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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Aussie Server Maintenance


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This is a poor argument to use. If a company is global, and has customers all over the world to please, they have to desl with different timezones. You employ people with this in mind. If you, as an employee cant adapt to shift patterns, well get a job doing regular shifts.

Having said that, rotating the downtime for regions could be monthly rather than weekly, or even every 4 months. Doesn't have to be weekly.


And they have chosen a time that there are the fewest players online globally. There is no global conspiracy. They don't hate EU or Oceanic players. They looked at their biometrics and found the time when they had the least number of players.


Eventually in the future they may go to a rotation or do separate shutdown times for regions.


No matter what time they choose they are going to be affecting people. It will not matter if they split it into regions. Someone is going to post and complain about maintenance happening during their play time. I am sure there are plenty of Oceanic people who play at 2 am their time when the patch would be happening! What are you guys gonna say when they complain about the unfair patch/maintenance times?

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We're going to say: "Suck it up...That's what you told us to do, now practice what you preach!!"


Those who showed some understanding will naturally get our full moral support.... that's how understanding works... check it out sometime.

Edited by Psyntax
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And they have chosen a time that there are the fewest players online globally. There is no global conspiracy. They don't hate EU or Oceanic players. They looked at their biometrics and found the time when they had the least number of players.


Eventually in the future they may go to a rotation or do separate shutdown times for regions.


No matter what time they choose they are going to be affecting people. It will not matter if they split it into regions. Someone is going to post and complain about maintenance happening during their play time. I am sure there are plenty of Oceanic people who play at 2 am their time when the patch would be happening! What are you guys gonna say when they complain about the unfair patch/maintenance times?


No, there is no conspiracy. What there is is a maintenance window that favours one region to the detriment of the other two. Clearly there are alot of people not happy with the current situation. If they can't separate the regions then rotating is the next best thing. Sure, someone will always complain, but sharing nighttime downtime equally is the fairest way for all three regions. That's common sense.

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I think your missing the point man, it's not about ONE day a week where we cant play, it's about the fact that many of us only have a few hours on certain days a week to play and for a lot of us one of those days just happens to be a patch day.


Lets say for example you did your 16 hours a day for a month, and then got Monday and Tuesday or Tuesday and Wednesday off. You'd think to yourself "Great, here's a chance to play that new star wars game in the afternoons once I've spent the day catching up on all the housework and associated chores I haven't been able to do 'cos I have been working 16 hours a day for a month and have had only 8 hours left to myself each day, at least 6 of which were spent on sleep". Then 'Bang' server goes down just as you finish dinner and sit down at your computer....


You to would think all of the aforementioned posts regarding this were totally valid, rather than make out like you know whats best for the company, or why they cant do rotating shifts, etc.


If a gym was only open on Tuesdays 9-5 and I worked Tuesdays 9-5 I wouldn't buy a membership there.


People that work 9-5 hate that banks are only open 9-5 too... just sayin..

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If a gym was only open on Tuesdays 9-5 and I worked Tuesdays 9-5 I wouldn't buy a membership there.


People that work 9-5 hate that banks are only open 9-5 too... just sayin..


So you think we shouldn't subscribe at all??


Come on man, that's hardly a fair analogy. I get what your saying, and I cant say it's not a valid point, but seriously?? Why should some of us have to totally miss out just because 1 region is favored above all others.

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So you think we shouldn't subscribe at all??


The "hours of business" were not hidden is all I'm saying.

If you only have 1 day to play(or very limited time), I would have checked the "hours of business"

It only makes sense.

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You would be incorrect.. To do maintenance on all the servers, they have to all be brought down..


Welcome to a world wide service in a connected society.. Nothing wierd about it..


I fail to see why these threads have to be created every Monday night.. Nobody likes maintenance.. But we all have to deal with it.. ;)


Tell you what. Lets change the maintainance scedule to cut into US prime time the say way it does EU/Ausies for a month, I look forwardto your posts then. I have no problem with that, I play on US servers on a US time scedule so yes it WILL cut into MY prime time

with that change.


And no, it is unneeded to bring all servers down at the same time when they are physicly located on completely different continents.

