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1.2 release date?


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K so what do you consider something thats introduced in a patch and not an expansion? LOL OMG LOL serious, i honestly wonder at times...


Try not to get rear end hurt this time and whine to the csr's also, thanks...


I dont whine to CSRs, dont know what the heck you are talking about.


And this;




for example is a major content update, in less then a month and a half I might add, after launch.


Or how about;




which has a team of like 8 people developing it.

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The problem with the only content that's been added is that it was completely irrelevant for anyone participating regularly in ops. I happen to fall in that category. I ran the content in order to see it, but the rewards for running dungeons are completely dwarfed by ops rewards.


If you are an extremely casual gamer, 5+ months for content may be a reasonable pace. For the rest of us it's an eternity. I don't mind dropping $60 for a good game, but Bioware has basically asked us to pay $120 for theirs. In my opinion, that is way too much. If they can't release content at a reasonable rate, it's not worth my money.

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I agree that in todays time, content release for SWTOR is somewhat lacking. The competition in the gaming industry in todays day in age is tough. So I can understand that people want more, since our expectation in demands has vastly increased. Take 04 when WoW came out, content was slow, but online gaming wasn't even close to its popularity today, so our demand was driven like todays market. However, despite all this, I am somewhat pleased with current content, just wished there was some type of monthly event etc. to spark a little more interest. 1.2 looks promising from playing PTS, yet I would rather have a more complete product upon release rather than rushing something to please the masses. Too many people are complaining about being teased too long with content and are quiting, but think about how many people will leave if they rush 1.2 release riddled with even more bugs.
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K so what do you consider something thats introduced in a patch and not an expansion? LOL OMG LOL serious, i honestly wonder at times...


Try not to get rear end hurt this time and whine to the csr's also, thanks...


When people beat the stuff in the patch the day it comes out its a pretty weak patch.

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I’m not sure some people can grasp the concept so I thought of this little analogy.


I think swtor is like Netflix. Netflix provides a great service. For $8 a month I can watch anything from their library at the click of a button. So I watched and watched in the same way that I played and played swtor. But in the last 3-4 months, I ran out of things to watch on Netflix. In fact, I had been paying for Netflix for 3 months without using their service once during that period. That’s when I finally decided to cancel my subscription to Netflix. I may go back some day when they add enough additional titles to their library, or I might give Amazon Prime, or Hulu Plus, or whatever else is out there a try.


The only difference with swtor, is that leaving the game means I fall behind. If I come back, I can’t play with my friends until I farm new gear or level up (in the case of an expansion). I don’t really want to play the game alone so there is a good possibility that I won’t play the game at all.


For anyone else that thinks the content updates are too slow, Bioware runs the risk of losing all of these players. Those of you that think the content has been fast enough might be thinking “Good riddance”, but what you don’t see is that losing players is NEVER a good thing. The warzone you want to play might not launch. The group might take an hour to fill in order to hit the dungeon you wanted to run. The guild you planned on joining might not have enough players left to run ops.


MMOs need players, the good ones AND the bad. In order to keep those players, you need fun and exciting content (which they arguably have) and you need that content coming out fast enough before people leave (which I argue they haven’t been able to do).

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I’m not sure some people can grasp the concept so I thought of this little analogy.


I think swtor is like Netflix. Netflix provides a great service. For $8 a month I can watch anything from their library at the click of a button. So I watched and watched in the same way that I played and played swtor. But in the last 3-4 months, I ran out of things to watch on Netflix. In fact, I had been paying for Netflix for 3 months without using their service once during that period. That’s when I finally decided to cancel my subscription to Netflix. I may go back some day when they add enough additional titles to their library, or I might give Amazon Prime, or Hulu Plus, or whatever else is out there a try.


The only difference with swtor, is that leaving the game means I fall behind. If I come back, I can’t play with my friends until I farm new gear or level up (in the case of an expansion). I don’t really want to play the game alone so there is a good possibility that I won’t play the game at all.


