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Mara/Pally Bubble needs to be looked at(Undying Rage)


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According to this topic noone is able to live 100% under any focus. Not mara not pewpewsorc not even tank. It is time too look at something and rebalance something. Let's start with maras yeah. And let's then finish on maras. LOL


Assuming that every mara have a pocket healer lets make him also unable to receive any healing because of GODMODE. Write more guys. you are so boring ))


What focus? If you think 1 player attacking you is being focused...


Marauders/sentinelas can live 5/9s longer than ANY class when focused (well maybe assassin/shadow can come close to it :p )


Any immunity of this kind should NOT have made it to PvP, its PvP design 101. Unless your intent is to bring only 3/8 classess to PvP.



Assassin/shadow (but if tanked specced skill at least has SOME sense to it)



Immunity to stuff skills need to be looked at.

Edited by GrandMike
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What focus? If you think 1 player attacking you is being focused...


Marauders/sentinelas can live 5/9s longer than ANY class when focused (well maybe assassin/shadow can come close to it :p )


Any immunity of this kind should NOT have made it to PvP, its PvP design 101. Unless your intent is to bring only 3/8 classess to PvP.



Assassin/shadow (but if tanked specced skill at least has SOME sense to it)



Immunity to stuff skills need to be looked at.


Yeah sure. They could. But die after. Every other can live much much longer 'cos CC-sprint-purge-vanish-heal-helloagain. Or I'm wrong?

There are so much things around that "should NOT have made it to PvP". And UR is not in first proirity list here. It was said that designers must overlook all the skill trees of mara rebalancing this spell.


Just take into consideration that this is not imminity. Do you understand the word immunity? You are not immune to CC and you take damage. Not alot but focused by 5 toons is pretty enough. It lasts just 4-5 seconds not too long. In organized PVP you just CC or press tab. Or intercept pocket healer. or just do objective and not try to farm medals by easykilling.

Edited by artemsilenkov
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Yeah sure. They could. But die after. Every other can live much much longer 'cos CC-sprint-purge-vanish-heal-helloagain. Or I'm wrong?


Really? Every other class can live much longer when being focused?




There are so much things around that "should NOT have made it to PvP". And UR is not in first proirity list here. It was said that designers must overlook all the skill trees of mara rebalancing this spell.


PvP is overall fine. Just deal with these few skills and adjust dmage/burst, fix some classes and redesign their role if needed (not marauder though, those just need to nerf defensive CDs).


Just take into consideration that this is not imminity. Do you understand the word immunity? You are not immune to CC and you take damage. Not alot but focused by 5 toons is pretty enough. It lasts just 4-5 seconds not too long. In organized PVP you just CC or press tab. Or intercept pocket healer. or just do objective and not try to farm medals by easykilling.


WTH are you talknig about? I call 99% damage immnunity immunity to damage.


Talking semantics arent helping you here.


It lasts 4-5s too long. And is coupled with another immune o dmage skill on even SHORTER CD Period.


How do you propose i cap node with opponents around if not KILLING them eh?


These kind of posts shows noobnes and lack of big picture on their posters.

Edited by GrandMike
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LOL 5 seconds...


If it were 15 or 20 I would agree 100% but all you QQers are saying "All they have to do is pop the bubble and kill everything" I am sorry, if a Mara can "kill everything" in 2 global CDs than "everything" are the most terrible bunch of players in the game.


its 100% dmg for 2.5 global CDs... 2 attacks.



JK/SW are the only 2 classes I haven't played yet as all I read is "Melee is garbage bla bla bla" then this post... Consistency people, learn to use it. The devs won't know what to make of this mixed with all the "melee sucks" posts.



Next you will be complaining about the 3 second dodge-fest that scoundrel/agents get...

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Really? Every other class can live much longer when being focused?




PvP is overall fine. Just deal with these few skills and adjust dmage/burst, fix some classes and redesign their role if needed (not marauder though, those just need to nerf defensive CDs).



WTH are you talknig about? I call 99% damage immnunity immunity to damage.


Talking semantics arent helping you here.


It lasts 4-5s too long. And is coupled with another immune o dmage skill on even SHORTER CD Period.


How do you propose i cap node with opponents around if not KILLING them eh?


These kind of posts shows noobnes and lack of big picture on their posters.


Yeah i think like a noob but do not have such problems. Yeah I used to l2p. May be it is time for you to do the same thing? Stack powerfull maras and a pocket healer and you will rule all the nodes all over the game. sure. It is 100% information from mr Cap.

