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If this game was not Star Wars would you still play?


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Nope .

Traveling system .

Crafting system .

Horrible CS ( never tought someone can beat SOE for this but seems one can never know ).

Lag/fps issues and many many more .

Still its the only SW MMO atm so I shall stick with it .

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1. I like MMOs.

2. I like BioWare games.

3. It is new and shiny and real life friends are playing it.


And will I continue to play? Probably not much longer.

1. Lacks incentive to do things as groups at 50.

2. Lack of a group finding utility, not paying $15 a month to play solo.

3. BioWare's failure to address blatant bugs, with patch notes that consist almost entirely of PvP related changes, while almost entirely ignoring PvE things.


The first two I believe lead to my server going essentially dead at a certain point in time, making it even harder to get anything going. And if I were to add a 4th, it'd be the number of abilities. Just too many hotkeyed things, many situational that could be combined.


Note that I would consider myself a Star Wars fan. I own multiple copies of the movies, have bought some of the pricier lego sets, and so on. But it being Star Wars overall doesn't factor in too heavily. I never bothered with SWG, for example, because I didn't like the look of the game from the start. So the SW factor means it gets an initial look, the game itself has to do the rest.

Edited by Battilea
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MMORPG fan or STAR WARS or both, thats what brought me here.


If your a STAR WARS fan this game may have lasted 2 weeks of owe and kudo's but for most the novelty disappeared as MMO fan came through. As an MMo fan this game engine doesnt quite work for me and GW still is my persnal benchmark for MMO to beat. This doesnt.

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If this game was not Star Wars, but some other lore/world/universe, would you still play?


If yes, list 3 reasons why.

If no, list 3 reasons why.


Constructive and civilized responses only please.


Yes. It's fun, the stories amuse me (BW stories always do no matter the setting) and I enjoy discovering new "worlds".


In fact, I subscribe DESPITE it being SW as I am not a particular SW fan. I had to be coerced into trying the game.

Edited by DieAlteHexe
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If this game was not Star Wars, but some other lore/world/universe, would you still play?


If yes, list 3 reasons why.

If no, list 3 reasons why.


Constructive and civilized responses only please.


Yes if the game still was Sci-fi ish, had the same feel and the same emphasis on story.

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It's incredibly hard to say, because the universe premise of a game is a huge, huge factor as to why anyone would play, especially in the MMO market...but I still probably would. Why? Fully recorded dialogue, focus on story mechanics, and I've bought every Bioware game since Baldur's Gate - not because I'm a fanboy, but because I genuinely enjoy their work.


Yes, it's got its faults, yes it has cut content, and yes it was pushed to an early release...but hey, so was KOTOR, and that's still one of the best RPGs out there. Difference here is that we will get continual additions to content, patches and support. As much as I enjoy the game now, I'm really looking forward to what the future holds.

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1. Because it's fun

2. I like the story-driven content

3. Crafting is, for the moment, acceptable. Looking forward to improvements, though.

4. As an altaholic, the legacy system appeals to me.

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A very big NO.


Tbh its just not that good,mobs from lv 1-50 look the same,charicter creation is very lame and FP,OPS are not really hard lazy game Dev.


And this game should have been much better its just boaring,the Fact thats its a star wars mmo is the only thing it has.

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1- total VO mini movies when getting quest

2- its a MMO

3- its new and will only grow from here

4- full storyline unlike most mmo's




on the down side...


1- we travel to many diff planets and each planet should have bigger maps and more areas to go to... each world is a whole planet after all.


2- you get involved in this story for each different character you have and it up n ends at lvl 50. this game needs future storylines to come out and continue on past lvl 50. this is over and above just adding more pvp , flashpoints, ect.

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Based on the game's present technological inferiority, it does not matter to me whether it's Star Wars themed or not. The levelling is fun especially when you duo it with someone which I do. But I don't see it lasting long, certainly not for several years like a certain other MMO game has lasted for many.


I will play it while it's fun (and it is fun now), but will probably ditch it after levelling 2-3 characters to level 50.


So in short: If it wasn't Star Wars themed, I would to exactly the same as I am doing now: play it while it's fun, stop the very moment it becomes a daily chore.

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Why i play in order:


1. Guild is here. Known alot of the fellow members for years, some upto 7 years as we were a very strong guild in SWG and alot came across to Tor and we are same guild here + newer members from Tor.

