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10 Good
  1. For Pete's sake, don't have them hurry. That causes bugs and bugs can ruin an otherwise perfect game.
  2. Simple answer to the estimated downtime length: "How long to re-fit?" -- Kirk "Eight weeks. But you don't have eight weeks, so I'll do it for you in two." -- Scotty "Do you always multiply your repair estimates by a factor of four?" -- Kirk "How else to maintain my reputation as a miracle worker?" -- Scotty
  3. Let's hope it's a fix for all the speedhacker's in pvp. Instant, irrevocable account ban.
  4. BOTS in PvP aren't the real problem. It's the people who are using speedcheats and other hacks. When you are standing toe to toe with someone and you are playing a DPS trooper and can't damage them, something is wrong. No healers present and they just stand there while you use everything at your disposal. Reminds me of the old rate hacks that used to fly around.
  5. After re-reading the OP, I saw the sarcasm. Wasn't fully awake at first.
  6. Sounds like Merc needs the nerf to me. Don't know about anyone else.
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