Age of Camelot, and WoW. I killed the Lich King before the nerf. I might still be hardcore today if not for more important things such as grad school, family and work.

Edited by RolyartNala
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I'll bite:


Do you currently find that end game is too easy?

- I haven't hit end game yet.. I'm level 48 on my Jedi Knight. I have a level 11 Inquisitor too that I plan to play after the Knight.



Did you think the leveling was too quick?

- 1 - 10 on the Inquisitor FLEW by but that might be because I played the Inquisitor during beta. 1 - 10 on the Knight were kind of a drag. Overall though, the leveling has felt about right. By doing all the side quests, I've never had to grind for exp.



Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?

- Haven't reached end game yet. I'll let you know when I get there :)



Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?

- I guess this depends on what you mean by "more difficult". If it meant that I had to grind - outside of quests - for exp, then yes. When I was young, I used to play games like Dragon Warrior for the NES and like them. These days, I have zero patience for grinding. So it was a grindfest to get to end game, then I wouldn't be playing the game.



Is this your first MMO?

- No... I played SWG for a few months after it came out (god, that was a HUGE grindfest) and I play STO on and off (which I do enjoy... when there is new content there to play through). That said, I'm not a huge MMO fan and played those games (and this one) because of the IP. I really like TOR but I probably wouldn't be playing it if it wasn't Star Wars simply because MMOs in general don't interest me that much.

Edited by CecilTellyn
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it does surprise me how many say "NO" to the second question about lvling speed...


i find it SUPER FAST... extremly fast like i was always 3/4 lvl ahede the lvl of the mobs...

and that just doing quest and NO FLASHPOINT! (i lied i did essel once....)


it's extremly fast lvling in this game to the point that i understand who complain that at lvl 50 there is not much to do!!!! U can get 50 in a flash obviously people will complain about little to do at 50!!!!


Seriously the MMORPG start at lvl 1 not at lvl 50 and you need to take time to lvl but personally i think it should be QUEST rewarding and not farm rewarding


I force myself to go superslow... and I have hard time staying at the quest lvl (impossible if you PVP)


Since it's a story based MMO you should get little to none XP from killing mobs (except for elite maybe or quest boss) and a good chunck of experience from doing a quest, let's remove the farming!


Experience should be mixed together with LIGHT/DARK so your experience can raise or decrese depending on your action i know that would be complicate to make because people whine would reach the moon "you are forcing me to get always light if i want max XP"


well hear the news YOU DONT ALWAYS NEED MAX-XP !!!!


JUST RP THE GAME and not use the game as a calculator 1+1=2

oh well that's a dream but anyway LVLING IS WAY WAY WAY WAY TOOOOOO FAST



fast to the point that i would say it's the worst FLOW in the game.

Edited by Pekish
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The problem here is what exactly defines casual vs. hardcore? Is it how much time you play, or how you play? I have one 50 and a couple of low level alts. When I was leveling my main, I was playing about 20-25 hours per week. I've been averaging about 6-8 hours of play time per week since I hit 50, most of this spent in Ops. So I'm not really playing that much, but I've cleared all HM Ops. So does that make me casual or hardcore?


Not only do I think that these answers will be defined by what you consider casual/hardcore, they will also be defined by what you expect out of the game. Are you looking for something to do instead of a life, or something to do in addition to real life?


1. Do you currently find that end game is too easy?

No, it is not too easy if you only spend 4 hours/week working on endgame. If I was expecting the Ops to take multiple days to clear, then yeah, it would be too easy.


2. Did you think the leveling was too quick?

I don't think it was too quick, but it wasn't hard either. Pretty much the standard level grind. The VO got old after the first 20 levels. I had to stop a few times and rethink my strat on some of the class story bosses, but it was all soloable.


3. Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?



4. Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?



5. Is this your first MMO?



I really like this game and I will continue to play it. If anyone is looking for something that they can spend 8+ hours/day playing, this may not be for you.

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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?

It is easy but not too easy


Did you think the leveling was to quick?

it was ok, I dont think levelling is anything more than learning to play your character and should not be drawn out for no good reason


Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?

No not yet, rolled more characters


Question from Evironrage I thought needed to be added

I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put

you off from continuing to play?

Not really, but there is no reason to make levelling hard when MMO really starts after levelling


Is this your first MMO?


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Shows you that there are wildly different perceptions about what is meant by a gamer that is 'casual' or 'hardcore'. Probably why any such discussion is essentially meaningless.


There are certainly wildly different definitions of "casual" and "hardcore," but I find that many people consider them to be mentalities.


I know people that play maybe 8 hours a week, but they're "hardcore" players. When they log on, it's all business. They don't want to sit through the story or wait for Heroic groups. They'll just skip it all and move on.


On the other hand, I can play 2x, 3x, or even 4x as much as they do and they'll be a higher level than I am.

