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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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Don't. Send a message to the Devs and EA that serious change needs to happen.


hells yah! send those no talent dev's a message!


tell them they need to make it more like (insert mmo flavor of the month here)


we won't stand for amazing content and sorta cool game play! not . at . all!

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hells yah! send those no talent dev's a message!


tell them they need to make it more like (insert mmo flavor of the month here)


we won't stand for amazing content and sorta cool game play! not . at . all!


Yea this gameplay is great. That is why most servers seem deserted and more people quit each day. I've seen numerous guilds die over the past month.


And I don't want this game to be like any other MMO you ***. Thanks for assuming you know what the **** I want from this game.

Edited by Daluu
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Yea this gameplay is great. That is why most servers seem deserted and more people quit each day. I've seen numerous guilds die over the past month.


And I don't want this game to be like any other MMO you ***. Thanks for assuming you know what the **** I want from this game.


perhaps you should click on the server status page right. NAO!


yep a few heavy servers, couple of them full all the rest standard. yep totally failing. in fact they're failing so bad it makes games like fallen earth and Aion look like bustling over active communities of quality players




people are leaving so fast i mean yesterday i counted an offical number somewhere in the 1.7 million people left JUST YESTERDAY!


i dunno how this game will make it to the end of next week at this rate. F2P i think will happen sometime before the End of the month.

Edited by chrisftw
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We really need alternative activities for endgame. Give space combat more of an integral role, fishing, pazaak, an achievement system. These things will not be present with 1.2 and at the snails pace that Bioware is working to get this next update out, they won't be present for quite some time.


Other then the class/planet storylines I feel that the standard fetch and kill quests do not need a cinematic. When you've seen one you've seen them all. If you cut those out you can take that time and money to put it towards more worthwhile things imo.


These things would keep me going for quite awhile. Patience is a virtue I guess :(

Edited by pezdestroyer
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perhaps you should click on the server status page right. NAO!


yep a few heavy servers, couple of them full all the rest standard. yep totally failing. in fact they're failing so bad it makes games like fallen earth and Aion look like bustling over active communities of quality players




people are leaving so fast i mean yesterday i counted an offical number somewhere in the 1.7 million people left JUST YESTERDAY!


i dunno how this game will make it to the end of next week at this rate. F2P i think will happen sometime before the End of the month.


Click on the server page, during spring break, during the weekend, during the Weekend Free Trial promotion.


Server numbers are lying. Sorry. Had 350 people in fleet on a Tuesday (raid reset day) back in January. Saw 58 people on this past Tuesday.


1.7 million isn't alot (not to mention it has stabilized). Rift peaked at 2 million and they have now resorted to releasing single player raids.


Swtor will live for a little. But unless major changes and revamps are made the game will be dead by next year.

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Now that I'm playing on the PTS in 1.2; I will be resubbing. Not until it hits live, though. And my sub will run out any day now.


I'm thoroughly enjoying myself in WZ's with the new medal system and rewards.


I WILL however require Bioware to add more custom gear to the game. It is lacking. As of now in 1.2, they are only adding a few legacy sets (only smuggler gets a new model, all other sets are recycled models; 2 sets per base class) and the new PvE and PvP tier. That is NOT enough to satisfy my gear-collecting and customizing needs.


I also think Bioware are underestimating their fans desire to modify their existing characters appearance/identity (through barber shops/plastic surgeries/name changes), based on their latest Q&A. Not being satisfied with a character name or look can be of big annoyance and depending on how important said character is to someone, it could cause one to quit.

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I DO want a hell of a lot more to do with different side quests, planets, and ffs Bioware MORE companion stuff please!!!


But I unsubbed from WoW to play SW forever (or as long as MMOs can last in forever land).


I will continue to subscribe to this game because I love my characters, I love and adore my companions (yes, even the ones who annoy the piss out of me) and I love my ships. I especially love the story. I'm actually here FOR the dialogue, voice overs and stories. Sure, I am playing an MMO that basically has the same crap as all other MMOs--collect this, kill that, same crap different day.


But Bioware will continue to get my money as long as this game keeps making me feel like I AM my character and my companions are not only my crew, but my family. And I mean MY meaning my character.

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My kind of story driven game. Of course I have liked Bioware games even back to Baldur's Gate. With one big exception, Dragon Age 2, but that is for another day.


Love the uniqueness of this game. It is not for everyone, but it is for me.

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Yup. I've played several mmorpgs over the years, but none have captured my attention and held it like this one. I didn't start the open beta expecting perfection and I was very impressed with what I experienced and I am still experiencing. I look forward to seeing what they add later but I'm still soaking up what's already in the game.
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Yup. I've played several mmorpgs over the years, but none have captured my attention and held it like this one. I didn't start the open beta expecting perfection and I was very impressed with what I experienced and I am still experiencing. I look forward to seeing what they add later but I'm still soaking up what's already in the game.




I can't wait to see how this game matures.

