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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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C'mon guy, I know you're liking SWTOR & all, but there's no need to be clowning on the haters like so, it's uncool man.


People are people man, they'll like or hate what they will man, y'know? Besides, the Secret War Online is coming out in June & it's going to blow GW2 & SWTOR both outta the waters! :p


Alright, Jeramie, been a while.


I wish this to be true cause TSW looks awesome but Funcom has a history of failures idk.

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I wish this to be true cause TSW looks awesome but Funcom has a history of failures idk.


I was in the secret war beta.


It was so bad I wouldn't make Hitler play it. It makes Age of Conan look like a Triumph from funcom.


Don't get your hopes up on TSW.

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I will probably keep my sub till i hit 50 just to finish story line, but doubt it after that unless bioware make some radical changes.So far all i can say is this game seems to be made by ppl who have no idea on mmorpg's as a solo game it's good yes graphics and story r great but any part related to interacting with other ppl is welll below par. Using the excuse that it's like vanilla wow just doesn't cut it cause vanill wow was years ago and didn't have same amount of mmorpg's to learn off (everquest being the only 1 coming to mind). Worst of all and the thing i think will b downfall of the game naturally is pvp and honestly i don't think bioware will change it radically enough in patch 1.2 ( after 2 weeks of play i only do pvp till i get my win then bak to questing, and i AM a avid pvper prefer it over questing normally just not in this game.) Problems include sloppy ui,deserters,lvl differences,lack of warzones,cutscenes,starting warzones with less than half a team, just to name a few things really just even looking at their pvp really has me worried about bioware's ability to make a mmorpg :(
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How dare they, right?


They're so clearly wrong when everybody & their mommy knows that The Secret World is gonna be the One. :D


Eh, I'm off-put by all that demonic stuff. I imagine it might be quite successful.


See? I can not like a game and never subscribe without claiming it's going to fail. :cool:

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Eh, I'm off-put by all that demonic stuff. I imagine it might be quite successful.


See? I can not like a game and never subscribe without claiming it's going to fail. :cool:


It's not the demonic stuff that is the problem. It's hard to describe but let me put it this way.


I uninstalled the beta client the same day I got in, and Funcom sent me email like a week later with a survey wondering why I wasn't playing. First time I have ever turned down playing a beta for free in my life.


  • The animations and feel of gameplay redefine bad.
  • The UI would be better if it wasn't there.
  • The cutscenes are so bad as to be laughable, along with the voice over's.
  • The graphics are almost on par with Deus Ex. No I don't mean human revolution, I mean Deus ex...

Edited by savagepotato
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i have 37 days left on my account, i unsubbed this morning, i cant quite put my finger on it but for the first 6 weeks or so i couldnt get enough of TOR, but now i just dont wanna log on, the hook that got me has gone.

im bitterly disapointed cos i thought that this would be the one that kept me going for months.

now im eagerly waiting for tera, in the offchance that will be the one but we shall see.


it pains me to say this but much as i hate wow (now) that is the only mmorpg that has had me subbed for more than 6 months.


i may still return to TOR if it becomes fun and not so repetative, im saddened cos it really is a good game, albiet for a short while.


You could very easily be suffering from burnout. The developers hinted at this in the invitational Guild Summit when they said that the players were reaching max level in the intended amount of game time. The problem was that players were that amount of game time is far fewer real days than expected.


I understand this since too much game time can cause player burnout. The most common symptom of burnout is a lack of interest in logging in.


WoW learned long ago that they needed to provide enough challenge and diversity in content to avoid burnout. They also deliberately limited some typed of grinding so that people could not put in too much time. (They structured most grind type content to take an hour or less each day before you hit the limit. This way even people that felt that they had to grind faction X or collect tokens Y could only do so many each day.)


My concern before SW:TOR launched was two fold. The first was did the SW:TOR developers understand things like this and player burnout and second would be be able to deliver in the first few months content following this type of philosophy while adjusting the game play to adjust how people were actually playing SW:TOR to what the developers wanted.


Right now they have not convinced me. But I have also extended my game time to give them a chance to prove to me that they understand these things with 1.2

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It is crazy tho, whether it's GW2, the Secret World, Tera or some other MMO, everyone & their momma is ready to claim that their MMO is the next MMO MESSIAH & it's one of us, ha ha ha, that are ready to come in & shoot them done with our own impression of what we think of that particular MMO.


