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Free transfers in the future?


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I am most displeased with this myself. I joined the Begeren Colony server to be in a guild with my friends, but they let the guild die.. So now, all of my active friends are on Sanctum of the Exalted, and my PvP geared 50 assassin is grounded. I can't even convieniently do a new char on Sanctum since my legacy lvls aren't on it! Please do transfers soon Bioware!! :rak_frown:
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Now that the legacy update is live I really want to move my republic characters to the same server as my imperials so they can benefit from one legacy. I'm even willing to pay for the privilege, as it seems many people are.


So why in the blazes is it still taking them ages to implement this?

Edited by Amarinth
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Hi Guys No need to add to the thread, just want to let you know I got dumped here by a ....On legal advise Ive been told not to say, lets say Ive been redirected ...



Rottonrobin says; ( who the heck is he? ) Wise up Devs, paid transfers will keep the masses from swarming servers, and get people like me to shut up as I move my tunes away from that hole of a server I am on!!!!!!!!


BTW server transferes are not only NEEDED because of pop, player attitude ( like my bad one here ) Counts alot too!!!!!

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BTW server transferes are not only NEEDED because of pop, player attitude ( like my bad one here ) Counts alot too!!!!!


No.. server xfers are needed because almost ALL the expansion servers are DEAD... we need em now.. not in 6 months... there wont BE a SWTOR in 6 months if this keeps up

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No.. server xfers are needed because almost ALL the expansion servers are DEAD... we need em now.. not in 6 months... there wont BE a SWTOR in 6 months if this keeps up


Cant swear to it freind, but you could be right.....like the game, but it is important to like the server your on, and free choice is a habbit of mine....



Note; I did reroll on a few servers , swift sure is nice, wound in the force...it is refreshing, and the low lvl pvp is fun

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character transfers will not solve the issue, everyone will just transfer to the fatman or equivalent.


there needs to be free, mandatory server mergers. the devs can see the lowest pop servers and merge them. we currently dont know the pops of servers so we could accidently transfer to another low pop server.


no the real solution is to merge servers, but that will be way down the road because bioware is trying to avoid that as much as possible.

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no the real solution is to merge servers, but that will be way down the road because bioware is trying to avoid that as much as possible.


They KNOW that there are many low pop servers that are dying but I believe they are avoiding mergers because that would be like admitting there has been population loss since launch.


This is the reason for their hesitance.

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I got launched to an EU server even tho I am west coast and I started my first character on that server. Once i got to 50 and noticed no one was on during my primetime I bailed and now play on a west coast server(jekk jekk tar). Wish I could bring that level 50 to the jekk jekk tar but i get a "No" from the in game droid mail thing. I dont know what bioware plans on doing but it looks like I might have to shelve this game and get back to FF14. I heard they released some new content.
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I love this game so much. I planned (and would still love to) play this game until it's death. I was just expecting that death to come years from now, not weeks. Bioware, I'm begging you to please save your own game! I don't care how you solve the problem, but the populations NEED to be addressed or even players like me who love your game and your company will be forced to quit because the game is unplayable at current population levels. This is priority 1 now, so stuff your pride and whatever other plans you have and focus on this. I can't justify renewing my sub until I at least hear about a plan to address this. If you wait months, it will be too late... :(
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^ agreed


All the bugs/glitches in the world don't bother me- it's this issue that's already making me consider letting my subscription lapse. And having people stop playing because of what is essentially an administerial issue is just a damned shame.


Please please please enable the transfer capability sooner rather than later!! The other stuff can wait!

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yeah i was also curious myself not cuz of population, but i made a dumb mistake of joining a pvp server when i suck at pvp and dont wanna deal with ganks when i just wanna play, but the thing is i dont wanna start all over with my legacy which leads to the question that if there will be transfers in the future is it possible to pay a bulk transfer to also transfer your legacy as well cuz i played thru more than half the stories and i dont wanna to replay them all over again, plus my legacy is at a high level and will take forever for me to get back to where i was all just to go from pvp to pve. i dont at all expect free transfers, idc if i have to pay, i just want an option to do so Edited by Ghettopillow
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like i suggest like maybe 15-20$ single character server transfer and for a bulk maybe like $60 or $10 per character, i wont even think of it as a attempt to make money, if it was all free then people would just take advantage of it to move to higher pop servers and really destroy lower pop servers
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like i suggest like maybe 15-20$ single character server transfer and for a bulk maybe like $60 or $10 per character, i wont even think of it as a attempt to make money, if it was all free then people would just take advantage of it to move to higher pop servers and really destroy lower pop servers


just redesign game as cloud computing or x-server lfm,

let entire subs can easy find, group with each other,

then there wont be this kind of problems,


but EA won't listen to u.