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Subscription runs out in four days. My Brother and I greatly enjoyed the KotOR games (well, I enjoyed the first, he enjoyed both) and really wanted the storyline to continue. When we heard there would be no KotOR3, but an MMO in it's stead we were both a little disappointed. Still, a couple of days following it's release I decided to buy it so I could enjoy the story. Now, I couldn't care less about end game content - raids that hold no interest, guilds, flashpoints (although one or two are interesting for main story arch purposes :p). I'm not particular about ensuring I had the very best equipment for my character, the very best stats, the highest valor and social ranks, and all that other stuff I couldn't ever get anal enough over :p


MMO's just aren't my cup of tea. Having said that, I have enjoyed the story. It's just that, obstructing this wonderful Old Republic storyline, is the most tedious and bland game I've played since Kings Field. The missions are all too similar. I travel to n planet, approach someone surrounded by level 50 tanks and turrets with 200k health, but apparently they need my puny level 10/20/30/etc character to charge into no mans land, kill two dozen of something, then a "boss", then report back for a "thanks, that'll hold em" half-hearted congratulatory comment. Then I go away and nothing looks to be any different. I don't feel any storyline progression from the resulting mission, and after sufficient levelling and completing all the main storyline quests for that planet I pack my bags and move onto the next, repeating everything I just did on this planet, but for someone else. There's a few deviations in missions, but that's pretty much it. I've lost motivation to progress beyond Voss because I cba'd doing the same crap over and over again, however much I want to see the story through.


To preempt the inevitable "If u dont liek teh MMOs why did u by one, derp.", It wasn't my choice that the next Old Republic game would be an MMO. That was purely on BioWare/EA's part. So, because I want to enjoy the continuation of the story I have to buy into a genre I have no interest in (and I'm sure that's precisely what they were counting on). The least BW/EA could have done to compensate the switch to an MMO would be to bring some originality to the missions so that they don't all feel like the same tired formula of kill x number of n, come back to see me. More diplomacy missions, stealth missions, espionage, murder investigations - anything to once in awhile deviate from the status quo.


No doubt I'll get the cravings to continue the game sometime in future, but from what I've experienced the game doesn't warrant a rolling subscription. I'll in all likelyhood just buy the odd month here or there, unless things change drastically.

Edited by redriverrock
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If they had a clue about how disenfranchised people are they would release 1.2 early and fix the bugs as they happen. Otherwise they are going to lose a LOT of subscribers.


Hell, I would resub if they did something as simple as letting me mail stuff between factions so I could mail supplies to my alts because it wouldn't make the game such a repetitive grindfest. I hate leveling a crewskill twice knowing I have a whole bank full of stuff I could use on an alt but I just can't get to it.

Edited by Coyotecalls
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Wow, PVP as a fresh 50 is *********** HORRIBLE. I have earned 5 pieces of centurion armor in the first few days while I got up to rank 60 and even with the PVP armor I die so fast it's STUPID. Gravity round, Gravity round, gravity round, and I'm dead. Melee just cuts me down, force chokes me, or does that long cast sabre dance. I can pick either one to interrupt but they both take half my life while I'm helpless so it doesn't really *********** matter.


So *********** glad I am leaving this game.

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I did not resub due to the all the differences in Imperial/Republic abilities and the horrible mirroring. I could have lived with it for a while but the failure of BW to even address the issue was too much for me.


You do know that the "Balance" totally favors the republic right now, right?


Trooper Gravity round just rips people to pieces, Sages can mow people down with telekinetic throw and giant rocks from across the planet while being unkillable, Smugglers stay in cover while charging attacks while Agents have to partially leave cover to use the same kind of charged ability because they are using a rifle and not two guns.


Dude, if you are playing Republic and losing, you are *********** bad.

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Subscription runs out in four days. My Brother and I greatly enjoyed the KotOR games (well, I enjoyed the first, he enjoyed both) and really wanted the storyline to continue. When we heard there would be no KotOR3, but an MMO in it's stead we were both a little disappointed. Still, a couple of days following it's release I decided to buy it so I could enjoy the story. Now, I couldn't care less about end game content - raids that hold no interest, guilds, flashpoints (although one or two are interesting for main story arch purposes :p). I'm not particular about ensuring I had the very best equipment for my character, the very best stats, the highest valor and social ranks, and all that other stuff I couldn't ever get anal enough over :p


MMO's just aren't my cup of tea. Having said that, I have enjoyed the story. It's just that, obstructing this wonderful Old Republic storyline, is the most tedious and bland game I've played since Kings Field. The missions are all too similar. I travel to n planet, approach someone surrounded by level 50 tanks and turrets with 200k health, but apparently they need my puny level 10/20/30/etc character to charge into no mans land, kill two dozen of something, then a "boss", then report back for a "thanks, that'll hold em" half-hearted congratulatory comment. Then I go away and nothing looks to be any different. I don't feel any storyline progression from the resulting mission, and after sufficient levelling and completing all the main storyline quests for that planet I pack my bags and move onto the next, repeating everything I just did on this planet, but for someone else. There's a few deviations in missions, but that's pretty much it. I've lost motivation to progress beyond Voss because I cba'd doing the same crap over and over again, however much I want to see the story through.


To preempt the inevitable "If u dont liek teh MMOs why did u by one, derp.", It wasn't my choice that the next Old Republic game would be an MMO. That was purely on BioWare/EA's part. So, because I want to enjoy the continuation of the story I have to buy into a genre I have no interest in (and I'm sure that's precisely what they were counting on). The least BW/EA could have done to compensate the switch to an MMO would be to bring some originality to the missions so that they don't all feel like the same tired formula of kill x number of n, come back to see me. More diplomacy missions, stealth missions, espionage, murder investigations - anything to once in awhile deviate from the status quo.


No doubt I'll get the cravings to continue the game sometime in future, but from what I've experienced the game doesn't warrant a rolling subscription. I'll in all likelyhood just buy the odd month here or there, unless things change drastically.


this captured the essence of the problem

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