Really, this is a fun community on this level, it's bickering, but it's all in good fun. Good times. Good lurking. I know that TSW is THAT bad, but I believe in them & yall are bringing me down with all this truth, *sob*, lol.

Edited by Tricky-Ha
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Right now they have not convinced me. But I have also extended my game time to give them a chance to prove to me that they understand these things with 1.2


Burnout is an issue for many I'm sure, but for a lot of us we're just sick of playing on dead servers and BW acting like everything is hunky dory. I've cancelled my sub, but I'd be willing to re-up if BW would just admit that dying servers exist and state what they plan to do about it. I was also pretty put off by their casual dismissal at the Guild Summit of the issues cause by faction imbalance and that they had no plans to do anything about it.

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:( I had high hopes for this as I am a Star Wars fan since seeing the first movie and playing SWG for over 7 years straight. But I have already stopped my 3 month renewal after seeing where the game is going, give it a few more months of updates and the only comparison it will have to SW is light sabers!! I really can not believe that Lucas Arts has approved all the stuff ( I managed to not call it what it really is) that I have seen in the legacy video.


The devs that are working on this game had some good ideas and I fell in love with it during a few months of beta and at release and if held to the original spirit of the characters in the story it could have been better than any game ever. But taking skills of one profession and adding to another is just grasping at something they hope will save it after the mass exodus they have already seen from people bored to death with the same old end game.


I may play by renewing month by month just to see how long it takes them to run this train completely of the rails.

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Looking over the last little addition to the patch notes, and it hit me all of a sudden: These changes don't matter, I still wont have anyone to play with.


What does it matter if you will be able to get war hero gear if you can't get a real team together for rated WZs? What does it matter if there will be new OPs with new gear if the groups that run OPs are already full, and it's quite impossible to make a pug OPs for most people on most servers. None of these changes make a single iota of difference if there aren't enough other friendly, mostly competent people playing the right classes (that aren't already in a set group) to play with you.


Without free transfers/server merges, the entirety, or almost the entirety, of the 1.2 patch is meaningless. When I came to that realization, I cancelled my account.

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Hi everyone,


So my answer is no and I'll explain why.

First I really enjoy the RPG content of the game, story is great, period. I love that there is voice acting and classes stories are interesting.

Will I spend more than my free time on the game ? No.


Star Wars is very popular, I know lots of people will just get angry and such because we say something about their game. I hope you understand this is my opinion, in case you do not, well I am glad you continue to finance EA&BW.


I unsubscribed, and this is the text I provided, hope it's not offensive because it was not supposed to.


Dear reader, this quote is for devs :

"All you have to do to succeed in software is to consistently suck less with every release." by Max Kanat-Alexander


I recommend few things :

1) Fix client issue, performance, lags and so on.

2) Fix server low population issue. (This is very important, even if the current situation is good for you since it costs way less...)

3) Fix your password issues, where did you see that a password can't contain special character ? Have you ever talked to a security officer ?

4) Fix your gameplay issues, there are many, easily fixable. Spend some time on it. (Animation, sound corruption, etc.)

5) Don't try to balance classes on a 1 on 1 basis, this is a mmorpg not a FPS. Players shouldn't play alone.

6) Always explain clearly your point of view on your game systems. PVE, PVP, classes etc... A list of changes is not an answer.

7) Try to use QT for your client & updater, I bet you can do things way better than they are.

8) Introduce SOCIAL to your game, guilds have very low value here, but guilds are the way to keep your players month after month. Remember their community and events, makes the game alive.

9) Copying other games is a good thing if you do it well. Do not always try to reinvent everything, you have not enough manpower to do so and will never have.




My personal thought (Totally biased like all the rest), get rid of EA, more money and more infrastructures will not make your game better, it might help getting things shiny, but that's all. Yes you will still make tons of money, but EA is killing the gaming industry. Managers that will sell your soul to get a 5% bonus or a new grade at their work are not needed in the gaming community.



That's it.


About the password, I invite you to check this site : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Password_strength

About the first quote :


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I canceled but will be back.


Just so much updating and changing of things that I am just going to wait a little bit and see where things go.


