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1.2 release date?


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They stated that the mistake was posting Novare Coast is going to be released on the 10th along with 1.2. This was on the main website. James Ohlen's announcement is a seperate incident. So my understanding is it comes out next week sometime. Doesn't look like on the 10th but sometime next week.



Edited by SwinglineCamp
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10th is only a website update, so the earliest date would seem to be the 17th.


It's taking too long already if you ask me, I can handle it personally. But because of basic human understanding I knew this was going to go badly. I see what people are doing because the 1.2 is so hyped and the date looks like it keeps getting shoved ahead time after time... it's afecting my gameplay because others are quitting or taking a break.


However I expect the update will come at the end of this month or even into the next one, and that would be really bad.


I can tell this by observing humans during my regular activities, I did not do any studies for it, I see it as uncommon sense (uncommon because common sense is a mythe). 90% of the whiners may be bluffing about quitting for all I care, but it still hurts overall perception, which can lead to real quitters or people just not joining.


Would have been better to implement changes bit by bit. Instead of jumping from 1.15 to 1.2 they could have added a few steps in between (but it's too late for that now, it'd just piss people off more). For example: 1.16 could have been class-species unlocks, which could have lead to people making the class species combinations they are waiting for and used them to liven up the now dying PvP warzones.

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1.2 as is, is going to be a disaster. legacy races is an incredibly stupid idea. At least when it comes to people being able to make sith republic classes, and chiss force sensitives.


Then the class "balance" is an entirely different can of worms. Bioware really has no clue what they are doing. You can expect the company to be liquidated in the next 2 years at this rate.

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1.2 as is, is going to be a disaster. legacy races is an incredibly stupid idea. At least when it comes to people being able to make sith republic classes, and chiss force sensitives.


Then the class "balance" is an entirely different can of worms. Bioware really has no clue what they are doing. You can expect the company to be liquidated in the next 2 years at this rate.


Gotta love the gamers who are also fortune-tellers. The numbers that they come up with, EA/Bioware liquidated in 2 years.

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Gotta love the gamers who are also fortune-tellers. The numbers that they come up with, EA/Bioware liquidated in 2 years.


This game Died in January, February, March...Who keeps resurrecting it?????

Every month it dies again.. this is getting absurd. I keep missing the funeral :(

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1.2 as is, is going to be a disaster. legacy races is an incredibly stupid idea. At least when it comes to people being able to make sith republic classes, and chiss force sensitives...


And this is why I'm making a Chiss force user.


Oh, I should mention that he's going to be a Jedi Knight



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Here is the truth (bioware knows this also) When people quit a game they simply just Cancel their subscription. They Do not take the time to self three pages of post QQing. My point 90% of the ppl QQing are not going anywhere. Do not get me wrong I fully agree, character transfers need to be in place I want one myself; however crying in post will not speed them up. Edited by LordVilos
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Problem With holding this back till its ready is the fact people have left in droves waiting for the changes, to the point that server pops are non existant, so when they finally roll it out its most probably going to be a case of Too little too late and the game will die before it really had a chance.
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I ressubed to the game like 3 or 4 days ago hoping I could jump right on the patch and the patch is not here.


Sigh, Bioware tell us when the patch is coming? Implement it already!!!




Positive Points for hope.

Negative points for research.

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During a developer Q&A at PAX East on Thursday 5th April 2012, James Ohlen from Bioware stated:


"Well, Star Wars: The Old Republic is already out so I wont plug the gameplay because I am sure everyone already knows what that is. For 2012 we really want players to, going back to the subscription model, feel like they're getting their money's worth. So the scope of our game updates in 2012 is going to be unimaginable. You're going to see so many changes and additions to the Star Wars Universe, it's going to be impressive. We have our Update 1.2 coming in the next week and then after that it's going to continue to roll out month after month. It's exciting."


Check the audio recording on youtube

the quote you are looking for starts at 17:12
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All I can say is that many people in my guild have disappeared. I played several storylines and ended up with quite a few capped characters and a level 34 legacy. In short, I've had enough leveling.


I do remember seeing Coruscant having 119 - 130 people on my server, not counting the peaks of 180. Now it's 60 during peak. Those are the normal numbers in my EU RP server. This means only one thing... population is dying and that's that. But don't expect server merges. It looks bad for the sharks!


