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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.2 release date?


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Your right they will but part of any successfull beisness is being able to handle the bad with the good. Not pretendng the bad isnt there, Or hopeiung that by ignoring it it goes away.

Theres a reason bad posts are called flames when left unchecked they will burn a game to the ground.


They gave 2 estimates and what did they get in return? "OMG YOU LIED TO US! it's march and no patchy! ME AND MY 2 FRIENDS QUIT!" and "OMG IT'S APRIL AND NO PATCHY?! You lied to us BEEWEE!"

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i have already unsubbed because they did NOT fix ANY of the fps problems. If you are playing the game with crappy fps i suggest you unsub NOW and send them a message, because the threads like the HORRID FPS thread (that is now in its 13 or 14th incarnation) seem to have no effect on what they deem a necessary fix.


Of course you knew you'd get a reply like this... I have no framerate problems. Perhaps you could list your gaming resolution, GPU, and CPU. But then again, that's far off topic for a thread about 1.2 release date.

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BTW.. there will be NO server merges for a while because they have no way to do it with thier current setup. This is a known fact and server transfers etc (like those in wow) wont be avail for at least 6 more months.. if ever.


The servers are dead and unless the fix the real issues (fps in warzones, ops and the game in general) the game will die due to low population in a few months and will go free to play.

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You've obviously never heard of project management. Or project planning. You set individual goals and deadlines. You work towards those goals, and you update them as the project moves forward. This is basic stuff. If you have trouble thinking about this in terms of software development, that's not my fault. Developers don't just work on software and hope they get somewhere. If my boss asked me for a date by which I'd get my next web app done, I'd have to give him a date. It might be early or late, but that date exists.


And they have given rough estimates. 2 in fact. Both times people got up in arms. What you're doing is more like you giving your boss a date and when you miss it due to completely unforseen problems that are completely out of your hands, you get fired. Also, some tiny web apps don't compare to MMO development in the slightest. It's a completely different monster.

Edited by Jandi
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BTW.. there will be NO server merges for a while because they have no way to do it with thier current setup. This is a known fact and server transfers etc (like those in wow) wont be avail for at least 6 more months.. if ever.


The servers are dead and unless the fix the real issues (fps in warzones, ops and the game in general) the game will die due to low population in a few months and will go free to play.


This is my fear with the speed these folks work at.

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BTW.. there will be NO server merges for a while because they have no way to do it with thier current setup. This is a known fact and server transfers etc (like those in wow) wont be avail for at least 6 more months.. if ever.
Source please, because the last official word on the matter that I'm aware of indicates they still intend to have Asia-Pacific transfers underway by the end of the month, and that general transfers will be made available shortly thereafter.
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And they have given rough estimates. 2 in fact. Both times people got up in arms. What you're doing is more like you giving your boss a date and when you miss it due to completely unforseen problems that are completely out of your hands, you get fired. Also, some tiny web apps don't compare to MMO development in the slightest. It's a completely different monster.


You will not get the children to understand that.


I live in a world where an arbitrary deadline, is the cause of bad data and failed objectives.


We have estimates, we have hopes, we have expectations, all of which can and do change on a daily basis.


You cannot give this community hopes, or expectation or estimates as they will twist those words into deadlines and promises.

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And they have given rough estimates. 2 in fact. Both times people got up in arms. What you're doing is more like you giving your boss a date and when you miss it due to completely unforseen problems that are completely out of your hands, you get fired. Also, some tiny web apps don't compare to MMO development in the slightest. It's a completely different monster.


Actually no people aren't. In the real world when you have a date - you know well in advance you are or are not going to hit it. If it's that close to hitting it that you don't telling someone that it's going to be late a few days and then getting it out on time is called managing expectations. You don't simply give no word and then be like oh hey yeah that's not ready yet. Yes you'd get fired for that, not sure in what business you wouldn't.


Follow the rule of Scotty and you'll always have meet-able deadlines - always estimate then multiply by a factor of 4.

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Also, some tiny web apps don't compare to MMO development in the slightest. It's a completely different monster.


It's still a project based on a schedule for development. No changes to the overarching theme of things. It's just more people with more complexities, and more chances for something to go wrong.


I certainly understand delays and issues pushing out a large update for a larger MMO. But dates are still dates. Funny how many other developers don't have an issue stating dates. Even if they don't make those dates, it's still a date. EA/Bioware on the other hand is sort of gun shy. So they beat around the bush and p1ss off even more people.

