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Restart? Lolwut?


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They expect the servers to be available again at 9pm?!? what the actual ****, tonight is the last day of the mrs's friends trial and we planned on finishing korriban and then doing black talon. Sigh.... can't this maintenance have waited until tomorrow?


Oh God... oh no... they don't plan their downtime around your schedule? THE HORROR!


In all seriousness though... it's not that big of a deal.

Edited by TheLightningLord
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Primetime EU and they choose to restart now. For a lot of EU guilds raids will be starting in about 45min




yeah we were about to start bloody invites...


be nice if they could tell us why we're being given suprise mainenance in eu prime time

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It must be because Bioware hate Europeans. There is no other logical reason I think of. It is impossible that there was a problem that required a restart. All signs point to Bioware hating Europe and its inhabitants.


Bioware is clearly racist and geographically prejudice.


That is all it can be!

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It must be because Bioware hate Europeans. There is no other logical reason I think of. It is impossible that there was a problem that required a restart. All signs point to Bioware hating Europe and its inhabitants.


Bioware is clearly racist and geographically prejudice.


That is all it can be!


Can we please stop with the FoX selfcomplaining we are so sad and underappriciated but we are the 1% reply? thanks.

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It would be really nice to know what they're trying to fix that takes 2 freaking hours of downtime...


oh no servers are going down it is the end of teh world I want my $0.082 worth of time credit!


My goodness people ***** and moan about anything. And yes, I am currently in game and playing and so the downtime affects me... but it doesn't bother me at all.

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It must be because Bioware hate Europeans. There is no other logical reason I think of. It is impossible that there was a problem that required a restart. All signs point to Bioware hating Europe and its inhabitants.


Bioware is clearly racist and geographically prejudice.


That is all it can be!




Nah, they're just bein' fair. Next time it'll be the U.S. and then it'll be Australia's turn.



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Primetime EU and they choose to restart now. For a lot of EU guilds raids will be starting in about 45min


People whine and complain when things are broken or throughout playing get broken, and when they need to fix or something comes up that can make gameplay well unplayable you folks whine and complain again.


By the way, at anytime they decide to choose pretty sure that some guild(s) would be raiding and just not the EU.

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Oh God... oh no... they don't plan their downtime around your schedule? THE HORROR!


this would be an appropriate response if:


1. This was actually the scheduled downtime

2. This was actually some time late at night, when normal people are asleep



However, because this is unscheduled maintenance, AND prime time for a large majority of players, your sarcastic response is completely unnecessary

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Seriously they have maintenance times 1 day a week where they can apply patches for this amount of time.


Plus more information should be put on system alerts to state why they called a sudden shut down to the game servers, rather just say its going to be down for 2 hours. absolutely unbelievable during peek times.

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well let's hope it's just a fast restart but...


1. The info says "check forum" but most of the time when servers are down FORUM IS DOWN TOO! Like, developers, seriously? Trolling much?


2. Having twitter as a main channel to announce situation is ******* insane. It's like making me tank on Shell to get home and play "just becasue". And no, by not using twitter i'm not retarded or otherwise inferior to other customers.

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lol had so many guildies unsubb due to the silly patch times it aint even funny. Being that this game has that damn Blizzard title to contend with, you would think that Bioware would at least try and listen to the community a little more.


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