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Im Rakata Gear and... unless i find someone who focus on me (which is easy as im melee Juggernaut dps) I end most of warzones dying less than 5-6 times and killing more than 30 guys, if huttball mostly scoring two or three balls, if alderaan my bases never get capped and i have been able to capture bases in two champions vs one rakata and voidstar makes me feel weaker (as i usually have more than 5 hitting hard on me when we defend), but when we attack i tear appart those healers within seconds.


Well you are one leet dude. I'm sure your mother is very, very proud of you. :p

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I dunno why so many people go nuts about WZ's. You'll win some, you'll lose some. Not every group is going to be perfect, specially PUG's. Most WZ's that I lose, there's always some self professed PvP hero who halfway through has to start calling everybody out for various reasons. Just chill and move on.
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Yeah, I agree with posters that say to play how you want to play. Best thing to do is to ignore them and don't even respond. Then they can just rage quit and you can keep on doing what you do.


Well instead I asked for his sagely advice and it was crap advice that would have further gimped me as there is no expertise on gtn purples and that is all i'm lacking and really not too much expertise will be missing when I am done I will be all BM except chest/legs/gloves which I plan to after 1.2 mod with endgame gear mods. Also does anyone know are we gonna be able to pull pvp mods out or just pve ones.

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Yeah, people in PVP need to realize that sooner or later, their douchebaggery will cause the collapse of the genre because of people leaving.


Competition can only be so good if you still have people to compete against. Doesn't work if you don't have any.


Sadly, there wil always be just enough douchebags in PvP to keep that portion of MMOs alive.


Don't get me wrong, I enjoy PvP. But I hate PvPers.

Edited by Jederix
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Well instead I asked for his sagely advice and it was crap advice that would have further gimped me as there is no expertise on gtn purples and that is all i'm lacking and really not too much expertise will be missing when I am done I will be all BM except chest/legs/gloves which I plan to after 1.2 mod with endgame gear mods. Also does anyone know are we gonna be able to pull pvp mods out or just pve ones.


All mods. But if you want expertise now, you can use Warzone comms and get your weapon and pull the mod out that has expertise in it if you really want to put it in your orange gear. Up to you on whether you want to bother at this point though. Quit taking that guy to heart.

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I dunno why so many people go nuts about WZ's. You'll win some, you'll lose some. Not every group is going to be perfect, specially PUG's. Most WZ's that I lose, there's always some self professed PvP hero who halfway through has to start calling everybody out for various reasons. Just chill and move on.


They normally have the 'Skirmisher' or 'Founder' Title. You can spot them a mile off. Used to be found camping enemy graveyards in Arathi Basin playing a hunter in the 10-40 brackets. Now they have come to a Voidstar near you!


I would rather have on my team a lesser geared player who understands objectives than someone in full PVP Ubergod gear who faffs around.

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They normally have the 'Skirmisher' or 'Founder' Title. You can spot them a mile off. Used to be found camping enemy graveyards in Arathi Basin playing a hunter in the 10-40 brackets. Now they have come to a Voidstar near you!


I would rather have on my team a lesser geared player who understands objectives than someone in full PVP Ubergod gear who faffs around.


Quoted for truth, I'll take 1 kill and 3 mvp votes any day.

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Out of curiousity, how is a player new to PvP going to get started? None of my characters are 50 yet but I would like to start PvPing at some point just to have some fun. Is it a lost cause for folks who haven't started from the very beginning? I have a good attitude, willing to learn and am team focused. It will be disheartening to be called out the moment I step foot into a zone.


I've never understood the angst with PvP. People get so damned angry at one another and name calling quickly starts.

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Out of curiousity, how is a player new to PvP going to get started? None of my characters are 50 yet but I would like to start PvPing at some point just to have some fun. Is it a lost cause for folks who haven't started from the very beginning? I have a good attitude, willing to learn and am team focused. It will be disheartening to be called out the moment I step foot into a zone.


I've never understood the angst with PvP. People get so damned angry at one another and name calling quickly starts.


Well if u pvp enough b4 50 u can pretty much have full centurion gear as soon as u hit 50, then the champ grind begins and I havent hit 60 valor yet so I have 1 BM bag waiting til I hit 60 Valor.

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So...you PvP because you want other people to notice your gear? When I see someone who isn't wearing PvP gear, I know they are an easy kill. Maybe you should be worrying about your stats when you play vs other players, and not your appearance.


Until recently I wore champ gear in every slot on my Vanguard, except for the 5 main visible gear slots. (chest, helm, gloves, boots, leggings). In those slots I wore orange gear housing the blue expertise enhancements, mods pulled from centurion gear, and armors from the daily quests. I had over 500 expertise, 16k or so HP, and still looked great in my custom gear. And I have to tell ya there was nothing like a Champ/BM charging me looking for an easy kill and I turn around and put the hurt on them often beating them outright. Had more than a few even run away from me.


thought I'd share. :D

Edited by Emencie
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Anyway I msg him after match and ask for his suggestions on making my gear ...


Why? Its much more fun to just piss them off even more. Maybe look for him in the next match and hang around him, completely naked, using a training saber.


At least laugh at his idiocy and put him in ignore but dont acknowledge his d-baggery as a positive thing to ask him advice over.

