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Tracer Missile....


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It's not TM spam from one BH that generally kills you, it's TM spam from the 4+ BHs drooling on their keyboards that kills you.

I do think they need to fix the fact that the armor debuff stacks from multiple TMs/GRs.

I.E. three stacks of five debuffs...

Edited by LordZanos
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God everyone complaining about mercs using tracers missle is just sad, interupt it and you win, we have no utility or escape method, ohh but wait we have heavy armor, does nothing lol when you get face ***** & can go no where lol.


Only class that can complain is mercs as we dont have an interupt to counter tracer missle haha

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An assassin complaining about a tracer spammer..? Want to know how I know you're terrible?


If you're an assassin and are unable to easily lock down a tracer spammer, it's time to reroll.



like i said troll, you give me a 1v1 fight in an 8v8 warzone, and Ill handle it :)

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God everyone complaining about mercs using tracers missle is just sad, interupt it and you win, we have no utility or escape method, ohh but wait we have heavy armor, does nothing lol when you get face ***** & can go no where lol.


Only class that can complain is mercs as we dont have an interupt to counter tracer missle haha


So you have no interrupt big deal.


1 cast of TM/GR gives you


1) 2 stacks of armour debuff (up to 5 stacks)

2) 2% damage reduction on yourself (up to 10%)

3) more damage on high impact bolt (up to 30% 5 stacks)

4) best damage out of all your skills (when full auto is on CD)


Now tell me which other class' main DAMAGE skill grants 4 functions at the same time? Shut up mercs/commandos, the QQ about you guys are 100% justified.

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Tracer missile meets tank and force pull. The BH goes oh crap i am in melee range tank hit spike bh goes oh snap i am cc while being hit. Bh get up Electrocute bh goes oh crap i about to die. he gets up only to be assassinate for 2k and is dead. BH say man maybe i should not shoot that tank with tracer missile lol.


You bring a BH into melee its a hole new world

Edited by Neoforcer
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So you have no interrupt big deal.


1 cast of TM/GR gives you


1) 2 stacks of armour debuff (up to 5 stacks)

2) 2% damage reduction on yourself (up to 10%)

3) more damage on high impact bolt (up to 30% 5 stacks)

4) best damage out of all your skills (when full auto is on CD)


Now tell me which other class' main DAMAGE skill grants 4 functions at the same time? Shut up mercs/commandos, the QQ about you guys are 100% justified.



Exactly my point you interrupt/stun us out of tracer missile and every other skill of ours hits like a wet noodle so your killing 5 birds with one stone you fool.


Haha have a look at what you just wrote and you will laugh at urself

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Tracer Missile Tracer Missile Tracer Missile Tracer Missile Tracer Missile Tracer Missile Tracer Missile Tracer Missile Tracer Missile Tracer Missile Tracer Missile Tracer Missile GRAV MISSILE Tracer Missile Tracer Missile Tracer Missile GRAV MISSILE Tracer Missile Tracer Missile Tracer Missile Tracer Missile Tracer Missile Tracer Missile Tracer Missile Tracer Missile





am i doin it right ?


L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P l2p L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P l2p L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P l2p L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P l2p L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P l2p L2P L2P L2P L2PL2P L2P L2P L2P L2P L2P l2p L2P L2P L2P L2P


No you doing it wrong

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I can see a maurd owning you IF you try to straight up fight him... A good sorc will bubble and sprint.. toss in a knock back (With root that isn't goverend by resolve) before you to that and You have a huge gap.... guess what? you escaped.


Also you might want to try another heal is the first is interrupted. Because interrupts only lock one ability for some reason.




Just heal through his damage, knock him back, root him, slow him, spam bubble until your allies kill him.


It's possible. If you 're not a hybrid Sorc.. you are missing out.



NOW flip the script and put a Merc in there with that marauder. Unless it's rampball .. that Merc is toast.


A hybrid sorc cant heal worth a damn.


In order to spec to get the root on knockback (in a dps tree), you have to give up your real healing capabilities and force management. In other words, you are a gimped healer.


You also cannot spam bubble period. Once you bubble yourself, you cannot cast another bubble on yourself for 20 seconds. (17 with pvp set gear bonus).


Lastly, a merc is going to heal through a single dps easily whereas a sorc cannot. The difference is being interrupted and not being able to be interrupted.


Seriously, please don't post if you have no clue what you are talking about. A merc healer is superior to a sorc healer against anyone with half a brain. Ranked matches are going to shed light on this for those who havent managed to figure it out yet.


For the record: I play BOTH.

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LOL. You all need to learn how to use interrupts.


/case closed


^^This^^, the Tracer Missile/Grav Round heroes are my favorite to solo, if you interupt/cc them they get confused because they cannot hit thier one button for a few seconds and they are dead before they get a chance to hit it again. Even if there are 2-3 of them they are easy to kill as they usually just stand there spamming and dont know what else to do.

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Force Choke bam smash 5k Force Statis bam sweep 7k and this in about 1 GCD. OP!


Force choke alone is 2 gcds.


Also, teach me how to play this Jugguard who has choke, stasis, smash and sweep on separate cooldowns.


But in case you're trolling, 8\10, I actually bit.

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Tracer missile meets tank and force pull. The BH goes oh crap i am in melee range tank hit spike bh goes oh snap i am cc while being hit. Bh get up Electrocute bh goes oh crap i about to die. he gets up only to be assassinate for 2k and is dead. BH say man maybe i should not shoot that tank with tracer missile lol.


You bring a BH into melee its a hole new world


I understand why a BH would have trouble. They apparently don't speak English in that world.

Edited by McGarnagle
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I play a combat medic and often run premades with my guildies. The best way to do it is interrupt (I can't as a combat medic) or just LOS them, they'll end up getting annoyed chasing you around and give up and attack someone else. Learn mobility! It's kind've a key point in PVP, and something mercs/commados lack.
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LOL. You all need to learn how to use interrupts.


/case closed


Truth be told right here. Or at least learn the ability to walk around an object. This is also known as "Line of Sight".


The More You Know

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