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been reading these forums and all i see is people wanting free transfers. well not to burst your bubbles that is not going to help the fact there is TOO MANY SERVERS.


simply put there are not enough players for the amount of servers active. so transfers are just going to hurt the population on most of the servers. witch as we know are already hurting as the system is now.


the only way to truely fix the issue at hand is to merge servers. basically cut the amount of servers active in half. this will bring all the dead servers to atleast heavy.


once the servers have been merged then alowing transfers would be much more reasonable. for now transfers are not and will not help the issue of population.


merging would also be a simple way of dealing with the legacy system and a added bonus to those people who are on a server witch gets merged get the option to rename your legacy.


so again transfers are not going to help untill the servers get merged. otherwise all we are going to have is a bunch of people transfering to random servers like chickens with the head cut off.


MERGING would also be way easier for Bioware to deal with rather than 750k server transfer request. merge first and you will lower the amount of people wanting to transfer witch would be the smartest thing to do.

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MERGING would also be way easier for Bioware to deal with rather than 750k server transfer request.


Or they could open up transfers, let people move away from some servers and onto others, see which servers drop and which rise, then merge the smallest ones after that point.




merge first and you will lower the amount of people wanting to transfer witch would be the smartest thing to do.


BioWare has an incentive to make more transfers than merges. Merges are FREE, transfers are PAID. Paid elements mean that the cost of creating that element get paid for.


Since they have to write the Transfer code anyway to do a Merge, then its better to get the transfer code paid for, than encourage people to wait for a merge instead of transferring.

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Server Merge! You've got to force people to be on top of each other. lol I don't mean like that, but in a way to fight for their EXP! is it really that hard? you save time and money by clearing up these low populated servers, and if you need to create more servers there right there, ready to go.




when I go into an open dungeon, and I see a bunch of players fighting the same mob I need, and we're just standing around, I get frustrated. Frustrated cause they're killing everything I need and wasting my time -and theres as well. So I would say- hey why don't I group with these people instead of waiting around trying to kill my last boss or mobs. One thing leads to another, and BAM, you're in your first guild!


That's why wow is so popular, it's not so much playing the game anymore, but now it's become a social network. You don't want to let a guildy/friend down just becuase you wanna watch tv, play with your cat or get some exercise alone. I have met 3 or 4 of my guildies from wow, and we still try to meet once a year at BM.

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I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I'd gladly pay a nominal fee to move my toons from Infinite Empire and Sword of Ajunta Pall to a single server that had a higher population. Random PVP encounters are all but nonexistent now and LFG for heroics/FPs takes forever. I really hope the devs are looking into a way to make this happen sooner, rather than later. The longer it takes to make it work, the more people are going to get frustrated and take their money elsewhere.



Edited by ColonelM
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I personally can't wait til these come into play, so thousands of people can transfer to Fatman on day 1 and blow up the server. Then QQ about it.


I'll wait a couple weeks, and see where the populations actually are, then I'll transfer my two chars :)

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I would have no problem paying for a server transfer, but it would have to be a nominal fee if it is 25 bucks like WoW then forget it. 10, maybe 15 bucks then sure np


I have already spent to much money on a game that I feel is dying before it even truly takes off, can't and won't be able to justify paying more then 10 or 15 bucks on top of a sub fee for a transfer when I can't see myself playing this much longer unless BW get's their stuff together which I seriously have my doubts that will ever happen.


And I had such high hopes for this game, what a let down so far. Honestly this is more disappointing then finding out Santa wasn't real when I was a kid.

Edited by Thaneos
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Me and my guild would murder for server transfers. Atm we have 108 people online on Tassaa Bareesh on republic side. I am in the leading guild of the server. The only guild that is able to do 16 man's. PVP is always the same because its always the same group you fight with. Our server is almost dead.
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So basically I went from a west coast server to a Euro server to be able to raid at a good time since im living in Germany. Server i chose has a High population but dropped dramatticaly even at peak times. West coast server has a better market and higher pop. Basically i would pay to transfer my chars for the luv of god. Bioware luvs to string us along with the little niceties that go along with the game. Customizable UI was the highlight of 1.2 but i feel that could have been implemented during launch. Seems like they are withholding just like Apple does with their Iphones. Long story short....i luv swtor...give server transfers...i will pay. Edited by Ekliptik
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