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New patch and server maintenance at peak time?


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You must not of played WoW when they released it. Downtimes were weekly, sometimes daily. Some of the downtimes last upwards of 24 hours. So far as I have seen, in the month 1/2 I have been playing, these guys are doing alot better job.


This ^^ WoW was far, far, FAR worse when it was released and even for quite a while

into vanilla.

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For those complaining, the best thing to do is cancel your subscription - right now. If you're given the opportunity to provide a reason, refer to their maintenance practices. If you're still enjoying yourself that's fine, when the servers come up keep playing as usual. But when your subscription lapses don't immediately reactivate it - instead take a break. Maybe come back in a week or two, or a month.


Bioware won't adjust their practices unless their customers give them a compelling reason to. It's well known that the vast majority of a game's users don't participate on the forums. So what we write here doesn't really matter much to them - they might view it as a vague "canary in a coal mine", but nothing to take action upon. However, if they see a sudden spike in cancellations during unscheduled maintenance they will take notice.


Myself, I understand that these things happen. I plan on catching an episode of Misfits or something, maybe browse the forums. But for those whom this is truly causing grief - really, cancel, it's the only way to get your point across.

Edited by ohpleasework
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Wonder what the Reaction would be from some of our, less than stable American friends (not saying there arnt Europeans who are particularly unstable at least entirely) but what would happen if this occurred during their peak time? would the reaction be "ohhh well Cest la Vie" or would it be a rabble I wonder?




Ummmmm, well, this -is- happening during my peak time. I live on the west coast and work second shift, so your peak time is my peak time. I understand your displeasure because it impacts me just as much as you. I also understand that **** happens and that games like this have server down time. You should have seen how things were back in the day with Ultima Online and Asheron's Call. Servers went down with no warning, period. Same thing happened in WoW and Everquest. Servers would go down for days at a time. The guys at Blizzard don't really have these kinds of problems because they've been at it for 8 years. They've been around the block a few times and know what they're doing. Bioware's new at this. Once upon a time, Blizzard was new at this. There's a pretty steep learning curve for this kind of thing.

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^ Amen to this. I've played WoW, WarHammer, Rift, Aion, StarWars Galaxies, and Dark Ages of Camelot. All their first years. And every game is buggy for the first year.


but i guarantee those games don't have customer service that's nearly at this level of "high quality ****" that bioware puts out. Game was workin fine hours ago, an emergency patch is hardly necessary. No one still seems to know what the problem actually is.

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Very close to unsubbing at this point, the constant downtime outside of the weekly maintainance, the hand pick of what guilds do and don't get to test the new 1.2 tier content, the over all performance of the game and then when specifically asked if it was an engine issue or what, Gabe dodged the question like a politician....


There's only so much downtime and lack of communication consumers can be expected to take before we start to vote with our wallets.


When the qqing about the unexpected downtime began on my server, I replied that the whiners probably are the same people, who go to the forums and post about how much they don't like the game and their intent to unsub, etc.


That's borderline addiction behaviour, just saying...^^

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readily accept our new downtime overlords.


This is an excellent case of a Catch 22:


1. It doesn't matter when the downtime happens, lots of people are bound to complain. I've seen it happen even when it was scheduled. People just like playing and they take it personally (as if Bioware has a vendetta against specifically them and their needs), when they can't play no matter what the time.


Shut it down during EU's prime, EU complains.

Shut it down during America's time, America complains.


2. And if they don't fix things/apply patches, especially for major concerns that are found, then people complain that the game doesn't work/has a lot of bugs/Bioware is doing nothing in a timely fashion about these concerns.


They are literally damned if they do and damned if they don't.


It's only two hours people. I've played WoW and EVE Online and both have had unscheduled server-restarts. They are both still surviving. Just do something else for two hours. It's not like Bioware is wasting your time. You can choose how to spend it. There is no use complaining about it because it was going to have to happen one way or another and people were going to get shafted either way.


I realize that most people will not read this post, but I am pressing submit anyway.