I would like have known more about legacy before leveling my jedi knight character and i would like to have known that PvP gear would be purchasable before spending many hours (days probally) just doing warzones to acquire now useless gear.


Not that I am bitter about the changes; I assumed some things would be changed. I would jsut rather wait it out for a bit and let things get more solidified or consistant before i vest anymore time into end game.

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Not unsubbing, Jung-Ma is a great server, though I need to recruit more guild members as some of them have unsubbed without notifying anyone >.>


Enjoying the game, and bioware can't do anything about faction imbalance. that is there to stay.

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I will not subscribe anymore. I just started playing and the game is disappointing.


The best part of this game is the story and the way quests are handled.. bonuses and talking with multiple options.. its great. Its revolutionary. The ships are also a very cool thing about SWTOR, its almost like player housing.. only its a spaceship. Awesome.


But then the game lacks so many basic things... it kills the fun and destroys what could have and should have been the BEST mmo ever launched.


1. The graphics. It looks like it was released in 2001, not 2011. All the textures in the entire game needs to be overhauled.


2. Unit collision. Needs to be implemented. Combat is just too messy and basically only keyboard-smashing. Unit collision adds skill to combat. (something this game really lacks)


3. Lack of world pvp. Im not level 50 yet, Im only 27. But so far I haven't even seen a single player from the opposing faction. By level 27 in any other MMO I would have 100+ kills in open pvp by now.


The worst part of it is that they engineered the game to work this way... the zones and quests are intentionally apart to keep players from doing world pvp. Why would you do such a thing? there's nothing that can justify it.



top 3 reasons why Im unsubscribing. They have about 26 days to add unit collision, world pvp and rework all the graphics or Im out of here! xD

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Good luck. ;)


My experience with games that have no monthly sub is that people tend to spend MUCH more than $15 per month trying to get all the content. After all, if that didn't happen, then it wouldn't be a very good choice for the developer, would it? The fact is that non-sub games bring in more revenue than set monthly subs.


The average monthly expenditure on those games is actually $28 per month per player.


Let me see: $15 firm for ALL content, or much much more for all content.


I know what I choose. :p


FIrst I want to say sorry to you, I'm dyslexic and I tend not to state everything i'm thinking down on paper and I tend to get all confused as hell. Reason I'm leaving the game has nothing to do with the game itself. I am subscribed til July 20, I did the six month plan on both accounts so my son and I could play together, but in 3rd month, he doesnt' want to hang out with his dad anymore, he wants to go outside and play with his friends. As for guild wars 2, before TOR came out I was playing guild wars one with friends, so of course I will be returning to them. I do hope all here enjoy their gaming experience..

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I am in this flux. At this moment because A. I only resubscribed this month (after having cancelled) because I expected the "March release" of 1.2 ... now that was pushed to "April".


Say I resubscribe for the same reason...


Whose to say team SW:tOR wont once again "push back" 1.2 another month...and another...and another...


So, it is not about the money. I have 30 dollars in my sock drawer for emergency skinnies ...


It's about "why I resubscribed" to begin with...


So in short I will once again cancel my subscription and in fact simply put wait until they actually release 1.2 into the live game.


Then yes, I will resubscribe be it for that single month (finding legacy and new pvp WZ were not enjoyable enough to continue playing) or months, and months, and months from that point on...


For now, I will be playing for two days and then that's it...


-Remy D

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I am intelligent and reasonable enough to not expect the scale of content that WoW has on launch. SWTOR is extremely stable, has great story lines, tons of lore, tremendous potential, and most importantly, I HAVE FUN PLAYING IT! What more reason could I possibly need to keep playing?
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Just canned my sub today, its unfortunate that such a game with so much potential is so far in the toilet.


Reasons for my unsubbing:


1.- no cross server pvp, today my faction lossed 3 games in a row because we only had 4 on our team, the other team was stacked.


2.-no cross server flashpoints, on my server you're lucky to see 4 to 10 players on planets (usually hoth and the higher planets), im sorry, but this is pretty bad for a game that is supposed to be an MMO. And from what I understand there is no intention of making cross server flashpoints, so my end game content currently is pvp and nothing else due to the severe population issue.


And um, well thats pretty much it, I play an MMO to progress, not degress.


And for everyone else playing this game, and if you love it, good for you, I wish you nothing but the best.

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