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If this game was not Star Wars would you still play?


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I have a 1.5Mbps net connection (best available in the back-water burg I live in), and have yet to have lag or FPS problems, and am running all graphics on max. Buy a new GPU (and/or MB/CPU), more RAM, get a better connection...


Did it , does not help at all . Looking at the number of posts on the forums , and from what i know from guildies , i can only judge that i am not alone .

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Really hard to say. If it wasn't Star Wars, I might have not even noticed it. Even as it is, I hadnt even heard about it untill late Nov '11 when few friends from another MMO mentioned it. That got me to google it and read about the features etc. Assuming I would have started playing tho... I would likely still play, but be on the verge of taking a break at least. The games has


1. Companions and clever inclusion of them into the class questlines/story.

2. Great stories and VO/cinematic scenes, adding to the immersion greatly.

3. Interesting crafting/modding system.


Unfortunately, first two get almost thrown out of the window once you reach 50, and 3rd is in a really bad state atm, but getting promising updates soon. If it wasn't SW, I might not have as much patience to wait when/how they are (possibly) adding to these.

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Badly implated MMO features and ideas. Really bad features. I am an MMO fan and if you look past Star Wars brand, an ok story and voice over, then you are left with, well, not a good MMO.

To many bounty hunter bugs in the game. For crying out load. How many times must one report the bugs since beta, and still no fixe on them.

Dead zones. You dont see ayone when you are out playing. You dont feel like you are out in the zones. no ambient "feelings".


can add a ton more, but Ill just stick with 3.


I have a 1.5Mbps net connection (best available in the back-water burg I live in), and have yet to have lag or FPS problems, and am running all graphics on max. Buy a new GPU (and/or MB/CPU), more RAM, get a better connection...


Try check around a bit before giving an aswer like that. You have people, like me, who sits on good machines and good connection, and still get fps issues etc etc. It does not anything to do with how good your machine is.


I wonder why EA/BW removed high settings on the graphical settings, and renamed medium to high. Try guess why they did that. They did not "gray" out the high settings for fixing for to activat it later. They removed it all to gether. They have just low and "new high". What does that tell you.

And now they are going to implant "extra low" settings for thouse with "really bad machines, like mine (see below)". Guess what will happen, when that comes into play. They will probably rename "low" to medium, and the new extra low settings to low.

Edited by Mamono
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If it wasn't Star Wars I'd probably be more forgiving for its flaws and maybe, in a weird way like it more.


Star Wars is very much an icon in our society. Its a tremendous IP. And with Bioware given the extreme privaledge of making a MMO based on it, we thought this was a grand slam even before it launched. Nothing less than near perfection was going to satisfy us.


So if it wasn't Star Wars I'd probably like it more.

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To be honest, this game isn't even really Star Wars insofar as an outsider is concerned. You're trying to say that the game attempts to pander to otherwise uninformed original trilogy fans who would play it solely because of their fandom of said trilogy, but this era has much different feel to it which, in my opinion, is not helped very much by one's affection for the original trilogy.


The Old Republic feels more like an elves-and-dragons fantasy world, and a the causal original trilogy fan, without any external knowledge of BioWare, KOTOR, or, other extended universe works has little outside of lightsabers and the force to relate to.

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Nope i wouldn't. I play this game as part of a duo with my wife (who is a starwars freak) and because the storyplay is great. I play everquest 1 for the grouping experience and anarchy online because it still has a lot of depth today games never will have. This game is good but would be just a science fiction game without starwars and the stories.
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No. If it was something else I would have given it something like six months to work out bugs and such before trying it. Also, if it was something else I never would have convinced my sister to try it so I wouldn't have a playing partner.


On the other hand, yes. The story is so much better presented and easier to follow than in other mmos that I probably would have tried it eventually and been hooked.

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Without a doubt no. I wouldn't have even gotten past trying it in beta. I gave it a lot of slack because of the star wars factor. And I'm losing both patience and hope.


My server is dying, my guild is dead, people are disappearing in increasing numbers. If 1.2 isn't basically an utter miracle of a patch I fear things are going to come to a grinding halt really fast.


It appears to me that Bioware felt people would stay interested in the game long enough for them to play catch up if they focused on making the voice overs as good as they possibly could. What they did do in my opinion was drastically cripple a key community development time.


I have never seen an MMO as quiet as this one. When I was leveling I could go hours without ever seeing a scrap of text in general chat, even when there were relatively a lot of people on. (The most I've ever seem in a single zone on my server is about 170 people, ever.) My experience was that people came for the story, and didn't want anyone else in their way while they went through it. There's just so little desire for cooperation with people.


And the lack of any features that bring people together is at the heart of this. There isn't even a guild bank to foster a sense of cooperation. Crafting being meaningless also killing any desire to collaborate on it. Roleplay features are abysmal at best. A handfull of bad emotes, and a chat interface that makes it a nightmare to hold any kind of gathering.


