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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New patch and server maintenance at peak time?


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My reply to this is simple in Ultima online they would shut the servers down by time zone that way only the ones in certain timezones would be affected the servers would go down at 5 am in that time zone for 1 hour and the they would move on to the next time zone
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5. EA Services, Content and Entitlement Availability


Entitlements may only be held in Accounts belonging to legal residents of countries where access to and use of Content and Entitlements is permitted. Entitlements may be purchased or acquired only from EA or an authorized retailer. EA reserves the right to refuse your request(s) to acquire Entitlements, and EA reserves the right to limit or block any request to acquire Entitlements for any reason.


We do not guarantee that any Content or Entitlement will be available at all times, in all countries and/or geographic locations, or at any given time or that we will continue to offer particular Content or Entitlements for any particular length of time. We reserve the right to change and update Content and Entitlements without notice to you. Once you have redeemed your Entitlements, that content is not returnable, exchangeable, or refundable for other Entitlements or for cash, or other goods or services.

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Ya know guys, I have been reading posts on this thread for a while now. I'm amazed how people can talk so much crap about others, just because of where they live. IMO we are all the same for the most part. I think they should stager mainanence in order to make it a little more fair for all the players, no matter what country they are in.


The way we are acting ( as a whole) is just not right. This is only a game. It's a fun game, but a game none the less. We should be respectful to each other. This is not just an american game, it's for all the other countries also. Hell, the United States was founded by people that were kicked out of every other country in the world lol.


Well, im done wasting your time. Let's stop this anti other country crap. Its bad enough the polititions send us to die in far away lands, without is being as closed minded ourselves.:D

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As someone working for a huge company everybody either loves or hates i tell you what they do, judging on the way they do it:


They found a huge exploit/ security leak and are fixing it before we find it :)

Edited by BoyZzDEViL
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can't believe that people are whining about this, I mean it's a new game after all, and what I think of when they shut down the server is that they want to IMPROVE your game play so you can enjoy the game, and yes some people get mad when the shut down is, ofc and I understand, but in the mean while it is down, go take a shower or take a walk, just take a few moments from the computer and just do something else instead of complaining about it..


problem is the downtime wasnt to improve gameplay. it was a problem with the stupid weekends pass so new players can come play for free over the weekend, totally ignoring the 7 day trial u can get a friend. so they bring down servers for PAYING customers to fix an issue THEY created jsut so some people could play free for a weekend. something that could have been done tomorrow morning.


if this was game breaking exploit or a major bug id understand but a dam issue with weekend pass please. hardly an emergancy, that couldnt wait for tomorrow

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Oh **** not the Banana, kill it quick before it kills us al..................*grk


Seriously its not even worth joking about! what happens if the freaking pineapple gets involved!!! WHAT ABOUT THE WATER MELON!

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Bioware is a US based company. And thus, its most likely that major work (patches, for example) are going to be done when the US based employees are at work, and able to handle any issues that may arise.



No matter what time they take the servers down, its most likely peak time for SOMEONE.


So, why is weekly maintenance during US nights, far from any regulary working time in US, but its in peaktime for Australia?


To your logic Bioware is located in Sydney since they work on the maintenance while you americans sleep and those aussies are awake and at work! Stupid americans... :D

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I see an incredible amount of raging about a little bit of down time.


Yes, it is inconvenient. I'm sorry. But honestly, if you care enough about this game to go totally ballistic about the server being down for 2 hours, they KNOW you aren't going to unsubscribe. So stop threatening to do that because everyone knows it's a big fat lie, especially the people who make these decisions.


Honestly, step away from your computer for an hour, go breathe some fresh air. If you miss one raid, one week, it's not the end of the world.


Ya, I agree, the time is fairly inconsequential, it's just not knowing about it prior to forming a group to help my guildees do stuff, that aggrivated me. I don't mind downtime like this at all, I understand it's a completely needed thing, just wish they'd let us know before they give us the 15 mins shutdown emote. I woulda been right p/o'd if we had actually started the flashpoint and they did that mid. luckily I had to use the bathroom first heh.

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Not being offensive.. but, No. They (or any other software company for that matter) cares. It is about updating software, repairing servers, etc.


Stop taking it personally.. and even more importantly.. stop taking it as Global Time Zone Favoritism. They're located over here... so they're going to do it when they don't have to pay overtime per US Federal Wages laws.


They're salaried not waged so the law doesn't apply

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I think I will play a little Rift or maybe some Aion or some WoW now while I wait for the servers to come back up! Hee hee..


Or... maybe I will just stay glued to this thread for more humor!:rolleyes:


First I fired up rift. Bah pvp was piss poor. Then I got back on AoC, but meh pvp was laggy and piss poor. Then I logged into my wow account and checked out subscriptions... but just cloed the window thinking... nah pvp is piss poor and boring. Then I tried the wrath of heroes beta, bah... pvp... piss poor. Then I pondered if a siege in WAR would be... nah... piss poor pvp. Then I fired up my PS3 and actually enjoyed a bit of DC Universe online PvP... not bad, but still... shallow. Now I've run out of options and since SWTOR is likely to be back up before GW2 releases, I guess I'll just play some CoD while waiting.

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you're is a conjunction for you + are.


Go back to nazi grammar school. Fail troll.


I guess you missed the part where your was used where you're or you are was supposed to be used. Read the posts before you reply.

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Well I'd like it if they fixed the PVP bug where you can revive and get booted out of the game(this sucks when the game is actually over and you loose credit for everything you just did), or do a force charge into a loading screen
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All of these Euros complaining about the 2 hour downtime and it's pissing them off. Here, let me grab the world's smallest violin and place a sob song for you.


Seriously?!?! They cater the 8 hr Tuesday updates so that it's anywhere from the morning to mid-afternoon for you people and they aren't inconveniencing you. I saw a post from an Aussie that stated that those updates are always on his peak playing time, and you're the upright a-holes that are complaining? That dude from Australia has more of a right to be pissed than you.


I'm an American that works the night shift, so this update is pissing me off as well because I got 1/2 hr game time in today before it started and I'll only get a few hours afterward before I have to go to work. But you don't see me sitting here complaining like a 14 year old girl because 2 hours of game play has been taken away from me. That's why we have subscriptions, we'll make it up another time.


So continue on with your meaning-less threats of "oh i'm gonna unsub" and all that other crap. The sad fact of it is that this is a rare occurrence, and no you're not going to unsub, because this is the only SW MMO on the market and if you are a true fan, you're not going anywhere.


So to all the internet tough guys that think their threats mean anything to a multi-million dollar company like BW, just shut up because they don't. And go find something else to do for few hours until the servers get back online.

Edited by Darkoneforever
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how hard would it be for them to just create a thread and sticky but allow no responses. i mean we do have this thread to post our responses in lmao.


all they have to do is update 1 thread instead of posting in a thread that gets new posts quicker than my frames load ingame.


wonder if im going to miss out tmoz aswell :( i should be in bed now but im waiting for a response haha.


they should have put the free access **** in at the same time as launch but just turned it off until now.

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