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I think your missing the point man, it's not about ONE day a week where we cant play, it's about the fact that many of us only have a few hours on certain days a week to play and for a lot of us one of those days just happens to be a patch day.


Lets say for example you did your 16 hours a day for a month, and then got Monday and Tuesday or Tuesday and Wednesday off. You'd think to yourself "Great, here's a chance to play that new star wars game in the afternoons once I've spent the day catching up on all the housework and associated chores I haven't been able to do 'cos I have been working 16 hours a day for a month and have had only 8 hours left to myself each day, at least 6 of which were spent on sleep". Then 'Bang' server goes down just as you finish dinner and sit down at your computer....


You to would think all of the aforementioned posts regarding this were totally valid, rather than make out like you know whats best for the company, or why they cant do rotating shifts, etc.


No I would not. Scheduled maintenance is scheduled not a surprise. I don't ever get upset over something as trivial as maintenance. I didn't get upset when they brought the game down on a Friday night NA time for an emergency patch. I found something else to do even though I had set aside that evening for TOR.


Now I could understand people being upset if the game went down every day for scheduled maintenance or emergency patches continually happened during your prime time but this is not the case.


This is a game its is not the end of the world. I don't get upset at much. I am perfectly happy with them moving the maintenance time to any time cause I just don't care. Feel free to petition to have them move it to my prime time. I will adapt and find something else to do.


If for some reason I could only play for the 8 hours on Tuesday during that maintenance window I would just not play.


Keep saying I would be mad though, I find it funny because you think every person reacts the same way you would! I just go with the flow!

Edited by Lord_Scythe
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To those of you in Europe, I want you to know that we'll be discussing maintenance windows and how we can improve their timing this coming week. We may not have an update immediately (and not before the scheduled maintenance on January 31st) but we have been paying attention to your opinions.

Has anybody seen an update on that?

Edited by Warouth
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Tell you what. Lets change the maintainance scedule to cut into US prime time the say way it does EU/Ausies for a month, I look forwardto your posts then. I have no problem with that, I play on US servers on a US time scedule so yes it WILL cut into MY prime time

with that change.


And no, it is unneeded to bring all servers down at the same time when they are physicly located on completely different continents.


I am sure many of the NA players would be whining and crying too. And I would be the first one posting to tell them it is not the end of the world. You know why? Because it isn't!!!


My Sony network went down for months and I did not complain. I found other things to do until it started working again. I watched movies instead of playing games. I read books like The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. A great read for those who want something entertaining to do during down time.


I would be perfectly fine with rotating schedule and on one the first EU posts about patch times during early access I even suggested the rotating schedule. I would be fine if they did regional locks and patched each region separately though I think red zone players would be a tad upset at buying a game they could no longer play or have characters on servers they could no longer access.

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I am sure many of the NA players would be whining and crying too. And I would be the first one posting to tell them it is not the end of the world. You know why? Because it isn't!!!


My Sony network went down for months and I did not complain. I found other things to do until it started working again. I watched movies instead of playing games. I read books like The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. A great read for those who want something entertaining to do during down time.


I would be perfectly fine with rotating schedule and on one the first EU posts about patch times during early access I even suggested the rotating schedule. I would be fine if they did regional locks and patched each region separately though I think red zone players would be a tad upset at buying a game they could no longer play or have characters on servers they could no longer access.


Dont get me wrong, Im not angry about how its done right now, the downtime is almost ideal for my hours. But people have a valid point about maintainance is sceduled right now.


I dont think its needed to lock people into a specivic region either, other then the time things are handled now, nothing really changes. Ofcourse this would exchange downtime in prime time complains into why does region X get the (content) patch first whine, which.. is resolveble too. People will never stop complaining.

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Dont get me wrong, Im not angry about how its done right now, the downtime is almost ideal for my hours. But people have a valid point about maintainance is sceduled right now.


I dont think its needed to lock people into a specivic region either, other then the time things are handled now, nothing really changes. Ofcourse this would exchange downtime in prime time complains into why does region X get the (content) patch first whine, which.. is resolveble too. People will never stop complaining.


With a single launcher you cannot patch the game in region x because too many of the players play in cross regions.


Many Australians play on the EU servers.