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do you currently find that end game is to easy?


i rarely raid... My lvl 50 is working on getting her 3rd champion piece... It is not easy.



did you think the leveling was to quick?


no... I am only lvl 24 on my 2nd character and ive been playing since launch. If it were too easy, id have at least 4 lvl 50's by now.



have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


no, i just recently joined a big guild. I'm sure ill be able to clear all the raids soon.


question from evironrage i thought needed to be added

i have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put

you off from continuing to play?




is this your first mmo?


no (anarchy online, swg, matrix online, lotro)



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Its hard for me to define myself as a casual player. I think I'm in that middle ground where I'm not quite hardcore and not quite casual.


Do you currently find that end game is to easy?


Compared to other games, its a bit easy.



Did you think the leveling was to quick?





Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?




Question from Evironrage I thought needed to be added

I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put

you off from continuing to play?


I would not have rerolled on a higher pop server if there was much more involved in getting a character to 50. So I probably would have gone back to my previous game after hitting 50 and finding out the pop problem really was as bad on my server as it was made out to be.


Is this your first MMO?


No. Been playing computer games since XvT. First MMO was EQ1, been an active raider since then.


This is not even close to how I would have designed a Star Wars MMO. Having said that, I still enjoy the Star Wars Universe, and its a break from the fantasy genre. Am I in it long term? I don't know. It's a little low on features, a little too repetitive, and a bit too reliant on kill quests (go kill XX xenomorphs).


It depends on where they take it from here.


Without a fairly major revision such as XvT style space combat, I doubt it.

Edited by Akash
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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?



Did you think the leveling was to quick?



Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


Question from Evironrage I thought needed to be added

I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put

you off from continuing to play?


Is this your first MMO?



Just curious as i'm not a casual player of mmos but a hardcore player that has unlimited game time. Since causals are taking over the mmo market i'm just curious if you guys think this mmo is way to easy, or if your happy with the current difficulty?


Dont get me wrong I still love the game, i'm just hoping that operations start getting more challenging for people like myself.


1) I have only done a couple of hardmode Flashpoints so far, and it was back in January when they were still bugged and extremely hard (Revan and Boarding Party final boss come to mind).


2) I think the leveling was fine. I may have outleveled entire planets on the previous planet, but that was okay. I played through for the story the first time, and continue to play through for the story when I've forgotten what a certain quest entails, or want to see different conversation options from choices made. My character level doesn't make much of a difference in that regard, other than making the game a bit easier to play through (Soloing Flashpoints and Heroics I'm 3-4 levels higher than).


3) Nope. I plan to give them a try once more of my friends hit 50.


4) Nope. I love a good challenge. The harder a game is, the better. Even if the game is easy (i.e. WoW), I'll look for ways to challenge myself...and when there is finally no way to push my limits as a player, I may take a break. However, I understand that not everyone is like me, and if the game were hard, it might hurt the number of people I have to play with. Thus, I'm happy where things are, so long as I continue to have people to play and make friends with.


5) Not my first MMO. I've played EQ2, Aion, Warhammer, WoW and still play EVE, on and off.


Hope that answers the questions well enough!

Edited by RayneDancer
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I force myself to go superslow... and I have hard time staying at the quest lvl (impossible if you PVP)


Since it's a story based MMO you should get little to none XP from killing mobs (except for elite maybe or quest boss) and a good chunck of experience from doing a quest, let's remove the farming!



Actually it should be the reverse. Do away with exp from PvP and Space Combat. Each should have different rewards than leveling exp and in no way should progress your character since neither add to the storyline at all.

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that would work too... I know people play only story or only PVP or only space thing


but i do all of it becuase the game for me it's everything about it the lvling is not "learning to use the character" that sound so super lame.


I agree PVP should give only PVP exp in that would work too I honestly have to skip EVERY bonus quest and I am lvl37 doing quest lvl 32-34 because I do PVP and SpaceQuest


i dont understand how this is considered "slow" or Okey if you play the game in all his parts it's way toooo fast the lelving.

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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?


I find that it's too hard to find "end game" groups. The content is probably too easy if you manage to find a group of skilled, geared players. It's probably too hard if you happen to get a couple scrubs.



Did you think the leveling was to quick?


Nope, just about right



Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


Nope. Too much time spent finding groups, not enough time tackling content.



Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?


What is more difficult? More grindy / longer? That would have put me off, yes. More challenging content? I outleveled most zones I played by the time I got to my capital worlds and stayed that way forever. If I wanted tougher fights, I could have run just my class quests until the content caught up to my level, right?



Is this your first MMO?


It's the 5th I've subscribed to for any appreciable length of time.



Since causals are taking over the mmo market...


Don't fool yourself. Casuals ARE the MMO market. There are a lot more casuals than there are hardcores and gaming companies who like money are going to pursue them.



I'm just hoping that operations start getting more challenging for people like myself.


Good thing BW has said they're doing exactly that with Nightmare mode in any new Operations and Flashpoints they create. :cool:

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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?


Highest character level is 37, so I have no opinon on endgame content.


Did you think the leveling was to quick?


Been playing since Dec 13th, and my only other character is 17th level. Levelling is not too quick for me.


Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?




Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?




Is this your first MMO?






Furthermore, take a look at this. It's a population survey of my server, Sanctum of the Exalted (RP-PvE US EST).