Edited by Vagranc
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If you added up all the unscheduled maintenance down times....... I wonder how many hours are truly lost to us the customer?


Maybe we should get a Quarterly refund lol come on Bioware:D


Refunds to keep your playerbase intact,... that could work.

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Thanks to Bioware for this patch.


I have no idea why there is one in the first place, but BW is not doing it for the fun of it.


They are working on the game, they react to urgent matters. I mean, this is what I expect from them, to work on the game and make it better.


So thanks.

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they wouldnt likeley do this if it wasnt important, just chill out:/

Oddly enough there are no bugs that are that important for Bioware to bring the servers down during US primetime. Only EU

Edited by Sebah
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I hope it finally is the 1.2 patch, which could be a bit of an appologize, as you are supposed to apply a patch on Tuesday as stated, not some other day and NOT in a time when many ppl got time to play as they arrived from work etc. This game is not played by JUST kids who just attend or even don't attend a school for just few hours a day...
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Time and time again I can't simply log in the evening , in the little spare time I have between working and looking after my family, because of peak time server maintenance.

Thats what I'm expected to pay 14euros per month on top of 50euros I paid for the game already. I could only understand that If I was refunded a FULL day for this !

If Devs care only for their american customers then let them pay for the *********** thing cause I wont do it anymore ! Unsubbed !

I'm off to play something else while waiting for Guild Wars 2.




^^Go ahead don't let the door hit you where the good Lord Split you.

Edited by Sireene
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When are they supposed to do it? If they do it at time A, it's Europe prime time. If they do it at time B, it's American prime time, if they do it at time C it's some other places downtime. The game was made in America, Austin Texas to be exact. It's gonna favor American time. If it was a European game it would favor European time


Get over it

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this page: http://www.swtor.com/community/index.php


that's where there should be an article now, at the top of the page, above the dev tracker summary, where you inform your players why you have to shut the game down for two hours during european prime time.


That article should have been there just before you sent out the 15-minute warning on the servers to the players actively gaming.


It's obviously not as important as, say, curing cancer or stopping aids in africa, but for those of us who were hanging out with our gaming friends and perhaps doing a mission, it would at least salve our slight irritation at the effective loss of one gaming day of the 30 we fork over a monthly fee for if you were to post about these emergency shutdowns with the same zeal as you post about free weekend passes.


Most people are reasonable enough to understand the concept of a fix that cannot wait, but communication about it is crucial and having an established, easy to find and prominent place where more information can be found in good time for each incident is crucial if you want to try to convert these forums from "torchan" to a more friendly place. Thank you.




It's all about perception and showing respect to the customerbase.

Edited by Tarka
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Its for something to do with the free weekend...the free weekend, where the paying customers are forgotten about. You need to patch for something to do with a free weekend, it should be done at normal maintenance times, not this middle of the afternoon crap.
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readily accept our new downtime overlords.


This is an excellent case of a Catch 22:


1. It doesn't matter when the downtime happens, lots of people are bound to explain. I've seen it happen even when it was scheduled. People just like playing and they take it personally (as if Bioware has a vendetta against specifically them and their needs), when they can't play no matter what the time.


Shut it down during EU's prime, EU complains.

Shut it down during America's time, America complains.


2. And if they don't fix things/apply patches, especially for major concerns that are found, then people complain that the game doesn't work/has a lot of bugs/Bioware is doing nothing in a timely fashion about these concerns.


They are literally damned if they do and damned if they don't.


It's only two hours people. I've played WoW and EVE Online and both have had unscheduled server-restarts. They are both still surviving. Just do something else for two hours. It's not like Bioware is wasting your time. You can choose how to spend it. There is no use complaining about it because it was going to have to happen one way or another and people were going to get shafted either way.


I realize that most people will not read this post, but I am pressing submit anyway.


^ Amen to this as well.

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Personally I couldnt give a rats heiney BUT i do think its a tad unfair to one small contingent of people, but its not like anyone cares right?


TBH all im waiting on at this point is 1.2, I log in skill up my crew skills, do daily/weekly log out, Im hoping to keep this going when GW2 comes.

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