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Force users should be more powerful! Than Non-force Users!


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In a way, I actually agree with the original comment about force users. There are very few references where a non force user can stand even for a moment against a force user. Even a top notch main character like Han Solo draws his blaster and fires several dead on shots at Vader who doesn't even blink and rips it from his hands with the force. Sure during order 66 jedi were shot to pieces by clones when the odds were 100 to 1, and even then two masters like Yoda and Obi Wan were able to wade their way into the Jedi temple. Even a pre-teen padawan gave a squad of clones trouble and took a few out before being cut down, not to mention the carnage that the real masters were capable of. By the end of the story quests your force sensitive characters are taking seats on the council etc. Not exactly a spot your average force user would be taking. A character with that level of power would be an army all by themselves. In one episode of Clone Wars, Asoka a young jedi in training beheads no less than four Mandalorians in a single movement. Luke Skywalker wrecks Jabbas entire barge and skiff force loaded with what was sure to be some of the best bounty hunters available at the time., pretty much by himself. That being said I do see the game balance problem that comes with that. It does sort of ruin the Star Wars mystique and flavor when every random dude with a blaster gives a Jedi Master trouble.
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Agree with OP, and force using classes should only be unlocked using legacy system. Current state of game is beyond travesty.


Nooooooo NO to this. This is what kept me from SWG. Without Jedi, Sith, Lightsabers, the Force, STAR WARS IS JUST A MEDIOCRE SCI-FI. That's a fact. If I can't play as a Jedi from the beginning then there's no point. Jedi are the only part of Star Wars I actually like.


Frankly I don't care that force users are equal with non-force users. It doesn't bode well for Lore, but I don't care. It's a fun game. Even then... I watched Attack of the Clones. I saw many a Jedi just drop dead from being shot be a regular droid "trooper".


You know what? Screw it. I think the game keeps on with Lore. Force users aren't invincible. They are just elite. They are also fighting elite bounty hunters, agents, etc... and these people have fought many Jedi/sith in their path to level 50. I say it's completely fine.

Edited by Bewoulff
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Force-Users are NOT more powerful than non-Force-Users.




It just so happens that a lot of the Major Characters in the six Star Wars movies are Jedi.


But the non-Jedi: Han, Leia, Lando, Chewie, Padme, Artoo -- handle themselves very well. Even Luke, before he ever had any REAL Jedi training, was embarrassing the Empire's finest stormtroopers with his combat skill.


It's not about Force vs. non-Force. It's about, in this context, PC vs. NPC. And PC wins pretty handily (with the exception of those boss fights that are supposed to be challenging.)

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The only way a non-force user ever wins is by outnumbering the force-user.


All the most powerful leaders... what were they? Force-users!


Even mandalore lost to a force-user.

Edited by Ch_Zero
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Which Mandalore? Because when Canderous Ordo was Mandalore he killed his fair share of force users, Boba Fett specialized in jedi after the purge. force users are no better than non force users, all depends on individual skill. If put against more than 2 opponents a force users ability doesnt add up to much no matter if theyre professional jedi hunters or not.
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a weapon can do as much damage as a force user. such as a rocket, grenade etc.


also, a force user can only deflect so much blaster fire, gattling guns would kill jedi. also theres lightsaber resistant materials so you could wear armor that would make they useless.


Someone who spends as much training fighting force users, as one who trains to use the force, maybe on equal footing. A bountyhunter could pwn jedi like batman pwns supervillians

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Mandalore the Ultimate fell to Revan simply because Revan was stronger and it just so happened he was a Force User. To be fair, you can't actually compare Mandalore the Ultimate falling to Revan as a basis for which Force Users are more powerful. Seeing as Revan was a powerful man to begin with, not because of the Force, but because he was cunning and clearly more intelligent.


Let's say that Revan had fallen to Mandalore the Ultimate, then KotOR, KotOR II and TOR probably wouldn't be in existance. So that's not really a valid excuse for your basis.


