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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New patch and server maintenance at peak time?


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Awesome mods Bioware!!!

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L2Respect your subs.



Hello crimsonki,


Your thread named "Mod abuse!" was recently removed because we do not allow discussion of moderator actions on the forums as indicated in our Rules of Conduct.


We do value any and all feedback that is offered by the community and encourage you to send it to us using the e-mail address communitysupport@swtor.com. Consolidating all feedback, both good and bad, in this manner ensures that we can serve the community to the best of our ability.


Original Post --------------------------------------



Originally Posted by crimsonki

This is undermining YOUR community and YOUR SUBS Bioware. Straighten the **** up now. If you can't let the community tell you what's wrong with YOUR game and your policies then this game will suck even more.

For your sake and for my sub 1.2 better be the "end-all" patch and gets us out of beta.

But seriously closing threads won't help you BW/EA.


hmmm ill quote coz this will get removed i think

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Hope you find some new subscribers from free trials

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Yea just rember thay patch a game to make it better and faster for players so if you are haveing a cry about it better it happen now than when your in a hm fp.Only the wow players would be the one,s crying anyways who wants them in game.Sorry if you doint have to go out and buy an expansion pack every 5mins for them to make a better game Edited by mikekerse
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The games majority staff is located in NA. They work by the common business hours of the geographic location where they are located. What company in their right mind would pay people overtime to install a patch in the middle of the night?


Further, patches are likely not staggered because if it is an exploit then it will be posted with the patch notes when the patch is applied allowing the users who have not patched to exploit!!!!


To the Euro player base, I am shocked at the behavior. How can you insist "Americans" are "insert derogatory inflamatory words here", when you are posting such garbage and whining like children! Im sure the majority of the Euros claiming negativity about "Americans" have never visited the North American continent. You are acting with narrow minded bigotry and are a disgrace to your respective country of origin.


I'm betting these guys are salary as most IT like myself, and trust me; no one ever pays me overtime for doing things after hours.

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what I am interested in is why a hotfix takes 2 hours to deploy? Does every server run a giant databese that takes an hour to shut down and an hour to start? Or do the servers suffer from the same issue that the players without SSD have?

going off to play with the cats now ... :)

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The problem here is that it looks like you are saying that free player are more important than paying customers.


Please, next time an "emergency" like this happens, split the patching time and let EU players play the game they pay for.


Patch times are always going to be the same across the board on swtor.


Here's why:


Plans for future stuff include things that allow inter-server interaction. Like cross-server pvp warzones, as an example. This means every server needs to have the same client, at the same time.

Unless EU players would prefer not to participate in shared content like that, or shared gtn etc?


Patch times will always (unless a terribly important emergency) be scheduled like this at off peak times for the -entire playerbase-. If you want to be higher on the priority list for that... meaning they would make north american prime time a lower priority than eu prime time... then there needs to be more players from the eu. It's a matter of offending/inconveniencing the least number of players. Simple math.


It is not a "screw UE plot".... it's a "lets annoy the fewest people possible.


For the record, as a chronic insomniac, my playtimes are always the ones interrupted, by every patch, heh. but that puts me in the minority, and I just have to deal.

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Yes! They will keep ignoring European players untill we decide to leave. We all live in america.. we all live in america... sing it!!


Haha don't expect them to recognize it.


But seriously, as much as reg maint time annoys me I somehow doubt this has anything to do with EU times at all. Probably emergency thats related to some oddball exploit with weekend trials as well, they wouldn't be doing emergency patch out of the blue to actually make players exp better (tho better now than mid weekend still....)

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Whoa so you lose 2 hours out of gaming big deal. This "Paying Customer" argument is old and lame. You pay like everyone else, so you aren't above the law.


It's $15 bucks a month, you distribute that over a month, practically paying cents a day. Money must be real tight for you to complain over a couple cents lost of game time.

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all these people wanting free time, days and even a week.. grow up.. you pay cents an hour to play, you dont deserve a week for losing a few hours.


i would say if anything, give us something in-game.. like boosting every ones rested time.. something like that


I do not know if you are watching latest news. "On many servers wind blows at empty fleet stations." And this move only pissed of folks which PAY. This all will only speed up the inevitable F2P mode.

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Adorable how the kids QQ about a 2 hour maint, just because they have to be in bed by 9pm.

Yes 7pm-9pm is peak hours for us europeans, but... its. two. friggin. hours.

I could somewhat understand if it were a 6 hour maint, but this isnt..

Edited by Leiox
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So let me get this straight. It is EU peak time? (LOL)


So I guess when I want to play, even though it is 3pm here, it isnt "peak time" for me? Since that is when I can play due to my schedule.


Damn BW. Now you arent even thinking about the 3rd shifters in the US.


LOL......its down. It will come back up. Get over yourself.


I think it is relative to when you want to play is when it is peak time. I bet there are EU gamers that dont even know there is maintenance going on. Cause they play in the morning or aome time. LOL

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Well like I said, to be fair to our EU brethren, this is an absolutely RIDICULOUS reason to have maintenance during peak times. The whole reason for the patch is to help their recruiting efforts this upcoming weekend -- that's a big pile of junk IMO. I totally understand where their rage is coming from at least.


Something to consider, why do you think the problem they're fixing for the 'free weekend' players wouldn't effect all of us. If the bug happens to cause server lag that will impact all players equally. Very unlikely any bug or issue that effects the F2P folks won't effect paying customers. We're on the same servers.

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As a Raiding guild its already hard to keep our current members interested in the game due to lack of content, and you ruining our 16 man OPS cos of "This patch is necesary to ensure a good experience for all players during our Weekend Pass Trial weekend." (and yes people do try to be there on time and rush back home from work etc.. )


I think more and more people will cancel subs and give it another go at 1.2 release .. starting with me..

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The games majority staff is located in NA. They work by the common business hours of the geographic location where they are located. What company in their right mind would pay people overtime to install a patch in the middle of the night?


A company that wanted to treat the customers evenly.


We're paying [minus currency fluctuations] exactly what the US players are paying. But we're not treated the same.

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