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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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I don't think I will, but not because SWTOR is the best MMO. It's because there is nothing else I want to play. I never played WoW but tried, and have no interest in it and I am not going back to any previously played MMOs.


So unless Guild Wars 2 does anything significantly awesome that will attract my attention, I am just going to stay here for a while.

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Quick question if this is the case why do lots say they are nerfing Sorcerer and bounty hunter?


Because the person you quoted is not only grossly mistaken but clearly grinding an axe.


Sages/Sorcs on both sides were not well implemented, but bounty hunters by all accounts of those playing both sides of the equation were out of whack(which was an idiotic choice by BW to allow this on the same server for PvP servers; PvE servers may be debatable but is still dubious at best).


The patch notes clearly illustrate the differences between the two sides now coming into closer alignment.


Like so many others, however, I'm discontent with the lack of care and intelligence shown in the basics of their design acumen for multi-player elements. There are very good single player elements in the game but that's not why we showed up willing to pay a subscription fee.


But the game breaks down the moment your focus shifts to working with or against other players for goals and objectives.


A perfect example of this is that whomever approved the leveling curve on release should be reprimanded. To be able to out-level entire planets worth of content through simply completing a world?


I have yet to hit Taris or Nar Shadaa without the entire planet being green/grey simply by being efficient on Coruscant with any alt or my main character. And yet I still have to then travel throughout both for my class quest and make every effort not to touch the un-abandon-able core planetary quest line just to stop from cluttering my mission log with grey quests of no value.


For BW to plead that they are 'surprised' at how fast people hit 50 is disingenuous given the speed with which we rocket through levels. Do you bother acquiring a purple item at any level before 38? How about 45? is it worth it at 49 perhaps, only to know that the 50 level gear you get is trash purple the moment you try to even compete?


Even the coming 1.2 gear system changes show a marked lack of comprehension of what the issues are from the player's perspective. Augments on master crafted oranges you say? Wonderful. So I hope all the Orange items we can make are being stabilized to only use the top end materials, because otherwise Armscrafters are still screwed while Synthweavers and Armormechs are mowing through low cost material oranges to hunt for Mastercrafted items.


Is EVERY item in the game becoming modular and resource consumptive appropriately?


Discussing SWTOR's mechanical choices at present is like peeling an onion; Every layer of current frustration only peels back to reveal an additional layer of disappointment, even more eye watering and tear jerking.


BioWare made a marvellous single player game, precisely as many of us feared they would. Most people have now played the single player game in the way that interested them and are probably moving on. And that is a shame for which the decision makers bear responsibility for their lost opportunity and pending business losses.


If the game is at 1.7 million active subscribers by April and is still the 'fastest growing' MMO I'll be shocked.


I just don't see it happening.

Edited by Arrakeyn
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Will keep subscribing - but hope for more substantial end game pvp 12 months after launch. Guild capital ships, realm v realm, I dunno, but a few warzones just won't do. And pls get rid of Ilum altogether...
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Last day of my sub, I will be back to check around this game in a couple months to see how it is holding itself, but I'm afraid this is going F2P in a year.



It will never be free to play. Lucas Studios won't have it. They wouldn't have anything Starwars looking like it's cheap. Everything must remain "Premium content." Even if it drags the game into the ground. They say Denial is a great place to live this time of year.

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No, probably not. I'm incredibly bored.


Unless of course I get a personal apology e-mail from one of the developers saying "we're sorry; we made a mistake and are no longer exclusively catering to casual players."


^ This is a reason to resub. This guy wont be there anymore! Yea!


But in all seriousness half my guild will leave for Secret World and the other half will leave for GW2. SWTRO RIP.

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Last day of my sub, I will be back to check around this game in a couple months to see how it is holding itself, but I'm afraid this is going F2P in a year.

I'm sooo gonna save this quote and add it to the list I'm making to have a good laugh later.

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It will never be free to play. Lucas Studios won't have it. They wouldn't have anything Starwars looking like it's cheap. Everything must remain "Premium content." Even if it drags the game into the ground. They say Denial is a great place to live this time of year.


Yeah seriously... we could all be talking the whole day about the many failures in this game, but instead, its just easier for people to deny everything while they are having their fun.


I had my fair share of fun in this game, I leveled 3 50's one 37 all empire, but I'm not stupid enough to pay a sub to play a single player game with unfinished multiplayer features just because of class stories.

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^ This is a reason to resub. This guy wont be there anymore! Yea!