I am fine with a rotating schedule. I am fine with it being during the day evening or early am NA time. I just don't care enough to worry about it. Most people commenting only care that it is affecting them they don't care how it affects others.


Yes no matter what time they choose someone will complain. Welcome to the internet the NOW generation! ;)

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With a single launcher you cannot patch the game in region x because too many of the players play in cross regions.


Many Australians play on the EU servers.


I am fine with a rotating schedule. I am fine with it being during the day evening or early am NA time. I just don't care enough to worry about it. Most people commenting only care that it is affecting them they don't care how it affects others.


Yes no matter what time they choose someone will complain. Welcome to the internet the NOW generation! ;)


Actually its not even that hard adding a tab to select regions is fairly easy and there really wont be all that many playing an alt on a downtime server. There already are other mmos out there that alow access on every region with seperate downtime frames. That really isnt the biggest problem.


And yes you are right, most people who are complaining about it care about it because it effects them, they probebly dont care if it effects others. Then again the vast majority of people who are fine with it and/or tell people to learn to live and deal with it are the ones that are NOT effect by it, dont care that it cuts into someone elses time but DO care that it may start to cut into their time.


Right now down time has little to no effect on me, it hardly ever cuts into my play time and when it does, like you I have better things to do then getting all worked up about it.

I have plenty in my life. friends, movies other games, heck even the metaphoric mango tree is an option! But I do see the way its being done right now isnt really fair, I have no problem sacrificing some of MY time in attembt to make down time more fair for all of us.

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Sure you can. Just include an option like this:

Synchronise updates with


* EU

* US

(choose one)


I'm not saying that this is a small change, but it is definitly possible


Yep this would work for sure. Very good idea.


You should add that to the suggestion box.


Though it will come down to what is more important. Working on the patch times or actually fixing the game.


But the issue will remain. People who work late will be ticked they can't play because the maintenance is during their play time.


I do like your idea and would love to see it implemented.

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Actually its not even that hard adding a tab to select regions is fairly easy and there really wont be all that many playing an alt on a downtime server. There already are other mmos out there that alow access on every region with seperate downtime frames. That really isnt the biggest problem.


And yes you are right, most people who are complaining about it care about it because it effects them, they probebly dont care if it effects others. Then again the vast majority of people who are fine with it and/or tell people to learn to live and deal with it are the ones that are NOT effect by it, dont care that it cuts into someone elses time but DO care that it may start to cut into their time.


Right now down time has little to no effect on me, it hardly ever cuts into my play time and when it does, like you I have better things to do then getting all worked up about it.

I have plenty in my life. friends, movies other games, heck even the metaphoric mango tree is an option! But I do see the way its being done right now isnt really fair, I have no problem sacrificing some of MY time in attembt to make down time more fair for all of us.


Scheduled maintenance can never affect me as I plan my playing times around it... ;)


Though my preferred time is around now.


Like I said I am fine with any system they implement...

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Scheduled maintenance can never affect me as I plan my playing times around it... ;)


Though my preferred time is around now.


Like I said I am fine with any system they implement...


You keep posting about how you are fine with it as it is, and that's good for you, but with all due respect, this isn't about you, or any one person. There will always be people that are happy with it, same as there will be people annoyed by it. You cannot set a standard based on whether or not you're fine with it.

I'm glad youre fine with it, but alot of people aren't. Should they be ignored because it's fine the way it is for everyone else, or would it be better to rotate downtime, so everyone gets it during the night every third month or so?

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All of you who say people here post because it only affects them and don't care about anyone else are a tad wrong.


I would not care if maintenance began at 10pm AEST, I'd just have a drink and go to bed. Heck that's how it's been done in wow right now and how it has been ever since I started playing the game.


Just look at the number of other Aussies who have voiced their displeasure with the times, also the number of Europeans who have voiced their displeasure. This is not a case of a few selfish people.


But please, if you are fine with the maintenance then that's great. You don't have to iterate it again and again.


To each their own right?

