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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New patch and server maintenance at peak time?


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the sky is falling OMG what will i do for 2 whole hours?? be forced to deal with reality?? or even worse, my own family?? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!


It was just the time I planned to make a HM this evening. You kids arent supposed to understand us working people.

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It's obvious they don't care much about peak times for european players.


Not being offensive.. but, No. They (or any other software company for that matter) cares. It is about updating software, repairing servers, etc.


Stop taking it personally.. and even more importantly.. stop taking it as Global Time Zone Favoritism. They're located over here... so they're going to do it when they don't have to pay overtime per US Federal Wages laws.

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I see an incredible amount of raging about a little bit of down time.


Yes, it is inconvenient. I'm sorry. But honestly, if you care enough about this game to go totally ballistic about the server being down for 2 hours, they KNOW you aren't going to unsubscribe. So stop threatening to do that because everyone knows it's a big fat lie, especially the people who make these decisions.


Honestly, step away from your computer for an hour, go breathe some fresh air. If you miss one raid, one week, it's not the end of the world.

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Bioware is eating more than it can handle at this point,sad to say many will leave cause of this incompetence,why do we have to suffer ?well i guess they think ppl will take more and more of half as content and bugs that are noticeable by a blind man..


I will stick around and see the failure of this game and make another post saying <WHY YOU FAILED!





You cant make this stuff up.


"Are you not entertained?"

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Lighten up it is only a game and it is new. It is going to have bugs and stuff. You think you’re so hard done by because the game is down when it is your peek time to play. It isn’t like they killed your dog or anything. Just get over it grow up and do something else don't ***** about it.
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this is very true. but will still happen tho, as i foresee the authentication servers crashing as thousands of "paying customers" flood the servers all trying to log in at the same time lol


if that happened it would top all this off to the point where i would probably just laugh,although this has made the 2 hours FLY by.kids on there parents account actually come in handy,i say kids because i cant imagine someone 16+ going this insane and then bringing political views into it, "we bailed you out man" thats my favoruite so far

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So let me get this straight.


People are mad because they pulled the server down to do some tweaks for the free weekend.


The free weekend that is designed to encourage more players to join the game, something that is very good for the game.


So people complain about dead servers but don't want Bioware doing anything that might help alleviate that issue.


People hate the game so much but a threadnaught spawns in half an hour when an unexpected downtime occurs.


Yeah I'm gonna have to agree, this is by far the worst mmo community ever. I used to think it was Eve's community but at least their rage posts are about things that actually make sense. This community can't see the forest for the trees.

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Not being offensive.. but, No. They (or any other software company for that matter) cares. It is about updating software, repairing servers, etc.


Stop taking it personally.. and even more importantly.. stop taking it as Global Time Zone Favoritism. They're located over here... so they're going to do it when they don't have to pay overtime per US Federal Wages laws.




Well technically it's about free weekend access time.

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They didn't shut the servers down during a "Peak time" they shut the servers down while they were at work instead of making a trip into the office after office hours. It has nothing to do with it being a EU game or an American game, it has to do with Bioware not wanting to pay people overtime.


Get over yourselves.


/end thread.

Edited by Coyotecalls
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if that happened it would top all this off to the point where i would probably just laugh,although this has made the 2 hours FLY by.kids on there parents account actually come in handy,i say kids because i cant imagine someone 16+ going this insane and then bringing political views into it, "we bailed you out man" thats my favoruite so far


political views that are inaccurate at that lol

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