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Well if u pvp enough b4 50 u can pretty much have full centurion gear as soon as u hit 50, then the champ grind begins and I havent hit 60 valor yet so I have 1 BM bag waiting til I hit 60 Valor.


I think you can save up so you have 1 bag to open and then the ability to buy another 5 bags under the current system but I think it changes in 1.2 doesnt it? The changes to Valor should make it easier to get to valor 60 though now.

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People like that are going to be angry no matter what. If it wasn't your gear, it would have been something else.


Your best course of action is just to put him on ignore and move on with your life. Likely, he won't ever add anything useful to conversation nor be willing to actually offer sound advice.


There are people in warzones that may help you. They're usually a lot more polite when things are going wrong. They may offer suggestions to the team, but usually without being a bully.

Edited by KittyPrawn
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People like that are going to be angry no matter what. If it wasn't your gear, it would have been something else.


Your best course of action is just to put him on ignore and move on with your life. Likely, he won't ever add anything useful to conversation nor be willing to actually offer sound advice.


There are people in warzones that may help you. They're usually a lot more polite when things are going wrong. They may offer suggestions to the team, but usually without being a bully.


Well the funny part is I kept my door defended his side lost the door and it was 2 vrs 3 on our side rest on his side so *** we lost because I defended my door in sub par gear just lol. Like I said his comment didn't bother me so much as give me a comical topic to start on forums while I have some coffee hehe:D

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For those utterly concerned with the daily missions for pvp, can I suggest either forming groups with your guild, or forming a guild for this purpose?

I'd hazard a guess that 90% of us are there because it's fun and aren't too worried about our gear.

Someone once stopped mid huttball game to complain I was 'wearing noob armour' and as a result, I, the carrier of the huttball die metres from the scoring zone leaving the match a fiercely fought draw. Good job, only nearby healer. Good job.

On that topic, the main issue I find with PvP, certainly at under 50's at least, is healers.


A) Speaking as a healer, we're hugely underappreciated and underprotected. I'm keeping a whole group alive with Kolto missiles and get targeted by an opponent with sense? No problem, don't help, just complain I stopped healing you to try and fight them off/keep myself alive.

This has actually led to me re-specing purely because I feel utterly useless in PvP.


B) In most PvP, I see plenty of people who can heal, and may even be healing spec (some are certainly lacking power otherwise) who don't even attempt to heal, they just run around ineffectively trying to kill things.


There have been some PvP matches with healers who make me look absolutely useless, they keep 7+ players alive without using area heals, half the time while racking up one or two kills of their own. So I'm by no means saying everyone. I'm certainly not saying I'm the great goddess of healing or strategy.

But instead of focusing on armour I think that by far the biggest factor in losing is the lack of teamwork, people not going for objectives, people not stopping those who are, everyone running to different areas of the map to try and up their kills.


I've fought in very few PvP matches where I saw true teamwork, and only 2 where the other side showed the same. PvP matched where one side works as a team usually leads to an incredible win for them, and PvP matches where both sides do were easily the most intense and fun gaming experience I've had. We lost one of them, but it was worth it. Had it been in person I would have shook everyone by the hand and thanked them for 5 minutes where I learnt new combo's, tricks and moves at an alarming rate just to try and keep up.

To me, THAT is what PvP is about, not your kill count and certainly not your armour.

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ppl in the 13.5k-14k hp range are ok, but those under 13k should not enter warzones im sorry, you can easily get 14k hp after a day of being 50 doing dailies, there is no excuse for some people. also the most important stat in a wz is expertise and it does not scale so if you have 0, you will die super fast no matter your hp.


basically, those of us who run wz all day get tired of ppl with 11k-12k hp and will call them out for it, though some of us like me who are fully bm dont really care if we win or lose so we won't yell at you since we are only there for fun anyways since winning doesnt give us anything.


but my guess is, the one that yelled at the OP still needs gear and thus needs wins to complete his daily, short of making a premade, it can be hard at times to win given the gear imbalances that exist currently with fresh 50s and fully bm characters.


Changed my mind.

Edited by JerokTalram
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It was going to happen. Once more people start getting Battlemaster, they are going to start looking at everyone's gear and complain because you don't. It's always going to happen because people who get to Battlemaster get an ego about it and start thinking the problem is gear, no teamwork.


I'll admit, sometimes gear does determine if a game is lost. If you have a team of scrub 50's against a team full of Battlemasters, yeah, the scrubs are almost guaranteed to lose. However, with teams that are more or less evenly matched, it is all dependent on how well the team works together.


Once ranked matches are here, we will only see the problem in them. Ranked matches will be reserved to the Battlemasters because they will all go there and start vote kicking anyone who doesn't have it, while all the champs and centurions will stick to regular ones to farm for Battlemaster so they can participate in ranked matches without being kicked for having inferior gear.

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Yea really, teamwork will beat out the crazy deatmatch groups anyday even if they are all BM, if you don't work together towards an objective you will get beat. communication is key, tis why premades do so wll cause they likely on vent. Might be nice to have ingame voice chat for pugs as typing and pvping at least for me is difficult. Calling inc west while trying not to lose west is not always so easy.
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