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They don't have to do that, but they have decided that's what they're going to do.

meanwhile I have 35 mins to play tonight (typing while in loading screen, plenty of time) and when our DST starts in April the servers will already be shut down by the time I get home from work. Repeat until October. -.-'


Right its really not a hard concept to grasp.... But I will play along so they patch the U.S. servers on Tuesday night and they also patch the oceanic servers on Tuesday at midnight. Well on Tuesday morning when you log into the game in Australia and decide to log into an U.S. server which hasn't been updated yet as it is Monday still.... then what?


Beside the nightmare of keeping the software jiving correctly there is the issue with the people who want to play and there is a maintenance going on. So lets say on Tuesday night in the U.S. while the servers are down everyone wanting to play goes "Hey look the oceanic servers are open!" and they all start flooding into your total of 3 servers and crash them all... then what?


With that said they have to pick a universal time for the maintenance... well not to be crude but the U.S. has more players than the other 2 server groups and you wouldn't even be playing this game without Bioware, EA and Lucas arts which just all happen to be U.S. companies. So are you really that shocked?


When Australia cranks out a MMO that I want to play and makes the maintenance times during my prime time guess what I'll either deal with it or quit....

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Pointless to argue that it's an all american game, so we have to put up with it. That's as silly as saying if it weren't for the British crew, sets, and actors, a new hope wouldn't have been made, and in turn, swtor would never exist!
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Pointless to argue that it's an all american game, so we have to put up with it. That's as silly as saying if it weren't for the British crew, sets, and actors, a new hope wouldn't have been made, and in turn, swtor would never exist!


lol I love how you ignore the 2 major reasons for a universal time and pick out the 3rd one just thrown in for good measure....

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Right its really not a hard concept to grasp.... But I will play along so they patch the U.S. servers on Tuesday night and they also patch the oceanic servers on Tuesday at midnight. Well on Tuesday morning when you log into the game in Australia and decide to log into an U.S. server which hasn't been updated yet as it is Monday still.... then what?


Beside the nightmare of keeping the software jiving correctly there is the issue with the people who want to play and there is a maintenance going on. So lets say on Tuesday night in the U.S. while the servers are down everyone wanting to play goes "Hey look the oceanic servers are open!" and they all start flooding into your total of 3 servers and crash them all... then what?


With that said they have to pick a universal time for the maintenance... well not to be crude but the U.S. has more players than the other 2 server groups and you wouldn't even be playing this game without Bioware, EA and Lucas arts which just all happen to be U.S. companies. So are you really that shocked?


When Australia cranks out a MMO that I want to play and makes the maintenance times during my prime time guess what I'll either deal with it or quit....


Not to be crude, or a septic tank (that's slang for yank because they are full of $&@#) but it wouldn't matter if only 1 Australian player was playing. We all PAY the same subscription fee so we all expect the same game access and quality experience. Not server downtime in our busiest play times. It is an issue that needs to be addressed and I don't really care how it is done, you can theorize you brains out, I simply pay a fee and expect the same access as any other paying customer.

Edited by Rtwozero
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lol I love how you ignore the 2 major reasons for a universal time and pick out the 3rd one just thrown in for good measure....



And maybe you threw the 3rd one in for the sole purpose of antagonising people.


We get the universal maintenance time, just rotate the time slot so that every region has maintenance during prime time at some point or the other. THAT would be fair.

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Not to be crude, or a septic tank (that's slang for yank because they are full of $&@#) but it wouldn't matter if only 1 Australian player was playing. We all PAY the same subscription fee so we all expect the same game access and quality experience. Not server downtime in our busiest play times. It is an issue that needs to be addressed and I don't really care how it is done, you can theorize you brains out, I simply pay a fee and expect the same access as any other paying customer.


Agreed, that's why I stopped my subscription and won't be going back until they sort this out.


Want things fixed? Hit them where it hurts the most... their bottom line.


Let's face it. We can ***** all we want about how it's unfair and carry on paying, and BW will just let us be. But start to cancel those subscriptions and they WILL take notice and be forced to do something. Money (or the lack of it) can make decisions happen.

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And maybe you threw the 3rd one in for the sole purpose of antagonising people.


We get the universal maintenance time, just rotate the time slot so that every region has maintenance during prime time at some point or the other. THAT would be fair.


Maybe its because after playing MMO's for well over 10 years it amuses me that this is always complained about and I mean ALWAYS and after all these years it has never once been changed.


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.

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