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I'm too old for this game.


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Hello I like Grapefruits, I was hoping that this Orange was going to be a Grapefruit when it arrived, but it's an Orange.


Can you please turn this Orange into a Grapefruit for me because my last Grapefruit is all gone now?


"Hey dude, we like Oranges, go find a Grapefruit somewhere else & leave our damn Oranges alone will you?"


How can you like Oranges, you guys must be children, adults much prefer Grapefruits.


I'm an adult & I like Oranges thanks.


But I'm telling you, Grapefruit are much better.


I hate Grapefruit, so bitter.

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Hello I like Grapefruits, I was hoping that this Orange was going to be a Grapefruit when it arrived, but it's an Orange.


Can you please turn this Orange into a Grapefruit for me because my last Grapefruit is all gone now?


"Hey dude, we like Oranges, go find a Grapefruit somewhere else & leave our damn Oranges alone will you?"


How can you like Oranges, you guys must be children, adults much prefer Grapefruits.


I'm an adult & I like Oranges thanks.


But I'm telling you, Grapefruit are much better.


I hate Grapefruit, so bitter.


not sure how this relates to the issue :) but I'm down with oranges, I like grapes too for that matter. Was this a post about which fruit you liked? Cuz, I like me some fruit.. bananas, watermelon, strawberries are good as heck.

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Disenfranchised SWG players kind of remind me of teary-eyed puppy dogs caught out in the rain. Only fatter. And balding.



Yeah and married to your mom!!! ha ha One insult deserving of another. Better go run and tell Daddy... Oh yeah he was on SWG too and totally understands where we are coming from. Not to mention probably looks exactly like you described above ha ha



Basically OP, we signed up on the wrong game. But have no fear, it will be over in a month and we can move on. I don't care what people say about server population it's dying and we all can feel it. The hardcore gamers that will sustain the life of this game are already leaving. 1.2 is BW's only hope otherwise good luck lasting more than 6 months.


See the real problem here is the fact that this game was indeed designed to attract more of a casual gamer.. The issue that BW, or EA doesn't understand but will find out soon enough is that the "CASUAL" player won't keep this game afloat. The casual gamer will not pay $15 a year for the next 6 years playing this game like the old school sandbox MMO gamer (like myself and OP) will. And not catering to PVP was a very bad move on their part as well but I won't go there in this post.


Bottom line is SWG was an awesome game in so many ways. 10 years later and nothing compares to it. It will always be that game to us hardcore guys just like WOW was to some people. I am willing to bet that the largest population of people that play this game came from WOW, and the largest population that originally started playing WOW came from SWG... I personally didn't like WOW. But understand completely why they are successful. Good customer service... :):)


Sad but the whole industry has changed to a more entitled, socialist, lets give them everything mentality that nobody wants to work hard to earn stuff. I totally see that by the posts on this forum, the first sign of a loss in warzones and people start exiting, and various other areas of this game. We worked hard for our stuff. All these lil younglings have everything handed to them nowadays. It's a wonder this country is leaning toward socialism.


While I have no complaints in the Casual vs Hardcore player aspect, I can promise you the Casual gamer won't stay interested in this game for more than 6 months max. If that long. Let alone continue to pay for it.


So yeah cattering to a genre of game players that's used to fast progression, and instant gratification won't sustain an MMO. They didn't make this game for longevity obviously. So we have to take it for what it's worth. They only recourse is to continue coming out with new content or suffer a max exodus because the lvling, skill, and class progression is just too easy. I can totally see the level cap going up to 160 within 6 years... if this game even lasts that long which it won't.


But don't bash us old school gamers. We are responsible for starting it all.... :)

and I had an Atari 2600 the year it came out just to age myself again....

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Sad but the whole industry has changed to a more entitled, socialist, lets give them everything mentality that nobody wants to work hard to earn stuff. I totally see that by the posts on this forum, the first sign of a loss in warzones and people start exiting, and various other areas of this game. We worked hard for our stuff. All these lil younglings have everything handed to them nowadays. It's a wonder this country is leaning toward socialism.


Oh dear, I really hate to be off-topic but am I to assume you're from the USA? It would seem only Americans try to use socialism as an insult. The irony is often that these same people are the first to be calling for protectionism for American jobs in steel-making, car building, or any other area that they risk being undercut in by a free market.

"Social protection? Nah, we don't want that, only the power to determine our own destiny with our own hard work and no intervention by governments. Unless other countries are doing it cheaper and then we need to block them and protect our jobs ... "

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Oh dear, I really hate to be off-topic but am I to assume you're from the USA? It would seem only Americans try to use socialism as an insult. The irony is often that these same people are the first to be calling for protectionism for American jobs in steel-making, car building, or any other area that they risk being undercut in by a free market.