Half our server (52%) is level 30 or less. Maybe it's a difference between server types, but most of our folks have potentially never even *seen* the endgame content.



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that would work too... I know people play only story or only PVP or only space thing


but i do all of it becuase the game for me it's everything about it the lvling is not "learning to use the character" that sound so super lame.


I agree PVP should give only PVP exp in that would work too I honestly have to skip EVERY bonus quest and I am lvl37 doing quest lvl 32-34 because I do PVP and SpaceQuest


i dont understand how this is considered "slow" or Okey if you play the game in all his parts it's way toooo fast the lelving.


Yeah the exp is perfectly paced if you only do the class storyline quests and the majority of the planet quests but add in PvP and Space Combat and you can easily outlevel the questing content.


Both my toons to have completed act 1 did it around 31-32ish which was a perfect pace. No PvP and maybe 5 space missions on one of the characters.

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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?



Did you think the leveling was to quick?

No. It took me 2 months to get my first (only) level 50. I am not an "efficient" player, I suppose; I like to take my time.


Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?

No, but I have done most of the FP's on normal mode.


Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?

Maybe. If content is too difficult for me I would have to get help, which would be a huge turnoff as I like that I can level on my own schedule. And if they just made leveling take longer (more silver trash mobs, joy!) that could get tedious for me very fast.


Is this your first MMO?

No, it is my second (first was FFXIV, which is very different from this game).

Edited by Gwena
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1. Do you currently find that end game is too easy?


Not there yet. I've been playing since release and my trooper is level 44.


2. Did you think the leveling was too quick?


Yes, even though I've been playing since release and don't have a level 50 yet. I really enjoy the story aspect and I felt that I was really only scratching the surface of the planets when it was time to leave and head to the next one.


3. Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


No, as stated not there yet.


4. Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?


It depends on how you define difficulty. More forced grouping for leveling? (e.g. FFXI) Maybe. I just don't have a lot of time to commit. If you mean more skill/strategy needed then no, I love a good challenge.


5. Is this your first MMO?


No, I played FFXI in college and I would consider myself a hardcore player back then. I would play 6+ hours a day and I cleared most endgame content and and high end gear. The more I play swtor the more I think it was designed for people like me who like mmorpgs but because of RL obligations can't spend the time on it we used to in our youth.

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for example PVP XP is ridancolous high! I was lvl 36 i did 12minigames and i found myself lvl 37 i swear...


okey 12 minigames is 3/4hours but i done 5 before dinner and 7 late at night 1 hour and half before dinner and a couple of hours before i went sleep and i did 1 lvl


thats way too fast at lvl 36 plus i didnt touch the story at all... :( let me at least alt my own XP

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My experience has been largely positive, as long as I don't look at the little things that give me the /sigh 's. The one frustration that is shared by my boyfriend, though, is that we generally would level past the level of the quests way before we were done with a particular planet, and would feel compelled to leave as our class quests would let us.


The result now is that we're both 50 and wanting to return to finish all the tasks that we'd agreed to complete - and with only 25 allowed at a time, it's all about juggling now.



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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?


I just recently got to 50 so I'm still gearing up for the end game content.


Did you think the leveling was to quick?


any game where players have maxed level toons only 8 days after starting to play has to quick a leveling system.


Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?


As stated I haven't yet started on the end game content.


Question from Evironrage I thought needed to be added

I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put

you off from continuing to play?


So long as it was only more difficult not more boring and less fun then no it wouldn't have put me off at all. Why what are you trying to imply?


Is this your first MMO?


No it's not.



Just curious as i'm not a casual player of mmos but a hardcore player that has unlimited game time. Since causals are taking over the mmo market i'm just curious if you guys think this mmo is way to easy, or if your happy with the current difficulty?


Dont get me wrong I still love the game, i'm just hoping that operations start getting more challenging for people like myself.


Hopefully they don't adjust the game to be so challenging that only those who have unlimited playtime can complete it. No one should be barred from endgame content just because they don't have unlimited play time.

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Do you currently find that end game is to easy? Nope. Not even there yet. :cool:


Did you think the leveling was to quick? Nope.


Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode? Obviously not. :cool:


Would a more difficult leveling process have put you off from continuing to play?


Possibly, depends how much more difficult you're talking. Are you talking EQs takes you forever to get anywhere kind of difficult? If so then, yeah. I would probably quit. I don't have that kind of time to invest in a game anymore. And no, I never got into the 8 hour long, adult diaper wearing WoW raiding days either.


Is this your first MMO? Nope. I've played EQ, AO, CoH, DDO, LotRO, CO, STO and WoW.



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Do you currently find that end game is to easy?



Did you think the leveling was to quick?




Have you cleared all end game content on at least easy mode?



Question from Evironrage I thought needed to be added

I have an additional question for the casuals. Would a more difficult lvling process have put you off from continuing to play?


Is this your first MMO?



Just curious as i'm not a casual player of mmos but a hardcore player that has unlimited game time. Since causals are taking over the mmo market i'm just curious if you guys think this mmo is way to easy, or if your happy with the current difficulty?


Dont get me wrong I still love the game, i'm just hoping that operations start getting more challenging for people like myself.




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