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Stop the OP Troopers and Inquisitors


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So except using CC from time to time what else you do while attacking ? And there is a loot of Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer folks out there...


and that takes ~10 seconds and IMO anyone who just stands and takes dmg for 10 seconds without doing anything to counter it is worse then tracer only bh's

Fact is bh/trooper dosent need a lot of buttons to do dmg and it's hella boring but still anyone who dies to tracer only spam is probably worse then the spammer.

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lawl...ok I am done making fun of BW (no clue why I havent been banned yet) its just so damn easy....rofl.


lol, pvp is just bad in this game... it's just bad, i've played many games and i'm sure you all have. was pvp "bad" ???? I had fun in many and i hoped this "newer" mmo would bring great pvp to the table like real...pvp...faction vs faction but i guess not...going to keep waiting for that game, nerf or fix whatever you need. it won't change the pvp it's bad. nothing skillful about being in battlemaster gear and 5k shotting a centurion geared player while he does 1k on me... i'm sure...i'm sure the people who just hit 50 are really loving pvp. and yes i'm a battlemaster...and i don't think it's fair to the centurions...err champion gear isn't much different than battlemaster i guess gives a bit more stats but *** centurion is far below..either way i see nothing skillful about this game...even in other games if it was about gear you could "skill" them down

Edited by krazi
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and that takes ~10 seconds and IMO anyone who just stands and takes dmg for 10 seconds without doing anything to counter it is worse then tracer only bh's

Fact is bh/trooper dosent need a lot of buttons to do dmg and it's hella boring but still anyone who dies to tracer only spam is probably worse then the spammer.


true...i mean troopers/bh worst nightmare might be a sentinel or more than likely a vanguard/powetech/juggernaut/guardian but if you're a trooper and you're spamming grav round and you're interrupted by a sorc you got charged bolts...even does more damage than grav round besides i think trooper / bh are meant for support...they can't really do **** to melee you can try to get away but they'll always catch up....you got a knock back and a stun...you can time them right all you want...that won't help you any...after the effect is gone and they're still alive

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It is weird that classes like marauders, stealthy operatives are so complex yet troopers and bh only need a few abilities. The balance problem is not in the classes damage, defensives etc, its the Skillcap of some classes that needs to be tweaked, basically the easy classes need to be made harder to play rather than just being Avatar turrets thats pawn everything from ranged.
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Seriously, having a 50 Guardian and Scoundrel, 1.2 can't come soon enough. I can't wait to see them get beaten senseless with the Nerf-o-matic.


Listen having a scoundrel and complaining means that you don't even know how to rotate your skills in pvp. Maybe you are not intended to do it? We all were born with different talents, you could be a really good raider.

Edited by NinjaApacHe
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It is weird that classes like marauders, stealthy operatives are so complex yet troopers and bh only need a few abilities. The balance problem is not in the classes damage, defensives etc, its the Skillcap of some classes that needs to be tweaked, basically the easy classes need to be made harder to play rather than just being Avatar turrets thats pawn everything from ranged.


This makes sense. Good point.

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i like this gm mostly.. but 1 thing i rly dont like is how the skill cap is low. so much seems desined to make it ez for baddy's


omg, omg, I have to hit 5 buttons instead of 3! I'm so LEET.


You guys seriously make it sound like the difference in SKEEL between ANY AC is massive.


It's a game. Play it, enjoy it, or don't.

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It is weird that classes like marauders, stealthy operatives are so complex yet troopers and bh only need a few abilities. The balance problem is not in the classes damage, defensives etc, its the Skillcap of some classes that needs to be tweaked, basically the easy classes need to be made harder to play rather than just being Avatar turrets thats pawn everything from ranged.


What's even weirder is that some people actually think that some classes are "harder to play" than others and pretend they're not spamming their abilities over and over too. Sentinels don't spam Force Leap, Overload saber, Cauterize and Merciless Slash? Ops and Scoundels don't spam Back blast and Sucker punch? Guardians don't spam Stasis and Leap to buff Sweep? Shadows don't spam Clairvoyant Strike, Backstab, Force Breach and Project? Real complex there.


Let's turn the tables, then. A Commando uses Grenade. Fire Grav round, fires Full auto, Grav round, procs another Full auto. Got stacks? Demo Round. Got more stacks? HiB. Full Auto proc? FA. Target is now dead but his buddies are pissed. Out of ammo? Recharge Cell. Melee in your face? Knockback and Grav round. Melee leaps/stealths. Enemy stealther? Stealth Scan. Find your target? Grav Round. Interrupted? Charged Bolt. Getting face-****ed? Shield and Stockstrike. Still dying? Adrenaline Fueled, Concussive round and run like hell. Snared? SOL. Melee catches up/leaps. Almost dead? Try to spam heal. Interrupted? Say your prayers. That sounds like more than 2 abilities right there. That's not even counting Mortar Volley and the annoying way you have to predict where to fire it to actually hit and Hail of bolts to prevent caps and softening up clumped up groups. Let's not forget Cleanse to remove burns and bleeds.