I know, like weve been told, oh just wait for the 1.2 patch. Honestly, I don't see as much hope there as some do. It looks like they thought giving people a reason to alt more would be a compelling fix. Sure, 1.2 might give enough to keep people on the hook for a little bit more, but at the end of the day the initial chance for the community to gel feels broken. I don't really have the energy to pick up and roll an alt on a server that isn't dead and try to make a go of it again from scratch. The best part of any mmo to me is always the initial wonderment of everything being new and meeting new people that are all excited about playing.


That is where this game missed the mark. It didn't get people excited about playing together, it just got them to grind out their story for their own entertainment and lose interest.

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I'm always playng and MMO and this one has...


- Best story of any MMO.

- Best animations of any MMO.

- Tons of reason to create an alt in this one compared to other games (Altaholic here).



The game is just a lot of fun for me. I've done more PVP than I did in 7 years of WOW. I'm actually experiencing story through quests instead of just mindlessly running from quest hub to quest hub. I have way more of a connection to my character and feel like the character is more of an important part of the universe.

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Without a doubt no. I wouldn't have even gotten past trying it in beta. I gave it a lot of slack because of the star wars factor. And I'm losing both patience and hope.


My server is dying, my guild is dead, people are disappearing in increasing numbers. If 1.2 isn't basically an utter miracle of a patch I fear things are going to come to a grinding halt really fast.


It appears to me that Bioware felt people would stay interested in the game long enough for them to play catch up if they focused on making the voice overs as good as they possibly could. What they did do in my opinion was drastically cripple a key community development time.


I have never seen an MMO as quiet as this one. When I was leveling I could go hours without ever seeing a scrap of text in general chat, even when there were relatively a lot of people on. (The most I've ever seem in a single zone on my server is about 170 people, ever.) My experience was that people came for the story, and didn't want anyone else in their way while they went through it. There's just so little desire for cooperation with people.


And the lack of any features that bring people together is at the heart of this. There isn't even a guild bank to foster a sense of cooperation. Crafting being meaningless also killing any desire to collaborate on it. Roleplay features are abysmal at best. A handfull of bad emotes, and a chat interface that makes it a nightmare to hold any kind of gathering.


I know, like weve been told, oh just wait for the 1.2 patch. Honestly, I don't see as much hope there as some do. It looks like they thought giving people a reason to alt more would be a compelling fix. Sure, 1.2 might give enough to keep people on the hook for a little bit more, but at the end of the day the initial chance for the community to gel feels broken. I don't really have the energy to pick up and roll an alt on a server that isn't dead and try to make a go of it again from scratch. The best part of any mmo to me is always the initial wonderment of everything being new and meeting new people that are all excited about playing.


That is where this game missed the mark. It didn't get people excited about playing together, it just got them to grind out their story for their own entertainment and lose interest.


Reroll on a heavy server. Trust me, it's NOTHING like you're talking about. I sometimes have to turn off gen chat on my two servers because people are talking nonstop about everything. Fleet has constant "LFG" spam going and most of the leveling worlds have 30-75 or more people even on off nights. It's crazy how different it is.

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Of course not and anyone who says yes is a liar or someone who plays for the single player experience.


1. Missing almost every single modern MMO feature.


2. See 1


3. See 1




Uh... I've quested solo. I've quested in groups. I've done FPs, I've PVPed. I'm not even in a guild and pug everything and I've had no issues finding groups for FPs or HQs.

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No I wouldn't play this if it wasn't Star Wars because;


1. The game has too many small annoyances - bugs in class quests, bad graphics such as clipping - npcs pulling blasters out of their legs etc, crappy looking gear (especially the pvp endgame gear), crappy customer service, one maintenance downtime for all locations (which is just cheap and lazy imo), crappy engine etc, etc - but they all add up.


2. I have never played a Bioware Game before and from their amateur looking efforts with this I probably wont play another of their games.


3. If this game wasn't Star Wars they wouldn't have shut down SWG when they did and I would be playing that instead!

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I think the title should be "Would you TRY this game"....but anyways...


I'd probably try it, even if it wasn't SWTOR, because I am a MMO fan first and foremost.


Also, I don't care that much for the Star Wars IP after the first three movies.


Furthermore, this game does nothing positive for the Star Wars IP.



Though I don't purchase Bioware games anymore,...


...when I liked them I would have tried it because of that regardless of the IP.


I will not continue this game because as an avid MMO player, this game, in my opinion...


...is a blight on the MMO genre as a whole.


I don't play MMO's to solo and I sure don't play them for empty dead servers.



Though my sub is up in 6 days, I MAY give this game a try in future if things look good.




Reroll on a heavy server.


Why do people think it's even rational to ask someone who devoted their time leveling, playing with friends on a server and probably joining a guild on a server to "REROLL ON ANOTHER SERVER"?


Everyone doesn't want to REROLL so stop trying to blame players for BIOWARES mistakes.

Edited by Tiaa
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1. Its not star wars

2. i signed up to play a star wars game

3. star wars galaxies would still be running and i'd have signed back up for that.



So true


the jilted Star Wars: Galaxies crowd, still pining for their ill-starred sandbox that went the way of Alderaan last December.

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If it was not Star Wars it would probably keep me longer because my expectations would be lower. I care not about the Star Wars franchise, I care about MMOs. I play this game because it is a MMO and because a few of my friends have a ***** for Star Wars.
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