For anyone else that thinks the content updates are too slow, Bioware runs the risk of losing all of these players. Those of you that think the content has been fast enough might be thinking “Good riddance”, but what you don’t see is that losing players is NEVER a good thing. The warzone you want to play might not launch. The group might take an hour to fill in order to hit the dungeon you wanted to run. The guild you planned on joining might not have enough players left to run ops.


MMOs need players, the good ones AND the bad. In order to keep those players, you need fun and exciting content (which they arguably have) and you need that content coming out fast enough before people leave (which I argue they haven’t been able to do).


I get your point, but it's a really bad analogy to try and compare a service such as Netflix that only provides you with passive entertainment and an online MMORPG which requires more of a time investment to be successful in, i.e. gearing.

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the sad thing is, they will release 1.2 and there will still be a ton of bugs


well. with 1.2 not coming out april 10th, all i say is RIP swtor


glad i made money day trading your stock when you released swtor...now its tanking


i wonder why.............

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Am I the only one who finds it possible that they held off on 1.2 because the first week of next month is there Q4 investor meeting and maybe they want to string people along long enough to be subscribed past the 20th or so of April so they don't have to report any lost subscriptions in case 1.2 tanks?


I mean that's what I would do. wait till you can get the steady April subscription numbers.


Then release 1.2


If it tanks(1.2 i mean), its ok because you wont have to really tell anyone whats going on until the next investors call which isn't till October.


Its better to lose a few people by delaying a patch then to lose a bunch of people if/when they realise that 1.2 wont solve world hunger and cure the world of all ill etc etc...

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First they said march.

Then , early april.

Now at the end of april.


This is geting boring.


Unsubbed , subbed for 1.2 , prolly will unsub before 1.2 if they continue like this.


Basically this. March - early April - not on 10th. Horrible communication / planning (imho).

My subsciption ends on the 24th. So for me their last date will be 17th. If not I will check back during summer (July, August) if no other game has caught my interest until then.

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Oh god, I'm having dejavu flashbacks to pre release and all the release date speculation, no no not again, I do not want to go through it again!


Am I the only one who finds it possible that they held off on 1.2 because the first week of next month is there Q4 investor meeting and maybe they want to string people along long enough to be subscribed past the 20th or so of April so they don't have to report any lost subscriptions in case 1.2 tanks?


Anything is possible ofc, but no I do not think that is the reason, I think the reason is because it is not ready, its buggy as hell, simple as that.

Edited by System_TOR
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No no its not. They said that was a mistake.


yeah...I bet...its not that I don't believe they said that...it just sounds like a PR coverup to deny something like that from getting out too early...but I suppose we'll all find out come this week!

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They said that April 10th was a mistake. The week has more days.


If they were going to release 1.2 next week they would have said the date at PAX.


There would be NO point in waiting till after PAX to give a release date when they wouldnt have as much press coverage.


They arent going to release next week. No way no how.


Since we know its not tuesday, they could only probably do it thursday or wednesday. They wont release a huge patch during primetime on the weekends. But since they havent given us a date I seriously doubt it. They dont release news on the weekends so the soonest they would give us a date is the 9th, and thats WAY to short notice for them. They like to get the hype train going for much longer. Look at the lead time they gave us before 1.1

Edited by Oddzball
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If they were going to release 1.2 next week they would have said the date at PAX.


There would be NO point in waiting till after PAX to give a release date when they wouldnt have as much press coverage.


They arent going to release next week. No way no how.


Since we know its not tuesday, they could only probably do it thursday or wednesday. They wont release a huge patch during primetime on the weekends. But since they havent given us a date I seriously doubt it. They dont release news on the weekends so the soonest they would give us a date is the 9th, and thats WAY to short notice for them. They like to get the hype train going for much longer. Look at the lead time they gave us before 1.1


i've already come to the conclusion 1.2 is like the cake in portal: a lie.

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They said that April 10th was a mistake. The week has more days.


