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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New patch and server maintenance at peak time?


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I'll be honest, I didn't read every post... I stopped at about 60 pages in due to the suicidal tendencies that were starting to creep up on me.


I'm new to the game, well I purchased it today after playing the free 7 day trial I was sent, and I have come to the conclusion that it isn't the game itself that is a failure, sure new games have bugs and stuff its expected... and emergency fixes are needed, granted a fix that seems to be of a non emergency nature could of waited but non the less its happening and its a case of put up or shut up, anyway back to my point.... It seems that by what I have read so far the community (not all of it) fails more than the game.


I can understand those who had stuff planned and its been ruined but most are just spitting their dummies out because BW have given players a 2 hour window to realise they have no life and must sit posting random **** about how they have been robbed and if they don't play their simple minds will just implode.


Yeah its annoying but **** happens, like many have said go do/play something else its not the end of the world. My car broke down last month, no warning no reasons why just died...did I sit and rant at it demanding answers? No I just went off did a few things till it was fixed. I spend money on it so I expect it to work whenever I need it but it's not always the case.


it's not an emergency fix.. it's something they have to do anytime before the free weekend. They chose to do it EU prime time.


additionally this is a server side patch not client. They could do this at 2:00 am for the EU servers and 2:00 am for the US servers or daytime US whatever.. There is no reason besides incompetance why they have to do it all at once.

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I really can't understand some peoples logic.


It is obviously an important issue or they would not have taken the servers down during peak hours.


To the people complaining about it, if there was a game breaking glitch, would you rather them leave the servers up so people could find it and exploit it, and possibly ruin the game for the rest of us?

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And the worst bit is Asian Servers are up, still no sign of EU...


Let's see if US or EU comes up first, typical if BIOWARE do EU last!

Lol you Win teh internetz. Just checked the server status and I must say that there is so much win in this post.

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So while they play for free our time still running,very nice even after this downtime we should get the weekend free aswell for this inconvenience ,Oh man i forgot is EA and Bioware they don't care that's why they have no good running mmo at this time lol
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dude, just because some legal document states that it's not mandatory for them to do so, doesn't mean that it would not be beneficial for them to give some credence to what benefits and assists the knowledge and confidence of the community. pull your head out of your a** and think, before you post something that everyone already knows. Of course, they'll have some legalese document stating they don't have to care, that doesn't change the fact that they should care.


people are mad because they weren't given ample time to get ready for it. I'd bet quite alot of cash that there would be a miniscule amount of posts on this topic, if they would have given us time to prepare.

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nOwT iNtRuStEd

btw do you think your above people who dont punctuate properly?


It's less of a concern to me really. You have to start somewhere, may as well start to explain to people what they're actually saying.

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Everyone - we apologize for the inconvenience. We do everything we can to avoid taking the servers down for maintenance outside of our regular weekly maintenance, but in some cases (like this one, unfortunately) we can't avoid it. This patch is necesary to ensure a good experience for all players during our Weekend Pass Trial weekend. We never take interrupting your playtime lightly, and this is no exception. Emergencies do happen occasionally, and we are working as quickly as we can to bring the servers back up so you can continue enjoying the game. In the meantime, we'll keep you updated with any new information that becomes available. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work to ensure everything goes smoothly this weekend.


So....you are taking the servers down during European prime time (which incidentally is the 3rd time you did that just this week!) And you're doing this not to fix some exploit. No you do it for a FREE TRIAL WEEKEND....


You have far more subscribers than you counted on. You only needed about a million (or was it 500k?) subscribers to be profitable and ended up with six million. It's not enough apparantly. Basically you're taking down the servers during prime time out of SHEER GREED. You're inconveniencing paying customers for the sake of unpaying people who most likely won't subscribe anyway otherwise they would have done it already.




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Yes. Yes we do actually.


You complained about the people complaining. How does that make you feel?


Not particularly, I'm actually laughing at everything going down. Because the simple matter-of-fact is that the 2 hours went by pretty quickly. Oh I'm gonna go load back up now since there's only about 10 minutes left. Later troll

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Probably not that many hours. Now, what if it were a security issue and they waited to address it so as not to upset anyone, and all our credit card numbers got out... or our accounts ended up hacked? It's their business and they're not beholden to anyone to explain their business. It's costs the same as two f'ing McDonald's combos to play this game for a month, big deal.


yes they do need to inform players of whats going on if any business acted that way and not informing of whats going on they would be broke if it was a security issue and they did not say anything they would have a lawsuit on them for not informing of what happened and guess what they would be out of business you may be rich but most are not so i think its best you not say anything else about big deal it takes two mcdonald's combo meals to play ty

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