Ranged classes are built to "pawn everything from ranged." That's why they're called RANGED classes. If they didn't, they're useless. And that's exactly what they are when they don't have the range advantage. Melee kills Ranged when they're in melee range and the Ranged classes kill Melee when the melee can't touch them. Sounds pretty balanced to me. You don't wanna get rolled by a ranged class? Don't give him a target and engage him when he's occupied with another target. Where are the nerf calls for Sniper/Gunslingers and their knockback Ambushes and Leg-shots, complete with interrupt immunity?


Do I want Commando/BH/Sorc/Sage nerfed? Hell no. Do I want them retooled so the ENTIRE skill tree allows for better diversity instead of relying on ONE skill to carry the spec (Oh hey, look, Focus Guardians are in this group too, but I digress)? You bet. But then again, be careful what you wish for because if they did retool skill trees, they might give them advantages where there used to be none and the forums explode in more "Pls Nerf XXXX" threads.


If people are getting "pawned" by a 1 button hero, maybe they should stop pressing their 10-12 buttons and use just 1 as well: The Interrupt button.

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All classes are OP to the poor player.


This... the trooper is not OP, the BH is not OP, the Sorc is far from OP... the game being young and people only knowing their own class is the problem. Learn the other classes and everything will slow down.

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Classes are not "OP" in this game, people without skill die from one or two classes more often than others and cry to forums about being killed from "stronger" classes. I played a gunslinger, I could kill any class I wanted. I've re-rolled to another server now and made an assassin, I can kill any class so long as I use tactics, not blind button spamming of lightning-thrash combo. I have also made a sage, easy there too, just depends on popping bubble and procs.


Yes, some classes can kill others in 1v1 combat, but all classes have a weakness too, BH and Troopers is getting interrupted during grav round/tracer missile, Sorc/Sage's is to get stunned and DoT'd, I can keep going on but there isn't much of a point since kids will keep making these terrible threads.

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And scoundrels cant ? lol 200k dmg is average to any dps class, and 200k heal doesnt show how much of it is self heal


Must not have played a scoundrel before lol


healing and dps for scoundrels is night and day, you can't do both, I dare you to be a healing scoundrel and get over 20k damage while trying to keep people alive. Nigh impossible because it's already hard enough to keep people alive with how gimped our healing is

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400k is the average to any dps bm class... 200k is if the guy dont really fight much during the match.



I would not say 400K is average. I would say about 250K to 300K is more like it. I am always on top with damage in the sub 50 brackets with my BH and the highest I have gotten is 330K. I have a 50 shadow that does 250K and that is about the mid of the pack,

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More likely:


trac -> interrupt...nothing...nothing...nothing...tra -> stun....nothing....nothing....nothing....tra -> interrupt...nothing....dead!



Sorry, but I cant imagine you meet only bad players.


If they get interrupted with TracerMissile they just change to powershot or to their other abilities. Every average player would not just stand there and do nothing.

Edited by BobaFurz
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Dayshadow is completely right


Huttball is a pain in the *** as an op healer - no speed, jump, twirl, flip, pull, bounce, grind.... you 'walk' everywhere


I have a lvl 50 sorc and its so much easier than my op healer


and if you have problems with healers interrupt, push, knockback, pull and assist

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Sorc/Sage has every thing for PvP, dps, heals, CC & bubble. Trooper/Bounty Hunter one button spam fest is embarrassingly simple, but I realize game companies want to have an op class that even a gerbil could play so the newb mass's will think they are l33t and keep paying subs.


I'm not saying other class's don't have options that are not good; especially if well geared and played by competent players, but when 80% of the republic side is playing just two class's it's easy to figure there is a reason for it.


If you cant beat (or at the very least render them ineffective) a sorc with ANY other class then you are a newb and need to L2P. Just complaining that the sorc being OP almost puts you in that bracket. (assuming level 50 and the same gear)

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So except using CC from time to time what else you do while attacking ? And there is a loot of Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer Tracer folks out there...


The abilities I use on a regular basis are (every warzone):


Grav Round

Demo Round


Stock strike

Concussion Blast

Concussion Round

Cryo Grenade

Full Auto

Sticky Grenade

Mortar Volley (when people are clustered)

Hail of Bolts

Pulse Cannon

Static Barrier

Trinket (whatever the stun breaker is called)


Seems like a fair amount of things to use.


For the TM/GR whiners, get used to it. The way the class is built, you are going to get hit with 5 GR/TM in short order every time a commando targets you, because they aren't going to hit their max damage done without it. It's not an 'option', it's what the entire class hinges on.

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Sorc/Sage has every thing for PvP, dps, heals, CC & bubble. Trooper/Bounty Hunter one button spam fest is embarrassingly simple, but I realize game companies want to have an op class that even a gerbil could play so the newb mass's will think they are l33t and keep paying subs.


I'm not saying other class's don't have options that are not good; especially if well geared and played by competent players, but when 80% of the republic side is playing just two class's it's easy to figure there is a reason for it.


This is the mos idiotic response I have ever read. Especially considering the devs have been quoted as saying these two classes need fixed.

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