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If this game was not Star Wars would you still play?


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Nop. I am not saying that. The narrative is some moments is good and others, pretty standard. There is always a margin to make things better.


And yes, WoW without WoW is not WoW anymore.

And SWTOR without SW is not SWTOR anymore. It´s the Hero Engine‎. You can not play an engine. You can develop a game on it to play, nothing else.


I am pretty sure that any sci-fi franchises can replicate Star Wars, but it´s pretty illegal due to the protection of author rights.


And I am certainly sure than you can´t wrap any crappy sci franchise into MMO because nobody will buy that. Let´s be realistic. That situation is hypothetic and very unplausible.

No MMO will sell without a strong allure. For SWTOR, this allure is SW.


It seems I have failed to convince you, and tbh I'm outta ideas. Here's a (rhetorical) question: what, in your opinion, proportion of players in SWTOR are SW fans (and were probably drawn to this game just by the word SW); and what proportion of players in WoW are warcraft fans?

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If this game was not Star Wars, but some other lore/world/universe, would you still play?


If yes, list 3 reasons why.

If no, list 3 reasons why.


Constructive and civilized responses only please.


If this hame wasn't Star Wars, it wouldn't have been made :p


Other than that..it's Bioware, I like Bioware. I hope they make a much better and improved MMO around 2016-2018 that takes place in Thedas...Bioware + Swords/Shields/Magic = Win!

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Star Wars? Meh.


I don’t mind that it is Star Wars, although occasionally I think the IP will hang around this games neck like a squawking albatross. I can hear in the meetings now… we could do this really cool thing….. but we cant… cause it is Star Wars.


I am something of a fan of Star Wars, but it is not particularly why I am playing this game.


I am playing this MMO as it is currently the most enjoyable one out there right now.

Edited by Dayln
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Nope: Was originally suckered in by friends to play based on its ip, was a refreshing change till 50 first time round mostly cause of its player base.


Nothing innovative:

Come fifty the same old same old happens raid, warzone and dailies and people turn narky as in other games

The stories seem to stagnate after fifty

No hidden quests etc (warhammer actually had these and actually kept me interested way past its used by date)

Nothing outside of datacrons to collect

Sideways decisions that split rather then unite the community

Pvp on a downhill slide

Eternal need to grind credits and lots of them for not much of a payoff

All toons look kinda the same

Too many missing basic features

No global chat


On the up side think that the future could redeem this game a bit for many as feature that should have been in game at release become more and more available with every patch, unfortunately many others will be playing other games by then ...

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to tell you the truth...no i wouldnt have played this game as long as i have,but the starwars fandom is quickly erroding. i hate to say it,but this game has nothing that WoW cant give me,and WoW does it 10x better.
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I can't answer that with a straight yes or no.


1. I've never played a MMO before so the only reason I'm playing this one is because it had Star Wars in the title. And no, I'm not a big SW fan, can't even name the titles of the movies, but I figured that it had potential. That said I can't really answer a question that revolves around "stilll".


2. It doesnt feel particulary Star Wars'ish now that I play it ...and I'm still playing.

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I would never look at this game, if it was not "Star Wars".

Came back to play swtor 1.2


* Still no support for the pvp community.

* No open world objectives

* No open world pvp

* No massive pvp / star wars battle. "50 vs 50 / 100 vs 100 etc"

- Just the same boring warzones, 8 vs 8...


- Only reason I am still here is b/c of friends.

Edited by Valperion
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In fact the only reason I made it thru the 30 days that came with the box is the IP.


But, now even that has wore off, Canceled and just playing out the free 30. Reasoning?


1. WAY too linear, and I do mean everything, the combat system, the quest lines, the gear grinds, everything. You get a dev installed nose-ring on the starter planet and it stays with your toon for the duration. You can't even shed it at end-game. Try to break free of that even a little and their "programed to die" development kicks into overdrive.


2. This is almost the worst combat engine, combat design, and combat system I've ever seen in an MMORPG. Even the Cryptic engine is better and that is really saying something. Specials that don't fire but the global cooldown still applys, 4-5 times of hitting the button before anything actualy fires, 421 specials to keybind (ok, only 324) with only about 4 that actualy don't take something else working 1st, NO heals for classes with toons relying on pets to provide that with scripted routines, absolute worst targeting system I've ever seen and that includes MUDS even, tanking is based on interupts (taking something away from another NPC/player instead of stat mitigations, 1 hit kills in PVE, etc etc etc


3. Simply no reason to socialize in this MMO at all. Looks like a single player game with some multi-player stuff tacked onto it. WoW with glowbats.


I could go on but why? To each their own but for me anyway, BioWare would have a lot of work to regain my sub. Probably not worth it, to be honest.

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because support for real rp is extremely limited, and other games do a better job. See NWN.

because its subscription and f2p's that do a better job are available.

because other more interesting subscription MMO's have better graphics. See AOC.

because they couldn't even develop a proper headgear system that doesn't delete hair. Still relying on NWN-style head replacement system.

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1) This game is not Massively Multiplayer. Many servers are dead and the game plays more like a single player game with multiplayer added on as an afterthought.


2) It uses tired game mechanics. It plays exactly like every other MMO released to date.


3) They re-used game mechanics, and game programmers from a terrible game in order to save a few bucks.


So far this game is playing out almost exactly like Warhammer online.

Excellent initial sales, extremely buggy game client, followed by massive bleeding off of subs and a clueless community manager outright lying to the customer base about the health of the game and gameservers.


The only bright side are the storylines and voiceacting, but those aren't enough to justify a monthly sub.


The overall quality of Bioware games has declined dramatically since EA took over.

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I am not a Star Wars geek. I watched the movies but didn't pay that much attention to the details.


Yet here I am and enjoying it. I like the video driven questing and choices that give your character a personality. I like the companion system. I like the legacy system.


I am a fantasy/magic game lover at heart, so I dearly miss dragons and pixie dust. If a planet could have some dragons, I'd be sooo very happy.


But I'm here and I'm planning to stay. Other game characters seem flat now. We really need a way to come up with continued stories and choices for personality development once we hit 50.

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I found this post really interesting. Made me think about why I play.


My Answer is NO.


1. There is very little end game content for you to do by yourself. I have had trouble organising my friends to play so havent really been getting into any groups(not really the games fault though). So... there's dailies. They are fun the first time, the second time I don't mind, the third time they become outright tedious and everything costs so much. No LFG system makes it tough.

2. The crafting system annoys the living hell out of me.

3. Bugs. The sound is messed up for me, and makes the game pretty unplayable at times. I like the sound, it helps with playing. but when it's cutting in and out constantly it is extremely aggravating.


There's other reasons too, the clunky targeting system for one. The way Asia Pacific transfers were handled, (which is why a lot of friends have stopped playing they got tired of waiting). I did enjoy the game for a little while, but would love to see more end game content that doesnt involve raiding. Swoop racing and pazaak anyone?

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Well it was the star warsiness that caught my eye, but assuming it had some other way, absolutely.


1. It was the first mmo where I actually ENJOYED the leveling process

2. I'm a part of an amazing guild

3. Both the PvP and PvE elements are very fun for me (though PvE can get a little daunting as a sorc healer)

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1) It's about the journey...the story...not the 'end game'.


2) Fully voiced NPCs, and companions. Not to mention a full voiced player character.


3) Immersion.


I wish more MMOs were like this.

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