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A lot of other classes have stuns which reduce the oppositions total dps because 1 players is stunned. UR does not reduce total dps at all provided you switch target based on an extremely obvious visual clue. What you are asking for is a skill to be removed that prevents your zerg tunnel vision tactics from working because you (and teammates) have neither the skill nor application to cc and switch. In fairness I have been horrified at the general lack of skill evident in pvp so it doesn't surprise me to see you demanding this change......keep spamming away.
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Since the 99% damage reduction shields were literally unusable in the good 'ole ability delay days I wouldn't care too much if you deleted the skill. I played without it for a month or more at launch I can surely do it again. The skill's great IMO (obviously) but it's just an extra FU perk to beat that bad down in a big zerg by yourself and not a make-it-or-break-it skill for maras/sents.


Edit: people do seem to forget we're a medium armour pure DPS class, we can't just heal ourselves up or use some kind of epic knockback/reliable CC ability to stop the zerg.

Edited by OGsam
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Yeah i think like a noob but do not have such problems. Yeah I used to l2p. May be it is time for you to do the same thing? Stack powerfull maras and a pocket healer and you will rule all the nodes all over the game. sure. It is 100% information from mr Cap.


You just defend your OP class, its nothing unusual.


Since the 99% damage reduction shields were literally unusable in the good 'ole ability delay days I wouldn't care too much if you deleted the skill. I played without it for a month or more at launch I can surely do it again. The skill's great IMO (obviously) but it's just an extra FU perk to beat that bad down in a big zerg by yourself and not a make-it-or-break-it skill for maras/sents.


Great, since its not really useful and not a biggie noone will miss it anyway.

Edited by GrandMike
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Oh no, he doesn't have to - remember, Marauders are OP but Mike instagibs them all and has mad PVP street cred.


Just stop feeding the troll...he's increased the amount of incoherent drivel in this thread by a large factor in the last 24 hours, and thinks excessive smileys are a substitute for actually having a point, or facts within your posts.


It's pretty obvious with this thread of thousands of views and only a dozen or so supporters of the idea that nothing's going to happen.


And if it does, as others have said, just wait for 1.2 and find out. That's for BioWare to decide.

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Oh no, he doesn't have to - remember, Marauders are OP but Mike instagibs them all and has mad PVP street cred.


Just stop feeding the troll...he's increased the amount of incoherent drivel in this thread by a large factor in the last 24 hours, and thinks excessive smileys are a substitute for actually having a point, or facts within your posts.


It's pretty obvious with this thread of thousands of views and only a dozen or so supporters of the idea that nothing's going to happen.


And if it does, as others have said, just wait for 1.2 and find out. That's for BioWare to decide.


Umadbro? :D

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Yah but the shootz lighnings! You cant even start to compare marauder vs. sorcs in coolness factor :D


I dont have to dream, twill happen, hopefully (very probably) before 1.2 hits.


I know you like free kills but overall its bad for the health of the game :D




My mains are sage and scoundrel, both BM through WZs, no Ilum kill trading crap. And sercet one thats on the rise :p


In my A-team premade i can count losses on fingers of 1 hand. And there were MANY WZs played with them. In fact when we appeared, after WZ or 2 we had to play lot of rep huttball rofl. One of the reasons we all rolled underpowered alts :cool:


Have few lower level classes but nothing serious yet.


Wow what a surprise. A guy who plays the class Marauders can kill the easiest is the most zealous about nerfing them. But of course, he never loses with his premade since he's so skilled and all, never mind that he's making his own argument look weak. These Sages and Sorcerors are the biggest crybabies. They already got their first counter class nerfed and rendered irrelevant and now they're after the other one. They won't rest until everyone is forced to play a Counselor with their hideous armor sets. Not everyone wants to play Sage/Sorceror #187432. You have a good thing going with the BW-Mythic dev team unwilling to nerf the OP caster classes they always create (see Bright Wizard in WAR). The least you can do is be graceful about it instead of whining about other classes on the odd chance they can kill you.

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Wait... Do I see people calling a class OP because of a single spell? :rolleyes:


I dont think so. The class is not OP and the spell is not OP right now cos all we have are very messy warzones cos is full of pickups.


But this ability will be OP when rated wz if is not changed. Any smart player knows why.

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In the early (I mean you know before Sents / Maras got BM gear) people laughed at us poked fingers at us and spammed us with their 1 spell win buttons.


What they dislike is that because of how much damage we can do in the space of 5 seconds is high enough to completely ruin their day, well they plain can't have that!


Stop the whine, learn how to properly use your own skills instead of that 1 button you love so much and start PvPing properly.



Thing is Sorcs we see loads because you can 1 button win, mercs we see loads cause you can 1 button win. You will not see loads of sents / maras because other than that 1 skill we have another what 16 skills to cycle through in EVERY single fight we have as well as watching all the CDs and what buffs and debuffs aren't just on us but other enemies.


