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Fleet design fails to impress


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Maybe it would help if you put down some suggestions as to your definition of 'awe inspiring'. And also realize that what may be deemed as awesome by some, is deemed annoying by others.


Personally I like the clean and functional look of the Republic Fleet (Carrick Station). It's easy to navigate and find your way around.


I have yet to personally see the Imperial version, but judging from screenshots it felt a bit messed up with too many bright lights 'in your face'. But opinions may differ from person to person.


So while I would personally dislike strobe lights all over the place and turn a space station into a Galactic Dance Event, I would like more social items like chairs/benches that people actually can sit on.


And now some people are going to roar and bring pitchforks and torches; but personally I feel that the Republic station is for adults (functionality) and the Empire station is for teens (disco lights). :p

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Maybe it would help if you put down some suggestions as to your definition of 'awe inspiring'. And also realize that what may be deemed as awesome by some, is deemed annoying by others.


Personally I like the clean and functional look of the Republic Fleet (Carrick Station). It's easy to navigate and find your way around.


I have yet to personally see the Imperial version, but judging from screenshots it felt a bit messed up with too many bright lights 'in your face'. But opinions may differ from person to person.


So while I would personally dislike strobe lights all over the place and turn a space station into a Galactic Dance Event, I would like more social items like chairs/benches that people actually can sit on.


And now some people are going to roar and bring pitchforks and torches; but personally I feel that the Republic station is for adults (functionality) and the Empire station is for teens (disco lights). :p


The empire fleet is actually quite functional and has a good star wars feel to it. It feels like a space hub. I've actually seen more complaints from republic players (with varying reasoning) complaining that the empire fleet had more effort put into the design.


Should make an empire toon and check it out. Doesn't take long to get to lev 7 on an alt and visit it.

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lol. the designers are really good.


the attention to detail they gave this game is amazing.


. hands down, the best looking mmo I've played


( it may or may not be the best 'overall' ...but I havent played all the mmo's ...just a lot of them...therfore, the best design team I have seen.)

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The empire fleet is actually quite functional and has a good star wars feel to it. It feels like a space hub. I've actually seen more complaints from republic players (with varying reasoning) complaining that the empire fleet had more effort put into the design.


Should make an empire toon and check it out. Doesn't take long to get to lev 7 on an alt and visit it.


Yeah, at the moment I can only base my opinion on comparison screenshots posted a while back. But I'm currently working on getting a BH up so I can see it with my own eyes :)

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the should have made a CITY HUB


that would have been much better a space station feels SO COLD!!


bioware Lucas art FAIL!!!!!! is fail!!!



Actually they added the stations in late beta because the players whined the cities were too big to navigate for a hub.



mmo players FAIL!!!!!! are fail!!!

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It's ok, but needs improvement. For one there should definitely be a dueling area. They should have put that in the center and put the lounge somewhere else. People need something to do when they are just standing around waiting for warzones or crafting. Once you send all your companions out on gathering or crafting missions there's nothing to do at fleet but stand around and wait.


It should be easy for them to improve though. I would think adding another outer ring or another level would be fairly easy for them.

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I kind of figured that a place designed to be the social hub of ones faction would be awe-inspiring.


Bioware failed me




Poor baby.


So, out of curiosity, what is your reference comparison for such a proclomation????

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Poor baby.


So, out of curiosity, what is your reference comparison for such a proclomation????


My own answer to the question would be: The hubs in Aion's abyss are more "awe-inspiring" than the fleet hubs of the Old Republic. "Awe-inspiring" here meaning exactly what it implies.


As it is, the fleets in TOR are nice to look at, but are what you'd typically expect. There's no awe.

Edited by Dezzi
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It's ok, but needs improvement. For one there should definitely be a dueling area. They should have put that in the center and put the lounge somewhere else.


How about you and your dueling buddy just blow yourselves out the airlock and duel in space like real men. We will all watch from one of the view ports. :p


On a serious note, I agree that they need a place for people on fleet to do the habitual things they like to do, such as dueling.


Personally though, I don't want that in the main hub of the fleet complex as it gets annoying, more for all the epeen spam in /say more so then the gerbil hopping and flash bang motion combat people seem to need to do. They should make different wings in the fleet that you can public portal into (like is done for ship hangers and elevators) if if you want to see or participate in dueling. And if Bioware were to do it in a style of a combat arena, maybe with the ability to gamble on the duelers, they would really amp up the Star Wars RP some.

Edited by Andryah
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From my point of view, having characters in both factions, the two fleet hubs are nearly identical. The layout is the same, the lighting and decor are slightly different giving the rebub hub a warmer feel (more yellow lighting, yellow stairs etc.).


Personally, I would have preferred them to be completely different, but one thing is quite clear: both are highly functional in terms of getting around and finding what you need. After the ambiance wears off, that's what really matters.

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I'm sorry, not to troll or anthing, but I don't even get what people are trying to say in this thread.


"Republic fleet looks awesome, but Imperial fleet needs work"

"Imperial fleet looks awesome, but Republic fleet needs work"


You guys realize..... THEY ARE IDENTICAL? They only switched the ordering of the 4 sectors and the colors associated to the lights.



I agree with OP. Cities should feel unique. Not a boring circle that is copy pasted between the two factions. As it stands, the only difference between the factions are some of the ability animations (lightning vs dirt, mortar vs missiles) and population numbers. That's it.

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I'm sorry, not to troll or anthing, but I don't even get what people are trying to say in this thread.


"Republic fleet looks awesome, but Imperial fleet needs work"

"Imperial fleet looks awesome, but Republic fleet needs work"


You guys realize..... THEY ARE IDENTICAL? They only switched the ordering of the 4 sectors and the colors associated to the lights.



I agree with OP. Cities should feel unique. Not a boring circle that is copy pasted between the two factions. As it stands, the only difference between the factions are some of the ability animations (lightning vs dirt, mortar vs missiles) and population numbers. That's it.


That's the big difference between form and function.

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That's the big difference between form and function.


I agree, but at the same time there are some really interesting ideas within this thread that could make the fleet more "awe inspiring" as the OP puts it.


They should make different wings in the fleet that you can public portal into (like is done for ship hangers and elevators) if if you want to see or participate in dueling. And if Bioware were to do it in a style of a combat arena, maybe with the ability to gamble on the duelers, they would really amp up the Star Wars RP some.


I'm sure that took that player all of 5-10 minutes to think of that. Doesn't BW have teams of people to brain storm ideas? How were things like this missed? Awesome idea man. The dueling in KotOR comes to mind.

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I like the Undercity.


Unfortunately for the fleet, an Undercity ripoff, it fails to be as good as the Undercity no matter how hard it tries. There's no "life" to it. No NPCs doing cool stuff. The fleet is just that spot in the game where you go and say "Yeah, I've seen this done better before. And yeah, the peformance in this game engine sucks."

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