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Was Mace doomed from the start?


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Emerald Lightning is not actually "Emerald" but just a name. It is the Jedi version of Force Lightning where a simple orb, if you will, of lightning is expelled from the user. It is found in MANY books which at the current moment, names escape me. Because of his form VII technique, his passion was already flowing and therefore would have been easy. The Jedi were protectors of Peace, and peace is achieved sometimes through battle. If your logic were true, Force Push would not exist because it has the ability to hurt. Emerald Lightning is VERY weak and would not cause "pain and death" but only a slight stun giving Mace enough time to close the gap and finish the battle.


Where have you ever seen this or heard of this before? There is no such thing as orb lightning.


Edit: I looked it up on Wookieepedia. There has only been one known force user to ever use it. BUT I don't think its canon, it is only seen as a game mechanic. Never in a cut scene.

Edited by BrandonSM
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Where have you ever seen this or heard of this before? There is no such thing as orb lightning.


Edit: I looked it up on Wookieepedia. There has only been one known force user to ever use it. BUT I don't think its canon, it is only seen as a game mechanic. Never in a cut scene.


Go outside of the games.


Personally, it's a ridiculous excuse to have Jedi throwing Lightning around and not be endangered by the corruption of the Dark Side.

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No he didn't.



Lucas said, "This is the part where Mace wins the duel."


And then the directors or the other 2 dudos were talking about trying to make Mace look like he was struggling against the lightning.


Thats what i just said....your post makes no sense.

Edited by TKMaster
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Thats what i just said....your post makes no sense.


But the person you quoted that quoted Girdeux said,

Lucas said Mace beat Palpatine in the lightsaber duel while Palpatine was trying to kill him with lightning but couldnt.



All Lucas said was Mace won the duel. Nothing about Palpatine trying to kill him with lightning and couldn't.

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Mace was doomed when the fact Sidious is alive in the OT came around.


And that there is only one black man left in the star wars universe, according to the OT.


But wait! We never see his dead body, and you know that whole saying "if theres no dead body, that means the character can still be alive!" :rolleyes: Whoever came up with that anyway?..


Now we just need to wait for the hordes of Mace fans to come and whine that, their fav character is still alive! Authors will be under pressure, and write a new book about how Mace survived! I mean they did it for Boba and Maul.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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But wait! We never see his dead body, and you know that whole saying "if theres no dead body, that means the character can still be alive!" :rolleyes: Whoever came up with that anyway?..


Now we just need to wait for the hordes of Mace fans to come and whine that, their fav character is still alive! Authors will be under pressure, and write a new book about how Mace survived! I mean they did it for Boba and Maul.


As is common in the Star Wars universe, no cashcow character ever dies or is always seen in some other form, as long as money is made from it.




Darth Maul.



Darth Sidious.


Han Solo.


Boba Fett.

Anakin Skywalker.



Luke Skywalker.


Do I need to say Revan again?

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I can forgive most of those names for surviving as long as they did....but the ones I can't are




2. HK-47


3. Revan


Those 3 because they have survived, through so many instances of where they should have just stayed dead.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I can forgive most of those names for surviving as long as they did....but the ones I can't are




2. HK-47


3. Revan


Those 3 because they have survived, through so many instances of where they should have just stayed dead.


zombie/rakghoul boba please.....:D

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But the person you quoted that quoted Girdeux said,

Lucas said Mace beat Palpatine in the lightsaber duel while Palpatine was trying to kill him with lightning but couldnt.



All Lucas said was Mace won the duel. Nothing about Palpatine trying to kill him with lightning and couldn't.


Uhhh I dont know whether your debating with me or the other guy but he does say it.


Lucas: "Ok, well this sequence always started out with Mace overpowering Palpatine and then Palpatine using his powers to try to destroy Mace and Mace deflecting his rays with his lightsaber."


"using his powers to try destroy" is the key phrase here :p


“The close up shots where Palpatine is getting the force lightning reflected back and he’s getting zapped and the strain of all this exertion is what transforming him into the Emperor that we see later in ROTJ.”

Edited by Girdeux
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I say that Mace was doomed when he didn't let Anakin go with him to kill Palpatine. He let his pride get in the way thinking that Anakin would turn on him if he came, but if Anakin did come while he was hyped up on bringing him down and didn't stay at the temple to ponder his thoughts they would have easily defeated him. Also Maces pride had gotten in the way when he was about to kill Palpatine instead of turning him to the authorities and stripping him of his power.


One could even go further back to when Palpetine recomends that Anakin go to capture Grievous on Uttopou(probably miss spelled) and Mace, with his pride again, immediatly says no. With Anakin in the outer-rim Palpatine could not infuence him further.

Edited by DarthOmeges
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Did Mace even have a chance of killing Sidious? I think Anakin was the only one that could as long as Sidious was the only sith as he is the one that is to bring balance back to the force. But then again I also think Sidious threw the fight with Mace in order to turn Anakin to the darkside as a dead Mace along with 3 other jedi would not have looked like he was in any danger.




Not this again..


George Lucas himself said Sidious was beaten...


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Did Mace even have a chance of killing Sidious? I think Anakin was the only one that could as long as Sidious was the only sith as he is the one that is to bring balance back to the force. But then again I also think Sidious threw the fight with Mace in order to turn Anakin to the darkside as a dead Mace along with 3 other jedi would not have looked like he was in any danger.


Palpatine lost the duel, but personally I think he got some good odds from one of the Hutt bookmakers on the 1v1 with Mace, and bet everything on Mace then threw the fight. Would he have won if he was really trying? I am not sure.

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I think Anakin enjoys seeing people plummeting from heights, Mace Windu getting Pwned through a window, Luke plummeting in the underbelly of cloud city, and throwing palpatine down a hatch thingy. So if youre on top of a building with good ol' anny, you better watch yourself
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Not this again..


George Lucas himself said Sidious was beaten...



I really just don't see the point of Sidious beating Mace for the point of the plot. It makes sense for him to take a dive so that he could turn anakin to the darkside of the force.

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I really just don't see the point of Sidious beating Mace for the point of the plot. It makes sense for him to take a dive so that he could turn anakin to the darkside of the force.


He lost the duel, but the battle? No he would have won the battle regardless if Anakin showed up or not.

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Palpatine was powerful, but more than that, he made Machiavelli look like a kindergartener. Strange though. Windu beat him in the duel, and even REFLECTED the Force Lightning back at Palpatine, causing his Force Mask to drop and reveal him in all his Sith corruption. I do believe that if Anakin had actually HELPED Windu, they could have taken down Palpatine. I also believed that Palpatine's arguments to Anakin that finally got him to turn on Windu were a last ditch gamble that paid off better than a jackpot on Nar Shaddaa. Mostly because Anakin was dumb. :p
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