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10 Good
  1. If PvP is all about having fun (no rewards required) then why not make PvE gear free as well? Shouldn't that be about fun as well?
  2. SWTOR has been loosing subscribers at about ~2-3% per week http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/totals in US and even faster http://www.torstatus.net/shards/eu in EU Bringing down servers at prime-time for 40% of their subscribers, multiple days in a row, will shorten the inevitable demise....
  3. I'd be willing to pay 60€ on the spot for a transfer... I just don't have the (IRL) time to re-roll on another server that actually has any active players I love the game, but not the current "single-palyer-mode" on my server
  4. Same here. My server is officially dead, less than 10 people in fleet most of the time, 2-3 Warzone invites in 4 hours of primetime, all canceled, 1-2 people on Ilum on primetime etc. On off hours I think I am the only one on-line... I went to ~15 planets hunting datacrons one morning (weekday) and the population was constant 1, in fleet, on starter planets, on other planets.... Getting a group is next to impossible and the only thing there is left to do for lvl 50 is to try to solo FP's or do the Ilum daily/weekly (by farming chests)... My server isn't "Massively Multi-player".. most of the time it isn't even "Multilayer" Either enable transfers, merge servers or release single player version of the game so i wouldn't have to pay monthly fee for a single player game
  5. nomaddamon

    MVP votes

    Its not You can see the change in rewards when you are voted MVP (your reward numbers change on top of the scoreboard). 1 MVP vote = 1 medal = 50 valor and 5 commendations
  6. Gota love random facts When talented into it and with "maxed" willpower the shield absorbs ~3.4k damage. Using the healer PVP set 2pcs bonus gives us 18sec cooldown (on single target), 20sec cooldown in DPS PVP set (for a massive total of 180HPS on slef chain cast (160HPS for non-healers)) Also, the ability costs 65 force, not 35 The spell has 4.5 sec cooldown so if you chaincasted it on 4 targets you would achieve around 750HPs total, spread over 4 targets... For comparison Dark Infusion (without any talents) heals for ~3k and can crit over 5k... with 55 force cost and 3 sec cd... giving you ~1400HPS for less force, sustained, on single target (compared to 180hps on single target for bubble)
  7. Canceled my subs. I really loved the game, but when you have time to play only once or twice a week (on EU prime-time, when you'd expect the EU servers to be on-line) and 50% of times you see "sorry we are patching, please come back in 5h" message then what can you do.... Will probably come back when they understand what the "European" in "European Servers" means...
  8. please go to sithwarior forums, you will find all formulas/caps you can imagine to summarize (this has been extracted from game files and tested million times over): 1. there are no soft or hard caps 2. there are no rating caps 3. there are only percentage caps (but due to exponential scaling of rating to percentage, you would need infinity of each rating to hit the cap, due to rounding you will hit the cap at around 50k rating) 4. caps stack with each other, buffs/talents have no caps current caps for ratings are: crit% from crit rating: 30% crit% from your primary stat (willpower for sorc): 30% alacrity% from alacrity rating: 30% surge% from surge rating: 50% expertise% from expertise rating: 20% (was 9% in early beta) defense% from defense rating: 75% and so on... Please note that caps stack with each-other (an ok sorc will have ~15% crit from willpower, ~15 crit from crit rating and another 10% from buffs/talents, for the total of 40% crit, but it is impossible to have more than 30% of crit from either willpower or crit rating) Total percentage= SUM(all caping pecentages from ratings/primary stat) + base stat (i.e. 50% for surge) + talents + stacking buffs Prior to 1.1 you could have insane amounts of expertise, but they removed the buff stacking (you could have ~15% from rating + 15% from stim + 30% from wz buff item, etc. )
  9. What? Highest i've seen was 7.2k (screen was either here or sithwarrior.com) After 1.1 these kind of numbers can't be achieved anymore but i hope we can still CL over 5k for the medal... (haven't gotten the time to play today so can't say for sure)
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