"Social protection? Nah, we don't want that, only the power to determine our own destiny with our own hard work and no intervention by governments. Unless other countries are doing it cheaper and then we need to block them and protect our jobs ... "



Why actually I am but my family line is Germany! I just happened to be born here many years ago... :)


And you are wrong about being that guy... ha ha Unlike the younger generation ours was built upon a hard working ethic. Nothing was given to us. Sorry if you took offense to Socialism. I meant no offense. I guess i should have used a different word to describe what I meant.


However, I am one of few Americans who thinks the government should stay out of a lot of things. I am no friend of either Dems or Repubs because I believe all parties are actually broke and have been for years. I believe in Capitalism in it's purest form not the corrupted BS we have in the USA at this time. I love my country but hate my government. Socialism doesn't work for me. Entitlements? Never heard of them. Free cheese and welfare? no thanks... But like I said, I apologize if I offended anyone. I didn't mean to make it sound like Socialism is bad. Just bad for me. :)

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Oh dear, I really hate to be off-topic but am I to assume you're from the USA? It would seem only Americans try to use socialism as an insult. The irony is often that these same people are the first to be calling for protectionism for American jobs in steel-making, car building, or any other area that they risk being undercut in by a free market.

"Social protection? Nah, we don't want that, only the power to determine our own destiny with our own hard work and no intervention by governments. Unless other countries are doing it cheaper and then we need to block them and protect our jobs ... "



Also I am fully aware of how we got in this situation in terms of most of our industry and manufacturing going overseas. That is part of the corruption of capitalism we have here in the states.


Quick history lesson: Our wages have always been the highest in the world since the creation of this country? WHY? because we wanted to entice people into coming to the new land and that was the best way. To offer higher wages than other countries. Well that didn't stop. It just kept getting higher and higher till the corporations around 30 years ago or more decided that instead of paying the avg US factory working $25 an hour to build a car, we can outsource it to other countries who haven't jacked up their wages like the US. Problem was back then the expensive taxes, and tarriffs it cost made this an unfeasible option till they passed legislation that allowed free trade, and that's when things went south.


See I understand fully that we as a consumer are the biggest part of this problem. We would rather buy cheap stuff from Wallyworld than buy American. We shot ourselves in the foot and our capitalist comrades sold us up the river by moving their bussiness overseas to save a buck. How did it all happen? Corrupt Government, and big business. The problem is this won't affect just us. It affects every major and minor country out there that basis of their economy rides on the coatails of ours.


Let us keep inflating that NOW 16 trillion dollars of debt we have, pretend we aren't broke, and continue to live it up buying new flat screens and other stuff. We will have plenty to answer for with the future generations when they are left with this mess of a once great country. Honestly, I don't even like the future generation so screw em. They can figure out how to pay back 50% interest on everything and 25 to 50% tax.... It's what they get for being stupid and not paying attention. I did my part by NOT Having kids. :)

I feel sorry for them but they aren't really showing me anything to be proud of. Just people wanting handouts. This country was built on hard work, and many hours of dedication to your trade. Not appointing gay and lesbian prom king and queen in our highschools.... ha ha


Bet you won't take me off topic anymore... lol :)

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Also I am fully aware of how we got in this situation in terms of most of our industry and manufacturing going overseas. That is part of the corruption of capitalism we have here in the states.


Quick history lesson: Our wages have always been the highest in the world since the creation of this country? WHY? because we wanted to entice people into coming to the new land and that was the best way. To offer higher wages than other countries. Well that didn't stop. It just kept getting higher and higher till the corporations around 30 years ago or more decided that instead of paying the avg US factory working $25 an hour to build a car, we can outsource it to other countries who haven't jacked up their wages like the US. Problem was back then the expensive taxes, and tarriffs it cost made this an unfeasible option till they passed legislation that allowed free trade, and that's when things went south.


See I understand fully that we as a consumer are the biggest part of this problem. We would rather buy cheap stuff from Wallyworld than buy American. We shot ourselves in the foot and our capitalist comrades sold us up the river by moving their bussiness overseas to save a buck. How did it all happen? Corrupt Government, and big business. The problem is this won't affect just us. It affects every major and minor country out there that basis of their economy rides on the coatails of ours.


