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If this game was not Star Wars would you still play?


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No way.


The raids are really buggy.


The raids and gear prgression are way way too easy (i geared to chars in nearly full rakata in 3 weeks/ 3 clears)


Ive never seen a game dumbed down so hard before in my life, no combat logs because you dont want mediocre and bad players to have their feelings hurt? good god bioware pull your heads out.

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Yes, I like:


1. The story

2. The companion system

3. Having our own ship (or housing if it was another universe) that hopefully we will be able to customize


I like Star Wars but I'm not a die-hard fan. If they had made a Dragon Age MMO I would have been quite happy.

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If this game was not Star Wars, but some other lore/world/universe, would you still play?


If yes, list 3 reasons why.

If no, list 3 reasons why.


Constructive and civilized responses only please.






I'm playing with a real life friend, we play tank and healer which makes grouping easy and fun.


I'm enjoying the story driven content immensely and haven't completed all eight storylines to level 50 yet. I have no doubt that new content will be released before I finish them all and that will keep me playing.


Since I enjoy creating alts the Legacy System intriques me.

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I'm quitting the game, only reason i bought it in the first place was because it was a Bioware game, and Bioware games are usually good. Looks like we have another Dragon Age 2 in MMO form on our hands though.


Oh and the game engine is complete unoptimized garbage.

Edited by PeacefulViolence
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This is a great game, but Star Wars is the seller for me.


I can't say it's a bad game I wouldn't play otherwise, because I sincerely enjoy it and have fun. I simply would not have looked at it to begin with if it wasn't Star Wars.

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Instance this, instance that yada yada....


I like sci-fi not swords n crossbows so if it was some sort of other sci-fi MMO then maybe.


All the gear you gather during your leveling is poodoo once your lvl 50 (being addressed in 1.2)


lvl 50 clone wars, we all look the same (for the most part) per class.....ew..



I dont want to sit here and get ugly listing things out, I like the game. SWTOR has some issues and I hope these updates on the horizon spice it up a bit.

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Of course not. The sole reason I gave this game a shot is because it is set in the Star Wars universe. If I didn't desperately want the game to succeed, I wouldn't even be playing right now. I do not know how long I can keep hoping for the best, seeing how poorly the engine is written, how badly done and non- fluent the combat system is (e.g. compared to WoW), how bored I am with this game after less than 15 days /played, how easy and non- challenging the Nightmare content is etc. I won't even start about all of the missing features that if someone had told me an MMO of this calibre won't have at launch or 3 months in, I'd die of laughter.
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"If this game was not Star Wars would you still play?"


to be honest? probably not.


nothing against it or its creators.


I have three other subs to mmo's , and three other F2P ones going as well.




if this wasnt "Star Wars"..... I wouldnt have even looked at it....got so many other mmo things to do.



funny though.....I dont play those 'other' ones anymore now that I'm in swtor....they're getting really really dusty.

Edited by ArtMonster
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If this game was not Star Wars, but some other lore/world/universe, would you still play?


If yes, list 3 reasons why.

If no, list 3 reasons why.


Constructive and civilized responses only please.




The PVP content is lacking.

The game is too linear.

The game has fallen victim to the "CareBear Stare"

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If this game wasn't Star Wars, what would it be? I don't understand the question. You take Star Wars out and everything would be white Or just jungle, desert, no npcs, and no characters.


The question is, would it feel like an AAA MMO without the star wars name, and licenses. And the answer is a resounded "NO".


To me it doesn't feel like an AAA MMO, even with the SW namesake.

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I have to laugh at the people saying Hurry Game X

I just see it walking the same path as TOR, and everyother game before that

I remember when everyone was saying TOR cant come fast enough, now its GW2.

GW2 will be a solid game, but torn to shreds by its players, and then they will start hyping the next big thing.

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1. I hate the idea of MMOs in general, and have never had an urge to buy any before.

2. I don't like being forced into pointless combat just to get to the other side of a field.

3. I hate the armor system used by the games (light armor is way too light).

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The only reason i am resubscribing at all is because it is a Star Wars game.


That brand is about the only good thing the game has going for it now.


It needs a macro system, a "star wars" quality space combat system (like the "X Wing" and "Tie Fighter" games managed to do nearly 20 years ago in DOS.), better guild management and abilities, and it has a class system for the class I play (guardian) that feels genuinely haphazard and tossed together.


I am hopeful it will come together though, because I have been a Star Wars fan most all my life since it first came out.

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- I don't play Force users so I couldn't care less if lightsabers suddenly didn't exist :p

- This MMO has the best server community by far, though this depends on which server(s) you decided to pick. Friends list is getting very full rapidly, something that rarely happens in WoW where most of your grouping is from cross-server players you'll never see again, and thus treat you like trash.

- Best story - I get really attached to my characters. Some day I will finish every single class storyline.

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The key word here is "still" play, suggesting that we have played the game. I bought the game because it was Star Wars, not because it was a sci-fi MMO. I never would have purchased the game if it wasn't Star Wars

But...if I bought the game because it was a sci-fi MMO, would I still be playing it after having spent some time on it?

The answer is HELL YES. I love the game. The story telling, and voice acted scenes are amazing. I love the combat system, the graphics, etc. Yes the game has problems...just like EVERY SINGLE GAME EVER MADE! The best part about it though is that this is an MMO...and we can get things reworked, and improved over time.

And just for the record...I am a huge MMO fan, being one of the original subscribers of EQ1, DAOC, etc...and yes even WOW and RIFT, and some other unmentionables. SWOTOR is hands down the greatest MMO launch I have ever seen. If you disagree then you either jumped on a MMO bandwagon months/years after launch (cough cough....wow), or you have never played an MMO in your life.

The game needs some improvements....TO BE CLOSE TO PERFECT. As it stands now, it is unquestionably the most stable launch of any MMO I have ever played. and is an amazing game. Now if they could just fix that whole PvP thing...

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I'm going with "no".


I, like many of you, get psyched up about star wars. The crawl at the beginning of a new character makes me a bit giddy. I like the sound effects, the images that we're familiar with, the stories.


But that can't be all there is in an mmo. There has to be compelling group play, specific in game lore that you want to see the conclusions of, a good trade market (rather than an unusable one), a nice ui, and ui customizations (as opposed to very little customization, not enough bars for all my abilities, no addons, no in game combat log, no in game recount, and the promise of no macros).


Some things which I think would vastly improve the game: a server wide lfg system, which doesn't have to be automatic, but does need to be easy and effective to use.


A much better GTN with all the features of, say, the auctionator mod in WoW (if they allowed mods in this game, it wouldn't have to have many features, but since they're keeping it closed, it's up to them).


A reason to do hard mode FP's, instead of just doing easy mode operations, other than logistics.


So, more succinctly, my three reasons for no:


Too many common, basic mmo features missing, which makes the game less fun for me.


Not allowing addons, while also not taking up the slack and adding features that addons would give the players. It's one or the other, with neither, we all have the same crappy UI, with the assumptions that we all play the same way. In WoW, I have very different addons running on my mule (buying/selling character) than I do on my raiding characters.


Difficulty getting groups together, as well as a lack of incentive to even run a flashpoint. They need to have comparable loot to, say, normal mode operations, and, I would prefer, some integration of lore so that maybe flashpoints give ideas and hints at what's to come in the operation, or some quests lead up to a flashpoint or operation. Right now it seems like each instance is just a disjointed side story, with no effect on the game world, the quests we've been doing, or any other instance.

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