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You've obviously never heard of project management. Or project planning. You set individual goals and deadlines. You work towards those goals, and you update them as the project moves forward. This is basic stuff. If you have trouble thinking about this in terms of software development, that's not my fault. Developers don't just work on software and hope they get somewhere. If my boss asked me for a date by which I'd get my next web app done, I'd have to give him a date. It might be early or late, but that date exists.


And you will get fired for either missing the hard date due to de-bugging or giving him a crappy product. What Bio gave you is an estimated time frame for release, the last I checked we are still in early April and next week will be Mid April either way it is still April whether they released it the 1st (that would have been funny) or the 30th.


Bio can't win with you, you demand a hard date and if they miss you would be screaming, if they released on that date even if it is not ready and it is really buggy you would be screaming. You are looking for an excuse to be angry/upset.

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If my boss asked me for a date by which I'd get my next web app done, I'd have to give him a date. It might be early or late, but that date exists.


Very true, however that date is an internal issue, it would be highly unlikely to publish that developement date to a potential customer, especially for a large industry. They may propose a date as and when they are pertty sure they can achieve it, otherwise it would all be internal to the company.

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I'd think 'we won't give a date until it's locked down' would be pretty obvious.


What if they have to push it back? That's right- forum explosion of complaints.



Telling this forum anything that isn't 110% fact is like kicking babies into jet turbines here.

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No idea if it means anyhting or not but on twitter SR was asked if 1.2 will come out on the 17th .His reply was Ask me again tommrow.



See thats my point why all the cloak and dagger crap?? If they going to give a date why the hell not just say they are. Instead of ( ask me again tommorow)


Im not raging over the fact the patch isnt here thats fine, If it needs more work so be it. My issue is the utter lack of information. And the way they dance around anything remotely questioning their intentions.

Edited by Nyteblades
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why is this guy so vocal on Twitter and not here? Also, he seems to enjoy toying with people about this.


this is why I say this:


Joachim Helle ‏ @Meheecan · Details

@Rockjaw Hey,Stephen! I'd just like to ask, everyone on my server is hyped saying 1.2 will come april 17th. Can you confirm/dismiss this?:)


Stephen Reid

‏ @Rockjaw


@Meheecan Ask me again tomorrow.

Edited by Zsavooz
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Bio can't win with you, you demand a hard date and if they miss you would be screaming, if they released on that date even if it is not ready and it is really buggy you would be screaming. You are looking for an excuse to be angry/upset.


/facepalm for not reading any of my previous posts and lumping me into the general complainers. I don't care if they miss the "hard date". I want a date because I want to know how much longer I have to grind for 1.1.5 items that will no longer be here in 1.2. I don't care if 1.2 is late, I just want to make a date to make sure it isn't scheduled to be released before that date. Hopefully that makes sense to you now.



I hope you realize that was altogether intentionally vague.

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No idea if it means anyhting or not but on twitter SR was asked if 1.2 will come out on the 17th .His reply was Ask me again tommrow.



See thats my point why all the cloak and dagger crap?? If they going to give a date why the hell not just say they are. Instead of ( ask me again tommorow)


Im not raging over the fact the patch isnt here thats fine, If it needs more work so be it. My issue is the utter lack of information. And the way they dance around anything remotely questioning their intentions.


I read Twitter too. I believe, if you are the Nyteblades on Twitter, Stephen Reid already answered your question about why no concrete dates. I'll re-post it here in case you missed it.


@rockjaw (Stephen Reid says):


@nyteblades In my experience, shifting dates infuriate more than they please. We've got our policy, but I hear your concerns.

Edited by Dolcia
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Actually no people aren't. In the real world when you have a date - you know well in advance you are or are not going to hit it. If it's that close to hitting it that you don't telling someone that it's going to be late a few days and then getting it out on time is called managing expectations. You don't simply give no word and then be like oh hey yeah that's not ready yet. Yes you'd get fired for that, not sure in what business you wouldn't.


Follow the rule of Scotty and you'll always have meet-able deadlines - always estimate then multiply by a factor of 4.


Except that in this scale, a single thing can set the date back a week, even a month and it a a million things that can do that. If they followed that logic, the estimate would be "next christmas". Yeah, I'm sure that would be awesome and people would be totally happy about it. Not.

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why is this guy so vocal on Twitter and not here? Also, he seems to enjoy toying with people about this.