But in all seriousness half my guild will leave for Secret World and the other half will leave for GW2. SWTRO RIP.


Secret World? Sounds like an adult ERP game.. O.o

What is it?

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I'm sooo gonna save this quote and add it to the list I'm making to have a good laugh later.


Good luck with that, brother: I'm downloading Diablo 3 as we speak, GW2 coming in a few and even considering how bored I was with WoW before buying this game, playing this game for just a couple months made me feel queasier than playing wow for almost 7 years.

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Personally I'm already displeased with the patch notes for 1.2. You can see where the whine has forced their hand to nerf everyone but the FOTM classes. Or it may just be plain laziness.


I have seen EA push for a quick fix for bugged and broken professions by nerfing others to compensate before, and the games failed quickly. Hopefully Lucas will get off his *** this time and protest the changes vs. the SWG nightmare.


Seeing how I DON'T PVP because tbh PVP sucks here. Youre nerfing our chances to raid as well.


So no Raids+no PVP = No re-sub That simple

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I dont know, the server I play on seems to be rapidly declining in people playing. Every week or 2 there are less people LFG, longer WZ ques, Ilum is almost dead because republic only get enough people to play a real game for about 2-3 hours peak time and only the day of weekly reset.


Re-rolling is not really an option, I have already sunk too much time and effort into my main, when it goes so does the game for me. We will see how this mythical magical 1.2 will pan out, but am not holding my breath. At this time its about 50/50 for me within 2 months.


It will all depend if there will be more people for me to play with. Simple as that.

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I am currently un-subbed until either my server population increases or they offer mergers or transfers of some sort. Hell I'm willing to pay for my 2 50's if need be. Edited by Evray
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Yes, because it's taken me a month to get my first 50 & there's still 7 more stories for me to experience. I don't care about low populations or any of the things that annoy most people. I'm here for the story lines, dressing up & having a bit of fun with a couple of friends.
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Because the person you quoted is not only grossly mistaken but clearly grinding an axe.


Sages/Sorcs on both sides were not well implemented, but bounty hunters by all accounts of those playing both sides of the equation were out of whack(which was an idiotic choice by BW to allow this on the same server for PvP servers; PvE servers may be debatable but is still dubious at best).


The patch notes clearly illustrate the differences between the two sides now coming into closer alignment.


Like so many others, however, I'm discontent with the lack of care and intelligence shown in the basics of their design acumen for multi-player elements. There are very good single player elements in the game but that's not why we showed up willing to pay a subscription fee.


But the game breaks down the moment your focus shifts to working with or against other players for goals and objectives.


A perfect example of this is that whomever approved the leveling curve on release should be reprimanded. To be able to out-level entire planets worth of content through simply completing a world?


I have yet to hit Taris or Nar Shadaa without the entire planet being green/grey simply by being efficient on Coruscant with any alt or my main character. And yet I still have to then travel throughout both for my class quest and make every effort not to touch the un-abandon-able core planetary quest line just to stop from cluttering my mission log with grey quests of no value.


For BW to plead that they are 'surprised' at how fast people hit 50 is disingenuous given the speed with which we rocket through levels. Do you bother acquiring a purple item at any level before 38? How about 45? is it worth it at 49 perhaps, only to know that the 50 level gear you get is trash purple the moment you try to even compete?


Even the coming 1.2 gear system changes show a marked lack of comprehension of what the issues are from the player's perspective. Augments on master crafted oranges you say? Wonderful. So I hope all the Orange items we can make are being stabilized to only use the top end materials, because otherwise Armscrafters are still screwed while Synthweavers and Armormechs are mowing through low cost material oranges to hunt for Mastercrafted items.


Is EVERY item in the game becoming modular and resource consumptive appropriately?


Discussing SWTOR's mechanical choices at present is like peeling an onion; Every layer of current frustration only peels back to reveal an additional layer of disappointment, even more eye watering and tear jerking.


BioWare made a marvellous single player game, precisely as many of us feared they would. Most people have now played the single player game in the way that interested them and are probably moving on. And that is a shame for which the decision makers bear responsibility for their lost opportunity and pending business losses.


If the game is at 1.7 million active subscribers by April and is still the 'fastest growing' MMO I'll be shocked.


I just don't see it happening.





You make a compelling case, another question in reference to what you say in the second to last paragraph. I have yet to Cap a character so i dont know is the end game content lacking? I think i might give them till December when my sub runs out then unsub if they dont shape up.

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