Let us keep inflating that NOW 16 trillion dollars of debt we have, pretend we aren't broke, and continue to live it up buying new flat screens and other stuff. We will have plenty to answer for with the future generations when they are left with this mess of a once great country. Honestly, I don't even like the future generation so screw em. They can figure out how to pay back 50% interest on everything and 25 to 50% tax.... It's what they get for being stupid and not paying attention. I did my part by NOT Having kids. :)

I feel sorry for them but they aren't really showing me anything to be proud of. Just people wanting handouts. This country was built on hard work, and many hours of dedication to your trade. Not appointing gay and lesbian prom king and queen in our highschools.... ha ha


Bet you won't take me off topic anymore... lol :)



Massively offtopic and heading no doubt towards a second warning for politics (happened to me so be careful)

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Tried reading the OP, it was full of grammatical errors and all the other stuff. So I just slapped TL;DR seal onto it and came to write my response to what I managed to pry out of the initial post. Basically..


"This is not SWG2 and therefor it sucks."


As others have stated before me in the replies. That is all I have to say. I hope my opinion is welcome! ^_^

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Bet you won't take me off topic anymore... lol :)


I would, but fear we'd both get warnings and bans :D

I appreciate your more in-depth reply to my rather flippant comment, and even if I don't fully agree with your stance I respect your right to hold it.

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I loved EQ1 as it gave me everything I wanted in an MMO back in them days. The fear factor and social game play too. I beta tested SWG and hated it so never felt compelled to play it like many others did. However I thought this would be amazing and feel disappointed at the finished product, so much so that I have just cancelled my 6 monthly subs so back to searching the universe for the next saga in my MMO life. Just for the record I'm clocking on a bit age wise I'm 55 years young but still looking for that original EQ1 fix which i got from that game, will I ever find it :rolleyes:


Are you saying you had 6 one month subs or a 6 month sub and canceled? Multi-boxer? And 55 is young. Those my age know that. :)


Ultima Online was the most immersive game I have ever played and it would be awesome if we had a modern updated graphic wise version of it now to play. Talk about the excitement from encounters in that game!!.


TOR is a great game and lot of fun to play. I am getting out of it what I expected to get. I never over estimated the game like so many did. The only big disappointed part of it for me has been the crafting system and the ships we get.

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i agree, growing up in the great swg spoils; where you had a second life, to standing in republic fleet hoping i get asked about my gear... that everyone else has is lame.

i`m going to d3 until a good sandbox mmo comes out, which by then i`ll probably be retired and have it as my life :)

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sounds like to me you are yet to find a good guild, I have two 50s working on my third, no matter which one I am on I can always find something to do.


I can craft stuff and sell it on the GTN.


I can do dailies and earn extra credits and daily points and get better Mods and PVE gear.


I can PVP and work on getting better PVP gear.


I can go to Ilum and do world PVP there.


I can do some space battles and earn extra credits.


I can go do a Hard Mode Flashpoint or Operation.


or I can go work on a new character.




This beats having to have rows upon rows of buffs, standing at the cantina watching people be rude to each other hoping someone will talk to you, a boring space combat system where you see no one anyway, having a dumb collection system where it takes forever to get anything, overpowered commandos, underpowered Jedi/Dark Jedi, two slots for characters for a game that you pay full price for, no realistic movements, running like you have a corncomb up somewhere, and a used up old outdated system that never got any bugs/glitches fixed.


No hard feelings.


There are loads to do seems to me you are just looking for a reason to complain.



I know I for one and many others in my guild from both US and EU are loving SWTOR and are really happy for the upcoming update 1.2

Edited by Hellrazer
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Basically OP, we signed up on the wrong game. But have no fear, it will be over in a month and we can move on.


I'm not sure if it's occurred to you, but you can move on whenever you want. Nobody is forcing you to stay.


But hey, if sticking around and predicting gloom and doom, just because you're not happy with the game, floats your boat, have at it.

Edited by Jmannseelo
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As an "old guy" myself, i can sorta relate to the OP in some ways. I am enjoying TOR to a point, but there is something lacking. I was talking about this to a guildy of mine that goes back some 10 years. We actually mentioned SWG and the one thing they did right. The one thing that really surpassed all games that came before and after was the sense of community. That game had LOTS of problems and was far from perfect, but something about it made me want to play more and more. My guild list in TOR is roughly 100 members, maybe 25 of those are alts. I can honestly say I have seen maybe a dozen of them in game (physically) standing next to me since launch. What I mean is, although we chat within guild chat we rarely actually cross paths in the game. Most have their own groups of friends that they do FP's with and that's that. Back in my SWG guild we would all hang out in the cantina's together planning our next adventure, or hang out in our player made city doing some planning and renovations to make it a better place to live. We even had an enemy city a few miles away up over a few hills that we might invade or defend against now and then.


I enjoy TOR for what it is, but i still say it's lacking the social aspect. For me it's more of an RPG. I've done 85% of the game solo....