Currently all I am doing is just stand and wait for someone to pop up to do a Flashpoint (if I'm lucky) as I get tired of the constant warzones. At times they can be mildly distracting, but when the super-pros/farm-squads come up, it's no use.


Point being, I am bored to death.


Where are the guild banks that were supposed to be in from day one? We're mailing things to each other and keep on asking "what is it you do?"... Guild management is down the gutter, so I won't expand on that. Just the fact that we have to rely on external website forums to even be able to communicate shows the magnitude of this design failure.


Crafting system? The missions were a good idea, but the higher your level is, the more useless it becomes. Only Biochem can actually be really useful... well so far. Synthweaving & Armormech? Beyond useless! Get an orange schematic to build an item that makes people gain the same look they had 30 levels back!... Get today the look of your dreams! A level 20 cape that requires a level 50 character to wear it! Preposterous!... Artifice? It's all about Christmas lights and maybe an enhancement after tons of reverse engineering! Cybertech? So and so. I can't speak for the rest as I don't have much experience with them.


Groups? I'll try not to laugh here! After the third planet, they are a rarity. A group finder (like the pvp one) would be very handy, but it's nowhere to be found. Nobody cares about the heroics lately. Go to Hoth, Balmorra (Rep), Voss, Corellia, Belsavis and see if anyone is actually doing anything. No. Even the Illum & Belsavis dailies are undermanned just for the commendations and the money.


Speaking about money...


Repairs and costs? Better not get into a Hard Mode Flashpoint without being super expert from the first try or this will cost you an arm, a leg and the rest of your family repair wise. That's a big reason tanks that are not familiar with it are very hesitant to enter the HMs. High costs bring nagging and the experience DIES right there. The counter-paybacks from flashpoints are trash. My vanguard tank got broke by doing only Flashpoints (with minimal deaths on first attempts). EVEN WHEN I AM ON VENDORS with a freshly repaired gear and I put something NEW on, IT REQUIRES A NEW REPAIR! What the heck? Did a toxic bug splash on the newly acquired gear as I was putting it on?


No wonder people are going on PvP for gear. PvE is a forbidden and badly designed part. Not to mention the missing group finders for PvE (they exist only for PvP). I won't go into any further details but I could go on and on as many other people could too.


I was looking forward to the 1.2 patch, but will it make the game more functional? New UI will be nice (I beta tested it), but I don't feel like farming the living hell out of everything to buy a new ability that my legacy will allow. The race unlocks are a fail. Many people were expecting some new races from the SW universe, not an "opportunity" to play Sith and Rep counterparts on the opposing sides.


Basically this game lacks major functionality. It's just a good -still underdeveloped- beta game and up to that. The only reason I am in at the moment is because I am a guild master and I have to give courage to my dozens of guild mates to be around. Other than that, people are not returning, or are returning for a month at most. Scattered a day here and perhaps a day there, but to EA all it matters is the month money.


So, does the 1.2 sound interesting any more? Sure we'll enjoy the textures and the new voice overs on the same campaigns and yes, we'll get to line up our characters as the father and mother and sister and friend and anything else only to unlock abilities that will cost us a planet or two to buy... operative word in all of this being "buy". The textures had to be changed as some character elements had a tremendously low resolution that reminded me of over-compressed tiny JPGs.


In my line of work there's the rule of "under-promise and over-deliver" which makes people happy. In this case, we've been hearing so much about the 1.2 patch and for an extended period of time, which falls into the "over-promise" part. And this can only lead to an "under-deliver" that will make many people unhappy.

I work in the production & advertising industry and this has been one really bad promotion planning. And this "under-delivery" is becoming an industry standard. If they're going for our money, let them keep running I say. During the 80ies, the player compromised, nowdays the player demands. And if we are to get anything better, we have to stop accepting trash. Simple as that!


To all those that are not fanbois (or paid copywriters - I know they're here too as it's part of their job description... and they tend to be the first to "bite") forgive me for my long ranting.

It's my big cry before I make up my mind about something... and it's really sad to see my in-game help window packed with dozens of bug reports only to discover most of them still exist on other places.


As I've mentioned in the past, this game required at least another 6 months of development and testing.


Bottom line, I no longer care when the 1.2 comes out. I'm just fed up with all the amateur advertising and copywriting tricks around it. This is not the 90's people! That kind of promotion is DEAD!


Thank you all for your time!

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