2. Like the Storyline

3. Levelling so far (level 35 imp and 33 rep) has not felt like a chore or levelling.


Why i probably wouldnt play in order:

1. If Not Star Wars theme. I like to be familier with the scenes/story in games i play. Star Wars, Lotro, STO (few months from launch). Never been able to get into WoW, AoC etc

2. If Guild wasnt here. Sure i may still play but alot more casually. Saying that, its not nice seeing so many level 50s leave as they are bored so kind of dread guild members levelling to 50.

3. Awfull guild tools and lack of and a lack of community tools ingame to run social events

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Yes, I would play this game if it wasn't Star Wars.


1. It's BioWare. They are known for their storytelling and plot twists/lines that really get to you.


2. It has companions. They help you and do your stuff for you.


3. Has full voice over with story. Immersion is a HUGE plus in this game. Leveling experience is actually existent 1-50


But..I really hope this isn't just MEANT to be a knock at the game and you are masking that by saying "would you play this if it wasn't Star Wars?" That usually meant, in other threads, that people thought it was a bad game and people would play it no matter WHAT because it was just Star Wars.


Now, I am not assuming you are doing that in this thread. But there have been LOTS of other threads just like this one you just made that try to do that. BTW..isn't having an IP that a lot of people know the basis for having a popular, amazing game if done right? Warcraft..Elder Scrolls..Starcraft..Star Wars..Lord of the Rings..Harry Potter.


That's why we have different settings and different stories that are different but all in the same genre somewhat. Variety and people like what they feel is "them" the most.


That's like asking..."Would you buy this car if it wasn't a mustang" if you were a ford lover...

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Based on the game's present technological inferiority, it does not matter to me whether it's Star Wars themed or not. The levelling is fun especially when you duo it with someone which I do. But I don't see it lasting long, certainly not for several years like a certain other MMO game has lasted for many.


I will play it while it's fun (and it is fun now), but will probably ditch it after levelling 2-3 characters to level 50.


So in short: If it wasn't Star Wars themed, I would to exactly the same as I am doing now: play it while it's fun, stop the very moment it becomes a daily chore.


Totally sensible approach and one that I apply to all games. New releases do tend to be problematic for some, those who hurry along, usually. I'm one who does not. I level alts. and see the game slowly. So, by the time I get anywhere near "level cap", almost always there is much more than upon release.


Works brililantly for me.

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Being Star Wars is actually a negative, IMO. I don't like seeing all the lightsabers roaming around. I'm enjoying the game regardless, but there are issues that need to be resolved ASAP.


1) loading times (I resent doing dailies just because I hate the Belsavis loading time)

2) short game freeze when opening a UI frame


For the loading times, I can't figure out why it can't load the space port while you're moving around on your ship and then load the planet while you're roaming around on the space port. If they were load things this way, the loading screens would be almost unnoticeable during transitions, they'd only still be there when logging in.

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Of course not and anyone who says yes is a liar or someone who plays for the single player experience.


1. Missing almost every single modern MMO feature.


2. See 1


3. See 1


Tsk. May come as a shock but not everyone who doesn't share your sentiments is a "liar". Rhetoric like that just ends up making you look the fool.


That you don't like the game is unfortunate, it is never fun being disappointed but to expect the world to share your beliefs is foolish.

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I can't do your 3 yes or 3 no. The truth is I'd probably like the game more if it wasn't Star Wars, because I don't enjoy the light/dark alignment system. I like alignments and all but not one that's as black and white as this is. I'm a bad guy RAWR!
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No. I've played many MMO with combat that functions just like this one as I'm sure plenty of other subscribers have.

I'm not pulled in by the fact that it's Bioware (since my opinions of their games in the last few years have hit both extremes). I'm not pulled in by the novelty that is the conversation system (infact I'd sometimes wish I didn't use up all that harddrive space on sound files for dialogue in favour of the old fashioned RPG way).


I am simply a massive fan of star wars. And I'm a massive fan of MMOs. I knew that the combination wouldn't even need to be beyond average for ME to enjoy it. And I can say at the very least SWTOR delivers on that.

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If this game was not Star Wars, but some other lore/world/universe, would you still play?


If yes, list 3 reasons why.

If no, list 3 reasons why.


Constructive and civilized responses only please.



1) I like Star Wars, that's why I play this game. Not into MMOs in general.


2 & 3) See #1

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Lag/fps issues ....


I have a 1.5Mbps net connection (best available in the back-water burg I live in), and have yet to have lag or FPS problems, and am running all graphics on max. Buy a new GPU (and/or MB/CPU), more RAM, get a better connection...

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