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Bottom line is SWG was an awesome game in so many ways. 10 years later and nothing compares to it. It will always be that game to us hardcore guys just like WOW was to some people. I am willing to bet that the largest population of people that play this game came from WOW, and the largest population that originally started playing WOW came from SWG... I personally didn't like WOW. But understand completely why they are successful. Good customer service... :):)




You'd be wrong, while some may have come from SWG, the largest population that went to WoW came from EQ,UO and so on and on. WoW's main attraction was it was casual friendly and cut down on the grind that was EQ.


As for the OP and the rest of you claiming that TOR has nothing for adults, I find that condescending and insulting.


I'm in my early 30s, have a fiance, have a 1 year old daughter. I spent 12 years in the US Marine Corps,did multiple combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, have 2 college degrees, formed my own successful business with friends after I became a civilian, own my house outright and the usual amenities. I believe all this qualifies me as an adult, and I enjoy playing TOR.


That disproves your blanket statement that it has nothing for adults. Try and remember that you don't speak for everyone,just yourself.


It sounds like the same old thing we've been hearing since beta " I came to TOR expecting SWG 2.0, even though the devs went out of their way to say it wouldn't be, and when I realized it wasn't SWG 2.0 I thought I'd come to the forums to express my displeasure".


I can respect the fact that you miss the community feel of SWG or the sandbox elements, but what's the point of constantly coming to the forums to complain about it? Put your issues into suggestion forms and post them in the Suggestion Box forums.


BW isn't going to toss the overall game design out the window to cater to a small percentage of the population that want more sandbox. The best you can hope for is them adding in more sandbox elements that satisfy your needs or moving along to something else.

Edited by Temeluchus
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You'd be wrong, while some may have come from SWG, the largest population that went to WoW came from EQ,UO and so on and on. WoW's main attraction was it was casual friendly and cut down on the grind that was EQ.


As for the OP and the rest of you claiming that TOR has nothing for adults, I find that condescending and insulting.


I'm in my early 30s, have a fiance, have a 1 year old daughter. I spent 12 years in the US Marine Corps,did multiple combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, have 2 college degrees, formed my own successful business with friends after I became a civilian, own my house outright and the usual amenities. I believe all this qualifies me as an adult, and I enjoy playing TOR.


That disproves your blanket statement that it has nothing for adults. Try and remember that you don't speak for everyone,just yourself.


It sounds like the same old thing we've been hearing since beta " I came to TOR expecting SWG 2.0, even though the devs went out of their way to say it wouldn't be, and when I realized it wasn't SWG 2.0 I thought I'd come to the forums to express my displeasure".


I can respect the fact that you miss the community feel of SWG or the sandbox elements, but what's the point of constantly coming to the forums to complain about it? Put your issues into suggestion forms and post them in the Suggestion Box forums.


BW isn't going to toss the overall game design out the window to cater to a small percentage of the population that want more sandbox. The best you can hope for is them adding in more sandbox elements that satisfy your needs or moving along to something else.


I think a large percentage yes, but for a larger percentage, i think it was their first MMO...

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Well, I'm tuning 34 this month and I can say that the LAST thing I want is a video game that replicates what I do all day in real life :p


This isn't about adults and kids, it's a matter of personal preference. My guild is 100% 30+ and none of us are into playing open sandboxes. Certainly not interested in planting crops. But if that's your thing, it's out there. As other people said, this game is what it is. Maybe another SW game will come out in the future that caters more to people like the OP.


That's not to say that there can't be some improvements to the social atmosphere. Though I think a big part of that is just a shift in the mindset of the average gamer...maybe the average person online overall.

Edited by chuixupu
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I guess, since my IQ registered in the 99th percentile that I can't be interested in this game anymore.


I stopped reading replies after this ridiculous comment. Internet anonymity ftw. Living in your moms basement until the claim that it makes great financial sense does not mean you have a high IQ.

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I didn't play SWG but I know exactly what kind of game it was: Everquest in space. No thanks.


I'm turning 34 next month FWIW


X-players review of it was... "A Star Wars Flavored EverQuest that can play itself".


Honestly, if SWG was so good why did it get bad reviews, why did Lucasarts start pulling away from it before 2008, Why didn't they keep SWG running, oh and most importent, Why did the servers keep getting shut down?

Edited by Hellrazer
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Honestly, all this reads as is another "This isn't SWG2, therefore it sucks" post. Its just white noise by now.


Then you are blind or ignorant. She's saying she misses SWG, and she feels too old for this game because it appeals to a different crowd.


I never really thought about it, but I haven't been able to enjoy this game like I enjoyed past MMORPGs. I'm beginning to understand why with this post. I am actually beginning to miss sandbox MMORPGs.

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