I agree, since theres no server maintenance on the 10th i suspect 1.2 will be launched between 11th-16th, they dont want 2days of server being down clearly :)

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I said "instead of another delay" as in there should have been another delay so that the game would have launched finished




Why don't you try reading these posts before you start responding to them buddy


I did read it, and "another delay" would mean that there was a delay to begin with. Since there was not a delay, there can't be another delay. Now if you really meant to say "instead of a delay" talking about launch. Stating that they should have delayed the launch till later, well that is another thing.

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So you pay for your car too, go tell the car company the date they are to release a new model


Give it a rest, pushing against an arbitrary date is what causes problems with games/patches and updates


Release it when it is ready, not before


Well said, but had they released SWTOR when it was ready we wouldnt be having this discussion now. Character customization, combats logs, UI along with a myriad of other things should have been implemented at release. Most of which are STANDARD on any MMO I've ever played. Fact of the matter is, we were presented with a polished BETA for release. There is simply no denying that. SWTOR is nothing more than a glorified online RPG that WE as paying subscribers are now financing with our subs. And so the BETA will continue, at our expense, until BW/EA drive enough subscribers away to the point of where they are forced to make SWTOR free to play. (before years end-bet on it)


Fanboys will deny this, but nobody can deny 1 simple fact... server populations. While I admit I have no conrete numbers, the sub base has already taken a hard hit. Personlly, I'd be surprised if the subs now are 40% of what they were and we are just barely at the 3 month mark. If EA/BW are banking on 1.2 being the salvation of SWTOR they are both sadly mistaken. One patch, no matter how big, is like putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound. With major patches, inevitably come more bugs. Sure, many will come back to explore 1.2 to get a feel for it. However, it'll be a temporary attraction. Come June, we'll be right back here waiting for the 'next BIG thing. July we'll see server merges and by September is when I predict free to play will be implemented. MAYBE by then, BW will have had the necessary time to 'spit-shine' SWTOR and actually have something to offer in the way of retention. Story, as BW has banked on, has failed miserably. It's not retaining subs.


EA created this monster for the almighty dollar and BW will be left holding the bag. I've stated the following too many times to count but here goes...


SWTOR is far too simplistic, at least for my taste. I know what I mean and feel but lack the means to communicate my thoughts for specifics.


-crafting might as well not exist. it offer no 'unique-ness.' IMO the artwork on 90% of armors is absolutely horrible. Not just the colors, the whole design. This is especially true of high end PvP and RAID gear. Some of the worst in the game. You will still see masses wearing the same garbage just in different color schemes. Furthermore, it'll have all the same stats. There wont be any quality difference from one crafter to another for the same piece. character customization might as well be thrown into this


-space was a complete waste of developer time and would have served better used in the SWTOR ground world. It has no purpose, therefore has no place in a supposed story driven/based MMO.


-raid content, just like all other MMOs, is rendundant and repetative. It's stale after about the 3rd time. I concede there is no fix for this. It's part of every other MMO and has touched this one like a vile plague.


-PvP... garbage. Complete lack of balance among classes. Even a rock, paper, scissors format would be better than what exists now. Most of that community has all but left not just for this reason, but cheating/hacks/ and exploits that exist and BW has no idea how to fix this. MAJOR design flaw.


Rebel vs Imp conflict- non existent for the most part with the Nerf of Illum, aside from WZs. No real world implementation. The basis of Star Wars and BW failed miserably here.


Socializing- sure, people have guilds and thats great. But there isn't any apparent reason for guilds to intereact with one another so you don't have any unity among factions so to speak. Fix the PvP/conflict content and that would be a huge step in the right direction. Soon after release, BW posted a position on the Dev team to address this specific issue and I havent seen or heard anything since. Out of sight out of mind I guess.


Im sure I could come up with more, but my disappointment with EA/BW and SWTOR as a whole gives me something more to do on a Friday night than detail every single little thing I can think of, sadly. 1.2 will be interesting for sure, but a far cry from the saving grace people think its going to be.

Edited by Esoda
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