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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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Game isn't interesting past couple of weeks post-50 and there are plenty of other games which are more comfortable, have more content, better PvP, less buggy engines, have server transfers, more balanced PvP factions etc. etc.


If GW2 and D3 will be sucky I'll return in 6-12 months after multiple improvements for a month to check (I don't believe 1.2 can make this boring gameplay more interesting)

Edited by Pashgan
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Yes, I'm still having a blast with this game...and for the first time, hubby and I are playing characters together (we've done this with other games, but this a first for this game), and I'm loving it.


Edit: I'm actually on hiatus from LOTRO, but if I find a large guild that I like, this is the first game that I've considering giving precedence over my lifetime LOTRO membership. When I heard that LOTRO had another expansion coming out in the fall, my first thought was more grinding for gear....

Edited by Ashu-ri
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I think an equally important questiin is: Are you recommending SWTOR to your friends?


The last couple months I'd usually plug SWTOR whenever my friends got together but now I don't. Which is odd since the recruit a friend just came out. I had a hard time finding just one person that wanted the trial invite.


Sure am. And we've been having fun!

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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


Expose your opinions


If I have the money yes; if I don't have the money then my star trek/ME3 playing will be increased.:rolleyes:

Edited by Cordarn
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Nope. Too little attention to fixing bugs.


Because the devs can fix all the bugs with the click of the their fingers and the only reason they don't is because they hate the playerbase.


I'm sticking with the game because I'm patient and I know Bioware loves this game more than I do.

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Nope. Too little attention to fixing bugs.


They need to prioritize things. With the people complaining about not enough endgame, and C2N2 constantly being annoying. (joke) They have to put these things on a list.:rolleyes:

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Well its sad my guild has 76 members and 100% agree this is the last month we all are moving for free swg until GW2 come


The game is good , lore is fantastic but no fun with 10-20 guys on republic fleet


Hope before my guild quit they offer merge cross server is not solution for us since market not work as cross server


For me is so sad i love star wars played swg until sony kill the game with NGE


The game is pretty good but no sense play more since now looks like a RPG online every item you sell for npc

Edited by lordhaizen
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I am letting my sub end this current billing cycle. Once they dedicate some time to more of a non-pvp solo endgame then I will gladly come back.


If they never create more solo content I guess I won't be back, I can't really complain, it's the dev's game, not mine. So, I'm not worried, as I re-subbed to a couple of my other fav MMO's and I am playing those atm.




After thinking about it I will keep my sub going and support this game for awhile longer. I love the sci-fi element and I love Star Wars, so I really want to see this game make something of itself. Putting my money where my mouth is so to speak.

Edited by Droidist
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Yes I will keep playing. I will finish leveling my main to 50 (taking my sweet time at 42 now)


Then will take a few weeks off and then start to gear him up or start another toon.


In a few months my close friend will get the game and then I will level to 50 with him.


So I am not going anywhere. I love the game tbh.

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I just cancelled. I haven't logged on in weeks. I couldnt find groups and it has just gotten too boring. I have 11 days, maybe I'll log on and change my mind but this game just seems to be lacking for me. No offense to those who like it.
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To be honest, this game I've found is better then WoW, even at the point it is now. I will stay subscribed and will be subscribed until the day this game dies. The game is worthy of support, more so then any other MMO I've ever been part of, and I've been part of alot. Age of Conan, WoW, LOTRO, DDO, Global Agenda, COH/COV, Champions, DCU... Each one had its pros and cons but honestly, they are incapable of a good storyline. So long as this game gives us a strong story line, I will support it, and fortunately? Thats what Bioware Specializes in.


Its a shame people will quit before the game even gets a good chunk of its content, but eh, their loss.


My reply echoes Sem's above. couldn't say it better. and I highly respect others opinions on the subject, but I will say that not all games will meet the same objectives or goals. At this point i have no desire to even go back to WoW. I'll stick with this and LotRO until they make a better SW based game.


In spite of all those who trump wow as "the game", I personally lost my desire for it a long time ago, and despise what it's become now (even with many of its advantageous features, learned through years of refining their game).


Im staying. But i would still support server moves. they really need to push for that. even paid ones.

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Well its sad my guild has 76 members and 100% agree this is the last month we all are moving for free swg until GW2 come


The game is good , lore is fantastic but no fun with 10-20 guys on republic fleet


Hope before my guild quit they offer merge cross server is not solution for us since market not work as cross server


For me is so sad i love star wars played swg until sony kill the game with NGE


The game is pretty good but no sense play more since now looks like a RPG online every item you sell for npc


I call BS.


1. You can't get that many people to agree on anything.


2. If your guild has so many people, why is fleet that empty?


3. This made no sense to me:

The game is pretty good but no sense play more since now looks like a RPG online every item you sell for npc


4. I like cake.

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I was also happy that this game redeemed SW in an MMO after the flop that was SWG.


Couldn't resist commenting to the person who said this. What a load of ****. SWG was three times the game here is after three months. Tons more customization, content and playstyles.


As for the original question, yes, I haven't found myself wanting to log on very often in the past weeks due to a general feeling of boredom, but I keep playing it because having gone through basically every MMO since the Ultime Online days (except AION), I know that three months is nothing and the game will get better, be it content, customization and general playability.

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