It should be obvious. People can only reply to him directly on Twitter, and therefore not reply collectively to his communication. Collectively EA/Bioware gets flames, but individually it's just small puffs of smoke that don't feed off of each other.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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Of course you knew you'd get a reply like this... I have no framerate problems. Perhaps you could list your gaming resolution, GPU, and CPU. But then again, that's far off topic for a thread about 1.2 release date.


AMD Live 64 9500 Quadcore 2.2 Ghz, Nvidia Geforce G210, 3 gigs system ram running vista home premium 32 bit... WELL ABOVE the min specs (about 25 CPU releases to be exact) and the game still runs like ****. I have checked my cpu serial number and no.. i dont have the TLI bug (as far as i can tell) .. anyway..


I run in very low settings and 1024x768 rez and still cant get above 30 FPS on fleet and 3-12 FPS in warzones.. when i can run almost anything else at medium to high settings. I however, get 90 fps in the shuttle docks, and around 50-60 while questing solo and even 110 on my ship. In Wow i can run in ultra in 25 man raids with no lag at all... this i lag like crazy in 4 man Flashpoints and 8 man ops lag because of the fog and particle effects. The ONLY fix that seemed to help me ANY was running the game in windows XP sp2 comp mode which bypasses the windows vista 32bit bug that wasnt letting the game see i had 1g of vram. Everything else.. i always get the same FPS.. low or high settings. The only thing that does seem to smooth it out is if i run in 1024x768 full screen, because in windowed mode it defaults to my desktop 1440x900 and seems a little jumpy.


The fact of the matter is that anyone listed above the min specs should be able to run the game well.. at least 40+ fps smoothly even in PVP which is a close environment with only 16 people... everything was great in beta. But after it went live they screwed something up. Now in huttball i cant get more than 15 FPS after the match starts.. i get 30 standing at the door before it starts. In battle for alderon i get a whopping 2-5 fps... which i think is because of the particle effects when the ships start firing.


This game really needs a way to drop down the particle effects like in wow. The explosions play hell with Nvidia cards because of the vertex shaders.


People are leaving the game in droves because they refuse to fix the game engine and fps. 1.2 will NOT fix this, unless they make some changes this week because i have tried 1.2 on the test servers and the only thing they seem to have fixed is the inventory lag bug.


The low fps is directly related to the low server population and the fact that once you hit 50 there is nothing that you can do. You cant pvp you cant run ops.. all you can do is run solo missions on planets with no people to keep a good fps and this is unacceptable for a mmo.


The engine is screwed... even people i know with brand new out of the box super gaming pcs... some have problems.. some dont. And there are more problems as well. People (like my GM) that had NO problems running the game at max fps (110 fps is max the game will allow) still have been forced out because of launcher bugs preventing them from even updating the game. His launcher would get to 33% and then just hang and his pc is a new I7 brand new. He contacted bioware who after 2 weeks of phone calls, even tried to log into his PC with windows remote to fix the files and couldnt. They even sent him a disk to overwrite the files installed (after he even wiped his HD and reinstalled) and nothing worked. These are the kinds of issues that need to be fixed before they push more content.


1.2 doesnt matter.. but if you have to know.. it will be released on the 18th.. already confirmed by steven reid on twitter... but the fact remains that no one cares. People are waiting for FPS fixes, class quest bug fixes etc. If those dont come this patch.. many people will leave.



simple as that.

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It should be obvious. People can only reply to him directly on Twitter, and therefore not reply collectively to his communication. Collectively EA/Bioware gets flames, but individually it's just small puffs of smoke that don't feed off of each other.



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Ooh, Twitter regurgitation is fun! Here is another one.



Instead of being an anti-information barrier, let us in the loop: "we're tentatively aiming for ___, but no promises."


Rockjaw (Stephen Reid):

Which is exactly what we did when we said 'March' and then 'April'.


And some wonderful responses to everything you've already suggested is the reasoning behind these delays, Nyteblades.



So in otherwords our feed back dosnt matter?


Rockjaw (Stephen Reid):

Impressive misreading. No, your feedback matters enormously, which is why we change things in response to it (hence delays).



delays are one thing lack of information on delays or possible fixes/releases is another.


Rockjaw (Stephen Reid):

We don't think continuous updates on a shifting release date will please anyone. Thanks for your feedback, tho.


Rockjaw (Stephen Reid):

Back at desk and coffee is flowing. For those asking, more details on 1.2 publish date are being finalized. Hold tight.

Edited by Dolcia
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