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1.2 release date?


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you cant really call yourself an mmo vet if your complaining right now


mmo vets are the ones who relize that mmos get better overtime.sw tor hasnt been out long enough to really get much better


its the played 1 mmo world of warcraft crowd that are the ones that are complaining.which,in my opinion good riddance if they leave

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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That would cause more problems!


If Bioware said that Patch 1.2 would release April 20th, 2012 everyone would get happy because we have a date. However, say that Bioware experiences a snag in the 1.2 patch and would need time to fix it. So they delay it to sometime mid May, then we would have an uproar of people complaining about delays and how Bioware lied and all this crap.


Best to just keep it quiet until you're 100% ready.


See I just kinda wish that what they would do would have a live counter with big bold text saying: "This is the estimated release date. For those who do not understand that concept, it means it is not a date set in stone. It's what we're shooting for, and will almost certainly have to push it back by a few weeks."



Or something to that effect. Either way, I still prefer to wait to release things until they're good and ready.

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you cant really call yourself an mmo vet if your complaining right now


mmo vets are the ones who relize that mmos get better overtime.sw tor hasnt been out long enough to really get much better


its the played 1 mmo world of warcraft crowd that are the ones that are complaining.which,in my opinion good riddance if they leave


I think as an MMO vet you should be able to know a stinker when you see one. This game will be ready to launch in May at the earliest, but they wanted to get paid so they launched it in December as an incomplete waste of time.


MMO vets know that the most important thing is having a reason to log in everyday. Up until about 1.3 or 1.4 I don't think that will be the case. This was a great single player game. I paid my money to go through the stories and it was worth it. As a game, I enjoyed it. As an MMO, it's at the bottom of the barrel.

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Not sure why everyone is so impatient about the 1.2 update. You know with absolute certainty that it will require an additional adjustment because it is going to break the game and piss off a lot of people. Sure the patch notes are out and it is on the public test server but until the bulk of the gaming community actually experiences these changes in game, the actual result is a creeping shadow. Mark my words, 1.2 will be followed by future nerfs and imbalances, why? Because the game is actually STILL a beta.
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Hell I still wish that you had solo story content at lvl 50. So sick of always having to rely on others to obtain upgrades, when i'd rather make my own upgrades and just continue with the story. And I say this because on the server I am on we do not have a ton of people like other servers so we do not have enough people to run flaspoints or operations.
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That was one change that helped balance out the burst potential in PVP. This patch has everything in it. Class re-balance, new PVP, and PVE content, plus the legacy system. I never heard of the soft cap on surge being game ending.


This is just how I see it.


I've heard everything from "green lines on your screen" to "loading screen times" are going to kill the game....this is an MMO forum and anything / everything will be overblown.

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This game is, by a million miles, one of the best MMOs at v1.1 stage. Most of the gripes are niche in the extreme and reported by people who rushed to cap and are, by definition, experiencing a very restricted part of the game. When you come to a shiney new game from a hoary old MMO like EQ which has been developed for 10 years or so, or (/spit) WoW which has had millions spent on it since release you realise that SWTOR will not be as polished a product.


Seriously, most of the critics need to take a step back and get a grip. If you want the game to play like WoW then I suggest you go back there. This isn't WoW, it's SWTOR. Not everyone wants to play WoW everytime they log onto an MMO. Balance is pretty good and I'm enjoying playing all the classes. Yes there are some issues but they certainly don't spoil my enjoyment of the game as a whole. If they spoil yours then I suggest you stop fixating on the bad and concentrate a little more on what the game does well. If you're this negative now then the game will probably never come up to your expectations as you will be racing ahead of what is possible ofr the devs to achieve and I suggest you go back to Azeroth.

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I've heard everything from "green lines on your screen" to "loading screen times" are going to kill the game....this is an MMO forum and anything / everything will be overblown.


Your observation is going to kill this game!!!!

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This patch will be tested better on the PTS than any that have come so far. Saturday night I started a new character to check out changes, there were 147 people on Korriban in instance #1, and there were 2 instances.
Ya ... the PTS has really come alive. The Friday night before 1.2 was released to the PTS there were 14 in Vaiken and 4 in Dromund Kaas. By the Friday night after 1.2 was released to the PTS there was 40 in both Vaiken and Dromund Kaas. This patch will definitely have the snot tested out of it. That's a good thing me thinks. :) Edited by GalacticKegger
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Then, please, enlighten me as to how I'm supposed to enjoy said-MMO because currently, I have two characters for which gear progression has halted since they both have full Rakata/BM; I have completed all FP's; all OPs (not on NM since there's currently no point); I complete my dailies on a daily basis; gotten all my crafting on both characters to Level 400. The list goes on. The point I'm trying to make is that progression has literally halted for both of my characters. I maybe need one or two extra enhancements which only drop from HM OPs... that's maybe the only items that I have left to gather. I refuse to make a third character since already managing two level 50 characters with a game that's less than 4 months old is completely absurd.


This kind of statement just doesn't hold: "You need to review your own attitude towards games." It's pretty easy: if I catch the carrot on the end of that stick that's supposed to keep me playing, what do I have left to do? I can only run so many WZs a night before I get bored.


There's your problem. The point is challenge and fun. You play this game like its your 9 to 5 job. Nightmare ops are plenty fun, even if its the same gear that you get in hardmodes. (More chances at the karagga hat and droid, extra car for each boss, and titles for beating it in 2 hours).

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It's not work or a job.

Unsub till they release the part of the game that should have been out when they launched.



Might make them hurry:)


:eek: For Pete's sake, don't have them hurry. That causes bugs and bugs can ruin an otherwise perfect game.

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