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Vehicles on the fleet: out of hand!


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I think the real problem are the people who are walking or standing in the fleet's traffic lanes. Seriously, stay to the sides of the bulkheads as designated! I am tired of filling out these incident reports every day!


you DO realize that you can run right through them with no ill effects dont you?


lol...you report people for sitting in thier speeder? no wonder the support ticket system is so clogged.....



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I've suggested before that you should be automatically dismounted when interacting with vendors, bank, AH and mailboxes.



Way too many idjits flying around in their vehicles to be sure.


I like and fully support this idea. There is absolutely no reason you need to stay mounted while interacting with anything. It's just obnoxious.

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You sound jealous of them.


this whole thread sounds jelly, you can target through the speeders ppl.


when im playing my alts or on my main who has 2 of the big speeders i have no problem targeting though others speeders to interact with the mailbox, or elevator or any other clickable.


the things ppl complain about amazes me sometimes.

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Yep. I dismount when idle on fleet (e.g. browsing GTN) and only mount up when I actually have to move from one quadrant to another.


Not sure if this has been recommended, but the game should just auto-dismount you when you open the GTN or the storage bank.


edit: I see it has...carry on.

Edited by HanzoV
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I think they just charge a "toll" based on the price of the speeder each time it is summoned on the station. Ideally it would be more of a use tax/maintnance based on how long it is out and being used on the station but, I think that would be harder to implement.
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Override every vehicle skill people have and make them always spawn the exact same model of "Fleet Transit Trolley" for everyone when on the fleet. Cars inside a space station with stairs etc make no sense anyway.


Think "floating segway" - a minimal handle and a bar down to a tiny platform with some sort of minimal engine. Would respect the travel speed that people had bought, too (90/100/110%).




Stairs that are 40 meters wide don't make sense either.


1st off I'm not up for running in the fleet. If you trade your crafted mats you know you make those runs a lot.


2nd - I really like 1 in 100 people driving a huge car. Not saying they should be sparse but I like to see different things once in a while. Never saw 2 of them at once even at the peak hours.


3rd - I sometimes jump over gaps and dangerous places just for fun while I'm waiting for people in the group or gift CDs. I think BW put the datacron stuff for people like me :)

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Could make it so that you are automatically dismounted when entering the GTN area, treat it like going indoors on any of the buildings on planets. May fix the mailbox and GTN issues there. The rest doesn't really bother me.
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Ban vehicles, put fast lanes on the fleet.


"But Postal! What the hell are you talking about, fast lanes?!?".


I am talking about the moving sidewalks that are so fun for killing time on in air ports. Anyone that travels should know what I am talking about, it is one of the few times in life you can moon walk like a boss!


Just have them on the edges of the main lanes of traffic, this would fix the annoying *** traffic jam on the fleet and provide a way of getting around quickly.


OP, some of the larger speeders are being removed from the vendors. I personally think they're an eyesore.


A lot of things in this game are an eyesore.

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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I would be fine with a speeder ban on fleet. Some of the players with these car size speeders are just covering mailboxes and other things to be ***hats. They are not checking mail or shopping at the GTN, they are just sitting there to block access. In all honesty how long does it take to run across fleet? If that's to slow for you then toggle on Sprint. No need to give a buff to go faster than Sprint.
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you DO realize that you can run right through them with no ill effects dont you?


lol...you report people for sitting in thier speeder? no wonder the support ticket system is so clogged.....


you DO realize you totally missed my joke from a roleplaying perspective.


This is a game, it is make believe, don't take it so seriously.

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Yah, lets get the family vans parked outside with the ships, boats, etc.




I would pay $100 to BioWare if I could have a speeder that was a small pirate boat and when I was on it had a eye patch, peg leg, flint lock, and pirate hat. Actually I am lying, I would go as high as $200....


The awesome it would be.

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I worked for those big speeders.


now deal with tha fact that I am driving them.


is this thread anger? or just jealousy?




Simply driving them is not the issue.


It's the people who have to drive them around & around & around & around & around & around, over people's heads, over the mailboxes/npcs/gtn/cargo hold.


It's the people who have to, (while they're "driving" around & around & around & around & around) who have to detour out of the main travel route to drive over every person they see, and every mailbox/npc/gtn/cargo hold, over and over and over and over again.


It's the people who have to park on the mailbox/npc/gtn/cargo hold and on top of people so that they block the entire screen.


I'll tell you what I see when I see these people. I see kids who got a new toy saying "look at me, look at me, look at me, looklooklooklook loooooooook at me!!! You're not looking, looooooooooook at me...*park on someone's head".......looook aaaaatttt meeeeee!!!!!"

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I don't understand why this thread is still going.


The solution is to make it so players can "tab" to the mail box, GTN, and other selectable objects and then engage them with the keyboard. Then it doesn't matter if someone parked their AT-AT on the mailbox.


No need to change how anyone plays. You just adapt the mechanic, not the game experience.

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I would be fine with a speeder ban on fleet. Some of the players with these car size speeders are just covering mailboxes and other things to be ***hats. They are not checking mail or shopping at the GTN, they are just sitting there to block access. In all honesty how long does it take to run across fleet? If that's to slow for you then toggle on Sprint. No need to give a buff to go faster than Sprint.


^this. Just remove vehicles from fleet, or only allow in center hub, and not the outer hub.

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