Besides. Let's say a Bounty Hunter comes up against a Jedi/Sith (which happens in the BH storyline) and they threw a Thermal Detonator or a Missle at the Jedi/Sith, would they be able to block that attack with their lightsaber? No. Chances are, they wouldn't be able to stop it with the Force either, because it would require a lot of concentration and would leave them open to other types of attack.

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As my BH always says: "Bet they ain't blaster proof."

That's true on any force-user.


It's actually, "I have never met anyone who was blaster proof."


...Yep, still haven't met anyone who fits that description! /Blow out smoke on gun

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As my BH always says: "Bet they ain't blaster proof."

That's true on any force-user.

Well, to be fair:


(Imperial Agent Act I closing spoilers ahead):


If, as a lightside Agent, you decide to fight Darth Jadus, you and Watcher Two have a conversation which goes a bit like this:


"I'll just kill him. He can be shot like anyone else, right?"

"No -- Force-users aren't just like everyone else! They're impervious to blasterfire. We'll need to..."


*Watcher Two devises a cunning plan*


You fight Jadus three times, but he ends up escaping through an aptly-named escape pod.



Obviously this restriction is for, specifically, the more powerful force-users (I mean, you kill at least one noteable Jedi on Corellia, empire-side), but the fact stands that some of them are impervious to death by normal means.


Or it's a plot discontinuity. Whatever.

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Yes because that clearly worked so well for SWG.... :rolleyes:


Actually, it worked really well. The game tanked when they made it a starting class. Oh, yeah, and tried to balance classes.


Why should a smuggler be able to stand toe-to-toe against a force user? The only reason is PvP. From a PvE standpoint, if I can't handle a mob or a mission, I'll get more levels or get a group, which is realistic and in keeping with the canon.


The desire for classes balanced against one another leads to the homogenization of classes, and the continual nerf-fest in games after launch. You might as well just have one class with different skins. Go play a shooter. The whole point of classes is to have different skills and abilities, some of which are useful only in some situations. That is what encourages grouping and cooperative game play.


I say MORE class imbalance! Vive la différence!

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Well, to be fair:


(Imperial Agent Act I closing spoilers ahead):


If, as a lightside Agent, you decide to fight Darth Jadus, you and Watcher Two have a conversation which goes a bit like this:


"I'll just kill him. He can be shot like anyone else, right?"

"No -- Force-users aren't just like everyone else! They're impervious to blasterfire. We'll need to..."


*Watcher Two devises a cunning plan*


You fight Jadus three times, but he ends up escaping through an aptly-named escape pod.



Obviously this restriction is for, specifically, the more powerful force-users (I mean, you kill at least one noteable Jedi on Corellia, empire-side), but the fact stands that some of them are impervious to death by normal means.


Or it's a plot discontinuity. Whatever.



Umm, the actual line is "Sith can be killed. One shot to the brain, and this ends now."



Just played it not too long ago. Sniper FTW. :)

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Sith inquisitor








All force users should be powerful


Secondary is Bounty hunter


They can stand up to force users and beat weak ones, but Shouldn't beat strong ones.


Agent / trooper / smuggler are kind of minion roles.


How can they match a force user? unless they can resist the force since they have force potential themselves!?!





No, I disagree, think of it this way; everyone knows how to run but it doesn't mean everyone can win olympics. It's all about harnessing your potential, and not all force users can reach the level of the characters we see in the games or novels or movies. I do think force - users have more potential , I mean come on, they can kill people with a single thought, but not all of them can reach it and it's not easy to reach it. So it's not that hard to think a well- prepared clever experienced imperial agent or a bounty hunter who's armed to the teeth can kill a jedi or a sith. It doesn't matter what powers you have or what potential you possess, it's all about being ready and experienced and it all comes down to the individuals and out of billions of people in the galaxy you can only count a handful of characters in star wars history that are truly powerful.

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I'm trying to understand in comparison to movies and lore etc.



It's all Sith, Darth, and the emperor etc. the Emperor is a force user.


the only significant one you hear about in Lore who was a non-force user was mandalore.



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