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1.2 release date?


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$15/mo does not give each player creative control over content, Blizz is under no obligation to give out fictious dates only so people can whine when that date is not met.


Agreed. Local developer that I know gives out fake dates quite often and all it does is frustrate people. Obviously people are more happy when the product drops, but they dislike lip service even more than not having the software.


It's early April, so I'd wager with how much they've been pushing the "1.2 brand" more and more, it's probably hit mid-late April. But that's their own prerogative.


PS Does anyone notice the similarity of projecting release dates to how some people guess which date the end of the world is?

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$15/mo does not give each player creative control over content, Blizz is under no obligation to give out fictious dates only so people can whine when that date is not met. Blizz cannot release any updates until they are ready and they cannot give out release dates until they know it can be met.


The patch is coming and we know that will be soon.


I have a feeling that 1.2 will not be released in April. It's not like it really matters, what is 1.2 going to do for this game? A few people will log on, look around and see that the game is still garbage. This game had a lot of potential, even as a non-sandbox game but I believe that something is causing big problems for BW with this engine and they just can't fix it. I wish them well because I'm sure they put in a lot of work for this game and I respect that but my entire guild and I have agreed to leave SWTOR. We discussed returning etc but we also agreed that it would first take a change in direction from the devs which we can't expect will happen so we're gearing up for MOP and GW2 for PvP.

Edited by Quintan
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Maybe there is another thread for this but for me personally, 1.2 offers little excitement. I think this patch is being blown WAY out of proportion. I always have been, and still am a supporter of this game, but 1.2 will do little, if anything to save those that are on the fence about leaving. What does it really offer that you can sink your teeth into?? Not much i'm afraid, and the hardcore crowd will be bored with it in 5 minutes... just my 2 creds.
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I have a feeling that 1.2 will not be released in April. It's not like it really matters, what is 1.2 going to do for this game? A few people will log on, look around and see that the game is still garbage. This game had a lot of potential, even as a non-sandbox game but I believe that something is causing big problems for BW with this engine and they just can't fix it. I wish them well because I'm sure they put in a lot of work for this game and I respect that but my entire guild and I have agreed to leave SWTOR. We discussed returning etc but we also agreed that it would first take a change in direction from the devs which we can't expect will happen so we're gearing up for MOP and GW2 for PvP.


Enjoy Kung-Fu-Panda, and Pokemon.


As for GW2, I'm going to buy it, (never play it), just so I can make posts on their boards. That way I will be there when all the haters start posting how they can't wait for the Next Big Game...

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Agreed. Local developer that I know gives out fake dates quite often and all it does is frustrate people. Obviously people are more happy when the product drops, but they dislike lip service even more than not having the software.


It's early April, so I'd wager with how much they've been pushing the "1.2 brand" more and more, it's probably hit mid-late April. But that's their own prerogative.


PS Does anyone notice the similarity of projecting release dates to how some people guess which date the end of the world is?


I understand people want 1.2.


It's not like Bioware has not even begun working on it, we know for a *fact* Bioware has been working on it. We know they have been testing and we know that it is soon gong to be ready for release.


I just dont' get it, would it be better if Bioware just threw a broken update?

Edited by Rodane
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Enjoy Kung-Fu-Panda, and Pokemon.


As for GW2, I'm going to buy it, (never play it), just so I can make posts on their boards. That way I will be there when all the haters start posting how they can't wait for the Next Big Game...


You are the cream of the MMO community lol.

Edited by Quintan
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April 10th is perfect, give's players a month and a few days to get over the "big" patch and start playing D3. I predict that may 15th SWTOR servers will be dead even at peak times, at least for that day.. Edited by Quintan
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April 10th is perfect, give's players a month and a few days to get over the "big" patch and start playing D3. I predict that may 15th SWTOR servers will be dead even at peak times.


Just like people have been saying TOR is dead starting about 5 minutes after release, while it gained 2 million players and stayed steady at 1.7 million after the free month? Yeah, it's dead, and it'll be dead with Diablo 3, just like WoW completely died with TOR's release. Diablo 3 is a completely different kind of game. Maybe I prefer Star Wars games, maybe I prefer MMOs, maybe I prefer BioWare storytelling, maybe I just don't care about the roguelike genre that Diablo 3 belongs to.