That alone puts people off, yes at the high end were a strong class, you are lucky that most PvPers aren't any good in this game. If all the good players spun Sents / Maras you'd **** bricks and the whine would really begin... The sleepers have awakened guys now stop moaning.

Edited by Spiggeh
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I dont think so. The class is not OP and the spell is not OP right now cos all we have are very messy warzones cos is full of pickups.


But this ability will be OP when rated wz if is not changed. Any smart player knows why.


They dont grasp it, it shows noobness in them. Unfortunately they are in the end bad players that doesnt matter anyway.

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Reasons why it shouldnt be nerfed From a Marauder main with many alts.


1st off. The number 1 comparison is to a pally, A class that is capable of healing himself and others in large portions. A class with heavy armor mitigation, a Stun and more then one ability to escape damage from a period of time. Divine shield is 8 seconds long and 5 minute cool down. It only reduces damage done. doesnt actually stop the paladin healing to full, something which they are capable of, which the Marauder cannot do solo and as I will mention below will only get those heals assuming your team is actually letting the opposing team healers heal.


Also the main difference- A pally can pop his bubble under any situation such as stunned, feared, polymorphed etc and the only thing it costs is a little bit of mana. It doesnt take off health, in a situation where your fighting a marauder theres a few factors, while you can pop it when your on low health sure doesnt cost that much but you run the risk of getting crowd controlled before you can activate it, meaning the longer you wait the bigger the risk. Either way your still losing health which most likely you cant actually heal yourself you need outside assistance.


2nd - The main concern isnt about casuals its about organised groups. Your saying a class ability should be nerfed due to what it can do if he has an organised group with him. Yet you dont mention anything about the opposing team being organised etc. Sure if he is the target maybe you switch, my understanding is healers get priority targetting. As stated above if your teams organised and even not organised you can stun, knock back and kite the marauder, yet somehow your ability doesnt factor into it and you will call this a l2p issue and ignore it.


3rd. The duration is 5 seconds. 1 second more then stuns that every other advanced class has. The pally has a stun, the marauder doesn't. You mention that in this 5 seconds he can kill multiple people. Which isn't true against a premade(and rare in solo circumstances). Yet you tell us that learn to play issues shouldnt be an argument but it should. If you see him pop it, why not move out of range? why not stun? Most people that I see it most effective against are people that stun when your on 100% health.


4th, The marauder heals are only 2% of his health when a critical of a damage over time ability occurs and and extra 1% with berzerk, Which I might add can be easily counted by a few classes. The healing on average is usually around 350 on a crit of a bleed. The only other way is pots which every class has access to and healers. You mention a group scenario of premades, but Might I ask, why are you not focusing on the healers?


I can't see any reason that an ability on a class should be nerfed due to "oh but in a premade they get guard and healers" when if you compare it to what you say your opposition can also have this, not to mention you would have a few people to Crowd control this "unstoppable monster"

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I assure you the PVP team has looked at this well before your thread. That's their job as the PVP team and all, but good thing you were here to tell them cause I am sure they forgot or are too stupid to know what to do without you. They all gave your post a slow clap after reading it around the morning bug review or scrum or whatever development process they follow. They then dried their tears and went back to work. I love the threat that you think that valid replies are just making it "worse for you"! Uh oh internet, the dev team is watching better not reply to the thread anymore.


LOL! I keep thinking the same thing when he gets all arrogant as if the "damage has been done". I'm going to start a post sayings Sorcs are OP and the AC needs to be deleted entirely. Whenever someone presents a valid argument i'm going to say, "... cry all you want. The devs are looking at the issue. Don't cry when the AC is deleted in a month or two!"


I mean, seriously? Where has a dev even acknowledged the thread let alone the "issue"? I think someone needs to go see a therapist... there's more at work here than is readily apparent.

Edited by jgarib
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long story short, a sin failed to cc, kite, heal, vanish, or use a cd when they were at 10% health and a mara pop'd undying rage to finish them off.


get gear, go tank spec, and never worry about marauders wrecking you like the paper dps you have specced yourself to be

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long story short, a sin failed to cc, kite, heal, vanish, or use a cd when they were at 10% health and a mara pop'd undying rage to finish them off.


get gear, go tank spec, and never worry about marauders wrecking you like the paper dps you have specced yourself to be


Read the original post its about group pvp, so premade vs premade in other words: My group tried to kill one marauder who had gaurd and pocket heals that we never bothered to deal with, just let them heal the marauder and tank and failed to kill the marauder so i needs to be nerfed because another game has 50% damage debuff blah blah.

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