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Star Wars: The Old Republic Mobile Security Key for ANDROID


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I've also used both extensively.


Sadly, totally, utterly true. I don't WANT to like i-stuff, but I do. I like Android, too, but you're right that it has issues you won't generally see on iPhones and iPods.


That's just a matter of personal preference. I recently tried to find something on the apple store and couldn't figure the it out to save my life (like most apple products). where as the market place is simple and easy to use. I go there, see a list, and have options for narrowing down my list or searching it. I couldn't even find the list for the apple app store, let alone find anything on it. But on the other hand, many people find apple stuff easy to use and can't figure out non-apple stuff. Depends on the person.


I too am waiting for the android version. Thinking that I can just change them out on my account screen, I linked the physical one that came with my CE edition. Now I'm going to have to work with Customer Service to fix it later.

Edited by Glowrod
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More like it's easier to develop for iOS in that developers know exactly what specs their users will have, rather than trying to account for the many, many different phones running android.


Just takes a bit longer is all ;)




It's not a program that utilizes hardware in any respect, so really, developing for android in this case would not be any more difficult than iOS.


Unless you think the kernel in android somehow utilizes data and wifi differently on each device that runs it. All the application does is connect to an authentication server at bioware, request a new key, and display it on the screen. I could write a program that did that in less than 30 minutes if I had an API.


I just don't get why people try to use the diversity of hardware as an excuse for neglecting the single largest mobile platform on application development.

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I just don't get why people try to use the diversity of hardware as an excuse for neglecting the single largest mobile platform on application development.


Neglect...such a strong word. They're working on it. Again, as I said in a an earlier post, people don't know why BioWare hasn't released it yet. Speculation is running rampant. It IS coming...just have some patience. There's nothing anyone can do about it one way or the other, so might as well just enjoy the game until it's released.



Edited by Hollow_Man
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Get it done Bioware. You have by today or else I'll be pissed. lol (JK BTW)


I find it FUNNY as all hell that people say this keygen is harder to make on androids but oh so easy on apple products... yet, here we are running a game, made by Bioware, that runs on more configurations on the PC than this keygen would on all smart phones put together. Yet this game runs amazingly well.



Hmmmmm if they can get SWTOR out the door under those circumstances than a multi launch of the security key on all phones isn't hard at all.


Kinda throws an iphone into your theory.

Edited by Nicholes
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There is no reason this APP isn't on all major platforms. It is very easy to write an app of this kind that can run on any device these days (think HTML5 + embedded browser). This isn't some game or some crazy app with tons of platform specific business logic. It is also far easier to get an app on the Android Market than the Apple Store. I mean significantly easier.
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Good luck getting it to work if you already have a physical key set up...there's no serial number and activation code under security key in my account. It just tells me I have a key set up, with no options to add a mobile key.


I believe customer service can help. At least I hope so because I set up the fob in my CE box and now want the android app because it's more useful to me...

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