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Just like people have been saying TOR is dead starting about 5 minutes after release, while it gained 2 million players and stayed steady at 1.7 million after the free month? Yeah, it's dead, and it'll be dead with Diablo 3, just like WoW completely died with TOR's release. Diablo 3 is a completely different kind of game. Maybe I prefer Star Wars games, maybe I prefer MMOs, maybe I prefer BioWare storytelling, maybe I just don't care about the roguelike genre that Diablo 3 belongs to.


Hey buddy you're in denial.

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So, since the update was not launched on the first Tuesday that it could have been, you assume that it will not come out in the next 24 days?


Your powers of un-logic are amazing.


I do not think 1.2 will be the greatest patch in the history of MMO gaming, but it IS a good update, fixes a decent amount of bugs, adds some nice new content, improves a lot of crafting, attempts to balance some classes (with what actual effect we don't really know yet) and is definately a step in the right direction. 1.2 is a good thing, IMO.


If you are so disappointed in the proposed changes, why are you still here?

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I fear this update is too late. If Bioware does not release this patch soon like this month they will see a mass exodus of players from SWTOR subscriptions. My friend has already unsubed and he is more of a Bioware fan than I am. The FPS issues, many bugs, and sheer repetitive nature of the quests (with the exception of the agent/sniper story which is brilliant and really immerses you in the role and is cool). I really want them to succeed and want to like this game but have little to go on now, the flashpoints are quite good but are plagued with slowdown as are PVP instances. I am really disappointed with the Assassin Plot line there is little to use stealth on and no cool assassin missions to make you really feel like an assassin. My sniper and Juggernaut are the only characters I like now (aside from the bounty hunter which has a lot of cool powers and gadgets). I have to ask why for the love of God did Bioware base this whole $200 million dollar game on a aged and inferior hero engine? (the achitecture or underpinnings of this game is what is killing this games performance). Aion for example is based on the more current and much smoother running Cry Engine. If you do a side by side comparison I bet Aion has better draw distances smoother graphics and better performance than SWTOR on many different computers. The main reason the Hero Engine was used was quick and cheap development times and fast updates, well we have really seen neither of these things occur and now we are given this 1.2 update dangled in front of use like keys to a new Ferrari with no definite date of release, Bioware do you want SWTOR to fail epically?
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So, since the update was not launched on the first Tuesday that it could have been, you assume that it will not come out in the next 24 days?


Your powers of un-logic are amazing.


I do not think 1.2 will be the greatest patch in the history of MMO gaming, but it IS a good update, fixes a decent amount of bugs, adds some nice new content, improves a lot of crafting, attempts to balance some classes (with what actual effect we don't really know yet) and is definately a step in the right direction. 1.2 is a good thing, IMO.


If you are so disappointed in the proposed changes, why are you still here?


My sub has not run out yet. You guys sound like every other "wow-killer" defender fanboi out there, it's obvious this game is dying.\


It's not obvious to you because you either haven't played long enough yet or you are just new to MMOs in general. Don't worry there is usually a band of around 100-200k of you "smart guys" that stick around and feed game devs for a while so you'll be able to play your game until you realize the truth.

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Nice, finally this super mythical, of biblical proportions update is coming out Tuesday (jk its not that awesome, but its been overhyped like no tomorrow).


Well see if this brings back a few friends who quit....i doubt it though. I forsee game updates 1.2, 1.3, 1.4. and 1.5 will all be related to just getting the game in a state where...its "solid". Then after that, the actual fun, really cool stuff will start coming out. - Of course thats just my opnion ;)

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Well good if it does, I can try it out before my sub ends but the PTR is pretty buggy right now so I hope they can pull it off.


If the patch comes April 10th and is what is on the PTR right now, Rofl-ragefest incoming with patch.


Are you on the PTS?


I'm thinking not.


because I am.


And I have been actively testing this whole time.


I want you to name one "Bug" on the PTR that's going to make people rage.


Because the game on the PTR as I and my guild have personally been testing (and we are the only known guild to have cleared all content currently on PTR) they have fixed pretty much every bug we sent a bug report in about and the content patch is ready for live servers.


In my humble opinion as a dedicated tester and someone who has seen it first hand.

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