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Is republic terrible on all servers?


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Come to Ajunta Pall.


The Republic is strong on my server. The healing problem DEFINITELY won't be an issue, but there are still a ton of sentinels.


I'm also pretty sure that our server is the most balanced faction-wise of all the PvP servers in the game.



Republics are definetely better on this server. My previous server, I used to be able to faceroll all the Pub n00bs. On this server, I'm getting my *** handed to me whenever I PuG. Way more Sith n00bs on Ajunta Pall.

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I play on one of the, if not the, lowest population servers in EU - Tott Doneeta (14 people on fleet prime time. Woop woop) but there is usually 1 lvl 50 wz running at a time. Theres maybe 20 active lvl 50 Republic players and every single one is in the same guild, and we DESTROY them. Some of them are good but too many of them just suck, and we win about 80%. Ofc sometimes not all of our best players are on, and there is a group of 4 Republic mates with geared toons who sometimes play and own us, but we don't see them often as they rerolled.


Hell, today, the premade i was in decided to strip naked and fight - we had weapons, implants, ears, relic, head but not shown, etc, but no visible gear. We still owned.

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It's all timing on The Harbinger.


Repub wins 75% when aussies are on and loses 75% when they go to bed.


*laughs* If it's anything like my extended experience with Aussie gamers... it's because the majority of them are Imps. XD


I met some cool to hang around ones in game, especially Landroval on LoTRO... but they are among the worst gamers I have ever met. My old guild on LoTRO was Aussie led and with a full raid of guildies... they couldn't finish a raid 15 levels below all of their chars. -_-

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Jung Ma has good Republic players. I wouldn't say that they dominate, exactly, but I have seen a lot of people complain that they always seem to win -- but you know how that goes. Also, it's an east coast server, so that's just another extra added bonus for me. :]


I have been hesitant to pimp my server too much because I don't want to encourage the rabble to roll here, but we have a good community and faction balance. I'm afraid of giving too much publicity because I don't want a bunch of Imps who are sick of Huttball to start rolling here. I'm worried it'll mess up the nice faction balance we have enjoyed so far.


Edited by belialle
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Is republic awful at pvp on all servers or just mine, Arkanian legacy? We seem to lose about 70% of WZs. Any tips? Advice? Although I guess it may because no-one seems to heal/bubble and 40% of players are sentinals.


Come to Infinite Empire. We are outnumbered and we are beating there pants off.

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Come to Ajunta Pall.


The Republic is strong on my server. The healing problem DEFINITELY won't be an issue, but there are still a ton of sentinels.


I'm also pretty sure that our server is the most balanced faction-wise of all the PvP servers in the game.


This ^. I have 2 pubes and 2 imps and it's a pretty great place to be.

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It used to be pretty even, but after the main Imp guild rerolled rep on another server we are left with nothing but scrub imps. I honestly cant even remember the last time I lost a WZ against imps. Must be 20-30 games ago.


The decent imps that are left on the server I can count on one hand.


It seems the hardcore PvPers that originally started Imptoons just realized what we saw initially, how ungratifying it is to be part of the zergfaction, and finally rerolled.


Bioware, We NEED a servermerge ASAP. Alot of people dont have the time to reroll, and as it stands now, endgame PvP is just plain boring and unchallenging.

Edited by Niconogood
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Is republic awful at pvp on all servers or just mine, Arkanian legacy? We seem to lose about 70% of WZs. Any tips? Advice? Although I guess it may because no-one seems to heal/bubble and 40% of players are sentinals.


i can say.. om my PvP server.. most ppl in rep just doing flash points. and the ppl i get into i WS just sux.. thay run around like headless chikens. ofc i get into some battles where we play ok.. i just think the Rep just appeal to PvEers even on pvp servers ...


auto bann ppl whit sociel 2+

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Time of day, day of week and pug/pre-made really determine when the 'bads' come out to play.


I have played plenty of games where my team, even PUGs, have wrecked Imperials, even some ****taball where we have wrecked Republic.


There are also games where I have been wrecked and wanted to nerd rage it out.


At the end of the day- you win some, you lose some. If I really cared about winning- I would just queue up premade all the time.

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On Darth Bandon it's very much a 50/50 thing. I tend to go in with Wayward Star (guild) premades, and that tips the scales heavily in our favor, but when I'm going solo it tends to be roughly 50/50. That being said, there are some imp pre-mades that crush us pretty bad.
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Imps outnumbered Reps around 3 or 3.5:1 on Belgoth's Beacon.


Bunch of Imps rolled Rep toons. Now it's usually competitive. We were having a pretty good time out on broken Ilum, before broken Ilum was compelled to expire.

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Not on Krayt Dragon lol


Republic is mostly premades and stomps Imperials at least 70% of the time. On some days (like right now) it's upto 80-90%.


Even seen them in huttball.


Exactly. Usually Republic will pre-made on Ven Zallow.


I have a tendency of harshly criticizing new players that enter WZs with just 6 green pieces of equipment. If they want walk a mile in my shoes, they'll have to start with Eve.

Edited by Larishet
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Is republic awful at pvp on all servers or just mine, Arkanian legacy? We seem to lose about 70% of WZs. Any tips? Advice? Although I guess it may because no-one seems to heal/bubble and 40% of players are sentinals.


Same way on helm of gorath.

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If anyone is rerolling, feel free to come to The Constant, as republic we lose about 93% of the time, any time of the day (50 bracket). So you if you have PVP chops and are willing to be part of the solution rather than the problem join us. I would love to be able to PVP and learn some tactics from some serious PVP'rs. Be warned though we almost always lose. The Imps have a couple of full time PVP guilds rolling and being able to kill a single healer is as unlikely as R/E'n an epic on your first try.
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Is republic awful at pvp on all servers or just mine, Arkanian legacy? We seem to lose about 70% of WZs. Any tips? Advice? Although I guess it may because no-one seems to heal/bubble and 40% of players are sentinals.


Dark Reaper has a really strong republic presence in wz's.

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